Loser: la victoria del un perdedor (Cap. 1 - El tatuaje)

LOSER - THE VICTORY OF A LOSER | Chapter 1 - The Tattoo of My Best Friend

I am a good guy, the typical good friend, who doesn't like to treat people badly or see others take advantage of them. I'm moderate and respectful, with a hint of pride in my opinions that hides a strong insecurity when relating socially. I always liked reading, especially about animals, flags, dragons, and things like that. However, I never was the typical nerd who locked himself up with glasses and only good grades in his life. I had friends and girlfriends, played soccer, went to camps, and went out dancing.

High school passed without a single girlfriend from the entire school, barely with some kisses in the darkness of a bowling alley and a paid debut sexual experience due to the pity of a group of friends that wasn't much more pleasant than masturbation. I had thought a lot about my relationship with women and my general mediocrity: nice but never handsome, not too ugly but never rare, athletic but not muscular, the typical good friend who listens to his friends talk about cuties and his girlfriends talk about dudes. But I had masturbated a lot more, desiring what seemed impossible, suffocating in frustration that seemed exaggerated but knew it would never leave me.

Time passed and female friendships diluted, transforming into what they were really: hysteria, pity or simple sympathy from them; sexual desire on my part. I only kept relating to my best friend from school, with whom I would stay talking at parties or in the middle of a bowling alley because everyone else was going out with someone and we weren't. Yami, the typical chubby girl from our class, unfairly ignored by the male sector of our class, cruelly punished by her classmates beyond false smiles and some gestures of lukewarm acceptance. With her we would indulge in our failures criticizing with... humor and hatred towards all the others who were rubbing their success in our faces.Loser: la victoria del un perdedor (Cap. 1 - El tatuaje)I never thought of her as a possible partner but always remembered that she was the first breasts I saw in life (as a kid, spying on her at a camp) and the truth is that several times her large breasts had caught my attention, which were the only ones relatively close to me in my life. Time passed and we drifted apart, although we continued speaking through messages and laughing about everything. I kept living as usual, she started hanging out with other people and developing an atmosphere that I couldn't even understand from my science fiction books, something with a fetish for witchcraft, like the charm of astrology but with more Celtic or medieval elements, I suppose. The truth is that we drifted apart and didn't see each other for years.

In those years when I was already over 25, my self-esteem was at rock bottom and to top it off, I had an irreversible drought in terms of women. I had been dating someone for a few months but (due to her religious convictions) there was no more sexual activity than just kisses and touches that didn't satisfy the thirst, quite the opposite. I spent nights with some woman, always with the feeling that both of us were content with each other and done, or always waiting for her to talk to me again after a few hours. I couldn't talk about this with anyone? My friends? They always had it good, they wouldn't understand me? My family? Don't even think about it? Therapy? I couldn't afford it...The truth was desolate. To distract myself and think of something else, I turned to the old recipe of humor and hatred towards others, a stupid but momentarily effective consolation.

One night I received a message from Yami laughing at photos of an ex-girlfriend who was addicted to pills with sunglasses and fake smiles in a pool. Out of curiosity, I saw her profile picture and on her stories she was different: another makeup, tattoos all over the place and a darker attitude than usual, but with a generous Old flame. He told me that in these years he hadn't had a boyfriend and didn't go out to the places where we used to go as kids, and logically I didn't see our former classmates anymore.Big bustI told her that her new vibe suited her better, that she looked happier and she told me that since she had new friends and hung out with a Wicca group (which I only heard mentioned in the Simpsons chapter where Lisa wants to be a witch) she felt very well. Following the conversation, she showed me a striking tattoo between her breasts and caught my attention. She never sent me pictures or talked about things related to her body.MasturbationI not only didn't delete the photos but I kept looking at them for a bit and inevitably started thinking about her tits and got excited to the point of masturbating. It wasn't the first time I did it because of her, but it was the first occasion where I ended up three times in a row and looking at one of her photos, looking at the tattoo. A little while later, in the middle of the night, she sent me a friend request on Facebook (I didn't know she still had an account, I had closed it at some point) and I saw her photos.FriendThe chubby one was a sexy bomb with a tremendous hungry gaze and a demonic attitude, plus a body fully tattooed and curvy that incited not to respect a friendship of many years. First I got really hot and spent whole nights jerking off thinking about her, looking at pictures of her tattoos and thinking over and over again about the one between her two beautiful boobs. Then, I was overcome with tremendous frustration because I realized I had been very close to a cutie who was only fat according to the physical beauty stereotypes we guys and girls in our class/friend group had and she herself defined it that way at least before me. I had had her very very close several times and didn't do anything, just stupid jokes to get out of the situation without too much discomfort. And that summed up my sexual and affective life, or so I thought. And thinking about it, I embarked on a depression so big that I wanted to move away, south of the city, where nobody would know me, renew everything that was mine and think about women and sex as little as possible. And I did, just waiting for the new rented house to be habitable when I received another message from Yami.Tattooed


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