I hope you like the anecdote, it's the first time I write one: A week ago I ran into a mariquita in the center, the promiscuous youth was young and had been talking to me for some time, he would spend hours fantasizing about going and using both him and his sisters and mother, the guy was very promiscuous when I was with him. One day he told me to take advantage of it and go home because he was alone, I grabbed my things and changed and went straight there with a hard cock, when I arrived I knocked on the door and opened it, staying behind me, at the moment I entered he closed the door behind me and I could see him, the very mariquita had on a thong and a skirt that didn't cover anything -This is from my sister- He said giving a turn leaving me to see his plaid panties which were from a school uniform. -And this is from my mom- At the moment of saying this he lifted up his panties leaving me to see his white thong with red well naked on his ass. I couldn't hold back the heat and grabbed him by the hair and pushed him against the wall with my left hand, while with my right hand I pulled off his thong to one side and inserted two fingers into his ass in dry. The mariquita was moaning and complaining at the same time as he was begging for more, with the same fingers I started making him lift up doing it look like his ass -Give me some dirty shit, you only serve this- I said while putting my fingers deeper into his ass. The promiscuous didn't stop moaning and complaining until I pulled out my fingers and made him kneel down. -Now you're going to eat it- I said while grabbing his hair and making him rub his face against my bulge, he wasn't stopping breathing deeply through my crotch. I took off my pants and boxers showing my cock and the mariquita was about to choke with my cock and I stopped him in time holding onto his hair. -Wait a little slut, you're going to start slow- I said grabbing my cock and lifting her up so she could see my balls. At seeing this the mariquita buried his
Carita was licking and sucking me delicately until I thought it was tender. At that moment, I could see that promiscuous was with his tiny flaccid thing, but he was dripping more than he could hold, so I decided to give him a few small hits on his useless balls. -Do you like promiscuous?- I said while I was getting blown and feeling ecstatic. The faggot just nodded his head and after a few minutes of licking my balls asked for permission to suck me off, which I granted. Promiscuous was desperate, he started choking on the solo by swallowing my cock more than he could hold, at one moment I grabbed his hair and pushed my cock into his throat until he started struggling to get it out of his mouth to breathe and I wouldn't let him, until he understood and started hugging my legs, desperate because my cock wasn't coming out of his mouth. After a few minutes of feeling his tonsils contracting in my cock, I felt his arms falling down, which I saw with his eyes rolled back and almost out of breath, at that moment I pulled my cock out of his mouth with a punch, seeing how he left a sea of saliva dripping from his lips onto his t-shirt, which I ripped off leaving him alone with his girl's clothes. -Now you're going to be a little lady- I said, throwing him down and running away his thong. Promiscuous was already delivered and stopped the Booty, so I grabbed my cock and separating promiscuous's ass cheeks, I pushed it all the way in, the faggot let out a dry cry and started crying quietly as he felt me all the way inside him, which made me come flying with heat. I pulled my cock out completely and reinserted it whole, making him scream. His tiny ass was contracting in a way that felt like it was sucking my cock, which got me even hotter. I was screwing him for 40 minutes while listening to him moan between sobs, he was already totally delivered. At one moment I grabbed his hair and said: -If you enjoy this, then don't I want to imagine how your old lady and your sister would do it - Let's pretend they gave all the aphrodisiacs existing to that promiscuous little guy. He started moving just his ass to get my cock in and touching his nipples like he was a woman, I started screwing him hard already totally hot. At one moment the faggot told me -I don't care who you screw, if it's my sister or my old lady, but please, never leave me without my screw papi- In that moment I knew the promiscuous had broken his moral and decency, and I gave him even harder still, for 10 minutes like that until he couldn't take it anymore. I ripped off the thong and jerked off in her, filling her with semen. -Like this is how I give it to you, you keep it where you found it- I told the faggot, then grabbed the thong full of my cum, made a ball out of it and put it in his mouth. -Yes sir- Said the promiscuous with his mother's dirty thong filled with my semen in his mouth. After this I changed and left, knowing that if I didn't come back to use him again, that promiscuous would call me to make him do it again. I hope you enjoyed the story, you're invited to leave your comments.
Carita was licking and sucking me delicately until I thought it was tender. At that moment, I could see that promiscuous was with his tiny flaccid thing, but he was dripping more than he could hold, so I decided to give him a few small hits on his useless balls. -Do you like promiscuous?- I said while I was getting blown and feeling ecstatic. The faggot just nodded his head and after a few minutes of licking my balls asked for permission to suck me off, which I granted. Promiscuous was desperate, he started choking on the solo by swallowing my cock more than he could hold, at one moment I grabbed his hair and pushed my cock into his throat until he started struggling to get it out of his mouth to breathe and I wouldn't let him, until he understood and started hugging my legs, desperate because my cock wasn't coming out of his mouth. After a few minutes of feeling his tonsils contracting in my cock, I felt his arms falling down, which I saw with his eyes rolled back and almost out of breath, at that moment I pulled my cock out of his mouth with a punch, seeing how he left a sea of saliva dripping from his lips onto his t-shirt, which I ripped off leaving him alone with his girl's clothes. -Now you're going to be a little lady- I said, throwing him down and running away his thong. Promiscuous was already delivered and stopped the Booty, so I grabbed my cock and separating promiscuous's ass cheeks, I pushed it all the way in, the faggot let out a dry cry and started crying quietly as he felt me all the way inside him, which made me come flying with heat. I pulled my cock out completely and reinserted it whole, making him scream. His tiny ass was contracting in a way that felt like it was sucking my cock, which got me even hotter. I was screwing him for 40 minutes while listening to him moan between sobs, he was already totally delivered. At one moment I grabbed his hair and said: -If you enjoy this, then don't I want to imagine how your old lady and your sister would do it - Let's pretend they gave all the aphrodisiacs existing to that promiscuous little guy. He started moving just his ass to get my cock in and touching his nipples like he was a woman, I started screwing him hard already totally hot. At one moment the faggot told me -I don't care who you screw, if it's my sister or my old lady, but please, never leave me without my screw papi- In that moment I knew the promiscuous had broken his moral and decency, and I gave him even harder still, for 10 minutes like that until he couldn't take it anymore. I ripped off the thong and jerked off in her, filling her with semen. -Like this is how I give it to you, you keep it where you found it- I told the faggot, then grabbed the thong full of my cum, made a ball out of it and put it in his mouth. -Yes sir- Said the promiscuous with his mother's dirty thong filled with my semen in his mouth. After this I changed and left, knowing that if I didn't come back to use him again, that promiscuous would call me to make him do it again. I hope you enjoyed the story, you're invited to leave your comments.
3 comentários - A week ago anecdote