My Aunt Lucia

My Aunt LuciaWhen my mother left, my Aunt Lucia came to live with us. She is the youngest daughter of my grandmother and is only 12 years older than me. She doesn't share the same father as my mother or my other aunts. My grandmother had daughters with three different men. The father of my Aunt Lucia was Peruvian, and she inherited his features. She has dark hair and a lanky build, mixing her paternal Andean features with her grandmother's Portuguese heritage. She is very beautiful and also very sexy to this day. At first, she didn't have much luck with men until she married a good one. She had my cousin Brisa at 15, with a college boyfriend who deflowered her and left her. Her second daughter, Clarinha, was born six years later, at 21, and is the daughter of a doctor who wasn't present but helped a little. The photo above is obviously not real, but she's very similar. At 26, my aunt would go out to parties, loved dancing forró, which is a Brazilian genre compared to cumbia. She taught me how to dance with her. My aunt worked as a hairstylist and every weekend would take sunbaths and go out dancing. Now that I had woken up to women, I didn't hesitate to check her out, my aunt also used to bring her friends over for sunbathing. Unlike my mother, she eventually realized my gazes, at first it caused her unease, but she didn't say anything, it didn't seem important to her. Sometimes she would walk around the house in shorts and minuscule shorts and my grandmother wouldn't hesitate to scold her to dress better. I always dressed like that, ma. I know, but the kid has grown up. And? Am I supposed to dress like an old lady because of it? One day she said, Hey, stop staring at me, mom's always messing with me. I felt embarrassed and tried to avoid it. But it was easy to see her naked, she would take baths in the same bathroom where I had seen my mother for the first time, and I took more care not to get caught. She had bigger breasts than my mother but less butt. As for the pants, she used all the latest My aunt Mónica's store, one smaller than the other. I started to wank myself daily with them and my aunt didn't take any precautions, leaving them there drying in the bathroom or her dirty laundry basket and hanging them out in the backyard. It was a paradise. Her friends were another delight for me. There were two sisters who drove me crazy, Carla and Carine, always coming to the house. They gave me a lot of attention, especially Carla, the older one. I'd listen to them chat and they'd praise me, especially when they saw me dance forró or play guitar. My aunt would tell them not to bother me, that my mother was about to dress me up like a nun because of him. They found it hilarious and asked me uncomfortable questions, like who I liked more? Us or my aunt? Look, I have more booty, eh? Carine was more laid-back, and also the youngest, she didn't talk much, just laughed. As expected, my aunt caught me spying on her in the bathroom, and so my mother came over very annoyed to talk to me and threatened to tell my grandmother, who was still weird about what happened with my mother. In the end, she didn't say anything, since she knew she could count on me for many things, from taking care of her daughters on some outing, to covering up her drunkenness. My grandmother is evangelical and doesn't like alcohol, except wine. At home, my aunt would hide the drink in other containers when she got drunk with her friends. My aunt told them I'd caught her spying and they joked about it. I felt very embarrassed. While I was preparing the barbecue, they made fun of me. When they left, I complained to her. ‐ How are you going to tell them something like that! ‐ I mean, I'm spying on you and I'm the one who's guilty? I didn't speak to her for a few days. She thought it was funny at first, but then she missed the favors I did for her - since I helped my grandmother with everything in the house, even what belonged to her and my cousin. Then she came to talk to me. She was smiling. Already a man, don't be odious, it wasn't anything. You can spy on me if you want, it doesn't bother me at all. That same night I went to see her and she poured water on me, I was waiting for her. She made me fall. I only got some scratches, but she went to see me. She was dying laughing and was probably going to tell her friends from the salon. See what happens to you because of your masturbator? I also laughed. Why don't you get a girlfriend? But I already had one, just that she was my age and I hadn't been able to catch her yet, I was still trying. How do you mean you're still trying? Moderate listen. Oh aunt, what are you saying, if at my age you already had Brisa. Well, and what do you want? To have a child at that age? No, I just want to screw. She laughed. Yeah, no way, you're going to do it anyway. But don't get anyone pregnant who will castrate your grandmother. We gain confidence quickly. Once she asked me about my cousin Sandra and insisted until I confessed. How far did they go? I told her I had sucked her tits. Be careful if Lurdes finds out you'll kill her. Better not suspect anything about my other cousins, Rebeca and Raquel, with whom I went further. From chat to chat my aunt Lucia asked me how far I had gone with a girl and I told her about my mother, obviously without saying who it was. I said I had done and received oral sex. She got curious about knowing who it was and why I wasn't telling, she started throwing names. Sandra? No, nothing to do with it. Is she older than her? Yes. Marisa? No, what's the point. Marisa was a neighbor, my friend Erasmo's mother, a single woman who was said to like dudes. Then she threw out a name that left me thinking: Your aunt Andrea? I don't know what face I made, but she believed it was her. I told her no, but she said my face had given me away. Nothing to do with it, aunt, although she wasn't far from the truth, since I had remembered our conversation about my aunt Andrea. I don't know what secrets she knew about her sister that didn't seem unlikely to her. Watch out Matheus, that thing about aunt and nephew doesn't end well, especially if the husband is a cop, cut it off once and for all. But aunt, nothing. What to see, it's not her. The trust was already so great that one day I asked if the bikinis so far into the Booty didn't bother her. Why? Do you want to use them? She laughed. One gets used to it, Matheus, in fact they seem more comfortable to me. But don't keep looking at me like that, I'm not Andrea.

One Sunday I arrived home from church and she was alone at home sleeping, because for a change she had arrived late from the forró. Her room smelled of alcohol from her breath and probably from that my grandmother had left it open before leaving with the girls to my aunt Monica's house. It was very hot and the fan was disconnected. My aunt slept in the clothes she had gone to the party in, a dark blouse with a mini white skirt, by position I could see her black booty all tucked into her Booty. I went to wake her up for lunch and stayed looking at her.

I sat on the bed and stroked her back, supposedly to wake her up, but I took more time than necessary. She reacted by turning over and now I could see a little of her totally depilated vagina. It was incredible, my aunt was a womanón. I continued stroking her waist and slowly moved to her buttocks. Was she awake? She didn't usually sleep so late, but her sleep was very heavy. My conscience started to struggle and desire won out. I brought my hand in the direction of her pussy. My aunt was lying on her stomach with her head turned to the other side. I reached her pussy. No reaction. I started caressing it outside, but since she didn't react I put a finger through the side of the pants. After a while I dared to wet my finger with saliva and introduced it. I felt the first movements of my aunt and shuddered. I knew I was doing something very wrong, what I didn't know was that she was awake. Never confessed it, but by her subsequent reaction I knew it was so. I would pull out the finger and put it back in, move it, and without wanting to discover something new, I was stimulating her in a different way, one that I hadn't done with any woman yet. My aunt started to give signals and to move more noticeably, until he made a sudden movement as if he woke up. He turned his head and looked at me. What are you doing? His voice was firm but hot. I didn't know what to answer. What are you doing? I replied by putting my finger in deeper and she closed her eyes and sighed. She looked towards the front wall and I continued. She looked back at me and asked if there was no one home. There isn't, I said. She settled in better to receive. After a while, I got tired and told her to put her stomach up. Since my mother sat on my mouth, only two months ago, I had already sucked some girls, including Raquel and Rebeca. My aunt understood what I wanted and got into a good position. I started eating her pussy with enthusiasm and she was breathing slowly, very calmly. Only when it was about to come did she start grabbing my head and pulling my hair hard, but quietly. She also moved in rhythm, an expert at receiving. She asked me to put my finger deeper inside and not take it out, while I sucked her clitoris and lips with my mouth. It took a long time. When I finally came, I was already tired. She took a lot of time. I pulled out my finger all wet and licked it. She asked if Andrea had caught me yet. No aunt, nothing to do with that. She told me to look for a condom in her purse, but there wasn't one. Damn, you're going to have to warn me. Be careful, or you might get pregnant. She introduced herself with the missionary position. We didn't kiss, we just looked at each other. She told me to go slow, but soon she told me to speed up. I warned her that I was about to come. What? Not even farting, I kept going. I waited a while and then, Aunt, I'm coming. Don't mess with Matheus, wait more, it's very tasty. But aunt. Think of bad things, she said. After that, she hugged me with her legs and told me, Grab me hard, Matheus, tear me in two, that's what you wanted, right? I obeyed and gave it to her as hard as I could, burying my cock until I found the bottom. She scratched me. Damn, you're going to... Break. I said for the third time that I was really going to come, thinking about bad things wasn't working. Yeah, she said. Have you ever come on someone's tit? No, I replied. Come in mine, but not even when I got it out and started milking it all. When I reached her tits I was dry. She smiled and said: Can you take one more? She got down on all fours and told me to get the key. My aunt was the first woman I ever had sex with in that position. What an incredible sensation. I could put it in until it hit her skin. And every time I did, my aunt would scream. It took a lot for me to come, in that second time and now yes it was on her tits. After we finished, we went bathing together. I felt like the superman. My aunt scolded me, but it was more of a formality. She had liked it, but didn't intend to repeat it. As for me, I got really turned on having screwed my mother's sister in the same bed where I came in her mouth.

5 comentários - My Aunt Lucia

Qué buena tía. Lo que me llama la atención es por qué no fuiste a vivir con tu madre. Y quiero saber más sobre la señora poca agraciada y la tía Andrea y su marido cana. Buenísimo relato rey 😳👍🏻🤞🏻🔥
Mi madre tenía la esperanza de llevarme algún día, pero nunca sucedió.
Sobre mi tía Andrea. Uh, hay historia. Es una loca. Es cuestión de tener un tiempo para escribir.
@Figliozzi Interesante. Tu madre hoy con quién vive?
Me paso algo similar con mi tia solo que no me desvigó ella.