Hello, I'm uploading the continuation of the story. Again, I apologize for the lack of content and spelling errors. After some time, I went back to Tomas's house to play with him (and to get reacquainted with his mother's unfaithful slut), this time when I knocked on the door, Tomas opened it and said: 'Hello Tomas, how are you?' I said: 'Fine, and you? Come in, come in.' He invited me in and asked if I wanted something to eat, I said yes and we sat down at the table. Then he said: 'Hey, and... where did your mother go?' I said: 'Oh, she went out to look for a friend, it's like my aunt Sammy.' He said: 'Wait, what's her name?' I said: 'Aunt Sammy.' He said: 'Wait, are you talking about Rivers?' And I said: 'Oh yes.' I was left impressed, now Rivers would be at the house too and maybe I could fuck her, all because of making friends with Tomas. We went to his room to play on his PC (I didn't have one so this was something new for me) until I heard the noise from the front door entrance, I looked out to see what was going on and there they were. Rivers was with a tight black short that made me want her bum and vagina, she looked innocent compared to Ari who was a slut without control.
When I saw they were coming towards me, I quickly went to where Tomás was and pretended *the door opens* Ari: hey Tomás, ohh hi Mateo y: ho.. hi a: well, I'm coming to say that I'll be at my set up with Samy (Rivers), if you need us, we'll be there t: okay mom later, I invented an excuse to leave Tomás's room y: hey Tomás, my mom just told me by message that I have to go help her t: okay friend, the entrance door is open y: see you another day friend t: goodbye at that moment instead of leaving, I headed towards Ari's set up where the two sluts were *I knock on the door* Ari: pass *I open the door* a: hi baby rivers: so is it Mateo? a: yes friend a: Samy wants to see how long it is? r: what? a: come on, baby, show her I took off my pants to pull out my cock in front of Rivers, she was surprised as if she had never seen anything like that before Ari: come on, Samy, suck it rivers: p...but it's very big at that moment, I took her by the head and pushed her towards my cock r: ahhg it's very biggg y: ohh yes at that moment, Ari got down and started sucking my balls a: do you like it, baby? (I said while pushing Rivers' head towards me) when I saw the chair where Rivers was sitting, she was contemplating her beautiful, tight ass squeezed by her pants
take them at two o'clock from the head so they suck me between the two a: you have it very big baby and: ah yes, do you like it? a: I love it and: and to you rivers? r: also to me when I heard those words coming from her mouth I returned it to the chair and put it in her pussy
rivers: ah yeah and: do you like being a piece of shit? r: yes, I love having one huge and: you pretend to be innocent but you're a disguised slut r: yeah yeah ari: yeah baby I also want you to break me took ari by the neck while sticking my cock in his ass without stopping I still couldn't believe I was screwing the two most desired whores in the country a: let's go baby put your little thing all the way in y: ah that's what you want slut? a: yes, yeah y: then take it le put my cock so hard that her face became the face of an unimpressed prostitute by the pipe
I put them together showing my ass played with them for a bit and then started recording again and: tell the camera you're Ari to Ari: ahhh your slut... your whore and: what are you Rivers R: a prostitute, I... I love it when they grab me and: haha later they complained that they were sexualized and in reality they loved it Ari: yes Rivers: yes

11 comentários - Ari y rivers: la madre de mi amigo es la streamer más puta