My first time as my cousin's slut...

Hey after a while I'm back with another of my anecdotes...for those who have read the previous ones already know that I can get carried away by the party ... Well, this anecdote starts on a summer day in a house we rented between my family and my sister's fiancé's family, a very big house with park and pool. We spent a week relaxing there, in a place like that I love to be all day in bikini (I take advantage of being well-comfortable) and well, among the family was my brother-in-law, my sister's younger fiancé, who always had doubts if he looked at me or not when I went to his house...that weekend I wanted to clear up those doubts...on one of the days when several people went out to buy food for lunch (the house is in a distant neighborhood so it takes time) I was in bikini and asked my brother-in-law to take some photos by the poolside, please, for me to upload later, no big deal since my sister was one of those in charge of buying groceries, and well we started, I gave him my phone and turned around taking Booty, then I lay down on the floor with Booty up like I was taking sun, got inside the swimming pool hugging my arms so that my tits would pop out a bit, to all this the full shot taking photos and me thinking about clearing up the doubt but nothing more... until I put myself down again by the poolside and after a little while I turned around and saw he was taking pictures of me with his cell phone!!! Me: what's going on? Are you going to keep them? Him: sorry, I don't know what to tell you, I couldn't take it anymore seeing you like that Me: I imagine you won't show them to anyone no? Him: no, nothing to see, you're my cousin, I'm not going to go around showing... Me: and then why did you want them? Him: for this bad?? Me: mmm no but you could have asked me before, brother-in-law Me: ha well, I guess you've already let yourself be carried away jajaj Me: you're a bombom, Mica, and you know drive me crazy moving your bum all over the house in thong Me: ha are you looking at me? Him: always look at you...tell me if you know... I: don't know jaj had the doubt The: with the hard... leave me always that we see each other I: don't not see you like this now The: know how I'm holding on today when you were facing away it was really hard for me to leave... I: will pay more attention next time to see if I see something I like The: look, tell me now if you like... I took her out just remember I didn't have her totally hard but she had a beautiful cock ufff I left her looking at her a bit The: and what do you think mica??? I: very beautiful brother in law I imagine you know how to use it no?? The: that's for you to figure out... We heard the truck and the entrance gate there quickly, I saved her and she went inside so we wouldn't be seen together. Two days later, I touched her again and they all left almost everyone once more, there we both knew if something was going to happen it would be in that moment or never... like 20 minutes after appearing in my room and not wasting time after squeezing for a bit I sat on the bed and she put herself in front of me and took everything off and made me suck her for a bit... The: do you like mica?? Today, take your brother in law's cum I: yes I love it and I love taking my brother in law's cum After 15 minutes of sucking her and fucking her I finished and swallowed all her cum she was really hot... I: now take me like you take my sister The: even though we didn't have much time and couldn't scream as I like the truth is that it was a beautiful, strong, and passionate fuck that leaves you soaked in sweat and your pussy well lubricated.... and well that was our first time but not the only one... Leave your comments, I love reading them and they motivate me to keep sharing my slut stories... kisses!!! Here's one of the photos from that day that I took...Mi primera vez como la puta de mi cuńado....

13 comentários - My first time as my cousin's slut...

Gran relato!!! Cada vez mejor te dejo mis puntos
Gracias!!! Que bueno que gusto
Que fuerza de voluntad hay que tener para pelarla solo a media asta después de ver ese monumento de ogt.
Lo tuyo es criminal, Mica. Pero me alegra que seas tan buena hermana y que te ocupes de que tu cuñado no se tiente afuera.
@mestizo5 gracias soy buena en el fondo no??
Sí, en el fondo. Hay que buscarte la bondad a base de vergazos.
diooos cada vez que te leo mas putita, me encanta y ese culo es una obra de arte
xlrx +1
Hola recién leí tu relato. Es muy lindo la historia que contás , desde mi punto de vista tu cuñado fue un suertudo por qué lo hizo con una mujer muy linda y sexy
@xlrx ayyy que lindo saber eso me encanta que se toquen conmigo
xlrx +1
@Mica532 jajaja pero sinceramente me masturbe pensando en vos . En qué te besaba y acariciaba todo el cuerpo . Sos tan hermosa que no me alcanza las palabras para decirte lo maravillosa que sos. Me enamore de tus historias y de tu cola. Seguí subiendo re
@xlrx ay que lindo gracias!!!!😘😘😘😘😘
Con razón el cuñado estaba como estaba Jajaja, tienen razón que suertudo es, como será la novia o tu hermana? Saludos gente!! 😎
Jajja es bonita
@Mica532 Uff que bueno, ojalá se pudiera ver, que bien, saludos
Q hermosura de cuñada.... A quien no calentarias así si estás re buena
Mica532 +1
@Mica532 sos hermosa mica
xlrx +1
Seguí subiendo relatos porque tenés una cola en donde cualquier hombre podría perderse y encontrarse . Ahora me voy al baño para dedicarte otra paja jaja . Seguí subiendo fotos te mando un beso bombón. Sos una mujer bonita y se me cae la baba por vos
xlrx +1
@Mica532 de nada belleza de mujer seguí subiendo fotos. Fue impresionante la descarga que hice en el baño . Recién soñé como sería tener tu cola entre mis manos y eso me excita. Pero bueno . Cuidate mucho lo linda . Nos vemos . Habla al privado algún día
@xlrx besossssss si ya seguire subiendo fotitos
xlrx +1
@Mica532 ok nos vemos seguí subiendo relatos acerca de tus aventuras querida. Nos vemos . Cuida mucho esa hermosa cola. Hasta la próxima
xlrx +1
Me enamore de ti u hermosa cola. Tenés el más lindo más atractivo y el más poderoso culo del mundo. Te mando un beso nos vemos
xlrx +1
@Mica532 me encanta estoy ahora en la cama y me está creciendo el palo por los mensajes exitantes que mandas. Creo que te voy a dedicar otra paja. Estoy pensando mucho en vos hermosa. Ahhh.
@xlrx gracias amor
xlrx +1
@Mica532 de nada belleza. Escribime algún día. Amo tu cola nos vemos
wow, con mi cuñada, que se ofrecia y me decia esa verga me la como porque me lña como y mi hemana que se joda, te dare de todo lo que quieras y el dia que la cojo, porque estabamois solos en su casa, porque todos se habian ido de viaje incluso mi mujer ya en ese entonces, me dijeron quedate para que la acompañes, hummmm no nos perdonamos, saco unas cervezas de la heladera y a la tercera estabamos en su pieza desnudos y sinb decirnos nada sabiamos a lo que ibamos, amanecimos culiando y las ganas no se nos quitaron, fueron dos dias de garche, con pausas para asearnos comer y seguirla, fyimos amantes casi 10 años.... queria que la preñara... me dejo por eso... y ne divorcie de la mujer hace 7 años ya, pero la cuñada nio la he vuelto a ver ...