
No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post


No te vas a arrepentir!


Mi infancia fue paupérrima, hija única, de padre desconocido, mamá una mujer horrible, adicta al alcohol y a las drogas, vivía ebria, o drogada y yo era una carga en su vida.
Ella se ganaba la vida con su cuerpo, llevaba a diario a casa a tipos desconocidos, tipos del montón y se abría de piernas por dos monedas, solo le importaba mantener sus vicios.
Crecí en ese ambiente apestoso, parando en departamentos rentados, de ocasión, vivíamos hasta que nos echaban por falta de pago, y era volver a empezar. Mi madre pasaba más tiempo desnuda que vestida, muchas veces vi como cogía y mis oídos fueron testigos de sus gemidos, de sus palabras, de sus acciones. Aprendí demasiadas cosas para una niña de apenas nueve años.

Y venían toda clase de degenerados, tipos violentos, adictos como ella, golpeadores, sin escrúpulos.
Algunos miraban con ganas 'a la nena' y mamá fue complaciente con ellos, claro, dinero de por medio, me hacía sentar en las faldas de los caballeros y ellos me tocaban.
Tenía once cuando mamá vendió mi propio sexo para su beneplácito, nada le importó, solo contó los billetes y me dejó media hora a solas con un flaco asqueroso, fue repugnante y fue el primero de muchos.
A los trece quedé embarazada, era una nena, y mamá después de maldecirme en todos los idiomas pensó en un aborto ilegal como la mejor salida, ella ya se había practicado varios así que sería parte de su rutina.

Por primera vez en mi vida me opuse a mi madre, la odiaba, la odiaba con todas mis fuerzas, tenía mucho miedo, pero en un descuido solo me escapé, me fui de su vida, no quería eso para mí, y lo que tenía en mi pancita me dio valor para tomar la decisión.
Me las arreglé como pude, escondida del mundo, de las leyes, de lo legal, medité cada paso, no podía terminar en un reformatorio, separada de mi niño, no volví a prostituirme y terminé en un pueblito caído del mapa, en la nada misma, fui mamá y el pequeño Alexis llenó mi vida, alguien por quien luchar, me aferré a él.
Trabajé mucho, muchísimo y con el tiempo logré que el estado me cediera una de las tantas casitas para gente de bajos recursos, conseguí empleo en la oficina municipal y fui feliz con lo que tuve.

Los años pasaron, poco a poco, algunos hombres llegaron a mi vida, y también se fueron, mi hijo y yo hacíamos el mejor equipo y él era todo en mi universo, lo vi crecer, disfruté de sus locuras y lo acompañé en sus enfermedades, mi niño se hizo adolescente, mi adolescente se hizo hombre.
Recuerdo los días de su pubertad, me divertía mucho, lavando las manchas de sus sábanas, los días que se encerraba en el baño, y como lo sorprendía observando mi cuerpo, en algo que era natural, era su mamá, su primera mujer.
Muchas veces noté que revisaba mi cajón de ropa íntima, mis tangas, y se me hacía rico. Lo espiaba cada tanto, él nunca lo supo, pero más de una vez lo pesqué revisando la ropa sucia, buscando mi ropa interior, oliéndolas, muy perverso, muy rico, y lo vi masturbarse con ellas, y confieso que alguna vez, por la noche, yo misma me toqué por ver lo que había visto.

Llegó su primera noviecita, y mis primeras angustias, alguien empezaba a robarme mi joya preciosa, era todo para mí, y no podía quedarme con el nido vacío, pero ella era más linda y más joven, estaba en desventaja.
Alexis jugaba conmigo, me decía que estaba celosa, que era una tonta, que yo era única, irremplazable, me abrazaba con sus brazos musculosos, me levantaba en el aire, me hacía enojar, le decía que me soltara, que era un estúpido, pero él solo se reía.

Una noche vino con su corazón roto, y los brazos de mamá fueron el mejor sitio donde cobijarse, su cabeza recostada en mi pecho, acariciando sus cabellos con los pezones duros en una complicada situación.
Poco tiempo después, un nuevo amor había cicatrizado a su roto corazón, y otra vez caí en la depresión, el miedo a perderlo, a quedarme sola, a que solo me olvidara, y sabía que era la ley de la vida, pero solo no podía aceptarlo.

Alexis iba y venía entre chicas del pueblo, enredado en amores, en placeres y fracasos, y yo siempre dispuesta, a sus pies, estaba cuando me necesitaba, y me hacía invisible cuando no me necesitaba.
Él tenía veinte recién cumplidos, lo veía poco y nada, entre mi empleo, el suyo, y su vida social prácticamente parecía olvidarse de su mamá, y yo me desmoronaba poco a poco, por cada chica que le espantaba aparecían dos nuevas, solía llegar a casa cuando yo me levantaba y entendí que a mis treinta y tres años solo había llevado una vida de sufrimientos, y solo fui feliz cuando Alexis dependió de mi para salir adelante.

Ese sábado lo sentí llegar cerca de las cinco de la mañana, me asustó puesto que estaba profundamente dormida e hizo demasiado ruido, adiviné que como de costumbre, llegaba pasado de copas, lo sentí cantar y reírse, en algunos aspectos me recordaba a mi maldita madre. Pasó por el baño, luego a su cuarto y por último el silencio, volví a dormirme.
Me levanté pasadas las ocho, afuera hacía demasiado frio así que tiré unos leños al fuego, desayuné y me quedé haciendo quehaceres, llegaba el medio día y Alexis seguía durmiendo, preparé unas pastas, sus favoritas, y mientras ponía la mesa empecé a llamarlo, una vez, otra vez, sin respuesta.
Fui a su cuarto, dormía como un angelito, tan lindo, tan hermoso, tan perfecto, tan mío.
Abrí un poco la ventana para que entrara luz, noté su slip blanco como la nieve ocultando una pronunciada erección, me mordí los labios, traté de despertarlo, pero el, en un estado de inconciencia respondió

No molestes Marisa, mejor chupame la verga si?

Obviamente yo no era Marisa, eso me dio mucho enojo, pensar que otras tocaban a mi bebe...

Fui a su lado, me arrodillé, tomé su slip entre los dedos, como cuando era pequeño y solo de lo bajé, su verga estaba enorme, su prepucio producto de la erección de había contraído y su glande estaba desnudo, que grande estaba mi pequeño!
Lo tomé con una de mis manos, miré su rostro, irradiaba placer al tiempo que lo masturbaba lentamente, acerque mi olfato, que rica olía! pasé mi lengua, una vez otra vez, llené su glande con mi saliva, tomé sus testículos con mis manos y empecé a acariciárselos con dulzura.
Pasé la punta de mi lengua lentamente por todo su tronco, desde la base hasta llegar a su glande, una vez y otra vez y otra vez más, era tan erótico, metí su glande en mi boca y busqué ir profundo, conteniendo la respiración haciéndolo llegar a mi garganta, me perdía, porque era hombre, porque era rico, porque era mi hijo.

Me tomé toda una vida en darle placer, porque quería que lo disfrutara, respiraba agitado, noté los tensarse los músculos de sus piernas, su vientre, lo sentí venir,
Solo seguí jugando mi juego, sentí en mi lengua un leve amargor producto de lo que estaba llegando, me sentí toda mojada, inundada en placer, sentí el calor en mis entrañas, lo sentí venir

EdipoSuddenly, his warm semen like an unstoppable volcano began to fill my mouth, I felt small orgasms in my own body as I felt its flavor, while I felt it filling my mouth, taking away my breath and slowly, in small sips, enjoying and prolonging the moment, until I let everything pass through to my stomach, until there was nothing left.

Alexis seemed to still be sleeping, although I knew by that point it was impossible, he was just pretending not to face reality.

I only left him, went to my room, I was soaked, stinky, I had to change my underwear, I took off my stockings and bloomers, went to the drawer where I had seen him sniffing through my things so many times before, and chose a white, tight one.

I also put on a short skirt that made me very sexy, it was crazy, I was trying to seduce my own son.

I had to warm up lunch, opened a wine and later we sat down at the table, didn't say anything about what happened, neither did he.

We ate in peace, but I felt a hot connection with my son, it was rare, we didn't touch on the subject, my little one told me about his night among girls, friends, and drinks that he had, as if trying to avoid the knot of the matter, I just looked at him, excited, listened without paying attention, in my head I relived the blowjob I gave him, and how I used to feed him with my cum now it was his turn to feed me, to give me all his juices.

I felt like my thoughts were taking me to the edge of the abyss, crossed my legs with force because my contractions provoked by him had me on the verge of an orgasm.

We did dessert and it was time to clean up, just like most days when we shared the table, Alexis handed me everything, I washed and he dried.

That's how we started, I was washing the dishes, and for the first time my mind disconnected from what happened, I had lost sight of my son in my visual surroundings.

Suddenly, his large hands started giving massages on my shoulders, I let myself be carried away and just looked at the soap foam Soap and my hands covered by rubber gloves, like a whisper his words reached my ears.

You know you're the best mom in the world? - he said in a very warm tone.

I'm silly! - I replied with a pretended rejection.

Really, and do you know that you are the most beautiful girl I've ever known? - he said in a firm voice.

Bah... liar... beautiful are those girls you're dating - I responded again as if taking away merit from his flattery.

Really mom, do you know that sometimes I have erotic dreams about you? - already in a very seductive tone.

Yes? Ha ha! with mom? and what do you dream of? - returning to play the slut and rat game

Alexis approached me more, leaned her sex against my back, her cock was hard, very hard and I sought to rub myself against it, let out a contained sigh, closed my eyes, showed myself permeable, my hands on my shoulders passed to my breasts, my son was rubbing my tits over the clothes, so big, so masculine, my own blood...

I was flooded again, he whispered in my ear

How beautiful Booty you have, momma!

I loved it, that 'momma' was real, not a 'momma' of couples, it was a relationship between mother and son, my son

His hands went down my waist, then down my Booty, I felt him lift the skirt, caress my flesh, he was excited with my ass, I liked it, he ran to one side my thong and put his fingers in my pussy

Son! mmm... are you crazy?

He pulled out those fingers impregnated in my juices and put them in my mouth for me to suck and drink from my own pleasure.

Like a thrust he pushed all his cock until the end, forcing me to stop on tiptoes, pulling out a scream

Alexis, my life, how big you are!

Alexis, like a raging bull started to take me, like an animal, her beautiful cock entering and leaving, clinging to my waist, on the verge of collapse, he whispered in my ear that I was the perfect mother, that he had always desired me silently and that without thinking fulfilled all his fantasies, between contained gasps and interrupted words I told him yes, mom always would be for him, it didn't matter how many girls crossed his path, how many broke his heart, mom would always be there to make him happy.

His hands tightened around my waist, his cock seemed to inflame and I let him come, exploded in my pussy, I thought I was going to die, my heart beat with force, it were glorious moments.

Alexis seemed to disarm behind me, he rested his face on my shoulder, I could feel him gasping for breath, trying to recover.

I turned onto myself, we faced each other, I stroked his hair, always did, looked into his eyes, my little one, my man, I stretched up on tiptoes to reach his lips, to give him the most beautiful and perfect kiss a woman could give a man, that a mother could give her son, because none of those sluts swirling around him could ever give him unconditional love like I gave him.

I felt his juices dripping down my legs, still warm, I brought my fingers and spread them, started licking them with a complicit look, letting Alexis see what I was doing, it was all very crazy, showing myself very slutty in front of my own son

My little one then said to me...

Momma, I've always had a recurring fantasy... - he said with perversive eyes

What? Which one? - I replied with typical curiosity

He just took my hands and led me to my room, saying it was a surprise, brought a towel, cream, and an epilator, made me lie down, opened my legs, pulled out the thong and dedicated himself to working on my sex.

Patiently filled my pussy with shaving cream and only dedicated himself to depilating me completely, I laughed and told him he was crazy, that mentholated cream for his face gave me warmth between my legs, and I just let him do it, I couldn't deny anything to my little one.

When he finished his work, I saw myself as when I was small, smooth, without hair, Alexis looked extatic at his masterpiece, kneeling on the edge of the bed, lost between my legs

I didn't expect it, but then suddenly his tongue tip passed through my clitoris making me shiver and a false claim from my part, and he repeated it, and again, and when I realized I was hooked on my pussy, sucking it with care, by my lips, by my hollows, going down to my sphincter, returning to my love button, I lost control and dominance of the situation, it was evident that this wasn't the first time my boy had been between a woman's legs.

I undressed quickly, took his hands, and led them to mine, I got very excited as he caressed and squeezed my nipples with tenderness, it felt tasty, I bit my lips, lost myself in a labyrinth of pleasure, started to contract, felt him coming, electricity ran unimpeded between my breasts and my pussy, exploded suddenly, enormous orgasm, perfect, the best of my life.

Alexis came over me, I was trying to recover, very sensitive, kissed my belly and snuggled into my chest, I think that would be the best moment of that day, when he started licking my nipples, one, the other, my memories went back to the days when I had nursed him, and now everything was repeating itself, before as a baby, now as a man, looked at his eyes, they were the same eyes that had looked at me twenty years ago, and in that instant a contained tear escaped and rolled down my cheek.

I stretched out my hand, searched for his sex, and noticed it was available again

Want more of this dirty one? - he asked suggestively

I would get to know a new side of my little one, his violent side, a new proposal
He grabbed a pair of pillows and stacked them on the bed, took me almost by force and placed me on top of them, face down, with that improvised mountain under my crotch, my ass elevated to the ceiling, grabbed my right arm and forced it behind my back, immobilizing me, with his free hand he put shaving cream on my sphincter and divined the next step

He came over me, slowly letting all the weight of his body fall onto mine, his cock sharp as a dagger opened up in my ass and I felt him entering completely In my ass, devils, it started moving, and I felt so tasty, such beautiful pain, just to my measure.

I couldn't believe it, my son was breaking my ass, entering and exiting, and feeling his agitated breathing on my nape.

Mom, Mommy, do you make me do this? - I recriminated between impossible gasps to contain.

I always imagined it, don't know how many orgasms I had imagining this moment... - he said like a hungry wolf.

Give my love, enjoy it, break it all, give yourself the pleasure and drink - I answered sounding very slutty.

My son didn't hesitate to fill me with his precious semen, he fell exhausted on my body and felt the strong beat of his heart on my back.

He moved aside, looked at me as if my dilated sphincter was expelling his cum mixed with shaving cream, he had done a Booty to his own mother, he looked at me and asked...

How is this story supposed to continue?

What had started that Saturday ended on Sunday night, taking Alexis to a record of twenty-three ejaculations, which left my intimacy so painful that I didn't want to know anything more for a week, but it was worth it, my Alexis, my love.

Some years passed, the situation remained the same, we swore to live in the present without looking to the future, he still has those slutty who try to take him away from me, but he knows there won't be anyone else like Mom, our secret is out loud, but it doesn't matter, I'm happy with my beloved son...

If you liked the story, you can write me with title EDIPO at dulces.placeres@live.com.

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