The Maid and the Chef


The truth that was very difficult for Alejandra to live with her older brother, he lived harassing her as if she were the only woman on the face of the earth. He spent his life locked in his room waiting for her to arrive to make her life impossible.

Wherever she had gone, whoever she had met, because she took so long to return home, it would have been better if she had returned before it got dark. She kept him as if he were her boyfriend and was only her older brother.

In addition, Alejandra was sure that her brother was spying on her when she was in her room, she knew since the time she caught him spying on her while she was taking a shower or rather after taking a shower.

It was at that opportunity that while she observed her naked body in the bathroom mirror, she felt a small noise behind the door that seemed very suspicious and then she crouched down to look through the keyhole and saw someone watching and it was her brother.

-Lucio - she yelled - what are you doing? You're spying on me, damn degenerate.
-Just for looking - he replied boldly and felt himself moving away from his place behind the door.
-I'm going to tell Mom, you won't get away with this, masturbator.
But Alejandra didn't tell her mother because she wasn't clean of conscience either, since she knew that her brother was aware of some of her escapades, for example he had accidentally discovered a pair of dildos on the bedside table in her bedroom, which led to a small discussion between them.

-Hermanita, can you tell me what those two dildos are doing in your bedside table drawer?
-But how dare you go through my things, trash?
-Watch it, okay? Better explain what I asked.
-Forgive yourself, okay? You're asking too much - concluded Alejandra to end the discussion, putting a good face on her brother to move him. - That's how I like it, but take care of what you're smoking over there, Ale. Because of that, he didn't dare talk to his mother about his brother's behavior, since she considered it more serious than a simple glance through a bathroom door. In this state of affairs, Lucio got bolder and knew he could keep going with his plan to advance towards his sister and decided to observe what was happening inside Alejandra's room. He proposed staying in the house when neither his sister nor his parents were there to get into Alejandra's room and snoop around to see what else he could find. One of those days, while snooping around in Alejandra's closet, he was surprised by the girl in charge of cleaning, who was named Yolanda. - What are you looking for here, Lucio? Do you want me to help? The girl said. - Uh, no, I was just looking for some keys I lent to Ale, no, don't worry about it, do you have to clean around here? The indiscreto boy got nervous when he was caught by Yolanda and she realized he was lying from the way he answered. - Yes, I have to clean your sister's room, but if you want, I'll come back later. - It's not right, I'm already leaving, I can't find my keys. Yolanda was a girl from humble origin who had abandoned her studies to work because she wanted to get out of the neighborhood where she lived, overwhelmed by the bad living conditions, not only due to the precarious housing she shared with her family but also due to the presence of some inescrupulous neighbors who had been bothering her since childhood. At 19 years old, she had developed fully, despite all the hardships she had to endure and had transformed into a beautiful woman, pretty-faced and harmonious with her body. She liked dressing well, but her lack of money made her only wear second-hand clothes that she obtained from donations at her neighborhood church.The Maid and the ChefI knew exactly what I was looking for, I wanted to grow and be someone, that's why I had proposed working in a family home with good standing. Among all the job offers she found, she selected the best neighborhoods and offered herself at the houses that, in her opinion, belonged to yummy people.

Another requirement that Yolanda considered essential was that the inhabitants of the house that hired her were pleasant-looking people with a good education level, because from them she would have to learn manners and customs, so as to be able to equalize in the future to that type of life.

This is how she met Luciana, the mother of Alejandra and Lucio, a woman who at forty years old looked young and healthy, beautiful from head to toe, elegantly dressed and fond of wearing expensive perfumes.

Luciana was fair-skinned, had light brown hair, 1.65 meters tall, and a generous body with good proportions, long legs, prominent breasts, and harmonious hips. Her blue eyes and plump lips made her look like an extremely attractive, sensual woman always ready to give a beautiful smile to whoever approached her.slutShe had married very young to Francisco, an interior decoration entrepreneur who had learned to harvest good clients for his business and that had elevated him on a pedestal, making everyone who started a business want to hire him to design the interior, windows, and offices. Francisco was a natural seducer, not only attracted by women who connected with him for any reason but also by some men. He liked it and knew it and exploited that natural gift he had to seduce people. This way he would get contracts, influences, and sex.

Luciana strived to her utmost to care for her husband, making sure he lacked nothing, because she well knew the gifts he had to attract people, despite being in his fifties, maintaining intact his magnetism.

Luciana was in charge of attending and interviewing Yolanda when she presented herself to cover the vacancy of maid in her house.

- What's your name? - asked Luciana.
- Yolanda, ma'am.
- Do you have references from previous jobs?
- No, ma'am. This will be my first job if you hire me.
- Then I'll take you on trial, come and let me show you the house and tell you what tasks you'll have - replied Luciana, giving her to understand that she was hiring her.

Yolanda's joy was maximum as she walked through the house, able to see the pictures with photos of the rest of the members and all of them liked her. It was a house full of yummy, educated, and fine people, which was everything she was looking for. She was happy because she would be moving into that house and living with them, learning their secrets, relationships, and everything related to their world.

Now she had found herself in Alejandra's room, with the girl's brother Lucio, whom she had surprised rummaging through the girl's closet. The boy's excuse was that he was looking for some keys, something Yolanda didn't believe because who would... occur to search for a keychain in a room that is not one's own? No, here there is slut locked up, Yolanda said to herself and she, while doing the cleaning, decided to pay more attention to everything she saw or found in that room and more precisely in the closet. She began to open and close all the drawers with great care so as not to be discovered herself or leave anything out of place that could attract the attention of Alejandra. She could find everything from vibrators to consoles, of all kinds and sizes, with or without batteries, with or without a cord, condoms, cigarettes, intimate perfumes, lubricating creams, and even gel masculine intimate. Yolanda smiled because she was getting to know her patron's daughter, Alejandra, a little better, who had the appearance of an innocent girl but was clearly not.analOf course nothing touched, everything remained in its place and from now on I would be a little more alert so that nothing could happen without her knowing. And because it's not spying inside Lucio's room, she wondered. But at that moment he couldn't do it, he was home, better to try to figure out what Lucio was looking for in his sister's bedroom. In reality, neither Lucio himself knew what he was looking for until then, he had only been able to discover a couple of joints on the lamp table, which served him so that Alejandra wouldn't report him to her mother for spying on her while she bathed. Lucio knew there were more, but didn't know where to look. Besides, it looked bad when he was caught by Yolanda, he didn't know how to explain his behavior and was sure that this girl had realized he wasn't looking for a key. For a moment he thought about Yolanda, lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to piece together his thoughts. He thought about his sister and also about Yolanda. Now he concentrated more on her, she was a good brunette, he said to himself, putting some nice clothes on her, fixing her hair, and with a bit of perfume, she could be an interesting dish. Would she have a boyfriend? Be a virgin? And if not, would she have already tried all her holes or leave one untouched? Without realizing it, between hot thinking, he was touching his cock over his pants and it was getting hard. He got up, closed the door to his room, put some music on to drown out any uncomfortable noise and prepared himself for a good masturbation thinking about Yolanda. In that beautiful black girl, who had a lovely ass, which every time she bent down showed the start of her crack and that drove him crazy. Besides, she had a lovely pair of tits, he couldn't see them well because in winter, the girl always wore quite a lot of clothing and there was no way to imagine the size of those breasts. And suddenly he He gave himself an account that he was finishing up, because with so much concentrated thought on legs, arms, and breasts, he had gotten very hot and couldn't enjoy his masturbation much, but if of his cum, which was excellent. Now he was playing with his cum, which he had spilled onto a disposable towel that always took his mother out of the bathroom. He touched his cum to be able to feel its consistency, thick, warm, and brought it to his finger until his nose, to feel its aroma, and even to the tip of his tongue, to know its taste. Yolanda wasn't oblivious to what was happening in Lucio's room, although she couldn't spy, because from the hole in the lock you couldn't see the bed where he was masturbating, but she could hear it clearly when he came and twisted like a horse finishing up. Yolanda smiled at that moment, thinking about the very masturbator who was behind the door, then she quietly left so as not to be discovered by the boy, who would come out in a few moments to go to the bathroom to clean himself up. She stayed at a prudent distance to check if Lucio did what she imagined he would do. And she was right. At that moment, Lucio came out with his face red and had something hidden behind his body, which turned out to be a towel where he had spilled his semen. He confirmed it when the boy left the bathroom. She entered to see what had changed since she cleaned up, and the only thing that had changed was a feminine towel thrown away in the trash can, soaked with thick liquid, which she knew right away was semen. That aroma she knew very well, wasn't confused at all. She smiled again, now she had something of Lucio's and something of Alejandra's. It was just a matter of keeping investigating and something interesting might present itself, she was sure. From the house kitchen, Tomás was in charge. This gentleman was approximately fifty years old, the biggest person in the house. He was a small man, with a slender physique, short stature, good humor, and very talkative. He loved telling anecdotes from his life, according to him, he had been a Don Juan in his youth, no woman could resist him, but he never got married or started a family.

What Tomás didn't tell was that his charm was due to the size of his member and everyone knew it, especially the girls who did Booty for him.

However, he talked and talked as if he knew everything. This drove Yolanda crazy, but she was his partner in the house and asked him many questions about the family's movements so she could stay informed and respond well to her work.

Someone had to talk and no one knew the Paredes family better than Tomás. He had told them about the constant fights between the couple, which were lucky not to last long and weren't strong, and the same with their children, downplaying the fight between siblings that didn't last from day to day.

Tomás worked in this house because he knew Luciana since childhood, a situation Francisco was unaware of.

Between his wife and the cook, there had been a very special relationship, as one time she was with a boyfriend at a plaza when two bigger boys appeared, who after robbing and beating him, tried to rape her. This was reported by Tomás, who despite not being a robust young man, approached to help and ended up hospitalized from the blows and injuries he received in the fight with the delinquents. Thanks to this, Luciana escaped unscathed from the robbery she suffered.

Later on, fate had it that Tomás would be the one to present himself for the cook vacancy and it was Luciana who interviewed the applicants. He took it as recognition of the great favor he had done her, but with the condition that he wouldn't reveal they knew each other before marrying. from his marriage. - Tomás, doesn't it seem strange to you the behavior of Lucio with his sister? - Yolanda asked the chef. - No, not at all, it's natural for siblings to have quarrels, besides they don't last long - replied Tomás. - It's just that I caught Lucio today looking through Alejandra's dresser. - Maybe he wasn't looking, because you think so? - Because I saw him with my own eyes, he was searching for something and told me it was his keys, I didn't believe him of course. - Why did you think he was lying? - I don't think he could find some keys among his sister's clothes, do you understand? - Yes, it's rare, you're right. Better not get involved in those things, honey. But Yolanda didn't listen and kept digging, she had to find something, her intuition wouldn't fail her.

The marriage of Luciana and Francisco was sailing smoothly, they had already celebrated their silver wedding anniversary, without any cracks in the eyes of others. However, there were some, only that they had the will to repair them, mainly due to Luciana's firm decision, who fought hard every time she found a stone in the path.

And those stones often appeared due to her husband's innate condition as a seducer. Francisco was an unfaithful man by nature, he had never been able to be faithful to any of his many girlfriends during his bachelorhood and neither when he married Luciana.

One of Francisco's characteristics was his ease in striking up conversations of any kind and nature with people of different ages, sex, and social class. From those talks every time he could get something out of it, the friendship of that person, a job opportunity, entertainment or something more.

In favor of Francisco was his dashing demeanor, good-looking man, robust physique, very well-groomed in his way of dressing, arranging himself, which made him look like very attractive, something very necessary for the work he developed. During the honeymoon trip, they chartered a cruise ship in the Caribbean, the boat moved from one island to another and everything was wonderful for the couple, they had a lot of sex, yummy food, danced at night in the ship's discos, and pampered each other. One day, while the ship was at sea, Luciana told her husband that she wanted to fix her hair at the onboard salon, which would take about two or three hours. Francisco told her to take as much time as she needed, that he would use it to explore some parts of the ship he didn't know. However, the first thing he did was launch himself into the hunt for a lady to satisfy his sexual desires that he couldn't repress. And there were many ladies, from all ethnicities and ages, single and married. It wasn't difficult for Francisco to get a partner, to meet his needs. But on this occasion, he didn't relieve himself with a lady, but rather with the second officer of the ship, a gentleman who possibly doubled his age, very attractive, nice, and extremely affectionate, especially with men whom he managed to maintain eye contact with. And that was the case for Francisco. He walked along one of the decks of the ship when this official came walking towards him in the opposite direction, when he looked up to see who was coming, noticed that this person was looking at him with a gaze that said a lot. So Francisco felt encouraged to return the gaze, which made the officer stop and invite him to visit the bridge of the ship. This is how the relationship started that ended with Francisco leaning against a door, gazing out at the horizon, while the officer knelt on the floor giving him a yummy blow job. - Mmm do you like it when I suck you? - he would say. - Yes, keep going, I want to finish, mmm ah that's good mmm. - Let's go to my cabin, we can be more comfortable there. No, I don't have time, just a blow job, if I can slip away from my wife, I'll find you and fuck you, right? - I take your word for it, Fran.sexAnd the officer continued to suck it until he received a cum load in his mouth, which made Francisco leave him to go find his wife. That wasn't the first time a man had sucked Francisco, before getting married he had had other stories with boys and men, which he remembered permanently, but what was correct in society and where he lived was that men should have women as partners and not disappoint the family, so he fulfilled that mandate. Francisco loved women, he couldn't live without them, he would walk down the street and tell flirty remarks to beautiful and ugly ones, turn around to look at their ass and admire those with good breasts. Yet, he maintained relationships with men, it was his hidden side, this aspect of his life made him bisexual. On the other hand, Luciana had always had a clearer and more transparent life. She was openly heterosexual and practiced sex from a very young age. Her first time was with a schoolmate, whom she started touching, later making him masturbate and ended up sucking him off in her own bedroom. After that, she kept doing it in the patio, bathroom of her house, school bathroom, behind a tree, anywhere he would ask, because she had gotten hooked on this sexual practice.oralThere were days when she would suck him off several times, she had become an expert at sucking and that was during her adolescence. But this boy was quickly replaced by a older one, who didn't settle for just a blow job after the dance and asked for more.

Luciana didn't want to risk her body anymore, as she was very clear that she would remain a virgin until marriage, which is what they had taught her at home and she was willing to obey because it seemed sensible to her. Of course, no one talked to her about oral sex or anal sex either, so since this young man was very handsome and also had a good cock size for what she wanted, she decided to give him her tiny ass.

Luciana took this decision because a friend of hers always advised her that having sex through the Booty was very pleasurable, but also assured her she wouldn't get pregnant.

Hey, I've made up my mind to go to bed with you, but only if we do it from behind, she told her boyfriend, trying to convince him.

Okay, we'll do it your way, thought the boy, once he had her naked, we'll see how she defends her snatch.

Despite the boy's thinking, Luciana was able to defend her front and arrive at marriage virgin.

You have to come to my house during siesta time, because there's no one home from my family then, Luciana had told her boyfriend.

After school I'll stop by something at home and then head to yours.GayLuciana had told her boyfriend to take the utmost precautions since it would be his first time. She had even tried to convince him of the advantages of oral sex, but couldn't manage it and her luck was cast, she should deliver her Booty if she wanted to keep her boyfriend. - Come on, come in quickly, I don't want anyone to see you. Tell the girl who cleans that a friend came to study and not to bother us at all – and so he did, and Luciana counted on being lucky enough not to have Yolanda's kilates employee at home. - Okay, I'm following you – said the boy without adding a word, coming for Luciana's Booty and his share of the front part, if things went well for him. - Come in, come – Luciana closed her bedroom door and hugged her boyfriend, pressing herself against him trying to feel his cock hardening with their bodily contact. She lowered her hands to touch that bulge that was insinuating itself more and more, until she couldn't contain herself and knelt down at the boy's feet, placing her face against the bulge, biting over the pants that pleased and enflamed the cock remaining under the clothes. The boy pressed Luciana's head against his stomach, pumping against her, exercising pressure on the girl's neck with his hands so she wouldn't move from where she was.The Maid and the ChefMuch more I wasn't going to be able to take it, with a quick movement, he pulled out the cock and offered it to his girlfriend to suck it. Luciana took it with her hands and put it in her mouth, while this was happening she looked at her male from her position with imploring eyes, of submission, of perversion, of lust.

That afternoon, Luciana was wearing a Scottish mini-skirt, short, wide and tabled, green tights to the knee, a white sweater with a red bag, clothing that made her look like a typical schoolgirl prostitute.slut The boy got desperate with the blow job Luciana was giving him, tried to get away from her when he saw she was about to cum, but the girl kept sucking it harder than at first when she felt the first tremors that were an unmistakable sign that the cum was coming in seconds. - Ahh slut, I didn't want to end like this, ahh you're such a slut, ahh mmm take it, slut, be careful not to spill anything on the floor, eh? – and the boy emptied himself into Luciana's mouth, very trained in these things. - Mmm did you like how I sucked it? Tell me yes, mmm glup glup glup. - Yes, but you're not going to get away, I'm not leaving without screwing you, slutty. - Don't you want me to suck it a little more, nice and good? - No, I just want to screw you, I want to put it in. Come on, let go of the cock and stop. - Mmm, let me give you some more kisses, mmm glup. - No, that's enough sucking, get it out of your mouth, don't be a slut, do you want? - I'm your slut, don't you like that? - If you're my slut, let's go to your bed and screw you. - Wait, I'll suck it a little more. It was on that occasion that the boy lifted her by the hair and carried her to his bed, where he threw her down face-first, lifting her skirt and pulling off her thong, all against Luciana's will as she resisted slightly opening her legs and putting her tiny ass in pump. That's when she felt a strong slap from the boy with an open hand that crossed her two buttocks, leaving his handprint on her bum, which was red like blood. - Ah but you're such a brute, how are you going to hit me like this, eh? – Luciana protested. - I'll hit you much more if you don't open your legs once and for all. - Wait, wait, slow down – Luciana said when she felt the boy's body on hers and his cock pressing to enter her ass anywhere but where it should. - It's not going to go in like that, it's not there, oh wait, you brute.
- Open your legs or I'll give you more spanks until you let me have my way.
- I'm letting myself be had, but it's not there, oh no, it's not, you're making me hurt.
They continued to struggle without success until Luciana told him that he wasn't going to get in like that no matter how hard he tried.
- Let me put some cream on and you get on your cock, so I can slide in and enter.
- Bring the cream, I'm very hot and can't take it anymore.
Luciana knew this and wanted to take advantage of her boy being about to cum again, it would be a very short fuck and maybe it wouldn't even hurt. She decided to make him hotter still than he already was and before reaching for the cream she decided to push her boy to the limit of ejaculation.
- Do you like my bum, love? Look how I'm putting on the cream, where I have the bum, see if now you can get it right and put it in?
Very shamelessly, she had taken the cream pot, turned her body so that her back was facing the boy to expose her well and opened her legs wide, passing her creamy finger over all her crack, putting some lubricant inside her ass, always visible to the boy.
This one couldn't take the heat and was massaging his cock with his hands, it seemed like he was about to explode. Luciana approached with the cream to pass it over the cock that was going to penetrate her, but before doing so she gave him a short but intense blow job with a in-and-out motion that almost provoked his second orgasm.
analWhen she felt him tremble, she pulled it out of his mouth and slowly applied a lot of cream to it, then turned her back on him as a sign that she was giving him her ass.

- Take my bum, please take it slow, you're my first man, mmm.

- We should be doing this in advance, but okay, let's do it, slut, grab it and put it inside your bum quickly because I can't take it anymore.

- Mmm yes, slow ahh.

- Ah, it's in there. Can you feel it?

- Siii, mmm slow ahh - it was her first time, it was logical that it would hurt, although Luciana hadn't wasted any time and had dilated quite a bit with a device lent to her by her friend and mentor, so the penetration was bearable for her, because of that and because the boy's cock wasn't one of the larger ones, but rather small.

Her college roommate had given her all the necessary instructions. When you decide to do it, find yourself a boy who has a small one, starting is convenient. And before that, I recommend you get an anal dilator and use it two or three days beforehand, so the relationship will be pleasant and you won't feel the pain of the first time. Luciana followed her friend's advice to the letter and had no major issues with her first time.

The boy, after feeling his cock head inside Luciana's ass, puffed a bit and in two or three movements put it all the way in there. The in-and-out that came afterwards lasted only seconds, since he finished quickly and collapsed onto his girl's - Oh, you finished so quickly, love – Luciana said, pleased that the cock was deflating inside her bum.
- It's because I was very hot, you have a divine ass.
- Well, now let me go wash up, my tiny ass hurts.
- Don't you want me to do it again?
- No, love, since it was the first time, it was good, don't you think?
Luciana was disenchanted with the boy, she didn't even bother to caress or kiss his breasts, went straight for it and besides had given him a strong slap on the hand that she hadn't liked at all, told herself it would be better to get rid of him, since as a man he wasn't seen.oralAnd so Luciana started with that boy first and with others afterwards, either from behind or by mouth, since she maintained her desire to deliver the rupture of her hymen to whoever would take her to the altar, which was precisely Francisco.GayThe Maid and the ChefThere's a second part

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