!!Hello dear friends and friends!! Well today I feel very happy because I just turned 28 years old, and in retrospect everything is different from last year because finally my 27 years were decisive changes in my life.
But what can I say? Really, I don't consider myself a blogstarnot even close, although I think through my page I have managed to get hundreds, maybe thousands of friends; for example today I received more than 250 congratulations on myFacebook Profileand near 40 via inbox, apart from the countless SMS that arrived at my cellular phone, electronic mail from those who have my electronic address, through Ayline ContactWhat is the contact form on my Internet page and others. So good then I'd like to thank them (apart from trying to personally thank each one of those who wrote to me) in general all for their lovely comments, honestly they made me feel a very loved girl by everyone including people who only know me virtually.Continue reading publication...
You can also visit my previous writings:
[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/04/02/retrospectiva-mis-28-anos/" rel"]Retropective, my 28 years...[/url]April 2nd, 2011No comments
Hey dear friends!! Well today I feel very happy because I turned 28 years old, and in retrospect everything is different from last year because my 27th year was decisive changes in my life. But what to say? Honestly, I don't consider myself a blogstar or anything like that, although I think [...]See the full topic.
[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/03/28/mis-9-vidas-cumpleanos-27/" rel"]My 9 Lives, birthday 27.[/url]March 28th, 20119 Comments »
Hello dear friends and friends who visit me, today I turn 28 years old and in honor of that I want to publish again an entry I wrote a year ago to commemorate my 27th birthday, I think it's a very fun trip through the different stages of my life until...See the full topic.
[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/03/21/realmente-no-estoy-tan-sola/" rel"]I'm really not that alone.[/url]March 21st, 201110 Comments »
The other day while browsing through the traffic references on my page (or where my visitors come from to my website) I found someone very special, a very pretty girl called Jessica Alejandra, who had posted an entry about the movie “All About My Mother” making reference to the publication...See the full topic.
[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/03/17/100-dias-de-mi-sueno/" rel"]100 Days of My Dream[/url]March 17th, 201120 Comments »
Hello dear friends and friends; well, I'm here again, 100 days after starting my hormonal replacement therapy, dreaming, imagining, creating castles in the air without really knowing what will be in my future. Today, I just had my third appointment with Dr. José Luis Suarez... The doctor who has been taking care of me since...See the full topic.
[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/02/23/a-casi-80-dias-time-goes-by/" rel"]A almost 80 days... Time goes by![/url]February 23rd, 201112 Comments »
Anyway, first of all I'd like to thank the thousands of messages that have arrived asking me what happened with my page if I had already abandoned it or if something was happening and honestly nothing out of the ordinary has happened except that my vacations ended and...See the complete topic.
[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/01/17/un-paseo-por-zona-rosa/" rel"]A Stroll through Red Zone[/url]January 17th, 201127 Comments »
Hello world! Well, good day I want to tell you about my last night out with my friends Paty Scott, Melissa del Rey and Karen Ayumi. We went to the Red Zone to give my friend Ayumi a spin, since it would be her first time at...See the full topic.
[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/01/12/dream-girls-fiesta-vip-noche-de-reinas/" rel"]Dream Girls, VIP Party Night of Queens[/url]January 12th, 20112 Comments
Well, it's been a while since I followed up on the story of one of the most successful transgender groups in their time in Mexico City, so today I'm bringing you the continuation after the debut that took place on Pride Day in 2008. A time...See the full topic.
[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/01/05/cuestion-de-forma/" rel"]Matter of Form[/url]January 5th, 201111 Comments »
Okay well hello friends and friends, welcome to this 2011 that I hope will be better than all our previous years, because the idea of life is to improve each time, despite the obstacles. But okay, to all my friends and friends I wish you the best for this year that starts, Roshell hope...See the complete topic.As they will know on my page, I also have a catalog of movies which I just updated to make it a bit more accessible and better when searching for movies:
Besides that, I'm also modernizing all the areas of movie download to have the option to download the movie to keep it on your PC or burn it to a DVD or watch it online directly from the same page, here's an example of how it looks:
And well among the new movies I have on my page you can enjoy the newest thing I've uploaded: Go Fish
Transsexual - Schizophrenia (Channel 22)
Strange Rituals - Beyond Sex (History Channel)
The Surgeon - Sex Change in Adolescents
Middle Sex
The Swallow: The Story of a Transsexual
Maddame Butterfly
The Crying Game – The Crying Game
Let me die like a woman.
But remember that on the page you can find the complete catalog of movies:Animation | Documentaries | Transsexuals | Cross-dressers | Gay | Lesbians | Nymphomania | ContributionsLike also you'll be able to find on my page a new section where I have themost recent events of the transvestite transgender community in the city of MexicoForthat you may attendThe direction of the page is as follows:http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/eventos-de-la-comunidad/
For example among the most recent I have some of these events:
Title: Bazar Travesti
Producer: TvGlam Studio
Event Date: April 15th, 2011
The girls from TVGLAM have prepared a transvestite bazaar for next Friday, April 15th, 2011. Do you want to resell, change, exchange, give away, get or just chat???? Come to the only transvestite bazaar where you can bring your things to offer. You'll find pieces from 10 pesos!! The event hours will be [...] See complete information by clicking...here.
Title: XI Anniversary of Travestis Mexico
Producer: Travestis Mexico (Activist Group)
Event Date: April 2, 2011
XI Anniversary TVMEX The activist group of Travestis Mexico celebrates its eleventh anniversary on April 2 with a couple of events; a workshop and a dinner dance. Workshop: “Beyond Gender” Nueva Luna Café. Gumersindo Esquer Street 34, Asturias Colony. Metro Chabacano. Free activity. You only pay for your consumption at the café.here.
Title: Señorita México 2011
Producer: Carlos and Meche Productions
Event Date: May 28th, 2011
Carlos and Meche productions present their 2011 edition of the most famous transgender beauty pageant in Mexico on the next day, May 28th, of this year. According to comments on their main page, registrations are open. I suppose you'll have to agree with the production staff at: carlosymeche@live.com.mx or... View complete information by clicking here.Well then, I hope you're all doing very well and that you like what I've prepared for you and in general the new easier to use version of my page:
By the way wait soon my new publication which I'm writing about my birthday party to which several of my friends attended:
I'm sending you a cherry-flavored kiss, Jennifer Ayline.

You can also visit my previous writings:
[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/04/02/retrospectiva-mis-28-anos/" rel"]Retropective, my 28 years...[/url]April 2nd, 2011No comments

[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/03/28/mis-9-vidas-cumpleanos-27/" rel"]My 9 Lives, birthday 27.[/url]March 28th, 20119 Comments »

[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/03/21/realmente-no-estoy-tan-sola/" rel"]I'm really not that alone.[/url]March 21st, 201110 Comments »

[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/03/17/100-dias-de-mi-sueno/" rel"]100 Days of My Dream[/url]March 17th, 201120 Comments »

[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/02/23/a-casi-80-dias-time-goes-by/" rel"]A almost 80 days... Time goes by![/url]February 23rd, 201112 Comments »

[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/01/17/un-paseo-por-zona-rosa/" rel"]A Stroll through Red Zone[/url]January 17th, 201127 Comments »

[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/01/12/dream-girls-fiesta-vip-noche-de-reinas/" rel"]Dream Girls, VIP Party Night of Queens[/url]January 12th, 20112 Comments

[url="http://aylinemylove.com/wordpress/blog/2011/01/05/cuestion-de-forma/" rel"]Matter of Form[/url]January 5th, 201111 Comments »

Producer: TvGlam Studio
Event Date: April 15th, 2011
The girls from TVGLAM have prepared a transvestite bazaar for next Friday, April 15th, 2011. Do you want to resell, change, exchange, give away, get or just chat???? Come to the only transvestite bazaar where you can bring your things to offer. You'll find pieces from 10 pesos!! The event hours will be [...] See complete information by clicking...here.

Producer: Travestis Mexico (Activist Group)
Event Date: April 2, 2011
XI Anniversary TVMEX The activist group of Travestis Mexico celebrates its eleventh anniversary on April 2 with a couple of events; a workshop and a dinner dance. Workshop: “Beyond Gender” Nueva Luna Café. Gumersindo Esquer Street 34, Asturias Colony. Metro Chabacano. Free activity. You only pay for your consumption at the café.here.

Producer: Carlos and Meche Productions
Event Date: May 28th, 2011
Carlos and Meche productions present their 2011 edition of the most famous transgender beauty pageant in Mexico on the next day, May 28th, of this year. According to comments on their main page, registrations are open. I suppose you'll have to agree with the production staff at: carlosymeche@live.com.mx or... View complete information by clicking here.Well then, I hope you're all doing very well and that you like what I've prepared for you and in general the new easier to use version of my page:

2 comentários - Peliculas LGBT para descargar 1 link, eventos, fotos y más.