💕 Dear poringa boys As many of you already know since several months ago, we've been thinking, developing and testing a new system to evaluate the best content and good contributions made every day. Thanks to this, we came up with the idea of developing a karma system that evaluates positive and negative actions. Alongside this, we implemented a new ranking system which will help identify better those who make good contributions and those who just join to bother.
What is karma?
The karma according to various religions is a transcendent (invisible and immeasurable) energy that derives from the acts of people. This premise is the basis of many reputation systems and what we implement in Poringa!, good actions raise karma, and bad actions lower it.
The karma system of Poringa! functions with an internal scoring model, each good or bad action raises or lowers karma according to its level of importance: for example, making a good comment does not raise karma to the same level as making a good post, and based on all actions performed over time, one arrives at a global karma value which is used to assign a range and public karma value.✅What attitudes raise karma?
Making good contributions:
Receiving points on your content - Receiving recommendations from your content - Having other users add your content to their favorites - Having people like your shouts or topics - Receiving comments and responses in your posts - Moderating your contentsBeing a good user:
Giving points to good content - Getting new followers - Following good users - Voting negatively on comments that don't comply with the protocol and are deleted - Reporting correctly✔️What attitudes lower karma?
Making bad contributions:
- Creating content that is deleted - Making comments that are deletedWith bad attitudes:
- Giving points to deleted posts
- Voting positively on comments that don't meet the protocol and are deleted
- Being blocked by other users
- Being suspended (from Taringa! or in communities)
- Incorrectly reporting
- Deleting posts
Some examples:A user creates a post, this post receives points, comments, and recommendations: all these actions make its karma rise. Suppose this post didn't comply with the protocol, so it's reported and then deleted by a moderator, this will make its karma drop in a proportion greater than what rose.✅Sometimes I don't do anything and my karma goes up or down why?
It may happen that some content created a while ago (post, comment, topic, shout, etc.) is deleted or receives points, favorites, etc. This will make my karma go down or up respectively without you having to do anything in the present.✅How do I identify my karma?
Karma is a numerical value (from -1 to 12); based on this value, each range is assigned; for example, for a user with karma 8 their rank will be 'Elite'. The karma value of each user is public and can be found in each user's profile.✔️New Ranges:
Traditional ranges (Rookies, New Full User, Full User and Great User) cease to exist, from now on the newRangeswill beTroll:Karma -1.00Flamer:karma 0.00Inexperienced:karma $1.00Initiated:Karma 2.00Apprentice:karma 3.00Amateur:karma $4.00Regular:karma 5.00Expert:karma 6.00Advanced:karma 7.00Elite:karma $8.00Silver:karma $9.00Gold:Karma 10.00Platinum:karma 11,00Diamond:karma $12.00✔️Special Ranks (NO Karma)
✨ Candidate✨
✔️When a new user registers, what rank is assigned to them?The new users will have a rank of 'initiate' (karma 2.00).✅When a post goes on the main Home page and when in the 'newbies' section?The posts created by users with a rank equal to or greater than 'regular' (karma 5.00) will be listed on the main home page, the posts created by users with a rank equal to or less than 'Amateur' will be listed in the section 'novices'.✔️From what range can users comment on my posts?When creating a post you can select the user range level that you want to comment on your posts, the default level set is AmateurGet ready for a hot night! I'm going to make you come!✅Will my rank change or will it always be the same?The ranges are dynamic, as a user performs good or bad actions their karma will rise or fall and therefore also change their range.✔️What advantages do users with a higher range have?From the opening of this new system, we will be giving greater access to users with higher rank and limiting those with lower rank, in this way bad users will see their possibilities of bothering more limited and good users will be able to have access to more and better options.✅How is the point system going to work?Users with a rank equal to or higher than Inciado (karma 2) will be able to give points to posts and the more senior they are, the more points available each day they will have. No user can give more than 10 points to a post. ✍ Points to give per day according to yourrangeGet ready for a wild rideTroll:0 pointsFlamer:0 pointsInexperienced:0 pointsInitiated:5 points(RI)
Apprentice:10 pointsAmateur:10 pointsRegular:10 pointsExpert:15 pointsAdvanced:20 pointsElite:25 pointsSilver:30 pointsGold:35 pointsPlatinum:40 pointsDiamond:50 points
Moderator:150 pointsDeveloper:250 pointsThe points are renewed at 12:00 am Argentine time GMT-3What's up with the users Great User?The usersGreat UserThey will no longer have this special range, from now on their actions will be recognized with medals based on their merits.⚠ Attention:
This system will have constant evolution. In the future, changes in karma at the global level will be generated, affecting each user to a greater or lesser extent. These changes will be notified through shouts from the official moderators of the page.
HeartFor a @Poringa! better, many thanks!

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231 comentários - New Karma system and ranks ❤️
gracias por el aporte!! besoooosssss,
yo pase por tu post, vos pasaste por el mio?
los comentarios son el apoyo que necesitamos para seguir adelante!!
todo mal entonses tendre q solo comentar y puntuar a usuarios tpo para poder subir mi karma??????????????????????? puajjjjjjjjjjjjjj
seeeeeeeee 🤤 🤤 🤤
Sale reco así más gente se entera...
(igual debe de estar en sticky pero soy tan boludo que ni miro el home) 😀
Gracias x la info
Viva la comunidad P!
Con malas actitudes:
Ojala funcione muy bien primordialmente en este aspecto.
Buena Info.
Adelant con la modernidad
😀 😀
genial pablito, una gran idea esto
felicitaciones a todos ustedes
+8 y recomendado
cuantos puntos tengoooo 😀
x fin jaja 😉
abrazo amigo
buena info ..
espero que todo vaya mejor para todos los ex full user y los ex novatos.
saludetes amigaso peeeeeeeeero cuando un post con paulita ? extraño a esa diosa 🤤
guachín traenos a esa diosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
todo sea por mejorar siempre la comunidad!
ventajas : mas puntos para poder agradecer en los posts y mas gente va a poder comentar !!!!!!!