me coji a la mujer de mi amigo a pedido de el

I call myself Ariel, I was the product of causality, I found myself with my friend Javi, he told me that his wife is pregnant and the gynecologist asked them to have relations so she could help dilate, since if they don't arrive on time, there's a risk of the baby and her death. The thing is that he doesn't dare because he's already very chubby... Two ingredients detonated my desire, then I offered to screw her, he said yes, let's go to the house so we can arrange the encounter.

I've always had a desire to possess a pregnant woman, feeling in my own flesh the expression of heat and eroticism of a chubby woman, it's incredible living the exacerbated passion due to such a special condition, if we add to this special condition the lack of attention, we'll have a wonderful combo, being able to enjoy the delivery of a woman like that can be the greatest sexual enjoyment experience. Again, fortune put me close to my friend's wife, I went to visit him, after an almost year-long impasse due to work issues, Javi warns that he'll arrive later, causality allowed us to get to know each other a bit coji a la mujer  de mi amigo a pedido de elI invite you to take a coffee while I'm waiting (accompanied), she insisted on doing it. Sitting down, I could admire her splendid ass, and not a single moment made an impact on her attractive physical features, large and round breasts, now more prominent due to the corporal adaptation for motherhood. She moves with ease and grace, her figure attracts like flies to honey, it's hard for me to hide my attraction, she's not oblivious to the captivating effect, every now and then she throws a glance and always catches me mesmerized admiring her backside. Direct and sincere, without shame, she was direct in her question: 'Do you like my ass so much? You must be a bit fatter because you're pregnant, what do you like?' 'Well... first of all, I apologize if I offended you, I don't know or maybe I do but couldn't repress the attraction to admire... your figure...' 'Figure nothing, you were looking at my ass!' She said it with all the words, not aggressively, more like with the precise tone of someone who feels gratified by masculine desire. - I like being seen as a woman, as women, I'm seduced when a man sees me as an object of desire. 'Don't beat around the bush, you're going straight to the bone. Yes, it's true, I was looking at your... ass. It's very good, worthy of being well treated.' I bet her response would give me permission to expand my admiration for her backside.homemade photosLet's see how it is to feel 'well-treated', tell me... -approaches with the coffee cups - It's good... being well-treated is that, feeling it as something worthy of being well used, I mean... in a good sense. - Used in a good sense? I don't understand, how is that - Good... let's say your husband can use you, make you feel the enjoyment of having him, all for him. - All that would be nice, only he doesn't enjoy it at all, since I got pregnant he declined all interest in me as a woman, he just sees the mother of his future son, before he used to and the gynecologist told us we have to have sex and he said no because he was scared for the baby. - Shared laughter - What a waste, having something so tempting right in front of their eyes and not using it.very hotWe had only found each other once or twice before, always feeling familiar, now, in four words we delve into the intimacy of sexual terrain. In every word, I emphasized how good she was, and she emphasized being neglected. The coincidence brings us closer to our desires, mine driven by the urge to do it, hers by the need for a quick dose of sex.

—Can we be frank and talk with our pants off? (nod) It can also be literal, without pants. Well, we agree on that, I have many urges, your desire for me doesn't lack. I have unmet basic needs for fuck, I can't take it anymore, if you're not you, someone else will cross my path. Everything would stay between friends or do you prefer to go out and get picked up? We're friends, discretion and sex with no consequences, you won't leave me pregnant then... what do you have to say?...

—Well, not much, or everything, I share your reasoning and... when can we? I'm urgent, you... don't know how long you can hold on now that I've proposed it.

—For my part, I'd do it right now and here, the only inconvenience is that your husband will be coming soon.

As if the gods had put themselves on our side, we hadn't finished agreeing to do it when a cell phone rings, it's javi, excusing himself because of the prolonged delay, which would still take another couple of hours since he needed to finish an audit report. He informed that Ariel, his friend, was waiting for him, asked me to excuse him, and while he did everything possible to justify my absence with him, giving him my best regards.Hard cock—Ah! It was your friend, as if he had listened to us. He'll be delayed for about three more hours. He especially recommended that you treat me well.

Attracting attention, hmm... just what I need, in three hours we can do many things...

Like you said.

Then what are we waiting for? You can get started.

It wasn't necessary to repeat get started, the massage on the shoulders opens the way, my hands lose themselves in the neckline of the dress, claiming his breasts, feeling them well loaded was an exhilarating plunder.

Turn, lower the straps, the cup falls from the bra, white cups in freedom, nipples appear restless, thick and erect. A dish worth taking, the passionate hallucination of my mouth, moans emerge with the first suckling, the following are a product of the excitement generated by continuous suction.

Getting up and letting the dress fall was almost like magic, showing myself only in underwear, a challenge to desire. Caressing the breasts, going down to the edge of the underwear, breaking through the elastic and reaching her sex was a journey to the world of her fantasy. Moans succeed and multiply, she begins to undress me.

—Everything is better in leather. What a good piece you have, it must be making your wife happy eating all this meat. - starts to masturbate, kiss and suckle.

I'm burning up at a thousand, moving in her mouth, fuck with the mouth, holding her neck to help make her oral sex, I put her hair aside, she does it so well that I needed to see it clearly. At no moment did she stop looking at me. It's a quality blow job, knows how to enjoy a man and make him happy, effective woman like few, the heat takes the intensity of an epic blow job.

Attentive to all my movements, understands gestures, knows how we like to enjoy a good blow job, delays and prolongs pleasure. At one point, the pressure of my hands on her neck and the accelerated pace of my attack in her mouth make her stop the intensity of the blow job, squeezes the base of the penis to stop the advance. - Already You've had enough now it's my turn I didn't want to overheat, delay it so it would be inside her, sat her on the kitchen counter, legs open leaving the vision of the vagina exposed, just a line of decorative hair, the prominent and youthful labia like those of a girl, small lips and exquisite aroma of a woman in heat. Decided and precise, knows how to make the most of time, soft touch on my head indicating the urgency due to the brief availability of time.

—Yes, yes, hmm what a good one you're giving me. It's been like four months since I've felt a mouth on my clitoris. You know what women like, you do it well... villa. Hmm keep going, keep going, keep going, you're taking me to heaven. Don't stop, don't stop! I'm coming, I'm coming!...

This woman is really something worth trying, her intensity and ability to deliver is more than meritorious, whether due to pregnancy or whatever, she has quality to enjoy the orgasm, also to make the man who's eating her out enjoy it.Hot Chat—What good is it that you're eating sex, you do it much better than my husband, well he likes to eat it little, I think he does it because I insist, you do it wonderfully, you stole two orgasms from me, I liked it!

On your feet, leaning over the counter, pushing your bum back, opening up for a brief oral attention, full of juices, I grab a paper towel to clean it up, take out the excess juice, we share the pleasure of making her feel the entrance of the member without too much lubrication, the skin-to-skin contact makes the enjoyment more intense.

I put my cock in the entrance, separating the lips with my head, she takes hold of the edge of the counter, it seems like she's showered in this sexual position, taken from the waist, offering me the precise angle for a deep penetration. The intensity, thickness, and vehemence of the intrusion made me feel like I was opening up her insides. Improvisation and urgency set the tone to epic at the moment of fuck, taking her melons, I go with more impetus, determined to penetrate her with my poronga, the dance of sex turns into convulsive movements, she pushing her bum back, I turning her around, embedded inside her sex.

It's time to vary the position, the chair with a backrest from the dining table seems most indicated, sit her down, resting on the backrest, legs well forward, between her legs I insert myself, deep. She takes hold of the armrest when I position myself between her legs, supporting her at the entrance, her legs pinch my waist, I penetrate with moderate brusqueness, she enjoys that moment of aggression, waking up the inner she-wolf, making her a good slut. Taken from her meloncitos, we open up the path in the humid cave.

The oscillation of the screwing, envelops us in the same whirlpool of heat, we unite in the same objective: enjoying ourselves. What a pleasure! The gasps of both complete the combo of infidel joy, we get into tone and rhythm. I always prioritize female orgasm, not always possible... It was a Intense orgasm, with replicas that agitate his body, the lips transmit the language of internal pleasure. I squeeze her breasts roughly, pinch her nipples, stretch out my arms to grab me, the thrusts take me inside, well inside, penetration enriches in quantity and quality of thrusts, transits the new orgasm.

Frenzied pelvic movement, I push myself, push hard, concentrated on my sensations, appreciate the moment when sperm begins its run to freedom. A precise, deep blow releases, I come inside, profuse and crushing jets pour out the sap of the hot man into his cave.

—Wowww, your cum is so hot, sir. How much did you have... hhhh, I like it, lots and hot.

—Did you think I was finishing? Or am I mistaken?

—Yes, I came again, I didn't want to scream loudly to disturb your moment. See how we could do it together, what's good, you came just in my orgasm. Super sex!

I remained watching as the semen began to flow out of the vagina, gushing until the bum. It knows how to finish a good screw, gets down on her knees to clean up the semen that made the cock shine. She sucks and licks, leaving no remainder of ejaculation.

Brief rest to recover, clean up the mess of juices and cum, giving time for another round of sex. There was a second part, the desires intact, the heat renews its temperature, everything is set for again.

—I still have desires, you do too, I recognize that look. When it all started, you were enthralled with this (pats her ass), so... now it's your turn, good, you're going to give me cock here? (whiny little girl)

—Obviously it was a priority, this (touches her cock) is eager to open up that divine ass.

—Go ahead, how do I get ready? Where do we do it?

I made her sit with her hands on the edge of the table and sent it in, one by vagina, a couple of thrusts create the fuck climate and lubricate what's necessary to go through the anus. I opened up the sides, placed the cock in the center of ass. - Open. babe!, open the bum, I'm going to split it like cheese… A little saliva also helps, push as if to burst, the glans is in position, took its belt with force to give us more stability, the thrust made me enter all the way. The first thrust pushed the body forward, held it with force, entered all at once, it complained about the sudden action, considering her state I asked - Are you pulling out? —What?… don't dare, I like it, only scared by the fat and big-headed one, as if no one had entered for several months, I suppose it has closed up, let me get used to it, in a moment I'll be available for you to grab me, that's what I like most, you'll see how I come. I'm your sexy girl, ride, fuck me hard through the ass with that fat and big-headed one, open everything, you can break the ass of this slut slut . It's a woman who comes straight on, knows how to ask for cock and enjoys it at a thousand. For comfort reasons, I placed her on the sofa, kneeling on the seat and taken from the backrest, offering a perfect angle for doing it, as if I had already opened it up, this time simple, enter all at once, sent it all the way to the bottom, poured over her buttocks, took possession of her breasts below me, taken by them serving as support to give her a continuous bomb, taking rhythm and speed, one of the girl's hands rubs intensely on her clitoris. It's a perfect fuck, everything in its measure and harmoniously. —Come on, ride that fat and big-headed one, break your sexy girl's ass, more movement, more, I need more action. I'm almost there, hurry up the fuck, it's putting me crazy with that big-headed one moving in my ass. Come on, come on, I'm burning with heat, hurry up, break your sexy girl's ass. Giveee pijaaa. Her last words before her mortal orgasmic scream, it exploded in her mouth and vagina, her hand was squeezing the clitoris tightly, mine were squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples. Everything is haste, whirlwind, and madness, she screams and prolongs her orgasm, I'm fucking her with savage force, the fever consumes us, I shake his body with a cock's blow.Wins of fuckAll is movement, moans, gasps, cries of pleasure and pain, all mixed up together. The woman's screams are a pale reflection of the state of lust that she's in due to the cock. Nothing matters, she begs at the top of her lungs for him to give it to her harder, deeper. - Divine Guacho!!! Never got caught like this before, give it to me hard, don't care if I complain, I'm enjoying this chubby cock inside. Break your slut's ass, get me pregnant, you're not going to leave me alone, you'll have to make me come like this all the time...

It was an amazing moment, she was so hot and couldn't comprehend anything else but the pleasure of that moment. The woman's screams filled the air, when I came inside everything increased exponentially, nothing mattered except the pleasure of this woman.

I came in an amazing way, I don't know how but I felt like my life was leaving me with ejaculation. After the silence, my legs went limp, the ejaculation left me trembling, I removed the cock from her rectum, when I pulled out the head of the penis it gave me the sensation of popping a champagne bottle, at first I thought it was an illusion, but she confirmed the same sensation. - Daddy, when you took it out I felt like you were uncorking my pussy as you crossed the sphincter.

It was like uncorking champagne?

Yes, that's it, just like you said. Of course I shouldn't have been surprised, I was fucking a donkey...

After this amazing moment of pleasure, we cleaned up, everything in its place, no trace of our anal craziness. When Javi arrived, everything was joy and I told him what happened and I was happy.

At the goodbye, with the kiss on the cheek she whispered to me - This isn't over, it's just the beginning. I need more, I need to feel that donkey's ass breaking...

It had only been a couple of hours, the start of more screwing, enjoying the woman's ass, and then they moved to the countryside when they had a child, when she returned a couple of years later nothing was the same or she didn't want it or would have another guy serve her like this Donkey

3 comentários - me coji a la mujer de mi amigo a pedido de el

eso es un buen amigo q t ac el favor
Es real no sabes lo q fue chupar esa Conchi. Parte iso q le afeite antes de eso se la chupe y tenía un olorsito. Acabadaa pis.