Good... again here... I'm going to tell you that yesterday (Tuesday) I went to do 'Bob the builder' with intentions of solving a few things at my sister-in-law's house, since they are all women and there are no men, they asked for my help... Of course, I wasn't going with the intention of working, but rather with the intention of playing with my niece, unfortunately she wasn't there, she had gone to the gym, but my sister-in-law's slut was there, calm and doing her thing (because her youngest daughter was there)... although she doesn't have anything to do with being a 'lady'... I really don't know what that house is like but for me it's like an aphrodisiac when I enter and automatically feel like my cock gets hard waiting for any situation to start getting hard until it becomes as stiff as a log!... My sister-in-law was wearing a dress that drove me crazy, barely covering her tasty ass, to make matters worse the HD wasn't wearing a bra and her yummy tits were transparent, of course I could see everything because I was alone, my girlfriend had gone to the hairdresser and I, as good brother-in-law that I am, went to fix things at my sister-in-law's... while trying to change the lamp in her room that had burned out... My sister-in-law was running around looking for things to get my niece ready because her grandparents were coming to pick her up soon... I was clearly doing my thing, although every now and then I would glance back to enjoy the yummy ass of my sister-in-law, which could be seen in its entirety because she was wearing a red thong... as soon as I realized the detail I thought she was trying to start a fight and honestly I was going to give her a battle... I was working on mine when suddenly she rushed in telling me she had to change to go down to the door to take the kid because her grandparents had already arrived without saying another word and without waiting for me to get out, she ran off... The strips of his little dress and I left it to fall... in front of me the yummy tits that I hadn't been able to forget and that ass that makes you want it, won't have taken a minute to change and come out again!... imagine you guys, it's like a 2,000,000 watt direct hit to the cock... my dick stood up right away. But honestly, I didn't even get to enjoy myself because she had already left... I stayed in the room finishing the connection while she was gone, I'm telling the truth I stayed stunned for a minute or two... many things were going through my head but of course the main one was the irresistible urge to screw that my sister-in-law's slut had left me with what she had done... she came back like nothing was wrong, all agitated from running down the stairs in a hurry and said sorry about just now, I hope I didn't bother you, although I think it wouldn't have bothered you much because you've got a huge bulge in your pants... I looked at her, smiled, and said you don't want me to get like this? I'M FLESH AND BLOOD, and above all FLESH... she laughed out loud and asked me if I liked what happened that night... I told her it had been amazing, more so because it was the first time I'd been able to make her ass without having to beg her and that made me go crazy!... she smiled and even blushed and said the truth is I love it for my ass, I find it tasty and I like that feeling of feeling like a slut... until then they can't imagine how I was, the blood was boiling in my veins and I could already feel my cock getting wet, she was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed looking at me and talking to me as naturally as if we were discussing the weather... I seemed to have stored some kind of pin in my thigh, it's just that my erection was obvious but it didn't seem to bother her, actually it seemed to please her to see me like that because of her, after a while of chatting about sexual things I told her subtly that she had been doing a Time was spying on me and my girlfriend when we were having sex at her house, and she told me: “it's that honestly I don't understand how my sister doesn't want more... if you're screwing her so well”... I was thinking of turning around to her right there, since with her I didn't need a condom... “it's that if there's something I really like is screwing multiple times” she said, clear I started going down the stairs and approaching her when we heard the door, it was my delicious niece who had just returned from the gym all sweaty... with her yummy breasts all wet... I greeted her and she went to take a bath, at that moment I began to screw my sister-in-law she grabbed me by the balls fiercely and brought my cock against her face, I took it out of my pants and she started sucking it while I was jerking off hard, I pulled out her breasts outside of her muscular body and squeezed them, I thought of asking her to give me a Boobs fuck and apparently the old lady already had experience because she jerked me off well and put my cock between her breasts and started screwing me, I felt like her breasts were squeezing my cock, it seemed to be making me come... I got so hot that I couldn't control myself and filled her breasts with cum, even on her face I squirted... She was excited and savored all my cum... she took it out of her breasts and brought it straight to her mouth... after that I wanted her to put it in and clear I was still hard... she got off the bed and lowered her short a little, lifted her legs, put her feet on my shoulder and I started screwing her... just as the tip of my cock touched her pussy I felt her all wet... I screwed her until the end and didn't waste a second (all this while my niece was taking a bath next to us) my sister-in-law grabbed the pillow and bit it to not moan, although those little sighs that a woman lets out when you screw her were escaping... I screwed her for about 5 minutes until she stopped me with her hands and collapsed in pleasure on the bed, I could feel like The cock was sinking into a sea of delight, I felt like its cum was moistening me... Immediately I adjusted myself, turned on the TV to hide a bit and turned on the fan to get rid of the sex smell we had left... 5 minutes later my niece came out of the bathroom... went to her room, changed and came back to see what we were doing... I kept fooling around with the lamp, actually I had already finished putting it away, but I had to make myself do something to justify my presence in the room, suddenly my sister-in-law's cell phone started ringing, apparently it was a friend, she said, who needed me to go to her house to take care of her daughter while she went out urgently to visit a sick relative, for me it was all a scam and I thought someone was calling from around here... I told her everything was fine that I was just finishing up changing the room in the heater and I was leaving (of course not like this)... She rushed out... And we were left alone at home, just the two of us... Immediately the doorbell rang, I got down from the stairs and kissed her mouth with a kiss... We had some great minutes... I was biting her lips and putting my tongue in... She responded to my kisses with total passion and desire... I started sliding down her fresh and perfumed neck until I went crazy!!... I kept going down until I reached her chest... Started tracing a path to get to her breasts and decided to take off her black blouse and pull out the corset until she was completely naked... Took her breasts in both hands and started sucking them, one at a time, bordering my tongue with her nipples while my hands massaged them delicately... I joined them and slid from one to the other with my tongue while looking at her... She seemed to be enjoying it a lot, since while doing this she was pressing my head against her breasts as if asking me not to stop... I decided to keep going, layed her down on the bed and took off her short that she had on and to my exciting surprise she wasn't wearing underwear and just had left the pussy without a hair... I undressed completely and between my mother's bed sheets, I made her come!!... I started by taking her legs and placing one on my shoulder, kissing and nibbling her until I got my savory gift, her virgin pussy. I began to savor it, licking it until I was tired.... She was very hot, her pussy was all soaked... I started noticing that she no longer had much fear of my fingers near her hole and even seemed to like it when I put them in, although only a few cm... I took advantage of the situation and inserted the tip of my tongue, turning my fingers and tongue one at a time... She was ready to receive my cock, so I pulled it out of my pants and saw her all hard, telling me to go slow, I desperate and not caring that there was no condom, began to rub against her over her use until I reached her hole, trying to put it in but she seemed to be suffering a lot, not letting me get even a few cm because she kept saying it hurt a lot, so of course I told her it was completely normal for it to hurt and she decided to confess that the fact that her mom could come back at any moment had left her very nervous... I decided to calm down, since the truth is I want to fuck her but not make her suffer or have a bad memory of her first time... I lay on the bed and she jumped on my penis and put it in her mouth... She started licking me without restraint... It seemed like an insatiable slut sucking my cock... And I got very hot knowing that just moments before I had put my cock in her mom and now she was sucking me, at some point I thought she was sucking her mom's juices... The morbo was driving me crazy... I decided to turn her over and start kissing her entire back, tracing with my tongue the groove formed by the bone of the spine until I reached her beautiful bum... She tasted great... I put it in... tongue all the way to the bottom without caring about anything, it seemed to her that she loved it because while she was sucking me off, she would stop and start again so my tongue could reach better and deeper… while I did this with my hands, I rubbed her clitoris... she screamed with desperation, moaned with a lot of passion... as if I were taking her... in just a few minutes, I felt her cum on my fingers…. I pulled my hand out of her pussy and drew a heart on her butt with it, a heart that later I marked with the tip of my tongue… Me put myself beside the bed and jacked off until I finished on her yummy tits... she cleaned up and got dressed again… just in time because minutes later her mom (my sister-in-law) returned… I think few are as lucky as me who can say they've had two women in the same bed, one being the mother and the other the daughter... and many fewer, I think, are those who can say that one is their sister-in-law and the other their niece!!!... CONTINUARA… P/D: here's a yummy Boobs fuck with these tits, you don't know what it was like!!! my sister-in-law's tits...
and since I don't have many more photos... I'm presenting the tasty ass (that doesn't want to give in) of my girlfriend!!
comment, leave comments, share... that really motivates!!... thanks for stopping by!... :D

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15 comentários - Me f**k my niece? Part 9 (almost glory)
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