Sexo oral: el secreto de la felicidad femenina

Sexo oral: el secreto de la felicidad femenina
A research conducted by the State University of New York concluded that oral sex is not only good for women's overall health but also makes them happier.

Why is this so? According to the results, it's because semen contains substances like serotonin and thyrotropin (a hormone with the same function) and melatonin, an sleep-inducing agent. Additionally, its composition includes chemicals like oxytocin, cortisol, and estrone that improve overall mood and cognitive performance.

The study was conducted on a group of 293 women who detailed their sexual characteristics. The general conclusions were also striking: those who have regular and frequent sexual relations and direct contact with seminal fluid are less depressed, healthier, happier, and perform better in intellectual development evaluations.

And more: the benefits for the couple

Fellatio (oral sex from woman to man) is one of the preferred activities, perhaps the most erotic, for most men. According to the Kinsey report, only 1-3% of them say they dislike the idea of receiving oral sex, says Dr. Victoria Alfaro, a certified clinical sexologist and diplomate in sexual health. It's essential for erotic encounters and should be pleasurable for both partners.

However, it's all about that. They enjoy doing it and having it done to them. We like it a bit less. The key is to learn how to enjoy it. But doing it well has two secrets, explains Paola Kullock in her book Al sexo ponele ganas by Ed. Aguilar. The first is enthusiasm: if you like practicing oral sex, you'll be good at it. majority of us do it well 'sometimes', when we're 'young and naive', but if they took that out of the 'package', we wouldn't be surprised. The second is something more 'technical': breathing. You have to inhale and exhale through the nose, this way we avoid choking and getting sick. It's the same breathing we practice in singing classes, Pilates or yoga, details the director of PK Sex School.

1 comentários - Sexo oral: el secreto de la felicidad femenina

hummm que delicia entonces,, me gustaria hacer feliz a una amiga ;)