Continuing from where I had left off, after they passed some days and it was almost my grandfather's birthday, we invited Aye and she said she didn't have any problems going to help with the preparations.
Good, that day arrived and we were all making the asado and doing other things with music and everything, then she arrived on her motorcycle with her son, said hello, Aye started helping my mom with what she needed and I was happy because she came, after spending some time doing all the things we sat down to eat together, we joked around for a bit between laughs, later we went into the pool to get wet a little and that's when the fun of trying to push someone into the water without warning started, my brother and Aye's son pushed my mom into the water, then I got excited and ran after Aye to catch her, she realized it, came running so I wouldn't catch her, struggled to get free, I hugged her tight and lifted her up between my arms to take her to the pool, I was looking at her tits moving when I carried her and feeling her booty between my arms.
Aye- No noo, don't want to get wet, come on down, please, don't be like that, noo And we both jumped into the pool, everyone was laughing and she was struggling a bit to swim, I took advantage of it to grab her waist and have her lean against me so we could float since it was the deep part of the pool and she was a little scared, so I learned by her, I'd say between laughs, calm down, Aye, don't worry, you're just being bad, look if I'm drowning, I'll get all wet, Yo- Ha ha But if you dry off, see, nothing happened, it's just for fun (and she was splashing water on me). And we stayed there playing in the water for a long time, my brother and Aye's son were preparing Fernet with Coca with my grandfather, so I'd bother my mom and Aye in the pool, taking them by the arm and leading them to the deep part, I took Aye and she struggled not to go, I just wanted her to lean against me, that way I could touch her body, at least her breasts or her booty, and that's how it went, she'd only grab onto me, I'd hold her, say with a bit of laughter and fear not to let her go so she wouldn't sink, and I'd take advantage and touch her all over, noticing how her clothes were all wet and tight on her body, obviously with some discretion, I'd grab her butt so she could cling to me or sometimes tickle her belly or breasts, I loved it, then I'd bring her back to the edge of the pool for her to get out again and there she'd splash water on me and throw a ball at me to get revenge, I just laughed with my mom.
A bit after we bathed and changed, my mom and Aye wanted to go for a walk around the place since where we were was in a big estate with lots of vegetation, and they were going to look at the plants that were there, they asked everyone if they wanted to come along and the others didn't want to and stayed to drink, I could've not gone either if it wasn't for Aye being with my mom, so I said I'd go with them and we went walking and on the way they looked at the plants and remedies they knew, I always bothered them and made them laugh along the path, at one point my mom stopped to talk to a lady who lived nearby and asked if she could give her a stalk of the ruda plant to take home and plant, the lady said yes and we stayed outside waiting for her while walking around looking at the place, there was a very pretty lake and we walked up to it.
I took advantage of the moment we were alone and she was annoying me by throwing twigs and things like that, she would get me off and I would get her off too, I would get her to scratch and give her spanks because she got a little angry and followed me to hit me back, and in that time when we stayed waiting for my mom to come since we saw her from afar, we sat under a tree in the shade and talked, I suddenly tell her How's everything going? How did you feel? She says Everything is fine here, always fighting, moving forward, tired of so much work just kidding, what about you? What miracle that you came here and didn't stay at your house? I say I'm glad then, I imagine it must be tiring, if I came to celebrate my grandfather's birthday and to mess around for a bit, and you too, what news is it that you came, did they let you leave? She says Ha ha, who do I have to ask permission from? Do you think so too, maybe you should tell someone where you are? I say I came to breathe a little air and not be locked up She says Who? I don't have anyone telling me where I'm going or where I'm not, I'm alone and calm, I don't have to depend on anyone I say Ah, that's good then let's see if it's true, I already see I'm not mistaken She says Nothing to do with that, I'm calm just like this, you're going to get in trouble if you don't tell someone where you are I say I don't have an official girlfriend so I don't have to tell anyone either (what I wanted to know is if she had a boyfriend or someone who came to her house) She says Ah, look, and that's fine then, don't lie and don't have to give explanations for what you do, let's believe each other just like you said I say And it seems weird to me that you're pretty and not alone, just kidding She says Well, just because someone isn't with someone doesn't mean they're alone, there's always someone for the occasion I say Ah, clear for the moment, and that's fine, we have to enjoy life, and what does Rodri (her son) say? Haha and if so, Rodrigo says nothing, doesn't realize or try to make him realize it either, just that I'm thinking Yo- Of course I imagine (and what's the point of trying to see what he'll say since we're already messing around with her I tell him) And when are you going to invite me? Ahh-jaja inviting me to what? I- And your place too (I give him a wink with my eye) and I laugh Ahh-jaja So why do you want me to come over? To make something happen? I- Because you told me you weren't with anyone and there's always someone for the moment, so you're calm like that jaha Ahh-jajah You're referring to coming over in the way I say it's always someone in the moment? Do you mean what you want to say because I don't understand? I- And to come visit you and be together for a bit? What do you say? We're both alone and won't hurt anyone Ahh-no You're crazy, like we won't hurt anyone if you say that, how am I going to do that with you?, do you realize your mom is there, Rodrigo too, look if they know this, they'll be fine with it I- Ahh but I don't want to upset you, I'm telling you this because you seem very pretty and I feel something for you, and I know you're my mom's friend and so is Rodri but I don't want to pretend all the time that what we have isn't Ahh-but can't, or rather we can't, this thing you're saying can't be I- Why not? no one has to know, you tell me Rodrigo doesn't realize what's going on and my mom won't find out anything Ahh-oh God do you realize what you're saying? You say it like it's nothing but no, if your mom finds out she won't let it pass I- But this is something I feel for you, you've always seemed pretty to me, and I look at you differently, and of course I think about everyone Rodri is my friend and won't like this at all if he finds out, and my mom less so, but what can I do? If it's what you provoke in me when I see you and I feel this for you that's why I'm telling you and it's not a joke, and if you want to tell my mom about this she is Tell him, but it's like that. I know what to say, I'm left in shock, I'm older than you, already big and we can't, I can't do this with you, do you realize what can happen if someone finds out? While I was saying that, I get closer to him and tell him 'it's okay, Aye, don't worry, let's not tell anyone, what do you say if we try it? Let's see what happens and if it doesn't work out, we'll leave it like this. It's been a long time since I've felt this way about you, it's not just now, and I take his hand and tell him 'no one will know, Aye' and from the excitement of the moment I want to give him a kiss but he turns away and I only manage to give him a peck on his cheek
Aye- Noo, buddy, look if your mom is watching over here, just near us, she's not paying attention, and in that moment I direct her hand towards my cock so she can feel it from my pants, she was really holding on to me, friend, and in that moment when she feels it quickly takes her hand away Aye- Paraa, didn't I tell you, your mom is going to notice if we get caught, stop it And I grab her hand again to direct it towards my cock once more and I say come on, she's not here yet, nobody will see us, touch it a little bit, just a little bit, and I struggled but not too hard, just holding back Aye- Noo, we can't do this, it's already over let's leave it alone Yo- Nothing bad is happening, everything is fine, come on Aye, touch it a little bit if you help me, nobody's coming (and I stretch her hand towards my cock again, she touches and guides my hand from top to bottom, I undo the zipper of my pants, quickly pull out my cock and make her touch it, she looks around like everyone is watching or my mom isn't coming, I keep guiding her with my hand so she can jerk me off and then she starts doing it on her own while we look around to see if nobody's coming.
Me still gets to caress the cock so hard and I loved everything that was happening very well, see that nothing is passing, do you like it? And only lowered my gaze and kept going down on me, feeling very tasty, her soft hands touching all of my cock was the best. Ahh, how tasty! Yeah, I like it, keep going like this, I love it... If we keep going for a little while, I get up and take her by the hand closer to a tree to hide more, and I tell her to kiss me a little, okay, kiss me a little, I love it. And at that moment she just looked to see if my mom wasn't coming and without saying anything, she just bent down and started kissing my cock, giving me kisses and making circles with her tongue on the tip, one genius was telling me this is how I like it, not going to pass quietly, yeah, and she starts bobbing up and down and sucking very tasty, moving her mouth like it was a little sucker, see. She helped me with my hands on her head and I liked how she kept the rhythm when I pushed her to put it deeper in her mouth, I swear I got all cramps in my legs, she had it really clear about how to do a blow job, seriously, she sucked full, used her tongue very well, spat at my cock and drooled all over. I said to myself (she already knows what it's like to suck a cock, only that she was pretending not to).
I didn't believe it at that moment, how did we go from walking and looking for plants to her giving me a blow job now? But I wasn't saying anything, just enjoying the moment, I didn't want to say something that would make her feel bad and want to stop then. I was already committed to the situation, I got what I wanted and I was happy with that, I just wanted it to keep going and for her to feel confident. And at one point we both heard my mom leaving the house talking to the lady and she says 'Mom - Thanks for everything, Doña, anytime we'll be coming back here again to take some tea or something, thanks for the rough ride, I'm gonna go see if it grows (and a few other things)'. Ah, like that in that moment she gets desperate and stops, and I tell her to keep going, and I push her head down to make her keep sucking and she starts doing it faster. There's a point where I can't take it anymore and we finish everything, note that a little bit got into Aye's mouth and she pulled it out when she felt it and I just jerked off a little so it would all be over by the time of our rush and I lift up my pants, manage to get hard again and with the feeling that I still couldn't move my legs we pretend we're cutting some plants and talking quietly until we hear my mom.
My mom- Hey where did you guys go, I thought you left me and went to the house, look what Mrs. says and shows us her rough Aye- Ahh look how nice, just that one is needed for remedies, I always look for that plant My mom- If it's good the lady who gave it to me, and look she gave me other plants too to plant later I'll show you when I take them out of the bag Aye- Ah okay let's go see and plant them later Me- Your plant is nice and if we go back home I'm hungry And so we walked back from the place to the farm where we were staying and the two of us pretended to be ahead of my mom like nothing happened, we arrived at the place, stayed for a long time celebrating with everyone, I was looking at Aye, making eye contact with her and she would just smile a little and look away, after already getting close to night and settling everything, we all went back home, she said goodbye to everyone and when she got close to me she whispered slowly Aye- Nothing should be talked about this with anyone, it's going to end badly for us Me- Nothing's wrong Aye calm down, thanks for everything, I liked it She left with my friend on his motorcycle and we went back home, my brother took my grandfather to his house and so we all went back home quietly, me with the whole world's happiness because of what happened, if only I could say a single word to no one just thinking about how I was with Aye and how it all could have turned out, and that's what I thought and thought for the whole time, it was a long day but it was the best for me, a moment I'll never forget and neither will Aye, already done what I wanted and this helped me even more now to be able to get her, I said in my head, only in one moment she didn't want to do it but later she let herself be taken.
And that's where this story ends, I hope you people have enjoyed it and go ahead to follow me, leave your points and comment on what you thought and if you would like me to bring another part of this real story that happened with my mom's friend who appears in the photos. Greetings

12 comentários - Con la amiga de mi mamá: Parte 2