To mix things up, I knew another one from the restaurants, she was a bartender and when I knew her, she would have been around 23 and I 19. At that time her life was a mess, she spent all her time partying, getting tattoos, and sleeping with anyone who came along.
A point came where I got marked by phone in the middle of the night and he told me he didn't know where he was, that he was on a naked bed but couldn't remember anything. I didn't want to get into trouble so I could only say call your mom Estefy, I can't go there. She had family problems but from what I understand she reconciled with her family after that. And I stopped seeing her due to distance, she was in Pachuca and I was in CDMX but I started going out to other cities for vacations or work. I changed jobs and at one that made electrolyte drinks I went to manage the sponsorship for a Spartan race in San Luis Potosí. I recognized her when I could see her from behind, confirm her name. I had already finished the race and didn't want to approach but she came to the stand for a drink. One of the hostesses gave her a bottle and that's when I saw her -What the hell? I'm Estefy from Pachuca + Aaaaah Hello sorry I hadn't recognized you. -Yes, I know, never would have imagined you in this place right? +It has been a long time since we didn't see each other. -What are you doing here? +I came to the sponsorship of the race, I'm in charge of activations. -That's great, I'm still on the committee of Pachuca's bread and in my free time I go cycling and running, especially with a group called leopardos. +That's good, maybe I'll see you at another event. -Actually pass me your phone number and we can contact each other to see if we can sponsor you (he said while winking) It passed approximately 2 weeks when he called and told me that if I didn't support his team's event. I saw it as an opportunity for public relations so I went with a group of activations to Huasca de Ocampo. When I arrived, I greeted him with a big hug and a kiss very close to the mouth. -And you don't exercise? +Not at your level but I do go cycling or hiking with my dog. -Why don't you try it? You might join our team. I have a friend who brings an extra bike, let me tell him to lend it to me. He didn't let me say nothing and when I least expected it, she was following me uphill. We arrived at a high-altitude zone and asked me to take some photos for her.
The view and climate were great, so he tells me that I need to pee and under a little between the rocks and trees. -Auch Auch Auch help me. I thought something had bitten her or maybe she twisted. So I ran down. MOMS. She was totally naked. +And now? - Undress is an order. +Ok (don't hesitate for a moment) Here's a photo of the change that impressed me.
She crouched down to give me a blow job. +But I'm all sweaty, doesn't that gross you out? -It turns me on more. I was like possessed. She spat in my cock and swallowed it all the way down. Never had anyone given me such an energetic blow job, I was on my knees and her saliva was sliding off her belly button to drip into her vagina. So strong that she was blowing me, I started burning and she realized it, then she stopped hugging a tree and said grab me as hard as you can Since I was already wet, I put it in one movement all the way down. -aaaaaah that's tasty!!! -Faster and faster!!!! -Stronger!!!!! She let me do it as fast and strong as my physical condition allowed. She started trembling and began to flow like she was peeing. -I'm going to get you!!!!! -Keep going, keep going, keep going!!!!! I hugged the tree and pushed her back onto the ground. She recovered, turned towards me -Did you finish? +Not yet. I started pulling on it, realized my cock was still hard, spat at her again. Turned back to the tree and said again This time didn't take long before she started coming again. Seeing her flowing over my cock and with her eyes rolled back while moaning warmed me up a lot. +Now I'm going to come, I'm going to come -Get it in there, get it all in there +Are you sure? -Yes, yes, yes, yes Lately I hadn't had sex and came so much that she started flowing. -What a ricooooooooo. She pulled out my cock, put her hand like she didn't want to flow and went for her pants. She got dressed and before I could get dressed, she licked my penis with her tongue. -Get dressed, it's going to obscure soon. +Hey, do you have a device, take some birth control or something? -No, but now everything is going to come out on the way back. We started walking back. Sometimes during the descent, she would stop, I thought it was to check the path or because she had forgotten something. All I saw was that she was getting red and at the third or fourth time I realized she was stopping to enjoy the orgasm. My semen flowing and the bike pedaling excited her and she came again. Tremendous slut .
There are still times when I go to their events, but I suppose everyone already knows that she likes to get it on outdoors and it's very hard for them to leave her alone. I'd like to take her in a group. Who wants in?
-Excuse the lateness but I've had a lot of work, tried to upload daily, comment and leave your points to stay motivated.

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