Hello Poringa friends! My anonymous favorite is back this week to bring you the continuation of my novel about Aurora and José's timidity. I'd like to thank them for all the support they've been giving the novel, as it's one of the most viewed and scored posts I've uploaded so far, and that makes me very happy to know they're enjoying it, despite almost no sexual content, but don't worry, we're almost there jeje. In this chapter, Aurora starts believing she's falling in love with José because she feels protected and calm with him more than with anyone else, and José the same, but due to the short time they've known each other, they don't dare confess their mutual love, but in this chapter they make a big advance in the connection they established since the first day they met. Enough introduction! Time to enjoy the post jeje.Chapter 4: Do I Love Her?After saying goodbye to José, Aurora took the truck that left her near her house. Before entering, she breathed deeply to prepare herself for her mother's excessive scolding, which was a surprise when she opened the door and didn't receive any shouts or calls of attention. This seemed strange but also made her happy, not receiving occasional shouts didn't harm her.
She didn't waste time and ran to her room to lock herself in. Already in her room, she dropped her backpack onto a chair and let herself fall onto the bed to look at the ceiling. She stayed like that for a long time, thoughtful, as if she had entered a limbo in her own mind where she made thousands of questions on various topics and gave herself answers, including obviously unknowns about her friendship with José.
When she quickly recalled it, she came out of that trance and jumped off the bed to head to her desk. She opened her backpack and started solving the tasks at full speed, luckily there weren't many and as she was very intelligent, she could solve them without too much difficulty. When she finished, she took pictures of all the work and passed them on to José so he could simply copy them into his notebooks. It would have been easy for her to take a picture of the task before solving it, but she didn't want José to force himself too much after what had happened hours earlier.
After finishing the task, she started chatting with José and some of her friends for a while to distract herself, however, after a while José excused himself as he had to go home. Aurora understood this and they said their goodbyes. The girl threw away her phone without wanting to keep writing to her friends, she felt too strange and confused, couldn't get that tender and innocent look of José out of her mind and when she thought about him too much, her heart beat strongly against her chest.Aurora:What the hell's going on with me?She said in a low voice.
The girl sat on the edge of her bed and saw a black plush bear she had in a corner of her dark room, got up and took it by the arm to take it to her bed, looked at it for a few seconds and then hugged it. She placed the bear's head on her breasts and started stroking its head, recreating what she had done with José hours earlier at his house. Aurora let herself fall onto the bed with the bear still leaning against her enormous breasts and continued stroking it, imagining it was José's hair she was combing with her soft and delicate fingers.Aurora:Oh boy José... What am I going to do with you?He said in a low voice while petting that plush bear. Aurora turned back to lose herself in her thoughts until she heard the main door open, it was her father returning home from work.Mr. David:Is anyone home or am I alone in the house?! - The man exclaimed in a mocking tone as he saw that no one received him as was customary.Aurora:Here I am, daddy!-Aurora screams from her room as she comes out of the trance again in which she was.Mr. David:¿What's up daughter?! ¿Where is your mother?!
Aurora:I don't know, when I got home she wasn't there!Aurora's father went up to the second floor where Aurora was waiting for him to give her a strong welcoming hug.Mr. David:How was school for you today, daughter?Aurora: Good dad, nothing out of this world... except for what happened during recess there was no news at all.
Mr. David:I'm delighted to see you, daughter... -The gentleman turned in all directions to make sure his wife wasn't around to ask a question. –Hey, and what about that boy José, how did he turn out?Aurora:Better now, he cured his eye and a pimple I had on one of her cheeks.
Mr. David:Ah... look how good, that boy is a lucky one, he got taken care of by the most beautiful nurse in the world.Aurora: That echoes and leaves me thoughtful... maybe I don't want to be a graphic designer after all, maybe I want to study nursing when I graduate from prep school.
Mr. David:What I've always told you, my girl, is to study what you're most passionate about, if your mother doesn't think so we can always run haha.Aurora: Haha yeah... Jose would have said something similar...
Mr. David:I don't even know him and my neighbor already likes me.Aurora:Ah dad, don't start it, he's not my boyfriend, we're just close friends.
Mr. David:If I knew, pardon for that joke, but you should accept what your mother proposed last time, it wouldn't be bad if you invited him to come, we would surely have a great surprise.Aurora:How do you think? Mom would surely have a heart attack if she found out he brought it home to the house.Mr. David:Is he also a vampire like you?Aurora:Haha... no dad, he's not gothic... or who knows, he still hasn't chosen his style well, although if he feels fascination for that fashion, I saw him very interested when I explained to him what it means to be a goth.
Mr. David:Ah look how good, anyway daughter, don't get into trouble and don't mention José anymore in front of your mother, you know how it is, if she asks I'll give you a good scolding... Is that okay?Aurora:Understood sir daddy haha.After finishing her speech, they heard the main door opening rapidly, Mrs. of the house had arrived.Mrs. Tamara:Did Aurora already arrive?!Aurora: Speaking of the Queen of RomeHe said quietly. -If mom has arrived yet!
Mrs. Tamara:Get down right now, miss! Aurora was already lining up under the stairs to receive the scolding from her mother this time, but this time Mrs. would take it to the extreme, yes, to the extreme.Mrs. Tamara:What the hell were you doing, devil girl?! I was calling and calling you and nothing, until you sent me to voicemail! - The lady was yelling angrily. - I even thought you'd been kidnapped!Aurora: Oh my God, mom!-Scream also Aurora fed up with.-I went with my friends to talk about what happened at school.After hearing the screams of both fetuses, Mr. David rushed down to try to calm his wife and daughter.Mr. David:Enough! Stop fighting, calm down.Mrs. Tamara:Shut up! What didn't you suppose you'd bring Aurora to the house after scolding her?!Mr. David:Okay... if I scolded her, but don't get worked up, I had to go back to work, no way to take it with me. - He replied nervously. - And all this, where were you?Mrs. Tamara:What's not obvious? I went to the police station to report that our daughter was lost, but those very unfortunate ones said they have to wait 72 hours before searching for someone.Aurora:Oh mom this is the limit! Now you've gone too far!I'm complaining to Aurora's mother very annoyed.That's not love anymore! It's overprotecting and in a very unhealthy way!
Mrs. Tamara:I had to do it for your own good! Your father doesn't even care about your safety, I'm sure he wouldn't scold you, right? Aurora and her father only turned around to see us in silence.Mrs. Tamara:Aurora! I absolutely forbid you from getting together with that problematic boy again!Aurora: I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY!–Screaming madly. –Your prohibitions don't matter to me, I'll keep getting together with him because he's my best friend! AND THAT'S IT!Mrs. Tamara:See if it's true, let's see how you can get together with him after I change schools, I won't let another degenerate hit on you, like what happened to Adrian.
Aurora only growled in anger and then her mom called her crazy dad calm the situation and forced Aurora to go to her room while her mother calmed down. Aurora obeyed and then slammed the door of her room as a sign of rage, turned back to lie on her bed visibly seasick from the stress caused by her mother.Aurora:Damned be it! This time indeed went over the line!I exclaim. Aurora used to take long baths to unwind and especially now that her mother had driven her crazy with so much anger she made her go through. Already in the shower, completely naked, she started cleaning her beautiful body with soap, it was a slow and relaxing session, but at the moment of passing it over her breasts to finish cleaning something strange happened, it was like a sudden spark igniting in her brain that made her imagine again that her hands were José's caressing her sculptural body.
Aurora didn't usually masturbate like most women do, she found pleasure by lightly caressing her body with the tip of her fingers and this was happening now. With her fingers, she ran along the curves of her body, starting from her waist to her breasts, lightly rubbing her nipples until they became hard as stones and repeated that process over and over again. She let out sigh after sigh of excitement and the hot water falling on her delicate skin only made her blood boil even more and carried her to a state of absolute pleasure and bliss.
After a long time of caressing herself, she started squeezing her huge mountains for a good while, pressing them with such force that her sighs intensified and turned into slightly strong whimpers due to the pleasure she was giving herself. To top it off, she pressed her pink nipples very hard until they made her let out a faint scream before returning to her trance.Aurora:Ah! José!Aurora looked around her bathroom again, confused, having lost all sense of time, she didn't know how long she had been in that trance, but it must have been a lot because her fingertips were already wrinkled like raisins. She quickly got out of the shower and took a towel to lightly dry off the excess water, put on her robe and before leaving looked in the foggy mirror from the hot water and with one of her fingers wrote the letter J at the height of her heart making a clear reference to José.Aurora:What the hell is going on with me?He said in a low voice.-Is it that... I'm falling for José? No! Don't think about those things, we're just friends, don't do anything that would ruin the friendship you have with him Aurora, calm down.The gothic girl got out of her bathroom and after drying her body, her cell phone started ringing, it was her best friend Paola who was calling. She sat on the edge of her bed still in her bathrobe and crossed her legs showing off her plump thighs.Aurora:Hello?
Paola:Hello? You write me as if I were a stranger haha How have you been lost?Aurora:So, so... and you?
Paola: Do you have something going on?Aurora:No, nothing why?
Paola:You listen strangely.Aurora:Hmm...He let out a sigh.I have to confess something to you, do you remember my college roommate José?
Paola:What are you still talking about that? Can't remember what? What's going on with him?Aurora:I think I'm starting to fall in love with him...
Paola:What?! -His amazed friend replied. -Aurora, you haven't even known him for a week, don't be ridiculous.Aurora: I already know it! But... it's just that I can't get him out of my head, at all times I'm thinking about him and his little tender eyes that have so much tenderness to them...
Paola:Ayyy... you seem like the star of a cheap telenovela, it's not bad that you feel tenderness for him but love? You met him on Friday, right? It's Friday, Saturday, Sunday and today Monday... Don't be ridiculous! Only 4 days have passed since you met and you're saying you're in love, no way, girl, you're just really hungover now.Aurora: You don't have to remind me... but I think I'm sure he's not like the rest of the idiots trying to hit on me.
Paola:This is what everyone says, but in the end they're taking advantage of or playing with your feelings, it's too soon to draw conclusions, maybe he's a good guy but maybe not, you'll have to figure it out for yourself anyway before asking him to be your boyfriend.Aurora: I have a date with him on Saturday.
Paola:Perfect! You can put it to the test.Aurora:How?
Paola:Dress provocatively without exaggeration! And see his reaction, try to be a little flirtatious with some men to see how they behave in those situations; if he gets uncomfortable or annoyed it's a bad sign. If you think that bothers him, try being flirtatious with him. That might help you know what he's really like, try to get to know him better, maybe they don't even have things in common and as time passes and your mind clears up you can already make a decision.Aurora:It sounds extreme, but honestly I don't have better ideas, so... I'll do it.Aurora and her friend started talking about other things to try to forget about José for a moment, but the latter made an appearance by sending Aurora a new message after finishing his homework. Barely had that happened when Aurora quickly bid farewell to her friend and focused all her attention on messaging with José, it was a very similar conversation to the one she had with her friend, but the difference is that here Aurora seemed more enthusiastic about chatting and telling him things than in her own best friend.José:Did you dump your friend so we could talk?Aurora:Yes, I'm more interested in knowing how you're doing... after everything that happened.
José: Good... you're flattering me, but I think you shouldn't dismiss your friends like that just to talk to someone else, regardless of whether it's with me or with someone else.Aurora:Wow... I think you're right, maybe I was a bit rough on her, I'll apologize to her next time I see her.The girl who was really left amazed by the advice José gave her, the one not to leave behind friends when they are in a relationship or on their way to form one. The hours passed and at no moment did both of them get tired of writing each other, even while Aurora was having dinner she didn't leave her cell phone, something she normally almost never did, but with José she felt different, so she would feel very happy and comfortable writing to someone she trusted, feeling listened to and happy.
The days passed with total normality, thanks to the suspension of Andrés, his annoying little dogs didn't bother Aurora or José anymore, now everyone at school feared the gothic girl after finding out about her monstrous strength and in a certain way it made her feel powerful and respected, no longer just having her slave but now the respect of everyone at school. Luckily for her, her mother's threats to change schools weren't valid, since who pays the tuition is her father and he decided not to change her school for obvious reasons.
Aurora was going home like usual to José's house not only to do the physics project but also to do homework together and study. Of course Aurora took advantage of José a couple of times, after all he was her slave and his rewards were less and less, sometimes she would let him touch her ass and other times even her breasts, what she loved most was seeing José's innocent reactions when that happened.
Aurora felt very comfortable at José's house and hated having to leave, since she had to say goodbye to that peace and goodbye to her new romantic interest, José's timid one, but it was only momentary, now she spent more time at his house than in her own home.
However, things got interesting on Friday, a day before their much-anticipated date that both of them had been planning all week. Aurora woke up early as usual and then after doing her morning routines, she headed to her room to get ready; previously throughout the week, she had tried different makeup styles to see which one made José stare at her more and came to the conclusion that the makeup style José loved most was also hers; black eye shadows and purple lipsticks painted black. Due to the cold weather change this time, she didn't want to wear a skirt, so she wore some black jeans that accentuated her huge behind even more, put on a long-sleeved blouse with skull prints and a quite thick jacket to stay warm. Her father agreed to take her this time, as he knew it wasn't a good idea for his wife to take Aurora to school, since she was still upset about not being able to change Aurora's school and was even angrier because she couldn't stop Aurora from hanging out with José. After arriving 30 minutes before classes started, as usual, Aurora said goodbye to her father and entered the courts where most students gather before the bell rings, and on a fairly hidden bench, she noticed that her tall and shy friend was sitting there almost freezing to death since he didn't even have a sweater.Aurora: !Good morning José!I greet you with quite enthusiasm.José:By... good days... Dawn - She responded with difficulty due to the cold.Aurora:Do you talk like that because you're cold? Or are you really nervous about seeing me?
José: I have... much... much cold...
Aurora places one of her fine hands on José's right cheek to take a great surprise that worries her too much.
Aurora: Good grief! You're frozen, don't you have sweaters or what?
José:If... if I have it, but... I didn't think it was going to be this cold... hehe.Aurora:Oh, what a brute you are!I'm annoyed to see that José still doesn't take good care of himself as he had promised.José:I'm sorry... the weather is very crazy too, it was hot yesterday and suddenly it's cold today.
Aurora only gave him a light slap on the head as a sign of anger and sat down next to him.Aurora: Of course you're a great idiot. What's supposed to make you start taking care of yourself more?
José:If only I'm sorry, I'm working on it, I swear, just that sometimes I forget... but... now that I remember, my reward is still valid, isn't it? jeje.
Aurora startled by José's boldness, that was something new, but... How can you refuse in front of that lovely gaze he throws at me and which Aurora loves so much?Aurora: !Besides a stupid profiteer!... but you're right... it's okay, come closer.José clung more to Aurora and she opened her jacket to semi-cover his torso, lifted her legs onto the bench to face José and hug him, rested her head on José's chest and covered part of the back of this last with her arms. Aurora was almost lying on her slave friend and for some reason, felt strangely comfortable in that position.Aurora: Better?Asked.José:Much better... thanks...Aurora: You're lucky I owe you your reward, otherwise I would have left you to die of cold, see if that gets rid of the stupid thing in you.
José: Heh... if I forgive him, it won't happen again, I promise.Aurora: I'm not playing around José, I want you to start taking better care of yourself, not just your appearance, but also your health which is more important.
José:If... I promise you.
After that brief chat, both of them remained silent, and Aurora was suddenly invaded by a strange but pleasant comfort, being reclined on the chest of her friend and feeling his heartbeats as well as José's tranquil breathing, which provoked a sense of wellbeing in her, so much so that she gradually fell asleep lying on her slave.
José realized that Aurora had fallen asleep, any other boy would have taken advantage of it and manhandled or kissed her shamelessly, but he didn't, instead he hugged her to prevent her from falling off and arranged her better on his body so that Aurora could sleep more peacefully. The boy was in heaven, Aurora's warm body was like always, smelled quite well, and her skin was very smooth.
As for Aurora, the girl was sleeping very tranquilly, being in her best friend's arms made her feel somehow protected, even though she knew how to defend herself fairly well, it was also good for her that someone defended her when she felt vulnerable. She even snuggled closer into José's chest to feel better his deep breathing and light heartbeats and despite both denying they were a couple, anyone who didn't know them would think they were a lovely and very affectionate pair seeing them in that position.
However, the bell rang and Aurora woke up with a sudden grumble of frustration since she was very comfortable sleeping on José, but he calmed her down telling her she could use him as a pillow whenever she wanted, but for now they had to go to classes, both took their backpacks and headed to the classroom, having another boring day until the exit bell rang and as usual, Aurora and José went to his peaceful home. physical José lay on his stomach on the floor, why? Who knows but he did haha. Aurora, on the other hand, had stayed seated in the center of José's bed, was barefoot, after all, they had a lot of confidence and José had made it clear to Aurora that she was at home and could do what she wanted. Her plan was clear, finish all her work once to have the whole weekend free to enjoy her date tomorrow without worries. When Aurora finished with her work, she approached the edge of the bed to see José who was still writing almost done. The girl swallowed saliva as she was nervous about what she wanted to do, but took courage and slowly lowered her feet to José's back and started caressing it with them which caused the boy to jump in surprise since it happened suddenly.Aurora: Do you mind?I'm asking nervously.José:Uh... this... no... not at all, actually it feels quite good hehe...Aurora:Will you let me continue?José responded affirmatively and Aurora continued massaging José's broad back with her delicate feet, after a while using her fingers to lift part of José's undershirt and exposing some of his back, then continuing with the caresses now having direct contact with him. The soft and tender feet of Aurora wandered all over José's back and this being very ticklish he quickly started laughing and his skin tightened.
Aurora noticed this and began to torture him playfully with her feet, recognizing the most sensitive spots on José's back and using them against him to make him laugh even more. José couldn't take it anymore and turned over onto his stomach, thus protecting his back, but Aurora wasn't willing to stop, now that she knew José was very ticklish she continued torturing him, in a clever move lifting José's undershirt to expose his stomach and making him laugh even harder than before, and to protect himself he firmly grasped Aurora's ankles with both hands.
Both of them turned over to see what had happened and started laughing at it. José was still holding onto Aurora's ankles to prevent her from moving her feet and making him ticklish again, but also so that the girl wouldn't move them away from his body because for some reason he loved having those two beauties close to him.Aurora:Will you let me keep caressing you? I won't make you tickle again, I promise.
José:Okay... but if you tickle me again I'll bite your fingers haha. José released Aurora's ankles and she started walking her delicate fingers over José's chest and stomach again. The young man began to relax, so much that he placed his two hands under his head, giving free rein to the gothic of following him with her feet, caressing and massaging everything she wanted on his body. It made a long journey across the boy's entire body, starting from the belly, then the chest, and finally his arms before returning and repeating the process over and over again.Aurora:José...
José:Tell me. - He responded, keeping his eyes closed and enjoying the caresses.Aurora:Do you think I'm pretty?He asked nervously, placing her feet on José's chest.José:Excuse me? - José jumped in surprise at hearing the question Aurora asked him.Aurora: So... do you think I'm pretty? Please... be sincere, I won't get mad at what you say.José opened his eyes to see Aurora's face, after looking at it for a long time he walked his gaze over the entire anatomy of the girl until he reached her feet, without any kind of fear he gently grabbed her ankles and started caressing them. He swallowed saliva and gave a more than beautiful compliment to his best friend.José:Beautiful?... with all respect… I think that word is very small for you, you are more than that, you are very beautiful… your eyes are precious and unique, full of curiosity and intrigue… Answering the question, no, you're not beautiful, you're very beautiful, what do I say, you're an angel and not just talking about physical but also mental and spiritual… you're a girl filled with life and positive energy, a person who can truly be called a friend because you're there for the good times and bad, you've changed my life in ways I don't even know, before I met you my life was gray, but... now I can say that... finally I can smile.
Aurora's heart beat strongly against her chest, José's words enchanted her more than anyone else, not even her previous boyfriend had said such beautiful phrases to her and what she loved most was that José almost didn't touch on the topic of her physical appearance, but rather the value of her friendship and that obviously caused her conviction about being in love with José to grow significantly more.Aurora: Aww... thank you, that's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever told me.
José: Because it's the truth, you're an incredible girl, I can't be more grateful to be your friend and yes, also your slave haha... and do you also consider me handsome? Haha.Aurora: HAHA... honestly I don't know why they make fun of your physical appearance so much at school, you look quite handsome to me, your little eyes are what I like most about you... you have a very innocent look and a very tender smile... besides, you're one of the few guys who don't stare at me when I wear a skirt and now that I think about it, I've never heard you judge my appearance or my way of dressing... I think I've never heard you judge anyone else either, which shows a lot of maturity in your personality...Both looked at each other fixedly, it seemed they wanted to devour kisses, but maybe due to fear or because both were aware that it was still too early to establish a serious relationship, they didn't dare to do so, which if anything passed is when Aurora moved her feet away from José and he stood up, Aurora grabbed him between his arms, giving him a strong hug that was reciprocated by the boy.Aurora:You are the best person I've ever known... I love you a lot José and it scares me to lose you.
José:Will I lose myself? That will NEVER happen, there is no human or divine force that can make our marriage end... That's a word from one man to one woman.Aurora: Will you promise me?
José:fuck you my word.
Aurora couldn't contain herself and gave José a kiss on the forehead, the boy just smiled and they hugged again. Unfortunately, time passes quickly and Aurora had to leave, but they knew it would be for a short time, as they would have that long-awaited date at the shopping mall tomorrow, where Aurora already had endless plans for her slave and José was more than ready to please his dark mistress in all her whims.
When I got home, the gothic girl snuck in to avoid her mother's scolding at all costs. As usual, Aurora took a bath, again delighting in the caresses she gave herself, and after finishing her bath and putting on her robe, something rare happened, as she looked at herself naked in the mirror, but this time, unlike before, she didn't feel hatred, but instead felt happy to have that beautiful body, knowing José loved it and could use it against him for his entertainment.
She picked up her robe, dried off her sexy body, put on her pajamas and got into bed ready to sleep, not without writing a little with her friends and of course, with José. When the boy went to sleep, Aurora took the teddy bear from her room and fell asleep hugging it, imagining it was José.
It was obvious that what Aurora felt for José was genuine love, but for now, she was going to have some fun torturing him like her slave before moving on to the next level...
And well friends, that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed it just as much or more than previous chapters, if so, please give me 10 points and follow me to stay updated when I post a new one.
Have a hot week jeje, see you.
She didn't waste time and ran to her room to lock herself in. Already in her room, she dropped her backpack onto a chair and let herself fall onto the bed to look at the ceiling. She stayed like that for a long time, thoughtful, as if she had entered a limbo in her own mind where she made thousands of questions on various topics and gave herself answers, including obviously unknowns about her friendship with José.
When she quickly recalled it, she came out of that trance and jumped off the bed to head to her desk. She opened her backpack and started solving the tasks at full speed, luckily there weren't many and as she was very intelligent, she could solve them without too much difficulty. When she finished, she took pictures of all the work and passed them on to José so he could simply copy them into his notebooks. It would have been easy for her to take a picture of the task before solving it, but she didn't want José to force himself too much after what had happened hours earlier.
After finishing the task, she started chatting with José and some of her friends for a while to distract herself, however, after a while José excused himself as he had to go home. Aurora understood this and they said their goodbyes. The girl threw away her phone without wanting to keep writing to her friends, she felt too strange and confused, couldn't get that tender and innocent look of José out of her mind and when she thought about him too much, her heart beat strongly against her chest.Aurora:What the hell's going on with me?She said in a low voice.
The girl sat on the edge of her bed and saw a black plush bear she had in a corner of her dark room, got up and took it by the arm to take it to her bed, looked at it for a few seconds and then hugged it. She placed the bear's head on her breasts and started stroking its head, recreating what she had done with José hours earlier at his house. Aurora let herself fall onto the bed with the bear still leaning against her enormous breasts and continued stroking it, imagining it was José's hair she was combing with her soft and delicate fingers.Aurora:Oh boy José... What am I going to do with you?He said in a low voice while petting that plush bear. Aurora turned back to lose herself in her thoughts until she heard the main door open, it was her father returning home from work.Mr. David:Is anyone home or am I alone in the house?! - The man exclaimed in a mocking tone as he saw that no one received him as was customary.Aurora:Here I am, daddy!-Aurora screams from her room as she comes out of the trance again in which she was.Mr. David:¿What's up daughter?! ¿Where is your mother?!
Aurora:I don't know, when I got home she wasn't there!Aurora's father went up to the second floor where Aurora was waiting for him to give her a strong welcoming hug.Mr. David:How was school for you today, daughter?Aurora: Good dad, nothing out of this world... except for what happened during recess there was no news at all.
Mr. David:I'm delighted to see you, daughter... -The gentleman turned in all directions to make sure his wife wasn't around to ask a question. –Hey, and what about that boy José, how did he turn out?Aurora:Better now, he cured his eye and a pimple I had on one of her cheeks.
Mr. David:Ah... look how good, that boy is a lucky one, he got taken care of by the most beautiful nurse in the world.Aurora: That echoes and leaves me thoughtful... maybe I don't want to be a graphic designer after all, maybe I want to study nursing when I graduate from prep school.
Mr. David:What I've always told you, my girl, is to study what you're most passionate about, if your mother doesn't think so we can always run haha.Aurora: Haha yeah... Jose would have said something similar...
Mr. David:I don't even know him and my neighbor already likes me.Aurora:Ah dad, don't start it, he's not my boyfriend, we're just close friends.
Mr. David:If I knew, pardon for that joke, but you should accept what your mother proposed last time, it wouldn't be bad if you invited him to come, we would surely have a great surprise.Aurora:How do you think? Mom would surely have a heart attack if she found out he brought it home to the house.Mr. David:Is he also a vampire like you?Aurora:Haha... no dad, he's not gothic... or who knows, he still hasn't chosen his style well, although if he feels fascination for that fashion, I saw him very interested when I explained to him what it means to be a goth.
Mr. David:Ah look how good, anyway daughter, don't get into trouble and don't mention José anymore in front of your mother, you know how it is, if she asks I'll give you a good scolding... Is that okay?Aurora:Understood sir daddy haha.After finishing her speech, they heard the main door opening rapidly, Mrs. of the house had arrived.Mrs. Tamara:Did Aurora already arrive?!Aurora: Speaking of the Queen of RomeHe said quietly. -If mom has arrived yet!
Mrs. Tamara:Get down right now, miss! Aurora was already lining up under the stairs to receive the scolding from her mother this time, but this time Mrs. would take it to the extreme, yes, to the extreme.Mrs. Tamara:What the hell were you doing, devil girl?! I was calling and calling you and nothing, until you sent me to voicemail! - The lady was yelling angrily. - I even thought you'd been kidnapped!Aurora: Oh my God, mom!-Scream also Aurora fed up with.-I went with my friends to talk about what happened at school.After hearing the screams of both fetuses, Mr. David rushed down to try to calm his wife and daughter.Mr. David:Enough! Stop fighting, calm down.Mrs. Tamara:Shut up! What didn't you suppose you'd bring Aurora to the house after scolding her?!Mr. David:Okay... if I scolded her, but don't get worked up, I had to go back to work, no way to take it with me. - He replied nervously. - And all this, where were you?Mrs. Tamara:What's not obvious? I went to the police station to report that our daughter was lost, but those very unfortunate ones said they have to wait 72 hours before searching for someone.Aurora:Oh mom this is the limit! Now you've gone too far!I'm complaining to Aurora's mother very annoyed.That's not love anymore! It's overprotecting and in a very unhealthy way!
Mrs. Tamara:I had to do it for your own good! Your father doesn't even care about your safety, I'm sure he wouldn't scold you, right? Aurora and her father only turned around to see us in silence.Mrs. Tamara:Aurora! I absolutely forbid you from getting together with that problematic boy again!Aurora: I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY!–Screaming madly. –Your prohibitions don't matter to me, I'll keep getting together with him because he's my best friend! AND THAT'S IT!Mrs. Tamara:See if it's true, let's see how you can get together with him after I change schools, I won't let another degenerate hit on you, like what happened to Adrian.
Aurora only growled in anger and then her mom called her crazy dad calm the situation and forced Aurora to go to her room while her mother calmed down. Aurora obeyed and then slammed the door of her room as a sign of rage, turned back to lie on her bed visibly seasick from the stress caused by her mother.Aurora:Damned be it! This time indeed went over the line!I exclaim. Aurora used to take long baths to unwind and especially now that her mother had driven her crazy with so much anger she made her go through. Already in the shower, completely naked, she started cleaning her beautiful body with soap, it was a slow and relaxing session, but at the moment of passing it over her breasts to finish cleaning something strange happened, it was like a sudden spark igniting in her brain that made her imagine again that her hands were José's caressing her sculptural body.

After a long time of caressing herself, she started squeezing her huge mountains for a good while, pressing them with such force that her sighs intensified and turned into slightly strong whimpers due to the pleasure she was giving herself. To top it off, she pressed her pink nipples very hard until they made her let out a faint scream before returning to her trance.Aurora:Ah! José!Aurora looked around her bathroom again, confused, having lost all sense of time, she didn't know how long she had been in that trance, but it must have been a lot because her fingertips were already wrinkled like raisins. She quickly got out of the shower and took a towel to lightly dry off the excess water, put on her robe and before leaving looked in the foggy mirror from the hot water and with one of her fingers wrote the letter J at the height of her heart making a clear reference to José.Aurora:What the hell is going on with me?He said in a low voice.-Is it that... I'm falling for José? No! Don't think about those things, we're just friends, don't do anything that would ruin the friendship you have with him Aurora, calm down.The gothic girl got out of her bathroom and after drying her body, her cell phone started ringing, it was her best friend Paola who was calling. She sat on the edge of her bed still in her bathrobe and crossed her legs showing off her plump thighs.Aurora:Hello?
Paola:Hello? You write me as if I were a stranger haha How have you been lost?Aurora:So, so... and you?
Paola: Do you have something going on?Aurora:No, nothing why?
Paola:You listen strangely.Aurora:Hmm...He let out a sigh.I have to confess something to you, do you remember my college roommate José?
Paola:What are you still talking about that? Can't remember what? What's going on with him?Aurora:I think I'm starting to fall in love with him...
Paola:What?! -His amazed friend replied. -Aurora, you haven't even known him for a week, don't be ridiculous.Aurora: I already know it! But... it's just that I can't get him out of my head, at all times I'm thinking about him and his little tender eyes that have so much tenderness to them...
Paola:Ayyy... you seem like the star of a cheap telenovela, it's not bad that you feel tenderness for him but love? You met him on Friday, right? It's Friday, Saturday, Sunday and today Monday... Don't be ridiculous! Only 4 days have passed since you met and you're saying you're in love, no way, girl, you're just really hungover now.Aurora: You don't have to remind me... but I think I'm sure he's not like the rest of the idiots trying to hit on me.
Paola:This is what everyone says, but in the end they're taking advantage of or playing with your feelings, it's too soon to draw conclusions, maybe he's a good guy but maybe not, you'll have to figure it out for yourself anyway before asking him to be your boyfriend.Aurora: I have a date with him on Saturday.
Paola:Perfect! You can put it to the test.Aurora:How?
Paola:Dress provocatively without exaggeration! And see his reaction, try to be a little flirtatious with some men to see how they behave in those situations; if he gets uncomfortable or annoyed it's a bad sign. If you think that bothers him, try being flirtatious with him. That might help you know what he's really like, try to get to know him better, maybe they don't even have things in common and as time passes and your mind clears up you can already make a decision.Aurora:It sounds extreme, but honestly I don't have better ideas, so... I'll do it.Aurora and her friend started talking about other things to try to forget about José for a moment, but the latter made an appearance by sending Aurora a new message after finishing his homework. Barely had that happened when Aurora quickly bid farewell to her friend and focused all her attention on messaging with José, it was a very similar conversation to the one she had with her friend, but the difference is that here Aurora seemed more enthusiastic about chatting and telling him things than in her own best friend.José:Did you dump your friend so we could talk?Aurora:Yes, I'm more interested in knowing how you're doing... after everything that happened.
José: Good... you're flattering me, but I think you shouldn't dismiss your friends like that just to talk to someone else, regardless of whether it's with me or with someone else.Aurora:Wow... I think you're right, maybe I was a bit rough on her, I'll apologize to her next time I see her.The girl who was really left amazed by the advice José gave her, the one not to leave behind friends when they are in a relationship or on their way to form one. The hours passed and at no moment did both of them get tired of writing each other, even while Aurora was having dinner she didn't leave her cell phone, something she normally almost never did, but with José she felt different, so she would feel very happy and comfortable writing to someone she trusted, feeling listened to and happy.
The days passed with total normality, thanks to the suspension of Andrés, his annoying little dogs didn't bother Aurora or José anymore, now everyone at school feared the gothic girl after finding out about her monstrous strength and in a certain way it made her feel powerful and respected, no longer just having her slave but now the respect of everyone at school. Luckily for her, her mother's threats to change schools weren't valid, since who pays the tuition is her father and he decided not to change her school for obvious reasons.
Aurora was going home like usual to José's house not only to do the physics project but also to do homework together and study. Of course Aurora took advantage of José a couple of times, after all he was her slave and his rewards were less and less, sometimes she would let him touch her ass and other times even her breasts, what she loved most was seeing José's innocent reactions when that happened.
Aurora felt very comfortable at José's house and hated having to leave, since she had to say goodbye to that peace and goodbye to her new romantic interest, José's timid one, but it was only momentary, now she spent more time at his house than in her own home.
However, things got interesting on Friday, a day before their much-anticipated date that both of them had been planning all week. Aurora woke up early as usual and then after doing her morning routines, she headed to her room to get ready; previously throughout the week, she had tried different makeup styles to see which one made José stare at her more and came to the conclusion that the makeup style José loved most was also hers; black eye shadows and purple lipsticks painted black. Due to the cold weather change this time, she didn't want to wear a skirt, so she wore some black jeans that accentuated her huge behind even more, put on a long-sleeved blouse with skull prints and a quite thick jacket to stay warm. Her father agreed to take her this time, as he knew it wasn't a good idea for his wife to take Aurora to school, since she was still upset about not being able to change Aurora's school and was even angrier because she couldn't stop Aurora from hanging out with José. After arriving 30 minutes before classes started, as usual, Aurora said goodbye to her father and entered the courts where most students gather before the bell rings, and on a fairly hidden bench, she noticed that her tall and shy friend was sitting there almost freezing to death since he didn't even have a sweater.Aurora: !Good morning José!I greet you with quite enthusiasm.José:By... good days... Dawn - She responded with difficulty due to the cold.Aurora:Do you talk like that because you're cold? Or are you really nervous about seeing me?
José: I have... much... much cold...
Aurora places one of her fine hands on José's right cheek to take a great surprise that worries her too much.
Aurora: Good grief! You're frozen, don't you have sweaters or what?
José:If... if I have it, but... I didn't think it was going to be this cold... hehe.Aurora:Oh, what a brute you are!I'm annoyed to see that José still doesn't take good care of himself as he had promised.José:I'm sorry... the weather is very crazy too, it was hot yesterday and suddenly it's cold today.
Aurora only gave him a light slap on the head as a sign of anger and sat down next to him.Aurora: Of course you're a great idiot. What's supposed to make you start taking care of yourself more?
José:If only I'm sorry, I'm working on it, I swear, just that sometimes I forget... but... now that I remember, my reward is still valid, isn't it? jeje.
Aurora startled by José's boldness, that was something new, but... How can you refuse in front of that lovely gaze he throws at me and which Aurora loves so much?Aurora: !Besides a stupid profiteer!... but you're right... it's okay, come closer.José clung more to Aurora and she opened her jacket to semi-cover his torso, lifted her legs onto the bench to face José and hug him, rested her head on José's chest and covered part of the back of this last with her arms. Aurora was almost lying on her slave friend and for some reason, felt strangely comfortable in that position.Aurora: Better?Asked.José:Much better... thanks...Aurora: You're lucky I owe you your reward, otherwise I would have left you to die of cold, see if that gets rid of the stupid thing in you.
José: Heh... if I forgive him, it won't happen again, I promise.Aurora: I'm not playing around José, I want you to start taking better care of yourself, not just your appearance, but also your health which is more important.
José:If... I promise you.
After that brief chat, both of them remained silent, and Aurora was suddenly invaded by a strange but pleasant comfort, being reclined on the chest of her friend and feeling his heartbeats as well as José's tranquil breathing, which provoked a sense of wellbeing in her, so much so that she gradually fell asleep lying on her slave.
José realized that Aurora had fallen asleep, any other boy would have taken advantage of it and manhandled or kissed her shamelessly, but he didn't, instead he hugged her to prevent her from falling off and arranged her better on his body so that Aurora could sleep more peacefully. The boy was in heaven, Aurora's warm body was like always, smelled quite well, and her skin was very smooth.
As for Aurora, the girl was sleeping very tranquilly, being in her best friend's arms made her feel somehow protected, even though she knew how to defend herself fairly well, it was also good for her that someone defended her when she felt vulnerable. She even snuggled closer into José's chest to feel better his deep breathing and light heartbeats and despite both denying they were a couple, anyone who didn't know them would think they were a lovely and very affectionate pair seeing them in that position.
However, the bell rang and Aurora woke up with a sudden grumble of frustration since she was very comfortable sleeping on José, but he calmed her down telling her she could use him as a pillow whenever she wanted, but for now they had to go to classes, both took their backpacks and headed to the classroom, having another boring day until the exit bell rang and as usual, Aurora and José went to his peaceful home. physical José lay on his stomach on the floor, why? Who knows but he did haha. Aurora, on the other hand, had stayed seated in the center of José's bed, was barefoot, after all, they had a lot of confidence and José had made it clear to Aurora that she was at home and could do what she wanted. Her plan was clear, finish all her work once to have the whole weekend free to enjoy her date tomorrow without worries. When Aurora finished with her work, she approached the edge of the bed to see José who was still writing almost done. The girl swallowed saliva as she was nervous about what she wanted to do, but took courage and slowly lowered her feet to José's back and started caressing it with them which caused the boy to jump in surprise since it happened suddenly.Aurora: Do you mind?I'm asking nervously.José:Uh... this... no... not at all, actually it feels quite good hehe...Aurora:Will you let me continue?José responded affirmatively and Aurora continued massaging José's broad back with her delicate feet, after a while using her fingers to lift part of José's undershirt and exposing some of his back, then continuing with the caresses now having direct contact with him. The soft and tender feet of Aurora wandered all over José's back and this being very ticklish he quickly started laughing and his skin tightened.
Aurora noticed this and began to torture him playfully with her feet, recognizing the most sensitive spots on José's back and using them against him to make him laugh even more. José couldn't take it anymore and turned over onto his stomach, thus protecting his back, but Aurora wasn't willing to stop, now that she knew José was very ticklish she continued torturing him, in a clever move lifting José's undershirt to expose his stomach and making him laugh even harder than before, and to protect himself he firmly grasped Aurora's ankles with both hands.
Both of them turned over to see what had happened and started laughing at it. José was still holding onto Aurora's ankles to prevent her from moving her feet and making him ticklish again, but also so that the girl wouldn't move them away from his body because for some reason he loved having those two beauties close to him.Aurora:Will you let me keep caressing you? I won't make you tickle again, I promise.
José:Okay... but if you tickle me again I'll bite your fingers haha. José released Aurora's ankles and she started walking her delicate fingers over José's chest and stomach again. The young man began to relax, so much that he placed his two hands under his head, giving free rein to the gothic of following him with her feet, caressing and massaging everything she wanted on his body. It made a long journey across the boy's entire body, starting from the belly, then the chest, and finally his arms before returning and repeating the process over and over again.Aurora:José...
José:Tell me. - He responded, keeping his eyes closed and enjoying the caresses.Aurora:Do you think I'm pretty?He asked nervously, placing her feet on José's chest.José:Excuse me? - José jumped in surprise at hearing the question Aurora asked him.Aurora: So... do you think I'm pretty? Please... be sincere, I won't get mad at what you say.José opened his eyes to see Aurora's face, after looking at it for a long time he walked his gaze over the entire anatomy of the girl until he reached her feet, without any kind of fear he gently grabbed her ankles and started caressing them. He swallowed saliva and gave a more than beautiful compliment to his best friend.José:Beautiful?... with all respect… I think that word is very small for you, you are more than that, you are very beautiful… your eyes are precious and unique, full of curiosity and intrigue… Answering the question, no, you're not beautiful, you're very beautiful, what do I say, you're an angel and not just talking about physical but also mental and spiritual… you're a girl filled with life and positive energy, a person who can truly be called a friend because you're there for the good times and bad, you've changed my life in ways I don't even know, before I met you my life was gray, but... now I can say that... finally I can smile.
Aurora's heart beat strongly against her chest, José's words enchanted her more than anyone else, not even her previous boyfriend had said such beautiful phrases to her and what she loved most was that José almost didn't touch on the topic of her physical appearance, but rather the value of her friendship and that obviously caused her conviction about being in love with José to grow significantly more.Aurora: Aww... thank you, that's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever told me.
José: Because it's the truth, you're an incredible girl, I can't be more grateful to be your friend and yes, also your slave haha... and do you also consider me handsome? Haha.Aurora: HAHA... honestly I don't know why they make fun of your physical appearance so much at school, you look quite handsome to me, your little eyes are what I like most about you... you have a very innocent look and a very tender smile... besides, you're one of the few guys who don't stare at me when I wear a skirt and now that I think about it, I've never heard you judge my appearance or my way of dressing... I think I've never heard you judge anyone else either, which shows a lot of maturity in your personality...Both looked at each other fixedly, it seemed they wanted to devour kisses, but maybe due to fear or because both were aware that it was still too early to establish a serious relationship, they didn't dare to do so, which if anything passed is when Aurora moved her feet away from José and he stood up, Aurora grabbed him between his arms, giving him a strong hug that was reciprocated by the boy.Aurora:You are the best person I've ever known... I love you a lot José and it scares me to lose you.
José:Will I lose myself? That will NEVER happen, there is no human or divine force that can make our marriage end... That's a word from one man to one woman.Aurora: Will you promise me?
José:fuck you my word.
Aurora couldn't contain herself and gave José a kiss on the forehead, the boy just smiled and they hugged again. Unfortunately, time passes quickly and Aurora had to leave, but they knew it would be for a short time, as they would have that long-awaited date at the shopping mall tomorrow, where Aurora already had endless plans for her slave and José was more than ready to please his dark mistress in all her whims.
When I got home, the gothic girl snuck in to avoid her mother's scolding at all costs. As usual, Aurora took a bath, again delighting in the caresses she gave herself, and after finishing her bath and putting on her robe, something rare happened, as she looked at herself naked in the mirror, but this time, unlike before, she didn't feel hatred, but instead felt happy to have that beautiful body, knowing José loved it and could use it against him for his entertainment.
She picked up her robe, dried off her sexy body, put on her pajamas and got into bed ready to sleep, not without writing a little with her friends and of course, with José. When the boy went to sleep, Aurora took the teddy bear from her room and fell asleep hugging it, imagining it was José.
It was obvious that what Aurora felt for José was genuine love, but for now, she was going to have some fun torturing him like her slave before moving on to the next level...
And well friends, that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed it just as much or more than previous chapters, if so, please give me 10 points and follow me to stay updated when I post a new one.
Have a hot week jeje, see you.
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