Anoche martes... mi primera vez en Anchorena SW

Hello how are you... I'm Gabriela... introducing myself... I'm 22 and I have a brief story to share for those who want to read...

Last night, after talking for a long time with my boyfriend... getting hot just by telling each other our fantasies, etc., etc... we decided to go to the famous Anchorena SW.

We entered the room to see what was going on... and it said Tuesday night lingerie is mandatory, it's a night for couples, singles, and solo women... we didn't know how it worked, but just in case, I put on my best erotic lingerie and well... we started...

As I mentioned, it was our first time... we parked the car on the street and went to the door... some nice guys greeted us, said 'come on in' and we paid the entrance fee $120 (the couple with 2 consumptions) and were told to go up to the 4th floor and say that it's their first time... so they explain how it works!!!

We arrived at the 4th floor... a nice girl told us how it was... that couples, guys or girls can get close to each other to caress... that's the way to say 'yes'... and with a simple 'no', they leave... or let things flow... they told us the theme was lingerie so they told me I had to take off my pants and shirt... I could stay in my bra and thong and heels... and my boyfriend could wear boxers and stay in his shirt and shoes... there was only one room for dressing... they gave us bags to store our clothes and left them in the free closet!!!

I was super nervous walking around in a thong, but well... it happened... that day only the 4th and 5th floors were open... on the 4th floor, some reserved rooms... on the 5th floor, a bar, a pool with air conditioning... I didn't see anyone getting in... there were some couples over 40... some women around 30... many single men... hot... Good, let's grab something to take the shame away... even though after seeing that everyone was like us and nobody really looked or cared... it didn't bother me as much anymore... just in front of us... next to the pool table... a couple was fucking hard in a corner... that already got me pretty hot... I started touching my boyfriend's cock and he touched my pussy... we took a few more drinks... because with one, we weren't doing anything and said let's go to the 4th floor to see what's up... when we got downstairs... we saw like 5 couples fucking hard in two sofas facing each other... some hands were crossing over... pretty wild... we sat down on a sofa on the side... and started touching... the heat of seeing others was too much so I started sucking his cock... while he touched me... he started sucking my pussy and then I got up and rode him.... a couple approached us, sat next to us... they caressed my tits a bit and I said no with my head... and kept going with theirs... on one hand that turned me on... I ended up finishing in my mouth... we're not swingers and never did anything like that before but part of me wanted my pussy to stay clean just in case something happened... part of me wanted some playful tongue... haha... (by the way, there are paper towel and gel dispensers everywhere...) Well, after the first act, we went back up to grab something... We took another round of drinks... and the heat kept going... next to the stairs, there was a sofa... covered with curtains... we sent ourselves there to touch each other for a bit... I had my boobs out already, didn't care about anything anymore... then a couple came in with a third... the cutie climbed on top of the skinny one... started fucking him and the third guy standing still... pulled his cock out waiting to come... just like that my boyfriend told me...

Want to suck it? I'll tell him... no, with a medium tone siii... and he says give me head... so I grab it and start sucking it... the cutie who was sitting above the other starts sucking my tits.... what made me explode in heat... I let go of the cock to the other so they can keep going with the couple... and I start sucking my boyfriend's cock... inside I thought... nooo, how horrible is this the first time we do this... suck another cock in front of my boyfriend... and both of us enjoy it... without reproaches or anything....

We got up from there and went for a walk around the room... like time was passing very quickly... we were making a lot of egg... a little because we didn't know...

When we realized... many had already left... it was Tuesday... much more couldn't be waited... everyone works... even us...

We went back up to the couch that was covered with curtains... because downstairs... like it was already cleaning... and wasn't throwing much... I start sucking my boyfriend's cock... I wanted his cock very hard... and he says here I come... where are you going? I say here I come... go back to the touch... I keep sucking his cock... and two minutes later a skinny guy appears... my boyfriend tells him put on a condom and take it... (oh shame...) and I start getting it in four... oh god... never imagined being in that situation... always in thoughts or fantasies... but not in reality... sucking one cock while the other is taking me... after a while... I say ready, ready... the skinny guy was really good... but he leaves... couldn't take it anymore from pleasure... but gained shame... and well... I got on top of my boyfriend and started riding...

Goodbye after that... at home...

One very rare thing... haha...

We took this Tuesday to learn how things are... investigate a bit... etc... today Wednesday we think we'll go back... and go to the rodeo of one... haha we really like it....

I hope you enjoyed it... and for those who have never been, I say... I recommend... besides... it's not an obligation to be with others... you can be with your partner only.!!! So, good... kisses!!!

36 comentários - Anoche martes... mi primera vez en Anchorena SW

Qtulls +2
Muy buen aporte! felicitaciones y sigan a full
terrible relato!!! lastima que estasmos lejos, por aca no conocemos ningun lugar asi para ir... saludos..
Que buena experiencia....y si ....el lugar se presta para el derroche de calentura y para cumplir las fantasía ocultas en nuestras cabezas.....súper recomendado......
Que bien la pasaron! Los felicito! Contanos la proxima experiencia! Besos
Hoy seguramente vayamos... de nuevo... mañana les cuento!
Muy buena historiaa!!!! Que lindo poder ver a tu mujer gozandooo!!!!!! Muy buenooo
¡Que bueno que ambos lo hayn pasado bien!
Que compinche es tu novio, y como se nota que busca tu placer.
Gracias por compartir su experiencia, y felicitaciones por animarse
Muy buena la experiencia se nota que la pasaron muy bien!
esta bueno tu novio?
kizas kiera probar conmigo, tanto q se hace el señor d las fantasias.
jajaja obvio q esta bueno... yo creo q me deja hacer todo esto... por que el quiere su parte tambien... jajaja
@corazonesrojitos eso es lo q creo, todo chabon q ofrece a su novia a otro tipo es xq tiene ganas d probar.
Imagino una noche increiblee! Muy bueno por animarse
Super hot te pones bb.
Debes ser increible garchando, me encato el relato corazon
que bien!! te felicito por animarte y disfrutarlo. Y gracias por compartir
flikdik +1
Ufff me recalento el relato, me encantaria ir con mi mujer al menos para mirar, pero siempre me miro feo al proponerlo. Un dia me invitan para no llegar solo y nuevo!
Mierda, que intensooo gracias x el rela4o, nosotros tmb estamos viendo q onda cn mi jermu… asi q le voy a mostrar tu relato.gracias x co, partir
Muy bueno, yo voy a veces a uno de Flores con mi novia, tenemos ganas de ir a Anchorena...capaz nos cruzemos y por ahí....
Que buena experiencia....iremos con mi mujer muy pronto.
fran127 +1
espetacular ...... que experiencia .... !!!!
naty88 +1
Yo también fui con mi novio y me gusto. Nadie te jode recomendado
jaja q buena aventura!! con mis amigos jodemos siempre de ir. pero somos todo solteros jodones. che hay pendejada de entre 20 y 30? o todo matrimonios grandees? te sentis re colgado si sos pendejo.. muy buena onda tu novio jaja a le debes un trio con una mujer.. que copado tener una novia asi! iria a ver que ya eso es mucho.. aparte re sirve para sacarte la verguenza en todo.
Hola!!!... volvimos el viernes pasado.... muy bueno... despues voy a contar... Mira... sinceramente... creo que es un lugar mas para ir en parejas... y hacer cosas con parejas... por que hay muchos muchos varones que van solos... muy pocas pocas mujeres... y unicamente pueden entrar a los reservados libres... y como que ahi no va nadie... osea estan todos en el de parejas. y como que estan muy colgados los chicos que van solos... yo creo que hay que tener mucha mucha suerte para ser un hombre q
Q buen relatooo... Esamexcla entre timidez y calentura si o no.. Buen morbo me agarro...
tremendo relato te felicito, muy bien descripto para los que nos conocemos, ahora tengo una idea general de como es la movida, xq siempre tuvimos ganas de ir con mi novia pero por desconocimiento nos daba miedo. le voy hacer leer tu relato. gracias
muy buen relaro nosotros temos ganas de ir ya pasamos por la puerta y no entramos nos dio cosita pero con este relato lo estamos pensando
diosaaaaaaaaaaaaa, es lo mas las cosas que te pasan ahi son indescriptibles es placer, calentura, lo mas.besos y segui contando
Muy bueno, nosotros fuimos la semana pasada, nos pasaron cosas muy parecidas, la verdad que esta muy bueno, es super recomendable. Besos.
Me encanto el relato , tengo muchas ganas de ir pero mi mujer todavia no se anima , creo que ya la voy a convencer
me partistes la cabeza!!! con mi pareja estamos con ganas de querer ir...pero, a la vez del deseo hay miedos de por medio!!! nos calentastes eso si!! besos
Hola mis amores. yo fui sola y despues la otra semana lleve a mi marido la pasamos barbaro.... espectacular lugar... pasen x mis post amores que escribi muchois relatos para ustedes amores.... dejen puntos favoritos