La Masturbacion



La MasturbacionMasturbation is the act of grasping one's cock and making a manual movement forward and backward until the so-called liquidDudecame towards the tip of theHead of his cockYou might feel very relieved now that the balls left you like a long grape leaving the annoying testicle that was bothering your scrotum.There are different types of masturbation

1. The Chinita: Consists of placing the fingers in the shape of a Chinese eye and moving the hand upwards and downwards without the remaining three fingers, thus relieving the head of the cock as it releases all the seminal liquid called CHELE

2. The Snoozer: It consists of sitting for 5 minutes neither more nor less (unless you're an idiot) on the skilled hand with which you can have a good masturbation, Let's go back to the method, after the 5 minutes you grab the member and start masturbating, the fact of having the hand asleep makes it feel like someone else is making you masturbate

Frodo: It consists of placing the thumb and index fingers in the shape of a ring (Frodo's ring) and making a sudden movement upwards and downwards, causing a flow of cum out of his cockhead

4. The Barrilete: It consists in grabbing the cock and starting slowly and accelerating the speed so that its head becomes redder than a tomato.

La Masturbacion

Masturbation is something completely common, like a round ass standing on four legs, if you don't do it... because you're a jerk

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