The Crystal House

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No había hecho muchas cosas bien en mi vida, pocas, casi contadas con una mano, pero las pocas que logré hacer sin dudas rozaron la perfección.
Una de ella fue recibirme de abogada, pisaba los treinta años ya y en verdad fue más para complacer a mi padre que una vocación en sí. Nunca llegaría a ejercer profesionalmente, pero si le sacaría frutos a mis estudios.
Otra cosa buena que hice fue llevar adelante la relación con Esteban mi marido, una relación que empezaría por amor y terminaría por negocios.
Con Esteban nos conocimos en una fiesta privada, él era un tipo importante, de dinero, y yo una joven que aparentaba tenerlo, pero en verdad era una pobretona que había llegado a esa fiesta por medio de una amiga de 'tanga fácil' como ella misma se llamaba.

Nuestras miradas se cruzaron por cosas del destino, me sentí como caperucita con el lobo, él se fijó en mis curvas, yo me fijé en sus billetes. Esa noche terminamos revolcándonos en un hotelucho de la ciudad, y cuando nos separamos sabía que no habría un nuevo encuentro, siempre era la misma historia, pero me equivoqué, Esteban volvería a mí días después y ahí supe que era yo quien tenía el control de la situación.
Conforme avanzó nuestra relación, y con la confianza del que ya era mi esposo, lo fui enredando en vericuetos legales, aprovechando mis dotes de abogada había logrado que todo lo suyo fuera mío, no me molesta decirlo, así sucedieron las cosas.

Luego de diez años de convivencia, nuestra relación era meramente comercial, como una sociedad, Esteban ponía todo su ingenio para hacer más y más dinero, pero por detrás yo el titiritero que movía los hilos para que todo fluyera, él sabía que un divorcio sería una gran pérdida para ambos, un pantano por el que ninguno estaba dispuesto a atravesar y era lo mejor mantener el statu quo.
Nuestro matrimonio es una farsa, incluso dormimos en cuartos separados, Esteban viaja mucho y en cada sitio tiene una novia, situación que no me incomoda, a él siempre le gustaron las putitas, así fue como me conoció, y es feliz teniendo un agujero donde meterla, por mi parte, tengo mis cositas, solo que soy más selectiva, ya no busco cantidad, solo calidad.

Charly era otra de mis cosas buenas, yo había pasado los cuarenta y el aun no llegaba a los treinta, un moreno carilindo de cabellos enrulados, musculoso, tatuado, bronceado, usaba una barba rala que solía darme cosquillas al pasarla por mi piel, amante del surf, del viento y la libertad. Charly también tenía una linda pija que me enloquecía, bastante grande, muy gruesa, la tenía siempre dura y dispuesta, eso me dejaba loca, además, era un degenerado en la cama, solía tratarme como puta y eso solo, ahhh! no podía resistirlo.
Pero no todo en él era perfecto, ese chico tenía la loca fantasía de que lo nuestro algún día sería una relación verdadera, de amor, a veces me celaba por mis palabras, por mis miradas, por mi forma de vestirme y era en esos momentos en los que lograba ofuscarme y sacarme de sitio, era justo ahí cuando me obligaba a levantar la voz y recordarle que para mí solo era un juguete que podía comprar con mi dinero y que jamás sería más que eso. En esa situación Charly bajaba la mirada como una mascota que recibe un regaño, es que sabía muy bien que solo tenía dos opciones, o tomar el hueso que le lanzaba u olvidarse de mi para siempre, jamás le había suplicado a ningún hombre y el no sería el primero.

Fue en esos días que mi esposo me puso al tanto de un viaje de negocios al oriente, situación que para mí eran rutina, pero por algún motivo esta vez sería diferente, no sé, yo me sentía distinta, con ganas de hacer algo nuevo, de experimentar y para ser franca necesitaba hacer una pausa en mi vida para cortar la rutina, un viaje, a algún sitio, donde sea.
Charly no fue el primero en mi lista de amantes, pero fue el suertudo con una agenda vacía como para acompañarme, lo puse al tanto, yo correría con todos los gastos, como de costumbre, él solo tendría que complacerme, como de costumbre.
Como yo era la que solventaba todo elegí unilateralmente el lugar, di algunas vueltas, no por el dinero, sino por el sitio en sí.

Y partimos, un vuelo de dos horas fue más efectivo que la alternativa de diez horas arriba de un auto, al fin, el paisaje paradisíaco de las playas más caras de Uruguay poco a poco se abrió paso ante mis ojos.
Había reservado un apart muy moderno, en un complejo habitacional de vacaciones, que por fotos en la web se veía muy tentador, una edificación muy moderna, muy actual.
A mí me encantó al llegar, amplios ventanales que iban del piso al techo, por el frente, por detrás, por la vista al mar, Charly dio una rápida recorrida por el lugar, y en su cara se marcaba el descontento, no pudo callar su comentario en tono de protesta

Esto es una puta casa de cristal!

Y era cierto, no tenía puntos ciegos, todo podía verse desde fuera, desde un ángulo, desde otro, no tenía intimidad y la única manera de lograrla sería cerrando los grandes cortinados disponibles.
La convivencia con Charly funcionó bien los primeros dos días, pero todo empezó a ir para atrás a partir del tercero, cuando al departamento del frente llegaron unos chicos de momento, como sucede en los sitios de vacaciones
Ellos tenían con suerte una veintena de años, eran jovencitos apuestos, evidentemente niños de papá, con camionetas importadas que ellos no habrían podido costear.
Su lugar estaba junto frente al nuestro en un apart espejo tan 'cristal' como el nuestro, separados por unos cinco metros.

Ellos eran varios, y solo se fue dando un juego de provocación no buscado, yo solía andar ligera de ropas, muchas veces solo en ropa interior, o con algún short llamativo, o algún body de cama, y podía notar como desde el otro lado las miradas estaban pendientes de mis acciones, yo solo me hacía como que no sabía, pero lo sabía, y era muy caliente. En alguna oportunidad ellos tomaban alguna que otra cerveza en el balcón, entonces yo salía al mío con mi diminuto traje de baño, con una copa de jugo de naranja exprimido con vodka y se daban saludos casuales y educados

Buen día señora!
Buen día chicos!

No era más que eso, pero eso alcanzaba para encender una mutua excitación, una provocación íntima, muy de películas, donde ellos seguramente veían una mujer poderosa, con experiencia, segura de sí misma, y yo solo imaginaba una jauría de bestias hambrientas deseosas de llenarme de placer.
Esos pensamientos de saber que excitaba a esos chicos, que era parte de sus deseos, y sentir sus ojos buscándome me levantaban el ego.
Solo había algo, o alguien que no cerraba en esta ecuación, era Charly, una vez más sus celos de amante fracasado me llevaban a situaciones de discusión, con cosas de un principiante, el me acusaba de que en verdad yo estaba caliente con esos pendejos y que él estaba de decorado, situación que era demasiado obvia, pero también era cierto que el recibía buenos billetes por ser mi felpudo de ocasión, el me trataba como si fuera su esposa, yo lo trataba como si fuera mi mascota

The Crystal HouseI lived pending on what was happening on the other side of the crystal house, the guys lived with changed schedules, they would go out every night, sleep in the mornings, until after noon and fall asleep on the beach just in the afternoons, under the sun's rays. Those gazes and hot words still lingered in the sand.

Charly and I almost didn't have a dialogue, yes, I was hot for the guys and he wasn't even in my thoughts anymore, and he couldn't tolerate it, so he would leave with his surfboard to go windsurfing and I'd just stay there getting sunburned.

I'd fill my view under my dark glasses, observing those adolescent bodies worked out at the gym, with muscles carved by hand, playing beach volleyball, seeing them sweat, have fun, and everything made me feel hot, too hot.

More than once I'd come back to the apartment with some lame excuse, but in truth I felt overwhelmed and just needed to get my fingers deep inside myself to put out the heat between my legs.

It became clear that we were playing a thrilling game of cat and mouse, with that dirty perversion between different sexes, it was very obvious how they looked at me, my tits, my ass, even though I pretended not to care, everything was caught by my crazy head.

Everything would happen in its own time, just right.

Things had reached a point of no return with my paid lover, we argued again that morning about the situation, he told me again that if I really wanted to screw the guys from next door, and I said enjoy my flights or get out, and reminded him that I had an open and paid flight ticket if he wanted to do so.

But the stupid guy seemed to have fallen in love with me, he was grumbling because he couldn't find a way out of the labyrinth he was in, it was around 11 am, he took his surfboard and just left me talking, slamming the door hard that shook the whole... room.

I was determined, and I truly rejoiced that he left, I hurried to change, made sure I was perfect, my face, hair, even well-shaven, put on some body lotion to accentuate my tan and some very feminine lotion, chose a set with cutouts and transparencies in white with pink flowers, one that marked me too much in the bust and a less that emphasized my backside, then a black robe and high-heeled shoes, knew those shoes weren't the most logical for that hour of the day, but if for what I imagined doing.

I took a teapot, closed the door and crossed to the other complex, feeling my nipples marked in evident excitement.

I breathed deeply upon arriving at the door, rehearsed what I would say again and knocked, waited a few minutes did it again, and a third time, it was obvious they were all sleeping, I was going to do it for the fourth time when that door opened before my eyes, a blonde with curly hair looked half-asleep with a face of not understanding, had small eyes and couldn't help an imprudent yawn, seemed like the light bothered him, and while he adjusted in time and space I filled my view.

He looked very well formed, athletic, with gym muscles, with exquisite tan, his chest was all depilated, only wore a white boxer briefs where a typical male erection marked towards his right, an erection that didn't seem to bother him and didn't try to hide from my eyes

If you're neighbor - he said stretching - what can I help you?
Forgive me, were they sleeping? - sounded false my words - because I was preparing my breakfast, coffee with cream, and realized I didn't have any...

I made a sinful pause and threw...

You don't have cream for me to have breakfast?

He passed his hand over his chin, a smile marked on his lips and let me pass

At this point, the others had already woken up due to the situation, a dark-skinned one asked from afar
What's going on? Some problem? No, nothing, - replied the blonde - the lady in front wants to know if we have cum to give her.

The one looking at me with an eye roll went to the refrigerator with the teapot in hand, I reclined on the main table opening my robe, exposing the front of my body in a very provocative situation.

I had been with two men and once with three, but they were eight thirsty twenty-year-olds and I was about to give them the pleasure, even if it was just once in life.

In seconds they surrounded me, like ants around a sweet, young boys on all sides, I started kissing one, then another, I wanted to try them all, know how they kissed those youthful mouths, my hands went straight to their underwear, caressing those hard cocks that were already starting to tempt me, one after another and more, my body received hands from all sides and it was very exciting, I felt trapped by a giant octopus that surrounded me with its tentacles and died of desire to go further, my nipples were sensitive and my sex was soaked.

The blonde who had served me moved away from the pack and reclined against the sink counter, taking distance to observe the orgy, I followed him leaving my robe on the way, to end up alone in underwear, tapping my heels on the cold ceramics, I got down on my knees between his legs and only started sucking it with great enthusiasm, his cock was hard, beautiful, imposing.

Soon they surrounded me again, someone took one of my hands to make me masturbate him, and another did the same with the free one, and I found myself sucking one, then another, changing, and echoing them waiting for turns and rotating, it's just that I couldn't keep up with all of them, someone pushed my head from behind forcing me to deep penetrations, I liked it, I liked feeling like a slut.

I moved away from the group again, went to one of the windows and pulled back the curtains, then to the other side to do the same, the house of crystal suddenly lit up and the sun's light entering every nook seemed to hurt our eyes, we were naked in front of strangers, exposed, although it was very rare that someone would be watching us, the fantasy was very strong, I was almost naked in front of the windows and said very confidently

I set the rules...

It was as crazy as perverse, and I surrendered among men, again to follow sucking, a dark-skinned man came up to me with scissors between his fingers and said

Permission, permission, we also have rules

Then there was a kind of stadium-style booing, the boys were applauding, he then passed the scissors in front of my bra, between my breasts, it was very sexual, only closing twice and cutting it off, leaving my breasts bare, then he went down passing the steel over my skin, making a path to reach the thong on one side, hooking the elastic and repeating the procedure, my sex also ended up being exposed, I felt very slutty with the game and fell in love with that dark-skinned man.

They took me by force to one side, again to suck cocks, I felt very slutty doing it and while their hands played on my breasts, I was masturbating with vehemence, it was very tasty

Someone took me over the main table, they spread my legs and put a well-deep cock in my pussy, they held me for a bit, then another one came, and another one after that, going around me three times, passing through mouth, hands, and... pussy, one after another, them with time, me always full. Someone went behind and put it in my ass, it was very tasty and I let them do whatever they wanted to me, my three available holes for them to satisfy their hunger, I felt like that slut in heat surrounded by dogs fighting over her.

They were calling me a slut, the dark-skinned man who had cut off my underwear lifted me up in the air and sat me on his cock, giving it to me in the ass, my back against his chest, my... pussy open, I was holding myself up with my arms behind me not falling towards the front, I had strength, I was vigorous, another wine came in front of me and they made a sandwich for me to feel penetrated by both sides, it was the maximum, nothing more sexual than double penetration. The marathon of sex would continue ahead for several hours, where I was the center of attention, they caught me so much that my dilated holes started asking for mercy, and I had endurance, but they were young and virile, very virile. Suddenly they started filling me with semen in apocalyptic endings, in the pussy, in the bum, and I had a very marked fetish, there was nothing that excited me more than them finishing in my mouth and being able to swallow it all, so I asked them to do that, and one came, then another, and another, they finished in such quantities that soon my sinful mouth filled with that heterogeneous white honey, I couldn't take it anymore and they kept finishing, so I just closed my lips and swallowed in deep movements, felt that divine nectar sliding down my throat, sticky, exquisite, and stayed for a few seconds savoring, passing my tongue over the glue of my lips, but there was no time, another cock finished on one side and had to keep playing. I was satisfied, and it had been too much, my body was splattered everywhere, I had remnants of semen in every pore of my skin, on my face, in my hair, so the boys kindly offered me a bath to take a shower. I had moments of solitude under the warm water while washing my body to clean my sins, remembered that Charly would surely be waiting for me and would be annoyed, but that was his problem, the truth is that I only needed a good blow job because that's all I had been missing, and for that I had my rubber. I turned off the water, laughing as I dried myself while remembering that the dark-haired one had left me without underwear and I would only have my bathrobe and high-heeled shoes to go back. I said goodbye to the boys and the blond who had received me - whose name I didn't know - She reached the pitcher and asked if I had 'cummed', because she could come back for more whenever she wanted, I took the indirect route and gave them a last smile. I went back to my apartment, crossed the door and let the robe fall to the floor, naked, alone in high heels, Charly had work to do and knowing that the guys on the other side might see me only made me burn with desire. I went to the room, Charly was sitting on the bed, lost in thought, next to his suitcase, playing with the flight ticket between his fingers, he looked at me with disdain and threw it away. I'm leaving, I can't take you anymore... But don't you understand, maybe I don't keep you and fuck all your tastes? No, that's not it - he replied resigned - I can't be with a woman who is sucking cock to the first guy she crosses in the street, I saw what you did with those guys and I have my own love, besides, I don't know what disease you'll catch me at any moment. There was a pronounced silence, he got up and almost without looking at me said as he passed by Good life It was all and it was the last time I saw him, I had lost him, it was true, didn't matter to me anyway, besides I already had other plans, in the apartment across the way there was plenty of youth to devour and certainly a blonde and a dark-haired one who had caught my eye, it was just a matter of trying. If you liked the story, you can write me with title LA CASA DE CRISTAL at

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