What's happening to me? My girlfriend is driving me crazy

Good people I'm telling you something that's happening to me so you can help me and if it happens to you too My girlfriend showed me some bikinis she had before traveling to Cancún, but never used them because she was ashamed of showing too much. She said they were very small, but would look divine on her. I told her to try them and if they fit well, I'd... fuck her right there how beautiful she looked. The thing is that while we were on vacation, we got to the beach and when she took off her shorts, she was wearing that bikini! She never wears revealing clothes in public, but with that bikini, her whole ass was exposed. I felt like everyone was staring at her, there were guys all around us, and it gave me a cramp in my cock. She put sunscreen on her legs naturally, and definitely had guys looking at her fixedly. She walked to the water and I kept gazing at her ass. And by the way, I told her to take some pictures. I kept feeling like men were staring at her ass. She'd look back and if they were looking, it really got me hot knowing they wanted to... with her. Is this normal? What should I do? Here are photos.What's happening to me? My girlfriend is driving me crazy

12 comentários - What's happening to me? My girlfriend is driving me crazy

Dejala que si se quiere cojer a unos cuantos va a ser lo mejor jeje se nota que le gusta probocar a los hombres, bastante putita tu novia jeje
Pregúntale si a ella le gustaría que la compartas.🔥💣
Y si se enoja
Te esta poniendo cuernos con todos los que puede y sabe que te gusta
Es normal amigo y cada vez te va a gustar más y con ese orto seguro que hace rato te metas cuernos de felicito
Tremenda yegua, intercambia por otra yegua, y arma fiestaaaaa entre parejas. Sino pone precio por la yegua
comentale a ella lo que te pasa, preguntale que piensa y si tiene ganas de abrirse a cosas nuevas buscan otro macho y la compartís. Hacen un trio así te sacas las ganas de ver como le dan pija adelante tuyo.
Primero te felicito por tener ese sr.CULO para vos! Y segundo quiere decir que te guataria ya sea que la cojamos otros tipos o quizas que te veamos mientras la cojes...habria que probar.
Tenés ideas y vas encaminado pero subí fotos de tu novia si es que tenés, la de las fotos es chica de insta Pau Miralia, es argentina y las fotos esas como las de Cancún que subiste en el otro relato son de hace dos o tres años, vos fíjate jajaja