IF YOU GUYS ENJOYED GIVE ME 10 POINTS '!!!000000!!' 'VAMOOOOS!' 'RUN SAAAAAM!' The crowd was crazy that day, with good reason too, since it was the final of the intercollegiate football championship of Great Bacon secondary school. Everyone was on edge, the two finalist teams were tied 2-2 and only 2 minutes left until the end of the game. Sam, the handsome third-grader and captain of the team had the ball between his feet, running with it as if he were in a meadow surrounded by flowers, moving with agility and skill, almost didn't seem like a boy with a formed body and athleticism, looked more like a leaf from a tree being carried away by the wind while passing through all the players of the opposing team, when he arrived at the goal zone kicked with such force that the goalkeeper couldn't stop the ball.
All screamed and got excited, they had won the final match, all players were lifting Sam up as if he were a pure gold piece 1.87 meters tall. Everyone celebrated the victory in the school gym, a large group of boys and girls surrounded Sam. 'Oh heavens old, that was impressive!, you moved like a ninja among everyone!' One of his teammates said to him. 'Many thanks, the truth is we wouldn't have won without the effort of everyone' Sam said, showing off his humility and flashing a smile that revealed his beautiful white teeth like snow. Everyone had a great time having fun but it was time to go home.
How often, Sam would walk back to his home which was just 10 minutes away from school. Although...that day was something different... He passed through a small path that led to a small hill that left a great view of the whole town. It was there with an intention to relax for a bit and clear his mind, as he had been concentrating on the game training for weeks and just being there didn't touch anything in the distance in the sky but it seemed like lights were moving but he realized one of those lights was heading towards him. It was a meteorite Sam ran out trying to avoid it and almost saved himself the object fell only a few meters away from him The sound was heard after the impact like thunder the object radiated a weak fluorescent light Sam approached with curiosity, immediately started to feel dizzy and felt a warm embracing 'what's cool, a meteorite'
At that moment the crater opened and touched the object, taking a piece of meteorite and putting it in his bag without knowing what would start bleeding from his nose at that moment. The most rare thing is that the object started secreting a black liquid and a vapor that smelled horrible. At that moment Sam stepped back, his head hurt, he was dizzy, and blood was coming out of his nose. A little black liquid had fallen on his skin and he had breathed in that vapor with fear of catching some virus and stepped away from it. When he saw a group of people with lamps approaching the place from far away, they were military, Sam ran straight to his house and when he got there, the first thing he did was take a bath, and after that he fell asleep on his bed.
The next morning *Biip biip biip!* Agh, what's going on? Sam hadn't slept well the night before, his body still hurt even in his dreams, I feel so strange!!!! Sam shouted with force at what he had seen, What the hell is this?. Right on his chest, two lumps of considerable size had appeared, Are these... breasts? But if these are breasts that means I... Sam stopped in front of the mirror in his room and said I've turned into a girl On Saturday morning, usually at these hours Sam liked to go for a 5-kilometer run to get in shape, but today something has changed dramatically. This can't be... Said Sam touching his body and wishing this was a dream, but no, he is now a girl.
-Her enormous breasts stood out more on her
How in the world can something like this be possible? It must be a joke! Sam was a reasonable guy, so he did what any guy would do if he were in trouble, which was to call his mom. Sam's mom was a young and very beautiful woman, her body didn't seem like that of a mother, despite having two sons, she opened the door after hearing her son's call Tell me my love what happened to you!! The mom let out a scream of surprise at seeing a girl in her son's room I? Who are you, what are you doing in my house and my son's room?! Mom, calm down, it's me, Sam What?, son, are you really you? The mom walked up to her new daughter, looked at her and petted the short hair of Sam that now reached his shoulders. What happened to you, son? I don't know, Mom, when I woke up I was like this, I have no idea what happened, Said Sam very disappointed. We have to take you to the doctor, said Sam's mom extremely decided. -The mother of Sam has enormous tits:
It was more than evident that Sam had inherited those enormous tits from his mother, 'No mom, please no, do you know what they'd do to me if they found out I changed sex overnight by magic of the night?!, I don't want to be in the news like this', said Sam highly worried. 'I understand son, but something will have to be done, for now stay home, I have to go to work and when I get back we'll think of something, okay?' 'It's fine'. Hours passed and Sam was searching for the reason behind his recent transformation, he had searched online but only found a bunch of lists of animes and mangas where a boy changed sex and now he had to live as a woman for the rest of his life. 'This can't be, am I really the first case of a new virus? Is it mortal? And... if I have powers and never noticed?' He was losing his mind. 'Samantha, come down please' The voice that echoed from downstairs was that of Sam's older sister. Sam went downstairs and came into the kitchen with his face completely red from shame. -This is also Samantha's sister who also has enormous tits:
Oh well, when mom told me you'd become a girl I didn't think you'd be such a pretty one said the sister in a playful tone. Sam and his sister's relationship has always been very good, they get along well and have a lot of trust, Sam's sister was 4 years older than him. Why did you call me Samantha? Said Sam, getting angry. Well, we'll have to find an appropriate name now, lucky that Sam works for both Samuel and Samantha JAJAJAJAJAJAJA, his sister started laughing loudly. !!Is this a joke?!! Sam was really starting to get annoyed. Of course not little brother, let me take a closer look His sister began to examine her new sister's body in detail. Well, your face is quite pretty, of course, we're sisters after all, your hair is still brown but now it reaches your shoulders, do you think you should use conditioner, you know? Now your body..., Her sister had started touching some parts that would make anyone very uncomfortable.
Hey Hey Hey, what the hell are you doing?! Vaya, do you know how to handle good breasts?, Who would have thought it, but I win!, Don't worry about it, mom has a lot more like that and they'll grow with time I don't care if they grow, I don't want them, said Sam in an irritated tone. I know, but for now we should do something about them, I'll get the measuring tape when I'm done, everything else seems to be from a girl, you have relatively notable hips, your waist isn't that wide but it's not bad, what does surprise me is that you have much more butt than mom and I, is it because of soccer? I don't know, who cares??!! Sam took his hands off his sister's, I don't have anything against girls but I really like being a boy, I want to go back! I know, I understand but for now... His sister put something from a kitchen cabinet drawer, Let's see if you fit my bras or we'll go shopping with the girls jeje, I get out a measuring tape. Don't move away! Sam said trying to escape but couldn't, his sister grabbed him with great force. It seems like someone isn't as strong as a boy, this will help you, you'll see They fought for a while but in the end Sam gave up. Mmm, 78 below and 85 above, mmm I think we'll have to go for some, I don't remember saving bras that size and yours will be too big Kill me
Look on the bright side, thanks to our family genes you're not a table JAJAJAJA I hate you After fighting for a while, Sam and her sister agreed to go buy new clothes. Although it wasn't an idea she would appreciate much from our or rather our new protagonist. Do I have to wear this to go shopping? Sali had lent her used clothes so they could go together, wearing a white blouse with no sleeves, loose and embroidered, some jeans that reached mid-calf, and sneakers. Sam, calm down, you look very pretty, at least our dimensions aren't too different- Said Sali Are you sure? My breasts move every time I walk, it's too uncomfortable- Sam put her hands on her breasts to try to hold them in place. Welcome to the world of big tits, kid, it's curious that you complain, usually guys like big ones- Sali replied, -Besides, it's because you need a bra to keep them from moving all over the place- I don't care, also, these jeans are very tight and the blouse feels too loose- Sam complained while trying to adjust her clothes. Well, my breasts are bigger and the blouse is loose, so I think that's why, and your jeans are way too big for you, what an injustice- Said Sali looking at Sam a bit badly Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't want this either, shouldn't I be investigating why I'm now a girl? -The jeans looked bad on Sam
her enormous ass stood out more in the leggings-style pants
Your sister stopped in front of him-Okay, I understand, even if you don't believe it, I'm also surprised, but think about it this way- Let's see- Sam fell silent, ready to listen. Now you're a girl, it's the present, and if maybe this doesn't have a reason, what if your whole body was always meant to become a girl? And even if you find the cause, do you think there would be a way to go back to your normal form?- But what if I find the cause and there is a way? - Sam said trying to find hope. What if it takes you too long to find it?, What if by searching for the reason of your change they take you to a doctor to make studies on you?, Do you know the procedures they would do for that?- Sam had no words, really his sister was right but he didn't want to say it, knew that if he asked doctors for help the problem could get bigger. Look, we need normal girl clothes for now and then you can investigate, it will be more comfortable Okay, but we'll only buy what's necessary, understood?- Said Sam while continuing to walk towards the mall - Alright little brother - his sister answered with great humor.

They had already planned the shopping session, first they would go to lingerie and then to clothes for Sam, they would only buy two pairs of lingerie, 2 changes of clothes to stay at home and a nice change of clothes to go out, this last one at the request of her sister who was paying everything. Well, here is the lingerie store little brother - She pointed out the lingerie store. Victoria's Mistery?, Couldn't you have chosen a name less feminine? Sorry, they have nice sets here, come on- She took her brother's arm and together they entered Hello Carmen, good morning'- She spoke to one of the girls who worked there, apparently they already knew each other. Oh Sali, how have you been?,- The girl Carmen replied, quite attractive, didn't seem very old, looked like she was around 24 or 26 years old, thin and tall, a combination that made her look attractive, her bust was small but her face was beautiful, She even seemed like a model!. What brings you here?, Did you grow again?, You barely bought new clothes two weeks ago- Carmen said in a mocking tone Oh yeah I wish- Sali replied, following the joke. -She's my cousin Samantha, she came to visit a few days ago and has had problems getting into her bra lately, okay?- Sali said while playing with Sam's breast a little Ugh your family, sometimes I wish you'd give me some of your genes- Carmen looked at her own breasts a bit disappointed. Well, I'll go see if we have an available dressing room and I'll be back, okay?- Carmen left. Do you come here often?- Sam asked A girl should stay on top of her body and make sure her clothes fit well- Sali replied, raising her index finger to the ceiling and trying to look wise.- Carmen takes my measurements and tells me my size, I know her because she's a friend of a friend of my friend who I went to a party with three years ago, we get along fine since then I thought you took your own measurements- Sam replied - That's how it is with Carmen.
It's that I didn't quite hit it later and sometimes they're incorrect- Sali put a foolish face - Maybe even the measures I took yesterday are something incorrect but don't worry, Carmen is an expert and surely she'll find something that fits you well- Sali raised her right hand's thumb to indicate that there was nothing for Sam to be worried about. Okay...?- Sam was unsure Carmen returned and led Sam to the fitting room. Good Samantha, start taking off your blouse WHAT?, Can't they measure me over my clothes? That's what Sali did Never have you been measured before in a lingerie store? - This...no- Why? It's the first thing that's done when new underwear is needed, especially from above, it's not as important to measure them without clothes It's that... well...- Sam was nervous, - My mom buys me my underwear and doesn't take me to get measured jeje Well, very bad, wearing underwear without being correctly measured can be bad, it may cause deformations and make you uncomfortable using a size that's not yours- Carmen replied seriously, - So, please take off your blouse even if it's just the one- She added Okay...- Sam said in an annoyed tone while lowering her straps, - Is this okay...?- Yes, it's fine- Carmen passed the measuring tape over our boy's bust (which sounds rare),-Breathe deeply until the tape fits you just right- Okay- Sam took a deep breath Ok, it's fine- finished taking his measurements and wrote them down in a notebook Okay, they're 88 up and 78 down, you're a... D cup, quite large for a girl of your age! Congratulations!
Carmen said with a tone between happy and disappointed. What?- Sam was surprised. What surprises you, your cousin is a DD and they're four years apart, right? Although at your age I think she wasn't as big as you, I suppose it's family, I'll go get you some bras, don't move- Carmen closed the curtains of the dressing room. Sam stayed looking in the mirror for a while, having completely denied his change into a girl who hadn't given herself time to look in a mirror. -Do they really...feel so big?- Sam put his hands on his breasts and started massaging them. They were so soft, so big, he couldn't even remember if they were as big yesterday like today, his body began to feel hot, every part of his body felt like an electric shock running and flowing. -Why from nowhere...I feel...like this...agh! This doesn't compare to...when I touched my breast when I was a man...- Sam moaned while massaging his breasts between his hands, rubbing them without stopping as his legs moved by simple impulse rubbing against each other. -I wonder what would happen if...I touch down there- Sam tried to look down but something obstructed him, -Heavens, my breasts are so big I almost can't look down...uhh- The excitement was so great that our boy forgot completely that he wasn't a woman by birth and began to masturbate without the slightest concern for where he was.
Unzipped his jeans and brought them down to the level of his knees, also took off his boxers, yes, he reused his sister's panties. '!!UGH!!'- He let out a groan, '-This...feels so good...'-' Sam before his transformation was a sweet and gentle boy, he didn't have intentions in perverted things like most of his male and female classmates, even though he was an attractive and popular boy, he had never had a girlfriend because he hadn't wanted to form a relationship unless it was with the girl he would marry. '-Frotaré más rápido UGH!'-' Sam let out another groan and leaned against the wall of the dressing room and continued masturbating, exploring his new sexual organ, he had gone from being a common penis to now a vagina, rubbing his lips until he found the maximum point of pleasure...the clitoris. '!!AAGH! That was...sooooAaH….!!!'- He was almost out of control. 'I think...I feel like...I'm going to come'- Sam was interrupted when his sister opened the door of the dressing room. 'Sam, look, I asked Carmen if she would let me give you my bras if...'-' His sister stood stunned at how she found her brother. Both of Sam's hands were just in the area of his vagina and his chest was exposed, his sister wasn't stupid and knew exactly what was happening
-It seems you don't care much about being a girl, do you?- Sali winked her right eye.-Okay, I brought these, look. Sali left three bras on the hook of the dressing room mirror.-This is a push-up bra, this makes your breasts look much bigger, this is a normal bra and this is a sports bra, it's usually more comfortable but loses its shape over time, well, I'll leave them for you to try on and if you have any problems, tell me and I'll help, I'll be in the dressing room next door. And...if you're going to do those things... better wait until we get home, okay?-I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT- Sam took her sister out of the dressing room where she was and closed the door. It's something natural- Her sister's voice could still be heard.-Women and men do it, there's no need to be ashamed, you're a port so it's logical that you have those kinds of impulses and especially since you've never had a girlfriend- Sam remained silent and only observed the bras her sister brought. The measurements I took were different from the ones Carmen took me- said Sam while taking the normal bra. Ah yes, she told me, although it seems strange to me because...- Sali got a little thoughtful. Why...?-Now that you saw me just a moment ago, they looked a bit bigger than when I saw you this morning putting on the blouse you lent me- Answered Sali. Or did they grow in a day?- Asked Sam with a tone of fear. It might be due to your change, I don't think it's something we should worry about'- Sali seemed very calm. To...- Sam only said those two words in a sorrowful tone. What? Asked Sali. How was it when...you know...they grew...? Asked Sam, expecting some scolding from her sister for asking something like that.-Well, I was pretty flat at the beginning of high school and well, one day I realized I had bumps on my chest, they were small but anyway I asked mom, she told me that at the same age she started developing and that soon I would need to buy bras. That's how it went with the years, in By the time I was a junior in high school, I already had a C cup and stayed that way until I went to university and changed sizes, and it's been two weeks since I got a DD- Sali replied quite explanatory, better than Sam would have expected.-Why do you ask?-Well, honestly, I'm worried they'll grow too much, you know, I've already tried this bra out- said Sam opening the door to her fitting room. Let's see-Sali came out as well, although in a somewhat erotic way.

AHHHH COVER ME A LITTLE! - Sam screams. What's wrong? We're both girls now - Sali answers. Sali had put on a black lace bra that fit her perfectly, highlighting her white skin, Sali's breasts were much larger than Sam's, not only that, they looked rounder and fuller, Sam almost didn't notice them under her sister's clothes but she really has an impressive figure. Hey Sam, you look great in that bra! - Sali said coquettishly. I don't care, it's not very comfortable - Sam replied, pulling on the bra straps. You'll get used to it, now hurry up and try on the others so we can leave, there's a lot more clothes to buy - Sali paid for the new bras for Sam and the one she had tried on, both of them went to the store in the square. That part was the most complicated since Sam chose the clothes that made him feel most comfortable and Sali wanted him to look nice with the clothes. LET ME CHOOSE THE CLOTHES I WANT! - Sam screamed. You have a very good figure and a pretty face, try to take advantage of them! - Sali answered. And so they went through the hours, they had left at 12 in the day and arrived home at 5. God, I can't believe we spent 6 hours just buying clothes - Sam was already exhausted since they hadn't eaten anything all that time. Sorry - Sali said. What happened was that after choosing Sam's clothes, Sali tried on more clothes still, she also saw quite pretty jewelry and accessories for her. Look, at least we're home now - Sali opened the door to her house and saw her mother sitting in the armchair - Mama big brest entering the scene
Hola my loves, how did it go?-Asked her very affectionate mother
It went well, we bought lingerie for Sam and for me, also nice clothes-
Get out, did you really pay all that for Sam?- Asked her mother amazed by the strange generosity of her daughter
Just the bras, Sam opposed the idea of paying for the clothes- Sali answered
Don't get it twisted, I don't want to feel like I owe you money- Sam replied
Ay my love- Her mother got up and hugged Sam almost suffocating him with her enormous breasts Okay, already, let me go- Sam begged
Fine, just get comfortable and come eat, the food is almost ready-
Oh, by the way, Sali, how much were Sam's measurements?- Asked her mother
88 bust, it's a D cup- Sali answered
!!!Mom!!!- Screamed Sam, -Why do you want to know that?-
Well, because I'm your mom and I'm interested in knowing everything about my kids- Said her mother all proud.
Although the truth is I already imagined it, you have the same size as me at your age- Said her mother hugging him once more.
Or so now the one who developed later was me?- Sali said a little annoyed
If you want to fuck mine, I don't want them- Sam said
Why my love?- Asked her mother a bit confused.
I don't like them, they're heavy, I have to wear this uncomfortable bra and all around the plaza and the way here almost all the guys would stare at my breasts, and I don't want them to grow more until they're like yours, without offending you

Ah don't worry about that son, I had the same height as your sister before having her, and they grew after you were born, so at most you'll have the height she has now for the rest of your life. It has its disadvantages. - Sali said, But you know, it's only temporary, you'll get used to it later, and you'll see that they're cute - That's love, just don't worry so much about how big they are - How can I not worry? I didn't want this, I want to be a man again - Well, it seemed like you wouldn't be a man when I found you in the dressing room feeling yourself up Sali replied. The room fell silent for a while. This is stupid, Sam ran off to his room and locked the door with a latch. Sali, we need to talk - Continues part 2

The next morning *Biip biip biip!* Agh, what's going on? Sam hadn't slept well the night before, his body still hurt even in his dreams, I feel so strange!!!! Sam shouted with force at what he had seen, What the hell is this?. Right on his chest, two lumps of considerable size had appeared, Are these... breasts? But if these are breasts that means I... Sam stopped in front of the mirror in his room and said I've turned into a girl On Saturday morning, usually at these hours Sam liked to go for a 5-kilometer run to get in shape, but today something has changed dramatically. This can't be... Said Sam touching his body and wishing this was a dream, but no, he is now a girl.

It went well, we bought lingerie for Sam and for me, also nice clothes-
Get out, did you really pay all that for Sam?- Asked her mother amazed by the strange generosity of her daughter
Just the bras, Sam opposed the idea of paying for the clothes- Sali answered
Don't get it twisted, I don't want to feel like I owe you money- Sam replied
Ay my love- Her mother got up and hugged Sam almost suffocating him with her enormous breasts Okay, already, let me go- Sam begged
Fine, just get comfortable and come eat, the food is almost ready-
Oh, by the way, Sali, how much were Sam's measurements?- Asked her mother
88 bust, it's a D cup- Sali answered
!!!Mom!!!- Screamed Sam, -Why do you want to know that?-
Well, because I'm your mom and I'm interested in knowing everything about my kids- Said her mother all proud.
Although the truth is I already imagined it, you have the same size as me at your age- Said her mother hugging him once more.
Or so now the one who developed later was me?- Sali said a little annoyed
If you want to fuck mine, I don't want them- Sam said
Why my love?- Asked her mother a bit confused.
I don't like them, they're heavy, I have to wear this uncomfortable bra and all around the plaza and the way here almost all the guys would stare at my breasts, and I don't want them to grow more until they're like yours, without offending you

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