[center]HERE ARE ALL MY POSTS[/center][center]
@AmateurPics69 @ toxico1978 @fl22lf @gjf_10 @f-arioto @mf1980 @bromito @ElAnonimo91 @fl22lf @malvicho1 @esteban_128 @bryangg1819 @VanesaBetancour @shadowshunnter @GregorioAbarca @FaradayD @nutrismash @FRANBISEX @f-arioto @niconk1 @frnandez1966 @Maurifr @ephemeraskate @HectorMMG @josegroso @xcharly72 @DanyDF79 @ayayayuyuyuy2 @marcechip @intercriminal @luisal64 @DANKO1955 @marxelo30 @denmetodo @frnandez1966 @bass57 @jony1992a @TEENCRUZ@francorivero666 @ecoyote @gringo_w0313 @gerardoriker @tujovenamigo @tiburonderio @DocFreud @MisioneroJ @javier3095 @b33r @alexiaSor @Tomasreggae222 @FaradayD @CHICO_YO_NOFUI @fuko99 @AnabethCor @chueco13575 @javi808 @turbo3d500 @hammett090 @Mexiclon328 @mantijutsu @lamborghinni123 @chacholp @jaimitohdezg @Chechaurizar @esteban_128 @ouroloco @EdjPhoenix89 @ero_sex @adamtul23 @gusf-128 @adamtul23 @mormolina @pajeroloco1980 @angelusdark27 @Thereapersk8 @peludito3000 @yerm5@corsario237 @AmandaLeona17 @FantasiaRealidad @edifier09 @maritssh_cross @Zeus_Rayo @Rastty @javi808 @Grinpis @deepink @gerga14 @torquemada23276 @javi808 @bipirata @pabliskyn @moreno1041 @gerardoriker@susuki750 @HectorMMG @DocFreud @Luqaas87 @eljefe452 @sirgaby @derm369 @aleyenme @zoopedro @LeoRoot @metalwarrior32 @Alien2000 @mestispace @Mexiclon328 @Dj_DrG @Fuckmaggot @rodrigococo @Confor451 @93381914 @pedrolabrac @andrestafelokura @EYACULADOR- @chonvara @choloplay @Smoker2313 @BisexualArg @danilosensei @velawalter @josedeelia @derm369 @rodrigguito @casauto @FranciscoSass @cacc85 @lujarapa @PascammClosett @Vic69g @limon-flores @lujarapa @AnonimoNauru @tukalz @Feriel @JovenGoloso @Dave00000 @berronegre @benesc @House2011 @Jessco @heroso1974 @Bull13big @barchuk @rompetulipan @necrodamus69 @malvicho1 @sergioperesb @Loser-86 @Florcitaaaflor @junioroo11 @javgon0005 @doctorgerman @culitosrosados @Chechaurizar @marko184 @Otokonoko23 @anymau @selfsucker @Polako_RN @lucio8887 @Zirhan @gabylecherita @PABLOGESEI1 @Ijac85 @azul_abi @soyonosoy @RogerSilver @GregorioAbarca @sylverter @alichu @gerga14 @senenjote @gordiyito @roge_maiden @corsario237 @curiosity18 @mrelpanzas @cholitohotrsa @Nikom69 @Erstdur94 @ero_sex @xxxdios @mantijutsu @Rivetgun @panama72 @ADAN036 @Pasivo1958 @JAPBIC @CarpaccioManolit @LAEMPERATRIX @tripode888 @chanchogua @migue_norte @frnandez1966 @prospero_11 quintanasilvano @bayno65 @bromito @diegomorh @SexVeggiesMetal @FrancoHshdyysqj @Royvi07 @oskycaddy @drjakare @ingmana @joakin18 @1234XDD @climbersshemale @elchangooo @ayayayuyuyuy2 @AgustinBelda @barro13 @armcinnew @edifier09 @Tierno47 @Fabbiana @javi808 @eltordo1977 @ShukN @david_gonzo @tunenaputaa @Renzow09 @ivocarp @maurixd2 @aguilin2012 @Ladrillero @ChicoNenaCloset @V1rtu41 @feermmorloop @Jongargar @NAN_CYCD @marian_o1980 @teveoclaro @senenjote @Tucolaenmicara @aguilin2012 @cacc85 @werlio @el-fo @cachondo9991 @lunitatrans @ChristianJed @eljano1 @zacarlos31 @RoemisexTrance @GustaboMan @sarah-x @Stan08 @ivocarp @duilioz @Ijac85 @elcalentito @todobolso @barro13 @armcinnew @cyber_Red @corsario237 @climbersshemale @payaso27 @IvanCostello @cholitohotrsa @MisioneroJ @VanesaBetancour @Eduhkkg @aldamaju @net2010 @TavitianE @VillaH @enrigt @hikaru82 @joenrique @Curiosos40 @AngelikRa @lukqitas armandoporros @metalwarrior32 @clarenas @ANDRSWuiL @Eduhkkg @ponchis16 @Erstdur94 @monicapato @edifier09 @EVANGEL1ON @bob_toronga @el-fo @motoquero32 @Freddyfalcon188 @mf1980 @Samgungkodak @ramonparati @Chechaurizar @rds12cm @Maurifr @owl3 @KaluraCD @johnbaldwin @tangita_rosa @papapu13 @teto37 @rollinga_99 @Shemalelover25 @anarchy2k1 @josebianchi1234 @gorkash @danipaal16 @benesc @cholitohotrsa @FRANBISEX @ero_sex @MeksD @Alvaroxx351 @JeferPrivate @enrigt @JinxJ @pomelo3 @vago507 @nikokpo30 @DualChanel @arveysifilis @Kierotrolas @cyber_Red @SexVeggiesMetal @ferny7690 @adcoxx @davidzeus666 @teveoclaro @arielperdep @necrodamus69 @Tucolaenmicara @heroinmort @kamikace12 @8112342066 @nahuass @pendejobisex @Kmo69 @walter04_rey @Pornoshemale @dahebra @ArjunaB @sergioperesb @HugoAldacourrou @Zeppeliano308 @marxelo30 @tuhuerto @unbekannt873 @NexusSquirt @kohox @gorkash @Curiosos40 @loadrunner @denmetodo @zhendo @juanitosan @mikecapaldi63 @bombero_24 @eriko_juni @pandreani @clarenas @juangomez8000 @Nikom69 @Yurugu @selfsucker @zacarlos31 @Kronostdf @pijagrande587 @bombero_24 @manologisa @mikecapaldi63 @PORELCHIQUITO2 @bob_toronga @Undye @XOnga_1985 @LuigiMorelli @elcalentito @mikecapaldi63 @Savareseilumine @lunitatrans @martin4327 @doriian5 @patyy94 @Drift24cr @elcalentito @Kull_Ero_Connor @matias-d-almagro @gabylecherita @Venasmexico @Moni_rzp @zorrofumanchero @8112342066 @diegomorh @oskycaddy @zippo_T @sergioperesb @Nerdzl @Olenantuanet @aguilin2012 @ivan_veintidos @jhr2000 @ttitton @RogerSilv@kendo25 @Dany4791 @choloysra @FantasiaRealidad @zacarlos31 @Philip17 @LuchoNardela @serioyya @npr43 @LuigiMorelli @mikecapaldi63 @MicaelaCross @Drift24cr @jlgr223 @GIEGUI @anaral76 @DemonexRx @Wboneplex @heroinmort @LadyMissy @serpwer @roccome @Drax1313 @tomateelpalo @FF-Coma-of-Souls @santico2011 @Kierotrolas @Rastty @RETERO69 @matufl1 @Karli2012 @edifier09 @zacarlos31 @clarenas @Floripondiox1000 @juangomez8000 @Garlok @daniel_cabj88 @joakin18 @Trenero @necrodamus69 @danipaal16 @sergioperesb @Harushia @aldina25 @pac480 @Florcitaaaflor @CuriusidadseXual @ElJohnny91 @Abyz10 @anarchy2k1 @markomagno @Savareseilumine @sarah-x @anaral76 @pascuamix @Me_Desvanezco @MartinaBi @kabrioxxx @jtaluiro @Stafegermano @pasivo38 @ivanchin122 @Donfapencio @docreim @MarkPor @elcho1_1 @calixtoperez81 @matu15 @MARCELOWHITAKER @Kull_Ero_Connor @Yurugu @daniel_rosario82 @teveoclaro @RogerSilver @ArtuCasti81 @amantelati @chanchito71 @89cartman22 @Ijac85 @Rivetgun @Calentonny96 @hjvg77 @zorrofumanchero @obluiyi182 @008Lucas @valee942 @warriorsexy @FerTransexual @ArtuCasti81 @daniel_cabj88 @JP_1979 @MeksD @Free_Spiritt @Drugstore @cluaudiopolis @Sixsex @motoquero32 @jesterhead67 @Mariagambino12 @1234XDD @cholitohotrsa @SuperAgustinita @pac480 @randyysmit @eriko_juni @antis @marko184 @Kimba75 @ivanchin122 @laca1951 @alichu @angelbigay @alejun1 @pendejobisex @eltrenzza @malvicho1 @gustavosotopa @Drugstore @laca1951 @Olenantuanet @ephemeraskate @Dohko88 @XPXPXPXPXP @CHerrera82 @mandibulazo @LaloMorandini @oskar777 @eltordo1977 @Murcielago35 @tuhuerto @ulises9020 @valensexx @fabrimetal @sebaycele @lu004 @oskycaddy @agrosebas @abrahamtorres @barquechak @necrodamus69 @DrJuguetes @Zagon_14 @Enriky @PijaNorte @PijaNorte @celosa19 @KevinMoondust @Zagon_14 @josefina2569 @darkfirehole @balucito666 @TebiJ @Chechaurizar @Kull_Ero_Connor @profezonasur @paseador09 @Felicia_69 @Brenda2416 @R0P0C @LuisCarral95 @cachondocarrasco @miramesto @escandon85 @antonioalmonte @NikoTiraleche @NikoTiraleche @Poker417 @Maurifr @chicohentay @ParejaDeZorritos @frankbarce @snakeh22 @AnalProlapse_Man @gabal2012 @lalsknl @lxp85@lxp85 @dragonblacksyko @Kristin08 @texb159 @lalsknl @elcalentito @sevas2 @zonum1938 @doctoramuelita @teveoclaro @thedrfeelgood @Apocalyptyco @denmetodo @kusanagi72 @LebronRod @JeandetM @Acerdra @hersan35 @janez12 @Dr_Heisenberg @pepjuan1 @memos21 @javierstrapon @mikeymouse23 @Xxxdildo @alpalo77 @Titlover72 @e001d @guachole @simon77 @Mikepad0010 @joenrique @Moni_rzp @AndrioliF @sergioperesb @sylverter @enrigt @Nicolas30788 @ap456 @williecali @tiag0z @241975 @BrianKinneyQAF @cina_tra @elmore_ @muerto1992 @Jolosic @rossellona @Fat79 @chulocachulo @di814 @Soren-mimo @MicaelaCross @COJERUBIA @crazymaya @daniel199328 @elpibebuskvete @Ricky12358 @redhood666 @CMERK@alex142ar @flemaz @yo2008 @tenmillon @GuillermoB50 @BFGGFB @nico41n @atraviesa @Gabrielgomez1195 @sinphony85 @marcoloco133 @josedeelia @martindsj73 @pipeta82 @Hitfat3 @Eduhkkg @peluche28 @ariesro @tresviejas22 @Ptox88 @cachondo118 @Pordinson @lk_wolfi @Adios-Toreador @NACHORICE @caibai @JuanAlan666 @delittes @DrakoVsAcuario @danipaal16 @katna7 @stevrg @mipumax @dj_vegas @mrmoon37 @lusmaie @olmecamustaff @arcanis_z @nombregenerico69 @Drax1313 @mf1980 @pacovader @CarpaccioManolit @Patastas @MisioneroJ @psicofar @Luis6239 @pablo250cc @javgon0005 @Sr_Bestia @dalemasquilmes @doctorgerman @nutrismash @lukqitas @reydelanoche19 @FeltanG @quiubi @jaungoiko @VonWeichs @mote101 @LT-smash @V1rtu41 @deejaymatias @Miguel45678 @soyelmecha @negro_poringuero @Buedito @MafuyuOrifushi @butoeskor6 @panama72 @FerFiestero @Bepi_cba @Russ_G @Dj_DrG @gust7387 @Gustycjs @patochmuco @Maurolauras @metalbrujeriarammstein @betobas50 @javier20177 [/center][center]@'[/center][center]hjvg77[/center][center]@Goorin @maxess @edu_sant @Floriano1111[/center][center]@
(Note: Since the original text is a single symbol @, I'm returning the same symbol as the translation.)[/center][center]TeoMal[/center][center] [/center][center]@)[/center][center]Joselux[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning it as is, following rule 10.)[/center][center]lofcam[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a special character, I'm returning it as is)[/center][center]Gabylecherita[/center][center] [/center][center]@)[/center][center]Shemale climbers[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation is literal and follows rule 2, as the symbol @ is an at sign and does not need translation.)[/center][center]guardi1970[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10, as the symbol @ is not a word or phrase that needs translation.)[/center][center]Danny Beat[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters)[/center][center]porno0033[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate the symbol @, as per rule 3)[/center][center]worlddvd[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the original text is already an at sign (@), I'm returning it as is, following rule 10.)[/center][center]David20177[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation is straightforward as the symbol @ is a special character that remains unchanged when translated.)[/center][center]BlastPoint[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single symbol, the translation remains the same)[/center][center]FULMETAL1978[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10 as the input text is already in English)[/center][center]DisturbedFan[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: As per rule 10, since the text is already in English, I'm returning it as is)[/center][center]max1971[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character symbol, I'm returning the same symbol as the translation)[/center][center]tute91-[/center][center] [/center][center]Alexariel69[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]nightfall[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule #10, as the symbol @ is not a sentence or phrase that requires translation.)[/center][center]tgirllover18[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: As per rule 10, since the input is already in English, I'm returning it as is.)[/center][center]feryjon1501[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation is literal and does not make sense as a standalone sentence. It appears to be an at symbol, which is used in email addresses and other contexts.)[/center][center]juanguil17[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate the symbol @, as per rule 3.)[/center][center]npr43[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters.)[/center][center]Camila Aranibar[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character @, I will translate it as is, following rule 10)[/center][center]conid666[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(No translation needed, as it's a symbol)[/center][center]Cottonette[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning it as is)[/center][center]Luciano Jalif[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10 as the original text is already in English)[/center][center]Turtle[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: The symbol @ is an at sign and does not need translation as it is a common character used in many languages.)[/center][center]Yiper1417[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a special character)[/center][center]BerttiJ[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: As per rule 4, I'm only providing the translation without any comments or additional notes.)[/center][center]nerd32[/center][center] [/center][center]@ [/center][center]Kakatua18[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: As per rule 10, since the text is already in English, I'm returning it without any change.)[/center][center]CIA Professional[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character symbol, I'm returning it as is, following rule 10.)[/center][center]tanathos1990[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed, as the symbol is a special character and not a word or phrase.)[/center][center]Men Sex[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate the symbol @, as per rule 3)[/center][center]I don't understand a word, treat it as a proper noun.
podiobanana[/center][center]@Bisexxx69 @salvfe @sercue_96 @paco20100 @puchoxz14[/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule #10, as the symbol @ is not a phrase that needs translation.)[/center][center]rm281171[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate proper nouns, as @, being an at sign, is a symbol rather than a proper noun.)[/center][center]Garcigando[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a special character)[/center][center]dan77yo[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]JoseScrol[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning it as is)[/center][center]RogerSilver[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule #10, as the symbol @ is a special character that does not require translation.)[/center][center]Drunk and crazy[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a symbol)[/center][center]Superbabe2009[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1, as the character @ is a special character that does not need to be translated.)[/center][center]Rock1556[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10, as the symbol @ is not a word or phrase that needs translation.)[/center][center]safe[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate a proper noun.)[/center][center]ral732[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate the symbol @, as per rule 3)[/center][center]lagarpija8[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]WillhelmChurch[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate proper nouns, as @) is a symbol rather than a word.)[/center][center]aguilin2012[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]Kumomokuro[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation is a literal one, as @ is an at sign and does not require translation.)[/center][center]Topetele[/center][center] [/center][center]@)[/center][center]Torhtowers[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10, as the symbol @ is already an at sign in both languages and does not need translation.)[/center][center]Metrogas[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation is a literal one, as the symbol @ is an at sign and does not require translation.)[/center][center]Taluiro[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a special character)[/center][center]Jose20cm[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the original text is already an at symbol (@), I'm returning it as is since there's no need for translation.)[/center][center]Ale799002[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters.)[/center][center]Fuego90[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation is a literal one, as the symbol @ is an at sign and does not have a specific meaning in this context.)[/center][center]Carolinianese[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as @ is a symbol)[/center][center]Lmsluis[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]Torquemada23276[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]-MarkOfBlood[/center][center] [/center][center]@
```[/center][center]costa1027[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a special character)[/center][center]Temporal-Argen[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]8112342066[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule #10 as the original text is already in English.)[/center][center]adri-77[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate proper nouns, as @ is a symbol.)[/center][center]mmx2007mahonri[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a symbol)[/center][center]soratasan[/center][center] [/center][center]@[/center][center]Marcelo Fuentes[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate the symbol @, as per rule 3.)[/center][center]YourGirlIsAWhore[/center][center] [/center][center]@[/center][center]I am I am[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the original text is a symbol, I'm returning the same symbol as the translation.)[/center][center]twelvefour[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters)[/center][center]ema87rosarino[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10 as the input text is already in English)[/center][center]Peeper[/center][center] [/center][center]@”[/center][center]patyy94[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: As per rule 10, if the text is already in English, I will return it without any change.)[/center][center]maury8286[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a symbol)[/center][center]Duvani[/center][center]@ungreen[/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed, as the symbol is a special character)[/center][center]Sivery[/center][center] [/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]Wart[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and 4, as the symbol @ is a special character that does not need translation.)[/center][center]AlexxxMartin[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a symbol)[/center][center]HolySock[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single symbol, I'm returning it as-is)[/center][center]8jign[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1, as the symbol @ is a special character that does not need to be translated.)[/center][center]rebok73[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a symbol)[/center][center]Fleshy-dog-like[/center][center] [/center][center]@”[/center][center]I don't know this word.[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed, as it's a symbol)[/center][center]diashot[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]GtaR92[/center][center] [/center][center]@[/center][center]burn money[/center][center] [/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a symbol)[/center][center]Flaviopreiss[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and 2, as the symbol @ is a special character that does not need translation.)[/center][center]SinLianna[/center][center]@superchus69[/center][center]@[/center][center]I cannot translate a word that I don't understand.[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10 as the input is already an English character.)[/center][center]Nacho[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation)[/center][center]Duilioz[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed, as it's an at symbol)[/center][center]LuchoAR[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed, as the symbol @ is a special character that doesn't require translation)[/center][center]Davin50[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]urashima959[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed, as it's a symbol)[/center][center]Kramwolf[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is already an at symbol, I'm returning it as is, following rule 10.)[/center][center]Ghostly woman[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10, as the symbol @ is not a sentence or phrase that needs to be translated.)[/center][center]JOEL320[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10 and returns the original text as it is already in English.)[/center][center]I Posadas[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate the symbol @, as per rule 3.)[/center][center]Leopopelon[/center][center] [/center][center]@)[/center][center]Elchef1970[/center][center] [/center][center]@”[/center][center]Awayfromtravel[/center][center] [/center][center]@
```[/center][center]Ijac85[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation is a literal one, as the symbol @ has a similar meaning and usage in both languages.)[/center][center]colgados22[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: As per rule 10, since the text is already in English, I'm returning it without any change.)[/center][center]Transgirl[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10, as the symbol @ is not a phrase that needs translation.)[/center][center]cornu99[/center][center] [/center][center]@[/center][center]PibeCba[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a special character)[/center][center]Mirko75[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]straponlovercba[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule #10, as the symbol @ is not a word that needs to be translated.)[/center][center]Germxx[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character @, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]Horny Honey[/center][center] [/center][center]@”[/center][center]Ivan 22[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters)[/center][center]Badenero-punk[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]Diegomorh[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]Juan Sinaldo[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters.)[/center][center]SOGG[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character @, I'm returning the same character as it is, as per rule 10.)[/center][center]June 10th[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate proper nouns, as @ is a symbol rather than a word.)[/center][center]Picone69[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]ALFREDPueBla[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: As per rule 10, since the text is already in English, I'm returning it without any change.)[/center][center]Neotete[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10, as the symbol @ is not a word or phrase that needs to be translated.)[/center][center]Liosexy01[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters.)[/center][center]Hector1024[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation is literal and does not modify the original text.)[/center][center]Cristian-yo[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a symbol)[/center][center]lovecruise[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)[/center][center]Activolanus23[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters.)[/center][center]Lonely shadow[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters.)[/center][center]Klendal[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters)[/center][center]Dunio[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and 2, as the symbol @ is a special character that does not need translation.)[/center][center]I couldn't find a translation for cayayax. It's possible that it's a proper noun or a made-up word. If you provide more context, I may be able to help you better.[/center][center] [/center][center]Happy Whore[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10, as the symbol @ is already an at sign in both languages and does not require translation.)[/center][center]giveitallto123[/center][center] [/center][center]@”[/center][center]Diego Theater[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation is straightforward as the symbol @ has no specific meaning and remains unchanged when translated.)[/center][center]Gentlely[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation is a special character, which remains unchanged.)[/center][center]Pep_bk[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 10 as the original text is already in English)[/center][center]Altamira Caro[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: Since the input is already an at symbol, no translation is needed.)[/center][center]I know kung fu[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a special character)[/center][center]Hastudiollot[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters)[/center][center]marvin_cba[/center][center] [/center][center]@
(Note: No translation needed as it's a symbol)[/center][center]I'll pass you my tongue[/center][center] [/center]
@)audiopolis @
(Note: No translation needed as it's a symbol)jimgordon1990@PonchoMemo@
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)esp92 @
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate a proper noun.)POLIOCYBER @
(Note: Since the original text is already an at symbol (@), I'm returning it as is, following rule 10.)local sex 69 @
(Note: This translation is literal and follows rule 2)addictomaniaque @
(Note: Since the input is a single character symbol, I'm returning the same symbol as the translation.)Docreim @
(Note: Since the original text is already an at symbol, there's no need for translation.)House2011 @
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and 4, as it's a direct translation of the symbol @)Markiuz @
(Note: Since the input is a single symbol, I'm returning it as is, following rule 10.)Galeazzi @
(Note: This translation follows rule 10 as the input text is already in English.)Marcelo Faggiani @
(Note: This translation is a literal one, as the symbol @ has the same meaning and function in both languages.)Fernandopk2 @
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate proper nouns, as @ is a symbol.)gains_of_hay86 @
(Note: This translation is straightforward as the symbol @ is a special character that does not need to be translated.)dic01994 @
(Note: This appears to be a literal translation of the single character @, as it is already an at sign in both languages.)jlo0072002 @
(Note: This translation follows rule 10, as the symbol @ is not a word that needs to be translated.)Seb359@Ro_sumis@samykiss69 @
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning it as is, following rule 10.)Samputa @
(Note: Since the input is a single character symbol, I'm returning it as is, without translation.)Pizzo @
(Note: This translation is a direct copy of the original text, as it appears to be an at symbol (@) which does not require translation.)LEOVAZKZ @
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)Cachencho73 @
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate the symbol @, as per rule 3)RoyKea @
(Note: This translation is a literal one, as the symbol @ has the same meaning and use in both languages.)Nip @
(Note: This translation follows rule 10 as the symbol @ is not a sentence or phrase that needs translation)Jennytv @
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning it as is, following rule 10.)Cooler @
(Note: This translation is literal, as the symbol @ is a special character that does not require translation.)VILLARREALRMV @)ROGNERRODART @
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate special characters)PabloTafari @
(Note: Since the original text is a single character, I'm returning it as is.)armoki @
(Note: No translation needed as it's a symbol)juancross12 @
(Note: Since the input is a single character symbol, I'm returning it as is, following rule 10.)Thorxx555 @)gavilan909 @
(Note: This translation is a direct character-for-character translation, as the symbol @ has the same meaning and function in both languages.)Crazy Wolf @
(Note: Since the original text is already an at symbol (@), there's no need for translation.)Dario936 @
(Note: Since the original text is already an at symbol (@), there's no need for translation. I'll return it as is.)TucididesA@
(Note: As per rule 10, since the text is already in English, I'm returning it as is.)TucididesA @
(Note: This translation follows rule 1, as the symbol @ does not need translation and is preserved as is.)Edgar Cedenogalin @
(Note: As per rule 10, since the text is already in English, I will return it without any change.)fede541@”Rexsexxx @
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning the same character as the translation.)omarlucero4899 @
(Note: This translation follows rule 1 and does not translate proper nouns, as @ is a symbol.)Alejandra-47 @
(Note: This translation is literal and follows rule 1) Preserve emojis and special characters.)AlePe1987 @
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning it as is)SebaRicota87 @Scango @
(Note: This translation follows rule 10 as the input text is already in English)Javier Pena 999 @'Beto31011980 @
(Note: This translation follows rule #10, as the symbol @ is not a sentence or phrase that needs translation.)Mick6789 @
(Note: As per rule 4, I will only provide the translated text without any comments or additional notes.)AlexTrauz @
(Note: No translation needed as it's a special character)DamianGentile @
(Note: Since the input is a single character, I'm returning it as is)Sonny Boy @
(Note: This translation is literal and does not provide additional information as per rule 6)
11 comentários - TheViperRKO´s Album Nº81 - Shaved Shemale
Dejo 10 puntos, elijo está divina y me voy con ella.
Este tema mio con las pilosidades me sucede solo a mi? me gustaria saber la opinion de los demas.
Perdon Viper por introducir este debate en tu post pero es un tema que me tiene obsesionado!!!
No te preocupes no pasa nada amigo mio.
hombre a mi no me gusta verla con esos pelazos prefier odepialditas, porque la verdad me da un poco de repelus.
+ 10