Tornar-se em seu homem #2

Tornar-se em seu homem #2

It was very attractive. But she would only have to wait for this not to be something unique and have the opportunity to make her swallow his semen another night, because she decided that there was only one way she wanted to end it right now.

She gasped for air when he released her hair and pulled out his cock from her mouth, but gasped for a completely different reason just seconds later. She took his cock in her hand and pointed it directly at her face, quickly caressing it as it reached its climax.

The first jet of semen hit her nose, the next ones hitting her cheeks, and he also aimed one straight at her open and gasping mouth, hitting perfectly at its target and leaving it to fall onto her tongue.

She took his last and smallest jet on her chin, with the semen joining her saliva and somehow making her face look even more disheveled.

Hahhh... Hahhh... Her mother jolted and panted and looked at him with a face converted into a messy disaster, covered in semen and saliva, looking at him differently than she had before. Was it a newly discovered respect or lust? Do you mean that? she asked. The question was made because his cock became hard again before she could recover her breath. He couldn't help it; looking at her face covered in semen was as stimulating as any potion of lust the world had devised.

Instead of bothering to answer, he simply extended his hand. She took it and let him lift her up, but then screamed when he leaned her over the kitchen table so that her beautiful and rounded backside would stick out towards him.

He passed a finger between her legs and found them much wetter than the first time he touched her. So she had gotten excited by his rough face-fucking.

That was perfect, and not just because it meant she had enjoyed this new and more rugged side of him. It was also perfect because it meant she didn't need to do anything to prepare her for what would come next.

If she was wet and his cock was already hard and ready to go again, there was no reason to delay any longer. He passed his head against her for a moment and then slid inside her.

She screamed at the penetration, and he did too. If he had thought it felt tight and wonderful when only his finger was inside her, he was glad to discover that it felt much better with his cock inside her.

She felt like she fit perfectly around him, and that seemed to fit. Just as they had completed each other's lives and filled the voids in each other, why shouldn't their bodies be equally capable of being exactly what the other needed?

God, how big! Natasha moaned. You feel so good with me!
He couldn't agree more, and that's why his hands went to her hips and he started pushing. He was glad she had been with other men when she was younger.

It meant he didn't have to worry about hurting her. He could simply give in to his impulses and fuck her as hard and fast as he could. And it turned out he could handle both.

This might have been her first time, but Harry fucked her with a ferocity that would make a porn star proud.sexo

Harry: I'm sorry, Ginny, but I can't go to the Gryffindor common room tonight. No, not even tomorrow. Harry had to move his phone away from his ear due to Ginny's loud screams.

Usually, he didn't mind that his pure-blood friends didn't understand non-magical technology, but it was probably for the best in this case.

Ginny's ignorance allowed him to easily excuse the very loud and obvious sounds of slurping accompanying his mother-turned-lover's messy blowjob on his bed.

What? No, that's just audio interference, he said. I explained it to you before, remember? Natasha's shoulders trembled as she seemed to be laughing at his excuses for his friend.

Her amusement didn't stop her from shaking her head and rubbing his balls, and he had to cover his mouth with one hand.

Maybe Ginny didn't know much about the fellytone, but even she could probably tell that something was going on if he groaned directly into the phone.

Yes, I'll definitely be there for your birthday, he assured her. What? Does Mrs. Weasley want to know if Natasha will be there? He looked at the woman in question, who tilted her head towards him. It's November 11th, she whispered, realizing that probably didn't have his friends' birthdays memorized. He paused for a moment, still with his mouth full of cock, and then nodded. Yes, Ginny, I think she can... come!

The woman's eyes danced at the unintended double meaning behind her word. While still talking on the phone to his friend, she came inside his mouth.

She kept her head on him and massaged his balls as if trying to extract all his semen out of him and into her mouth. It was all Harry could do not to scream his pleasure for the world to hear, but he doubted that would go well.

Although his mother would find it hilarious. She turned out to be a very playful and mischievous lover, which is why she waited until he was in the middle of this conversation before starting to suck him off.
What? she murmured when Ginny screamed into the phone even louder than usual. Oh, yes, I'm sorry. Of course, I'd like her to make treacle tart, he said, shaking his head to try and clear it of its post-orgasmic haze. Yes, that sounds good.

Ginny continued talking about her next year at Hogwarts, but Harry's attention was on Natasha.

She still seemed playful even after removing her mouth from the cock, leaving him wondering what she was doing now. It didn't take long for him to find out. She crawled over to sit beside him on the bed, tilted her head so that her mouth was right next to the phone and...

What? No, Ginny, that must have been you, he said. Maybe your dad should take a look at the phone again, huh? Yes, I'm sure he can fix it. It's okay. See you then.

Now you'll get it, he said, throwing the phone and attacking Natasha. He held her over his legs and his hand gave her a slap on the bare ass.

It's me who's supposed to give the spankings, Harry! She protested, but as the spankings continued, her complaints turned into giggles and then long, loud moans.harry potter
primeira vez
Natasha Romanoff
Tornar-se em seu homem #2