Bad Girl

No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post

No te vas a arrepentir


Siempre fui una rebelde, nunca me interesó ser la niña modelo, mis padres me dieron todos los gustos y tal vez por eso soy como soy.
Ellos me tuvieron ya de grandes, cuando morían sus deseos de ser padres, hoy en día pasaron los sesenta años, yo promedio los veinticinco.
Como suele suceder, hija única de una pareja que estaban más cerca de ser abuelos que padres, donde el salto generacional es tan marcado que poco pueden entender, tomé ventaja de cada oportunidad y es cierto que abusé de lo que la vida me había dado.

Perdí la virginidad aun siendo menor, y disfruté cada chico que pasó por mi cama, y también me enredé con chicas, todo había empezado como simples juegos para provocar a los varones, pero concluí que disfrutaba tanto a un sexo como al otro.
Con el correr del tiempo me definí como bisexual, lo mismo me daba, un pene o una vagina, pero llegado a los veinte inclinaría la balanza hacia un lado.

Viví unos años locos, iba a los boliches a emborracharme solo para tener la excusa perfecta de terminar enredada en la cama de algún desconocido o de alguna chica que se dejara conquistar, alguien alguna vez me tomó fotografías con su celular, y llegaron las filmaciones eróticas, y pornográficas, no me molestaba, por el contrario, me encantaban.
Empecé a experimentar con selfies, naturales, provocativas y todo se fue dando, llegaron masturbaciones para mis admiradores tras la lente de mi móvil, me sentía putita, me decían putita, y me portaba como putita, que tenía de malo? joven, bonita, y era feliz con ello.

Poco a poco los hombres empezaron a cansarme, tan básicos, tan predecibles, sin saber cómo tratar a una dama para conseguir a una puta, solo pedir fotos de mis tetas, o de mi concha, o de mi culo, o de mi rostro, solo para masturbarse y sacarse esa calentura animal, para después un 'chau y no me acuerdo', dejándome caliente y molesta.
Porque seamos honestos, piden una foto, se la das y piden diez, se la das y piden cien, insaciables, molestos, asumiendo que son importantes por lo que tienen entre las piernas, me da gracia, con lo que yo tengo entre las mías puedo conseguir todo de ellos, y soy yo quien tengo el control.

Empecé a jugar con ellos, si me daba la gana los dejaba jugar, si sabían cómo tratarme podía ser la mejor, pero a la mayoría solo hacerlos suplicar de rodillas para darles poco y nada. Me encantaba que se masturben por mis fotos, por mis videos, creo que eso me ponía loquita, las fotos de los hombres sacando sus jugos solo observando lo que yo jamás les daría, impagable.
En cambio, las chicas, podía entenderme mejor con ellas por ser yo también chica, sentir como una chica siente, pensar lo que una chica piensa, sufrir por lo que una chica sufre, llorar por lo que una chica llora.
Claro, había un problema, vivimos en un mundo marcado por la heterosexualidad, y mi rango de acción era muy limitado.

En toda esa vorágine que fueron desde los quince a mis actuales veinticinco años, dejé prematuramente los estudios, después de repetir un par de años decidí dejar esa vida de lado, últimamente solo iba al colegio a buscar chicos, o chicas, o problemas.
Al mismo tiempo me iba metiendo poco a poco en la forma que mis padres se ganaban la vida, ellos tenían un negocio bastante grande de ventas de ropas en general, pantalones, camisas, abrigos, ropa interior por nombrar algunos ejemplos, también había cosas para el hogar, cortinados, toallones, sábanas, repasadores, en fin, ramos generales.
Papá y mamá estaban grandes y había mucho trabajo, además yo no quería vivir de holgazana y también era cierto que me gustaba aprender el oficio y tomar poco a poco contacto con la clientela.

Entre tantos clientes que día a día atendía, Carina captaba mi atención, su historia en verdad venía desde su mamá, quien era clienta desde los primeros tiempos, y al igual que yo, estaba transcurriendo por el inevitable recambio generacional.
Ella se me hacía muy bonita, era delgadita, de pechos muy pequeños, y muy amable en el trato para mi persona. Solía cobrarle y sabía por su número de documento que era apenas mayor que yo, un par de años como mucho.
Como dije antes, el círculo de chicas con chicas es pequeño, así que yo siempre estaba al acecho de alguna oportunidad, y ciertamente los gestos de Carina me dejaban vislumbrar que con ella era posible, su forma de hablar, su forma de mirar, su forma de ser, hasta un roce casual de manos en algún cruce por la tarjeta de crédito, o por un bolígrafo, o por el hecho de compartir una charla al azar. Yo sabía algunas cosas de ella, una, al manejar un negocio, una se va enterando un poco de todo de las vidas de sus clientes habituales, sabía que tenía un noviecito que alguna que otra vez la había acompañado, que vivía a unas cuadras, con su anciana madre, quien estaba postrada en silla de ruedas desde hacía algún tiempo, que estudiaba veterinaria, que le gustaba ver películas con pochoclos y que le gustaban las fiestas, algunas herramientas con las que poder armar mi estrategia.

Una mañana yo estaba ocupada atendiendo a una señora cuando ella entró, papá fue por ella, pero yo lo corté en el camino y le dije que siguiera con la mujer, puesto que yo prefería atender a Carina, papá como siempre, solo esbozó una sonrisa.
Fui con la joven, entonces me dijo que buscaba un conjunto de ropa interior como el que se exhibía en vidriera, sabía que buscaba puesto que yo misma había armado esa vidriera.
Le pegunté que clase de bombacha buscaba, vedetina, culote, tanga, less, puesto que ese modelo solo venía con las clásicas vedetinas.
Carina con un dejo de frustración, me dijo que en verdad ella buscaba less, solo la tomé de la mano como si intención, para decirle que no se preocupara, que algo podríamos armar, ella me miró sorprendida, no esperara que tomara su mano con la mía, pero no dijo nada, tampoco se sintió molesta.
Busqué alternativas en sostenes y tangas less como ella quería, modelos, formas, colores, de todo un poco. Ella miró uno y otro y al fin pareció definirse entre dos opciones y me solicitó pasar al probador para ver como lucían.
Le indiqué el camino, y la vi desaparecer tras el cortinado.

Sabía que era el momento que estaba esperando, miré el entorno, papá estaba lejos aún con la señora y otra mujer que ya estaba esperando, fui decidida, ahora o nunca me dije, avancé y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos me colé con ella en el probador.
Carina se sorprendió sin entender, estaba con sus pequeños pechos desnudos aun luchando con uno de los corpiños, sus ojos se pusieron enormes y me dijo en tono de reclamo

Cintia! que haces aca? estás loca?

Pero yo solo la tranquilicé, noté los nervios en su voz quebrada, pero también el deseo de lo prohibido en su mirada de pecado, porque ya sabía cuándo una chica diría que no, y cuando diría que si

Shhhh! - le indiqué - solo dejate llevar...

Puse mis manos en sus pechos, y casi en un susurro le dije

Que ricos y suaves se sienten!

Me acerqué mirándola a los ojos, apoyé mis labios en los suyos, sentí su respiración agitada, estaba inmóvil, metí mi lengua en su boca y vencí sus defensas, le di un interminable y enorme beso, profundo, con sentimientos, como a mí me gustaba darlos...
No tenía más tiempo, tenía que salir de ahí, mi padre podría sospechar y encontrarnos, y yo ya había tendido la trampa.

Minutos más tarde Carina y yo estábamos separados por el mostrador, ella firmaba el comprobante de la tarjeta mientras yo terminaba de envolver el conjunto, con un dejo de vergüenza me dijo

Cuando cierres el negocio, querés pasar por casa? así te muestro como me queda...

Asentí con una risa profunda, contenta de conseguir lo que quería conseguir, yo sabía dónde vivía, y todo se iba cerrando como yo había imaginado que sucedería.

Ese día se me hizo más largo que de costumbre, pero cerca de las ocho de la noche emprendí camino a mi cita, ella me recibió y no sabía bien que sucedería, su mamá estaba sentada mirando televisión, la saludé por cortesía, pero Carina me dijo que me olvidara, que estaba más y más desconectada de la realidad, vivía postrada sin entender nada de lo que pasaba.
Me tomó por la mano y me condujo sin perder tiempo a su cuarto, y con toda la premura del caso dejó caer sus prendas al suelo para quedarse solo con su ropa interior, con la que había comprado por la mañana y vaya que se veía bonita en un atardecer de primavera. Ella lucía bien, se veía bien, me encantaba como le quedaba.
Carina se sentó en su cama esperando que yo jugara mis cartas, miré el entorno, sobre la ventana había un viejo escritorio de estudios, no sé el motivo, pero se me hizo erótico, más allá de la tradicional cama.

Solo la tomé, la hice sentar sobre él, solté corpiño y luego saqué su tanga que estaba inundada en jugos, noté su vagina totalmente depilada y con un guiño de ojos me dijo casi al oído

Espero te guste, me depilé para vos...

Bad GirlIt was my moment to act, I started kissing her neck, slowly just her neck, and one of my hands rubbing her pussy, Carina couldn't help it, in minutes one of her legs was hanging on the side, the other, supporting her foot on the desk, more I kissed her neck, more I caressed her pubis, she more opened up to me, more she puffed out in contained gasps, more she lost herself and I took absolute control of the situation, seeing her head bent back, with her furrowed brow from pleasure, with her lips capturing mouthfuls of air that seemed insufficient to oxygenate her blood, I put my fingers in her juicy nectar again and again and loved doing it. I felt her coming, accelerated the pace and her spasms told me I had succeeded.

Then she kissed me deeply, confessed that it was the first time she'd done it with another girl but that I had always been her forbidden fantasy.

I went for my purse, took out my camera and phone, and from then on I wanted to do it my way, film everything to drive the guys crazy, she opposed, saying 'What are you doing? You won't think about recording... right?'

I understood we were speaking different languages and that it wasn't the moment, so I decided there wouldn't be any more games that afternoon, I wouldn't try to ruin something that was just starting to bloom.

One, two, four, six months passed, Carina and I lived secret fantasies of women where she was part of my photo shoots, filmings, and seduction, she laughed a lot at the men and there was only one problem preventing her from being an active part in my games, David, her boyfriend.

It's that our lesbian relationship with me was prohibited, inside doors, outside doors, she cared about her image and preached what established conduct indicated, a woman should like a man.

So I took up the challenge again, if I wanted to have her completely, body and soul, I had to tear her away from that microbe who absorbed her. Obviously David and I knew each other, for him it was the new girlfriend of his girlfriend and he just wanted to play with me, in complicity with Carina, I put him in my private circle of photos and videos, it didn't cost me to warm him up and make him do what I wanted, have him on his knees like a faithful dog ready to obey my orders. She was part of everything, she didn't do anything behind his back, she only made him see what he wrote to me, how he wanted to catch me, how he begged for my photos and of course, how he told me I was number one. Carina didn't take it badly, on the contrary, David started being part of her past and we laughed secretly at his basic, despicable masculinity. We drew up a plan before getting him out of our lives, we just decided to have some fun. When that afternoon we met the three of us at Carina's house, David was convinced we would make a trio, because he had been filling his head with it for a long time and had already received some other insinuating photos from the two of us, but what happened in his head, that was just his problem. We went to the room, I told him to only film or photograph us while we played for him, Carina didn't know at that moment, but in my crazy head the idea of making those photos public was circulating, I went behind and pressed my chest against his back, smelled his perfume, kissed his neck, she turned her head, closed her eyes and let herself be carried away, he was a luxury spectator, I continued kissing her slowly, going down her back, releasing her clothes, letting them fall to the floor, undressed her small breasts and filled my hands with them, without stopping kissing her, going down her back, squeezed her nipples between my fingers, felt her contained gasps, I went down slowly, she herself let her skirt fall, inserted my fingers under the delicate thong, it contracted instinctively when I felt myself advancing faster than expected, because I was playing my game and only moving pawns. I looked at David over Carina's shoulder, he was frozen, mouth agape, stupid, exactly as I had imagined, so predictable...

I went ahead and made her lie down, finished taking off her underwear which was soaked in juices and threw it at him to enjoy, Carina sighed deeply and opened up like a spring flower for me, her juices had soaked her entire vulva, even her sphincter, delicious, I passed my tongue slowly to feel its flavor, she contracted again, trying to avoid the inevitable, I felt myself getting wetter and noticed things were starting to get out of control, because her pussy was too tasty.

I started sucking it with great enthusiasm, closed my eyes and only kissed her lips, her clitoris, put my tongue in her moist little hole, also in her bum, she let herself be done and only received moans of pleasure, I forgot everything.

I received David's hand on my shoulder bringing me back to reality, because he was outside and wanted to participate, his hard cock was right next to my face, he had undressed and couldn't take it anymore.

I regained control of the situation, told him not yet, this moment was only for us, and I didn't want him to interfere.

Lifted my skirt up to my waist, remember I had a red thong, very sexy, and received the first shot of my ass, I was so wet...

Returned to Carina, opened her legs and crossed mine, just started rubbing my pussy against hers, very tasty, we were both very wet and only the thin fabric of my underwear was preventing direct contact between our sexes, I enjoyed it a lot because I felt like our hot juices were mixing and how quickly my underwear was getting soaked with pleasure, my sight received Carina's disheveled and lost face, her slutty moans reached my ears, which linked to mine that I couldn't contain, my nose was flooded with the exquisite and nauseating aroma of our hot shells melted into one, I couldn't hold it back, we screamed Arriving at a shared orgasm, as great as perfect.

David was still beside me, about to cum, yet unable to believe what he had just seen, it was his turn, but not how he would have wanted or imagined it, for he would no longer touch my wife and only do what I wanted him to do.

I passed the cell phone to Carina, told her it was her turn to film and take pictures, went over to David and he was exhausted at my feet, took me to the wall until my back leaned against it, he kissed me, ripped off my shirt, forced out my bra, just to eat my tits in a very coarse and unsophisticated way, to the point of discomfort.

I only stopped him by playing with his cock between my hands, asked if he liked what was happening

Do you like David? Do you like what you see?

If you drink... I'll go crazy with the photos, with how slutty you are, I want to screw you...

If papi? And your girlfriend? She's looking at us...

Yes, well... I want to screw both of them...

David was so basic and so blinded by passion that it didn't cost me anything to make him look bad in front of Carina, anyway, his fate was already sealed.

If there was one thing clear to me, it was that that boy would never put his cock between my legs again, so I took the initiative, moved him a little away from my side and said

I want to see you jerk off for me...

He started doing it with enthusiasm, I lowered my thong to my knees, was all wet, started touching my clitoris while he filled his eyes with what I was doing

Do you like papi? Do you like my shaved pussy? Do you like how slutty I am, drink?

David was on the edge of a knockout, I felt him coming, then I took his cock and finished it off with my hand, brought his gland to my thong and let him come, carefully aiming his semen shots at my underwear, trying to keep everything under control.

He seemed exhausted, and I started laughing inside, my thong was full of hot semen, tried to contain everything, looked at Carina in a very slutty way, who incredulously... She kept filming everything, I carefully lifted my thong until I felt all that white, dense and viscous liquid, still warm, sticking to my pussy, it was disgusting, but I loved it. I lowered my skirt as if nothing had happened and went playfully to sit beside my girl, the game was over. I had played my last card, but I wasn't prepared for what would follow, because I always had control and in a few minutes she would put me on the ropes. Carina kissed me sweetly and made it clear that things were far from over, only undressed me and it was her turn to give me oral sex, it was rare since I always gave her oral sex, but this time, damn it, I had always wanted it, but never dared to ask for it, and she felt super, she cleaned David's semen with care in a very yummy way, and I let myself be cleaned. We continued playing women's games where men were not welcome and David was decorated like cardboard. There would be before and after that day, many things would change, I could show Carina what David was, just another one of the bunch, a basic and pathetic guy who only looked for an opening to get in anywhere possible. And she could be mine, complete, free, complicit with my photos, my videos, I had won her. My life continued alongside hers, at that moment I thought everything would be perfect between us, but things are not always as one imagines. It turned out that Carina never could accept her lesbian side, inside a room she was perfect, a terrible woman with me, but outside, in front of others, she always treated me like a friend and didn't seem willing to clarify the situation, even I perceived many times how she would blush at what happened. On my part, monogamy didn't suit me well, and as the situation with her deteriorated, I started looking for other horizons. We tried to correct our deviations, but inevitably we would end up in a breakup. plagued by infidelities and madness. The last night with Carina would be enough to tell another story, she was my recent love and Alejandra was already next on the list, we three drunk women made a lesbian trio by the sea... I only let her leave, she still lives with her old mother, no longer comes for business as before, I only cross paths with her by chance on the street when walking hand in hand with Alejandra. If you liked this story, you can write to me at '' with title BAD GIRL

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