When I was younger, I had a girlfriend who in her family was only her mother and two sisters, one older and one younger; although, at the beginning of our relationship, integrating into the circle of trust of this family was simply because there hadn't been enough time to get to know me, little by little I earned the trust of each of them, which made the time I spent as a boyfriend with that girl very special and full of great anecdotes that I'm about to tell you.
Now you already know the family structure in which I gradually immersed myself, the relationship I had with this girlfriend, Aimé, lasted almost 5 years. Our noviazgo was too good from the start; I mean, since the first minutes we knew each other as classmates, we were able to generate a great bond between us. We were those couples who almost never had fights and the few we did have would resolve themselves almost immediately and generate great hours of sex reconciliation (when it was possible to stay for hours).
As you've already read, with Aimé the relationship was always very simple, full of much love, laughter, and great moments together. The first difficulties I found were directly with her family, since from the second day she accepted being my girlfriend, I had to, very old-school style, ask her mother for permission to go out with her daughter.
Good evening, Mrs. Melisa – That was the first thing I said to her mother as we passed through the entrance door of her house, followed by Aimé.
Good evening, son, come in – Melissa, the mother, replied.
Mrs. Melisa invited me to enter directly from the living room, which was just at the entrance of her home and where Ema, the younger sister, was found. Both women were looking at us with their gaze and at the same time had a joking smile due to the nerves that Aimé and I emanated.
Thank you very much, ma'am. Hello, Ema. – I said with a voice as firm as possible. – Hi mom, I'm back. He's my boyfriend and like I told you in the morning, I came to talk to you – Said Aimé ignoring her sister completely. – Ah! Perfect – said her mother. – Ema, go to your room while I talk with your sister and her boyfriend – Ema didn't say a single word, got up from the couch where she was reclining, walked directly towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, followed by a strong hug in which I could feel the slight pressure of fairly firm and somewhat large breasts directly on my chest. As she hugged me, she whispered at a low volume but loud enough for everyone to hear – Good luck with the lion – and after finishing her words, went to her room giving mocking glances towards her sister. The next part of the conversation doesn't seem worth relating, but you can imagine the kind of conversation that gives you in-laws when they just get to know you, treat my daughter well, don't make me a grandma, behave yourselves and you're welcome here. Until this point it seems like everything has been a normal encounter with a mother-in-law, I noticed how difficult it was going to be to stay in that family when a few days later I realized that Melisa had problems with alcoholism, not very severe but still. What Ema referred to as Good luck with the lion was because Melisa was highly explosive in her character and could give out loud cries of fury at any moment. Up until this point you already know almost all the family members, except for the older sister who is my age and we were classmates in a design workshop, but when the time comes you'll learn more about her. As with every initial relationship, the first few months passed like heaven, Aimé and I were extremely happy, so much that the problems of his mother with alcohol and bad temper were completely overshadowed by all the love we had for each other, which made the first year pass very quickly. The second year of relationship started in a way that none of you would expect and I bet you'd like to live it at some point in your life. Everything was exactly on these dates, the patriotic parties of September. Already with this first year of dating between Aimé and me, already known among all his close family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc. And as expected, at family gatherings I was just another guest.
This leads us to the independence party on September 15th, as is customary in Mexico, Aimé's family gathered at one of her aunt's houses. A fairly large house with two big gardens, one in front and one at the back of the house. In the backyard there was a large palapa with a central structure that allows for lighting a fire to warm those present. It was exactly in this palapa where long tables and a pile of chairs were set up for all the guests to give the independence shout, around 35 guests approximately.
We arrived around 11 am at the aunt's house, just in time for breakfast and to help with everything needed for that day. Aimé along with her sisters helped their aunt who was cooking some dishes that would be eaten at dinner, while I along with the husband of her aunt were setting up the two tables that would later host all the guests. Once we finished setting up the tables, we had to go and cut firewood from a nearby mountain.
When we finished these tasks it was around 5 pm, just in time for us to eat and get ready to start the party, as the guests would be arriving around 7 pm. As I mentioned earlier, the house was large, with two floors, on the lower floor there was a big room with an enormous TV on the wall, next to this like an annex of the room there was a table of billiard and a small bar, the kitchen was also very large with its ante dining room; in total the house had five large rooms, two for guests and three rooms where Aimé's aunt and uncle slept and the remaining two rooms were for her cousins. The smallest guest room was located on the second floor of the house and shared a bathroom with the two rooms of the cousins. Meanwhile, the largest room was located on the ground floor of the house and this one could say it had its own bathroom although it could also be accessed from where the billiard table is. Just in this room was where we were going to stay the family of my girlfriend Aimé, Melisa her mother, Vika the older sister and Ema the younger one. The space was sufficient for us five, the room had two separate double beds without any comfort problems we would pass a good night. The first of my surprises would take me just after dinner, since Aimé and I went to the room to bathe and put on clothes for the party. Aimé opened the door to the room and I could see Melisa her mother only in underwear, standing in front of the door with her left hand holding a cell phone, wearing a set of bra and a dark gray thong with too sexy lace, this color made her breasts stand out that had a pale white skin which made me imagine that her nipples were light brown and would surely have an exquisite circumference, besides, that lace was too sexy and burning. Although my mother-in-law had a fairly appetizing body, I hadn't noticed until that very moment, since as I said before I was completely blinded by Aimé. – Mom! Why aren't you dressed? – Said Aimé with a scream at the same time she closed the door and turned to see me upset. Her mother only laughed and said – Hey girl! Why don't you touch the door yourself? – While continuing with the carcajadas – My mother-in-law was sending a message to your uncle Ricardo saying he should bring a bottle of rum so we could make some piña coladas – she said with laughter still in her voice. This scene, despite lasting less than a second, left a good image in my head. After a few minutes, Melisa came out wearing very tight pants that accentuated her butt quite a bit and, added to the effect of bringing red high heels with a slightly high heel, it made her butt look divine, big and eager to get lost between those two cheeks; on top she was wearing a blouse with a little cleavage, which had some olanes in the area of her breasts that were embroidered with green and red colors. All this scene clearly left a growing heat in my person and I was going to take revenge with my girlfriend at the first opportunity; once my mother-in-law left, we two went to get ready. Despite already wanting to penetrate Aimé in that room, we didn't have an opportunity because her sisters also had to get ready and a few seconds after we entered, Vika and Ema did too. The three of them started talking about what they were going to wear for the night and started asking each other for help with makeup, hairstyles, and those things. So I went to take a bath to get ready for the party. As the hours passed, Aimé's family arrived, forced greetings to some uncles who didn't like them, games with the small cousins of my girlfriend, some piña coladas and beers, we got to dinner before independence was declared. We were all having a great time, eating typical food: pozole, tinga tostadas, some cochinita pibíl clearly with my mother-in-law there wouldn't be a lack of beer, Oaxaca mezcal, some tequilas and practically everything one wanted to drink or eat. I have to comment to dear readers that I'm a person who likes going out a lot, but I have a problem with 'family gatherings family celebrations yes that I always fall asleep early, it doesn't matter if it's Christmas or New Year's, this type of party is very boring for me and I always end up falling asleep passing midnight and as you can imagine, September 15 was no exception. Although on this day it wasn't just because of boredom, but also so my girlfriend could go with me to sleep and while everyone else kept celebrating independence in the family, I would make her scream.
Hey, I'm already falling asleep, do you think there will be a problem if I go to sleep now? - I said between yawns to Aimé.
But it's super early, stay here with me for a little longer - Aimé replied with a look that tried to convince me.
No, I'm falling asleep too, besides your uncles are already getting drunk and at any moment they'll grab me and start lecturing me on how I have to take care of you and what if something happens to you, I don't know what I'd get myself into - I said as I started discreetly caressing her right thigh under the table and slowly brought my left hand up to her little ass and started squeezing it softly.
And maybe you can go now that everyone is more drunk, we... - I said to Aimé.
Just the touches she was getting were making her a bit tense, she sat up straighter in her chair and discreetly started grabbing my cock through my pants.
Mmmm! Someone's awake - she whispered while looking at me with a horny gaze and giving me wet kisses on my lips.
Okay, but we can't leave like this as if nothing happened, you go to the room and I'll come in a little while so your mom doesn't suspect anything - we agreed and after 5 minutes I discreetly went to the room where we were going to spend the night, took off all my clothes and put on my pajamas, got into bed with a thousand demon erections. I pulled out my phone from my pants and started browsing Facebook, 15 minutes later I heard that they were already Singing at the karaoke and after another 10 minutes Vika uploaded a photo to her Facebook profile where Melissa and Aimée were seen embracing, both singing with all their might; so I quickly assumed that Aimé wouldn't be returning soon to calm me down from the heat his mother had stirred up hours earlier. Resigned, I left my phone on the bedside table and reclined face-up with one arm covering my eyes, trying to sleep and wait for the next day, but the heat already generated by seeing my mother-in-law in her underwear and my girlfriend's tight hugs and kisses wouldn't let me fall asleep. I don't know how much time passed while I was waiting to sleep, but I calculate that at least two hours had gone by when suddenly I heard someone enter the room, as it was completely dark I couldn't tell who it was so I continued pretending to sleep. I could hear the person who entered the room searching for something in our luggage and clothes falling to the floor; I imagined they were changing into pajamas to sleep, not knowing who it was or how much time had passed, my mind started heating up thinking it was Aimée and she was ready to receive a blow job from my cock that was already getting hot again. As I could adjust my erection in the elastic of my pajama pants and turned towards the side where the person was changing to try to recognize who it was. But with the lack of light, it wasn't possible to see anything; at that moment, I felt them lifting the sheets and blankets and someone getting into bed in front of me. By this point, my head was going crazy, all I wanted was to pounce on them, pull down their pajamas or whatever they were wearing, salivate the tip of my cock and stick it in without saying a word; after all, Aimée is one of those girls who gets everyone's pants soaked with just a few kisses. Just as I felt them getting undressed, she lit up her phone and that's when I could really see who the person was in front of me, and no, it wasn't Aimé, but her younger sister Ema.
Between my surprise and heat, I kept looking discreetly, opening my eyes for a few seconds to take in the details of what she was doing, but I noticed that on top she only wore a very thin string bikini. After a few minutes, I felt like the light from her phone screen had really made me realize I was still asleep; clearly, I was still playing the role of being asleep; she blocked her phone and leaned over to put it on the same table where I had placed mine, which was behind me, with that movement she put her two breasts in my face, smaller than her mother's and my girlfriend's but quite firm while stretching her arm to leave the phone. By this point, my head had almost exploded and someone definitely needed to be penetrated until I came, whether it was my girlfriend, her mother, or Ema at that moment.
When one has a heat that's about to break the elastic of their pajamas, clearly they can't reason well, or better said, they can only reason with too much intelligence to provoke a situation where they can relieve their lust without thinking about the consequences and I was in that point.
Ema once she left her phone on the table and took away her delicious breasts from my face, got into bed, took a bit of the blanket and settled down in the same position as me, reclining on her side with her back to me. Again, I let time pass without doing anything; I'm not sure how much time it was, but all that was going through my head was one plan.
I had the idea that I would get closer to her pretending it was Aimé, hoping that the excuse that I had already agreed to meet my girlfriend in the room for a tasty sex session was set and the lack of light would save me very much. possible problem I was about to get into for trying to have relations with her younger sister.
As the plan was in my mind, the heat took care of everything else, at this point any rubbing of the sheets against my member generated a greater fury and increased my desire to penetrate someone, so I made my move, without thinking about the consequences, I just did it.
I approached Ema slowly from behind, until I was completely stuck to her, my cock still caught in the elastic but had already nestled between her two buttocks, I took her by the waist with my right hand gently and while my left arm gave me height to reach her ear, I started kissing her between her neck and ear, giving her a few very soft bites, and also sucking the skin of her neck very slowly, enough for her to feel it but not strong enough to leave a red mark on her neck.
From the first kiss I gave her, her body reacted completely, her entire skin stood up from head to toe, my hand that was caressing her waist felt like it was standing up, which made her highly sensitive to my caresses. Instinctively Ema lowered her shoulder so I could keep biting and kissing all her neck, alternating with kisses and some passes of my tongue on her whole ear; this caused a rich gem, not a scream, but she opened her mouth slightly and very gently released:
– Ahhhh! – while I was in her ear, I said. – I've been waiting for you for a good long time, I can't take it anymore to be inside of you –
I made my body move back a little and with my right hand made her turn around too, so she ended up facing me and I started kissing her on the lips. We kissed intensely, our lips desperately meeting and our tongues quickly finding each other, were kisses full of too much intensity, she automatically put her hand on my cheek and I lifted mine from her waist to her breasts, those delicious breasts that fit perfectly in my hand, together with those nipples that were completely hard, barely pinched them with my fingers, Ema started to moan again.
I quickly took off the shirt she was wearing and searched for one of her rich nipples with my mouth, I passed my tongue full of saliva over it and then sucked it with a lot of force, Ema started exhaling through her mouth every time I moved my head with her nipple between my teeth, it was then that I lowered my hand until I reached her yummy little butt that was soaked, with enormous ease my fingers could caress her clitoris and yes they were doing so with too much force, they were directly entering her vagina, in truth she had too many fluids, with my fingers inside I used my pinky to touch her anus directly, which was also soaked from the juices running out of it. Ema wasn't doing anything but letting herself be carried away, I touched her from the inside and at the same time caressed her bum, which could swear, she was sucking on my pinky.
At this point my member was dripping as much as she was wet, so I got down on my knees on the bed, finally I freed it and brought it to her face; Ema quickly understood when I got down on my knees what I wanted and with her hands started searching for my cock, touched my abdomen, quickly lowered her hand to my erect cock and without thinking much started eating it all. She did it excellently, quickly felt that she was using the inside of her lips to suck me, also filling my member completely with saliva; at moments she would take a break to take a breath and then start masturbating me too fast, only to swallow again, I didn't want it to just end in a blow job, so I quickly got on top of her, arranged the blankets above from me and I took off the lower part of her pajamas. Ema opened my legs immediately while turning back to kiss me, with no effort and absolute precision despite the darkness, my cock entered me deliciously; the lubrication she had made it easy for me to penetrate her. Once my cock was inside, I felt like all her vaginal walls were too hot, almost burning; before starting to put it in and taking it out, I gave her more kisses, a few more bites on her breasts, I separated from her torso a bit and with my hip began to thrust quickly. – Ahh! — Ema moaned while stretching her arms towards her sides and arching her back. I continued with the rapid penetrations, at one point putting her left leg over my left shoulder, and with my right hand searching for her face to put my middle finger in her mouth, which she accepted and started sucking wildly. – Hay! Así! — Ema said with my finger in her mouth while sucking it. -- Ahh! — She moaned again. The sister of my girlfriend was so wet and hot that I could finally ejaculate and what a discharge I had, feeling like liters of semen were coming out of my cock into her vagina which was still burning. I was quite agitated and Ema while I was discharging all my semen inside her, became too rigid again and arched her back while saying – MMmmmmaaaaahhh! — It was a rare mix between a moan and a growl. Already with the sensitivity of having come, any movement she made with my cock inside would make me bend over, so I had to get out of her, I rested on her breasts while telling her how delicious it was. Ema continued to recover her breathing by exhaling through her mouth while petting my head, suddenly with her hands she pulled my face towards hers and we turned back to kiss.
This part of the story will be cut off here. I inform you that all characters involved in this narrative are over 18 years old. Follow me on my blog where they can read new chapters before they are published here or on other sites.
Now you already know the family structure in which I gradually immersed myself, the relationship I had with this girlfriend, Aimé, lasted almost 5 years. Our noviazgo was too good from the start; I mean, since the first minutes we knew each other as classmates, we were able to generate a great bond between us. We were those couples who almost never had fights and the few we did have would resolve themselves almost immediately and generate great hours of sex reconciliation (when it was possible to stay for hours).
As you've already read, with Aimé the relationship was always very simple, full of much love, laughter, and great moments together. The first difficulties I found were directly with her family, since from the second day she accepted being my girlfriend, I had to, very old-school style, ask her mother for permission to go out with her daughter.
Good evening, Mrs. Melisa – That was the first thing I said to her mother as we passed through the entrance door of her house, followed by Aimé.
Good evening, son, come in – Melissa, the mother, replied.
Mrs. Melisa invited me to enter directly from the living room, which was just at the entrance of her home and where Ema, the younger sister, was found. Both women were looking at us with their gaze and at the same time had a joking smile due to the nerves that Aimé and I emanated.
Thank you very much, ma'am. Hello, Ema. – I said with a voice as firm as possible. – Hi mom, I'm back. He's my boyfriend and like I told you in the morning, I came to talk to you – Said Aimé ignoring her sister completely. – Ah! Perfect – said her mother. – Ema, go to your room while I talk with your sister and her boyfriend – Ema didn't say a single word, got up from the couch where she was reclining, walked directly towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, followed by a strong hug in which I could feel the slight pressure of fairly firm and somewhat large breasts directly on my chest. As she hugged me, she whispered at a low volume but loud enough for everyone to hear – Good luck with the lion – and after finishing her words, went to her room giving mocking glances towards her sister. The next part of the conversation doesn't seem worth relating, but you can imagine the kind of conversation that gives you in-laws when they just get to know you, treat my daughter well, don't make me a grandma, behave yourselves and you're welcome here. Until this point it seems like everything has been a normal encounter with a mother-in-law, I noticed how difficult it was going to be to stay in that family when a few days later I realized that Melisa had problems with alcoholism, not very severe but still. What Ema referred to as Good luck with the lion was because Melisa was highly explosive in her character and could give out loud cries of fury at any moment. Up until this point you already know almost all the family members, except for the older sister who is my age and we were classmates in a design workshop, but when the time comes you'll learn more about her. As with every initial relationship, the first few months passed like heaven, Aimé and I were extremely happy, so much that the problems of his mother with alcohol and bad temper were completely overshadowed by all the love we had for each other, which made the first year pass very quickly. The second year of relationship started in a way that none of you would expect and I bet you'd like to live it at some point in your life. Everything was exactly on these dates, the patriotic parties of September. Already with this first year of dating between Aimé and me, already known among all his close family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc. And as expected, at family gatherings I was just another guest.
This leads us to the independence party on September 15th, as is customary in Mexico, Aimé's family gathered at one of her aunt's houses. A fairly large house with two big gardens, one in front and one at the back of the house. In the backyard there was a large palapa with a central structure that allows for lighting a fire to warm those present. It was exactly in this palapa where long tables and a pile of chairs were set up for all the guests to give the independence shout, around 35 guests approximately.
We arrived around 11 am at the aunt's house, just in time for breakfast and to help with everything needed for that day. Aimé along with her sisters helped their aunt who was cooking some dishes that would be eaten at dinner, while I along with the husband of her aunt were setting up the two tables that would later host all the guests. Once we finished setting up the tables, we had to go and cut firewood from a nearby mountain.
When we finished these tasks it was around 5 pm, just in time for us to eat and get ready to start the party, as the guests would be arriving around 7 pm. As I mentioned earlier, the house was large, with two floors, on the lower floor there was a big room with an enormous TV on the wall, next to this like an annex of the room there was a table of billiard and a small bar, the kitchen was also very large with its ante dining room; in total the house had five large rooms, two for guests and three rooms where Aimé's aunt and uncle slept and the remaining two rooms were for her cousins. The smallest guest room was located on the second floor of the house and shared a bathroom with the two rooms of the cousins. Meanwhile, the largest room was located on the ground floor of the house and this one could say it had its own bathroom although it could also be accessed from where the billiard table is. Just in this room was where we were going to stay the family of my girlfriend Aimé, Melisa her mother, Vika the older sister and Ema the younger one. The space was sufficient for us five, the room had two separate double beds without any comfort problems we would pass a good night. The first of my surprises would take me just after dinner, since Aimé and I went to the room to bathe and put on clothes for the party. Aimé opened the door to the room and I could see Melisa her mother only in underwear, standing in front of the door with her left hand holding a cell phone, wearing a set of bra and a dark gray thong with too sexy lace, this color made her breasts stand out that had a pale white skin which made me imagine that her nipples were light brown and would surely have an exquisite circumference, besides, that lace was too sexy and burning. Although my mother-in-law had a fairly appetizing body, I hadn't noticed until that very moment, since as I said before I was completely blinded by Aimé. – Mom! Why aren't you dressed? – Said Aimé with a scream at the same time she closed the door and turned to see me upset. Her mother only laughed and said – Hey girl! Why don't you touch the door yourself? – While continuing with the carcajadas – My mother-in-law was sending a message to your uncle Ricardo saying he should bring a bottle of rum so we could make some piña coladas – she said with laughter still in her voice. This scene, despite lasting less than a second, left a good image in my head. After a few minutes, Melisa came out wearing very tight pants that accentuated her butt quite a bit and, added to the effect of bringing red high heels with a slightly high heel, it made her butt look divine, big and eager to get lost between those two cheeks; on top she was wearing a blouse with a little cleavage, which had some olanes in the area of her breasts that were embroidered with green and red colors. All this scene clearly left a growing heat in my person and I was going to take revenge with my girlfriend at the first opportunity; once my mother-in-law left, we two went to get ready. Despite already wanting to penetrate Aimé in that room, we didn't have an opportunity because her sisters also had to get ready and a few seconds after we entered, Vika and Ema did too. The three of them started talking about what they were going to wear for the night and started asking each other for help with makeup, hairstyles, and those things. So I went to take a bath to get ready for the party. As the hours passed, Aimé's family arrived, forced greetings to some uncles who didn't like them, games with the small cousins of my girlfriend, some piña coladas and beers, we got to dinner before independence was declared. We were all having a great time, eating typical food: pozole, tinga tostadas, some cochinita pibíl clearly with my mother-in-law there wouldn't be a lack of beer, Oaxaca mezcal, some tequilas and practically everything one wanted to drink or eat. I have to comment to dear readers that I'm a person who likes going out a lot, but I have a problem with 'family gatherings family celebrations yes that I always fall asleep early, it doesn't matter if it's Christmas or New Year's, this type of party is very boring for me and I always end up falling asleep passing midnight and as you can imagine, September 15 was no exception. Although on this day it wasn't just because of boredom, but also so my girlfriend could go with me to sleep and while everyone else kept celebrating independence in the family, I would make her scream.
Hey, I'm already falling asleep, do you think there will be a problem if I go to sleep now? - I said between yawns to Aimé.
But it's super early, stay here with me for a little longer - Aimé replied with a look that tried to convince me.
No, I'm falling asleep too, besides your uncles are already getting drunk and at any moment they'll grab me and start lecturing me on how I have to take care of you and what if something happens to you, I don't know what I'd get myself into - I said as I started discreetly caressing her right thigh under the table and slowly brought my left hand up to her little ass and started squeezing it softly.
And maybe you can go now that everyone is more drunk, we... - I said to Aimé.
Just the touches she was getting were making her a bit tense, she sat up straighter in her chair and discreetly started grabbing my cock through my pants.
Mmmm! Someone's awake - she whispered while looking at me with a horny gaze and giving me wet kisses on my lips.
Okay, but we can't leave like this as if nothing happened, you go to the room and I'll come in a little while so your mom doesn't suspect anything - we agreed and after 5 minutes I discreetly went to the room where we were going to spend the night, took off all my clothes and put on my pajamas, got into bed with a thousand demon erections. I pulled out my phone from my pants and started browsing Facebook, 15 minutes later I heard that they were already Singing at the karaoke and after another 10 minutes Vika uploaded a photo to her Facebook profile where Melissa and Aimée were seen embracing, both singing with all their might; so I quickly assumed that Aimé wouldn't be returning soon to calm me down from the heat his mother had stirred up hours earlier. Resigned, I left my phone on the bedside table and reclined face-up with one arm covering my eyes, trying to sleep and wait for the next day, but the heat already generated by seeing my mother-in-law in her underwear and my girlfriend's tight hugs and kisses wouldn't let me fall asleep. I don't know how much time passed while I was waiting to sleep, but I calculate that at least two hours had gone by when suddenly I heard someone enter the room, as it was completely dark I couldn't tell who it was so I continued pretending to sleep. I could hear the person who entered the room searching for something in our luggage and clothes falling to the floor; I imagined they were changing into pajamas to sleep, not knowing who it was or how much time had passed, my mind started heating up thinking it was Aimée and she was ready to receive a blow job from my cock that was already getting hot again. As I could adjust my erection in the elastic of my pajama pants and turned towards the side where the person was changing to try to recognize who it was. But with the lack of light, it wasn't possible to see anything; at that moment, I felt them lifting the sheets and blankets and someone getting into bed in front of me. By this point, my head was going crazy, all I wanted was to pounce on them, pull down their pajamas or whatever they were wearing, salivate the tip of my cock and stick it in without saying a word; after all, Aimée is one of those girls who gets everyone's pants soaked with just a few kisses. Just as I felt them getting undressed, she lit up her phone and that's when I could really see who the person was in front of me, and no, it wasn't Aimé, but her younger sister Ema.
Between my surprise and heat, I kept looking discreetly, opening my eyes for a few seconds to take in the details of what she was doing, but I noticed that on top she only wore a very thin string bikini. After a few minutes, I felt like the light from her phone screen had really made me realize I was still asleep; clearly, I was still playing the role of being asleep; she blocked her phone and leaned over to put it on the same table where I had placed mine, which was behind me, with that movement she put her two breasts in my face, smaller than her mother's and my girlfriend's but quite firm while stretching her arm to leave the phone. By this point, my head had almost exploded and someone definitely needed to be penetrated until I came, whether it was my girlfriend, her mother, or Ema at that moment.
When one has a heat that's about to break the elastic of their pajamas, clearly they can't reason well, or better said, they can only reason with too much intelligence to provoke a situation where they can relieve their lust without thinking about the consequences and I was in that point.
Ema once she left her phone on the table and took away her delicious breasts from my face, got into bed, took a bit of the blanket and settled down in the same position as me, reclining on her side with her back to me. Again, I let time pass without doing anything; I'm not sure how much time it was, but all that was going through my head was one plan.
I had the idea that I would get closer to her pretending it was Aimé, hoping that the excuse that I had already agreed to meet my girlfriend in the room for a tasty sex session was set and the lack of light would save me very much. possible problem I was about to get into for trying to have relations with her younger sister.
As the plan was in my mind, the heat took care of everything else, at this point any rubbing of the sheets against my member generated a greater fury and increased my desire to penetrate someone, so I made my move, without thinking about the consequences, I just did it.
I approached Ema slowly from behind, until I was completely stuck to her, my cock still caught in the elastic but had already nestled between her two buttocks, I took her by the waist with my right hand gently and while my left arm gave me height to reach her ear, I started kissing her between her neck and ear, giving her a few very soft bites, and also sucking the skin of her neck very slowly, enough for her to feel it but not strong enough to leave a red mark on her neck.
From the first kiss I gave her, her body reacted completely, her entire skin stood up from head to toe, my hand that was caressing her waist felt like it was standing up, which made her highly sensitive to my caresses. Instinctively Ema lowered her shoulder so I could keep biting and kissing all her neck, alternating with kisses and some passes of my tongue on her whole ear; this caused a rich gem, not a scream, but she opened her mouth slightly and very gently released:
– Ahhhh! – while I was in her ear, I said. – I've been waiting for you for a good long time, I can't take it anymore to be inside of you –
I made my body move back a little and with my right hand made her turn around too, so she ended up facing me and I started kissing her on the lips. We kissed intensely, our lips desperately meeting and our tongues quickly finding each other, were kisses full of too much intensity, she automatically put her hand on my cheek and I lifted mine from her waist to her breasts, those delicious breasts that fit perfectly in my hand, together with those nipples that were completely hard, barely pinched them with my fingers, Ema started to moan again.
I quickly took off the shirt she was wearing and searched for one of her rich nipples with my mouth, I passed my tongue full of saliva over it and then sucked it with a lot of force, Ema started exhaling through her mouth every time I moved my head with her nipple between my teeth, it was then that I lowered my hand until I reached her yummy little butt that was soaked, with enormous ease my fingers could caress her clitoris and yes they were doing so with too much force, they were directly entering her vagina, in truth she had too many fluids, with my fingers inside I used my pinky to touch her anus directly, which was also soaked from the juices running out of it. Ema wasn't doing anything but letting herself be carried away, I touched her from the inside and at the same time caressed her bum, which could swear, she was sucking on my pinky.
At this point my member was dripping as much as she was wet, so I got down on my knees on the bed, finally I freed it and brought it to her face; Ema quickly understood when I got down on my knees what I wanted and with her hands started searching for my cock, touched my abdomen, quickly lowered her hand to my erect cock and without thinking much started eating it all. She did it excellently, quickly felt that she was using the inside of her lips to suck me, also filling my member completely with saliva; at moments she would take a break to take a breath and then start masturbating me too fast, only to swallow again, I didn't want it to just end in a blow job, so I quickly got on top of her, arranged the blankets above from me and I took off the lower part of her pajamas. Ema opened my legs immediately while turning back to kiss me, with no effort and absolute precision despite the darkness, my cock entered me deliciously; the lubrication she had made it easy for me to penetrate her. Once my cock was inside, I felt like all her vaginal walls were too hot, almost burning; before starting to put it in and taking it out, I gave her more kisses, a few more bites on her breasts, I separated from her torso a bit and with my hip began to thrust quickly. – Ahh! — Ema moaned while stretching her arms towards her sides and arching her back. I continued with the rapid penetrations, at one point putting her left leg over my left shoulder, and with my right hand searching for her face to put my middle finger in her mouth, which she accepted and started sucking wildly. – Hay! Así! — Ema said with my finger in her mouth while sucking it. -- Ahh! — She moaned again. The sister of my girlfriend was so wet and hot that I could finally ejaculate and what a discharge I had, feeling like liters of semen were coming out of my cock into her vagina which was still burning. I was quite agitated and Ema while I was discharging all my semen inside her, became too rigid again and arched her back while saying – MMmmmmaaaaahhh! — It was a rare mix between a moan and a growl. Already with the sensitivity of having come, any movement she made with my cock inside would make me bend over, so I had to get out of her, I rested on her breasts while telling her how delicious it was. Ema continued to recover her breathing by exhaling through her mouth while petting my head, suddenly with her hands she pulled my face towards hers and we turned back to kiss.
This part of the story will be cut off here. I inform you that all characters involved in this narrative are over 18 years old. Follow me on my blog where they can read new chapters before they are published here or on other sites.
0 comentários - My girlfriend's family: Patriotic parties and my sister-in-l