This narrative was written for @Enti28, a user of this page some time ago, so it is narrated from the woman's perspective, this is the first part, I hope you enjoy it.
I'm Erika and I've been friends with Amanda, a beautiful girl from work, for a long time. She's very selective about her partners because she's very beautiful and has a great body. She almost always goes out with men who are almost models, so imagine my surprise when I saw that her partner of a couple of weeks ago isn't very good-looking compared to her previous partners.
Amanda has 26 years of red hair, white skin, a petite 1.50 but with generous breasts and small but firm buttocks from the gym; her current partner is called Zaid and is slightly taller than her, perhaps 1.68, with Arab ancestry according to my friend, with brunette skin and somewhat marked muscles, not extremely handsome but enough for my friend.
They had been dating for barely a month and I thought everything was going great between the two of us, until her boyfriend sent me a message on WhatsApp and told me who he is and that he would like to talk to me, I had no idea what I was getting myself into and it's good that I did, he invited me to a secluded café off the city center.
Zaid: Hi, nice to meet you -he greets me while taking my hand and kissing my cheek- you know who I am, so I'll get straight to the point.
I: Yes, of course, how can I help? -I said looking at him intensely-
Zaid: You see, Amanda has been avoiding me for a couple of days, almost not answering my messages -he said seriously- and in fact, we haven't had intimacy since we started dating.
I: Me too, I was left speechless, couldn't believe friend isn't the type to prefer celibacy or pretend to be a saint.
I: But maybe they've tried talking about it, she's very open with her partners -I said defending my friend-
Zaid: Of course we've talked about it, but I'm sure she's seeing someone else -he said seriously, looking at me intensely- but I want to give her one last chance, I think I'll take her out for dinner and give her a special gift, but I want you there to see the gift.
I: Immediately I remembered that Amanda has been seeing a man for a couple of days, handsome with black hair and blue eyes, seemed foreign, but I don't know how far she's gone with him, however, now I'm curious about the gift Zaid said; what is it? Why do I have to be there? Why bother giving her a last gift?
I: I: I don't understand why I have to be there, but if you really want my friend, I'll help in any way I can, just tell me what I have to do -I looked at him with a smile-
Zaid: First we'll go see Amanda next Saturday, you have to dress up, formal since we'll be going to an elegant restaurant, I'll pay for everything, don't worry, Amanda is aware and agreed gladly, about the reason for your presence, it's because you're her best friend and observe what happens.
I: Of course, I'll be ready for the occasion, hope everything goes well -I said while calling the waiter to ask for the bill- see you next Saturday then. I want to see your gift. I passed the week and we were still going out as if nothing was happening, until finally the day arrived, I was anxious for the evening, I didn't know what to expect so I put on a black dress and bright heels, not very high in blue color, then I hear a car and get a message from him -'Come out, I've arrived'- when leaving home and he was already outside, bringing an elegant car, I don't know about cars honestly.
While walking towards the car, he gets out and opens a back door and helps me get in, what a gentleman, as we drive up we take direction to my friend's house, upon arrival I stay waiting in the car.
He goes to his house since I had a copy of his key, I hear a scream from inside - Was it today!?- followed by the sound of something breaking inside, little later Zaid comes out of the house.
Zaid: Get into the co-pilot seat, already -Said with a grave voice and an angry face-
A little later after changing seats and being nervous, I receive a call from Amanda without warning, start the car and drive away from my friend's house, I'm not sure if I should answer since Zaid would hear it, but he makes a gesture that everything is fine and I answer his call.
Amanda: Friend, I can't believe it, Zaid came for me, I forgot it was today's stupid gift, it was horrible, what a brute, if he even comes to your house don't let him pass, please, I know you asked about tonight's dinner, so I'm not sure what lies you could tell.
Me: Is that okay, friend? Did something happen or something?
Zaid: Hit his girlfriend, I tried to mark my territory and show her who I really was, a vase broke in the living room -Said answering my question- Note that they were naked
Amanda: Wait, friend, is she already with you?... Don't tell me you passed by my friend without saying anything, why the hell not? And your 'friend' said to be talking about my tastes, supposed to be just a casual conversation.
Me: Wait, friend, he told me you knew and that I was only going to be there as a presence, I thought it was to record them with my cell phone or something like that.
Zaid: That was part of the plan, but the gift Amanda was going to give you is unique and I doubt your lover could give you something like that, now I came up with something better, the gift will be for your friend, so you'll know firsthand and won't think I'm lying to you.
Me: !!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!! -I shouted- I can't do that to my friend.
Zaid: Ha ha ha, don't worry, whatever happens, I don't think we'll go back or not Amanda?
Amanda: Damned, do what you want, friend, fuck your permission to screw my ex-boyfriend! If that's what you want and more good riddance if he doesn't come back!
Me: Yes, yes... -At that moment, I was intrigued about everything, because she lied to my friend? Did she know this would happen?- I'll also tell you what happened, friend, you'll want to know what the hell your precious gift is.
Without saying anything else, she hung up the phone, I was angry with Zaid, but I have to admit that the curiosity of finding out what the gift was was greater; a little later I received a message with a photo, it was of a wound her lover got humiliated by Zaid and the message said he would take him to the hospital.
During most of the trip, no one spoke until just before arriving at the place, which looked elegant, we got off at the entrance and in the main lobby, from where we were directed to our table, we ate and people around us as they finished their meals, some left but others remained as if waiting for something.
Zaid: Do you like your dinner? This is an elegant place and it's considered 'private', only you can enter with reservation.
Yo: So, was a fancy dinner the first part of your gift? -I said looking directly at his eyes waiting for his response- I suppose the next part is going to a place just for us two?
Zaid: This isn't your gift nor part of it -he said before suddenly standing up- we're already ready for the main event, I hope you've rested from eating.
Yo: Where are we going? -As I turn around I see those who remain heading towards another room- where are we going and who are all these people?
Zaid: Don't ask who they are, no names, just nicknames -I approach him taking hold of my waist- the rules are simple, tonight you'll obey me and no one else, don't ask about anyone's identity and don't say anything about what you see here... except for your friend Amanda, of course.
I nodded with my head; we arrived at a wide room with elegant furniture, I was amazed by the place, there were at least 15 people in the room, but soon my amazement multiplied and focused on the center of the room.
There were several people dressed in latex suits, some with knees, some acting as waitresses, all with well-cared bodies, however, with different physical characteristics; we arrived at a long sofa with a low table in front and I couldn't take my eyes off the center, occasionally glancing at Zaid who, noticing me, responded with a smile and a caress on my cheek.

Zaid: I suppose you'll be deducing what's going on from all this, calm down... -I couldn't finish because it was interrupted by applause coming from the center of the room-
There was a man quite elegant and wearing black leather gloves, seemed to be in charge and soon began saying some words.
Host: Thank you for coming here tonight, today we have a special guest, friend of our companion Coyote -he said pointing towards us- we already know him by his skill with ropes and talent for dominating a submissive.
Zaid: Thank you for your time and this space Host, I'm very happy to be spending another night with you -said raising a champagne glass that one of the serving girls, wearing latex mask and red latex dress, brought over to me-
Host: So then today we'll initiate this guest, as part of her initiation she will be allowed to choose one of these submissives for her pleasure ¿what will be her resolution at the end of this night?, come on and enjoy the evening.
Zaid: Come on, we have to get closer -he said while taking my hand, until we reached the center- ahead, choose one of them, whoever you like more.
All this was happening very quickly, but I was already assimilating the situation, I see the two women, one is tall with large breasts and wide hips, white skin, almost pale and red hair, the other is a woman with brunette skin, curly black hair, smaller breasts but more muscular and defined figure.

Since the story is a bit long and not to overwhelm you with this reading here ends the first part of this story
I'm Erika and I've been friends with Amanda, a beautiful girl from work, for a long time. She's very selective about her partners because she's very beautiful and has a great body. She almost always goes out with men who are almost models, so imagine my surprise when I saw that her partner of a couple of weeks ago isn't very good-looking compared to her previous partners.

I: Yes, of course, how can I help? -I said looking at him intensely-
Zaid: You see, Amanda has been avoiding me for a couple of days, almost not answering my messages -he said seriously- and in fact, we haven't had intimacy since we started dating.
I: Me too, I was left speechless, couldn't believe friend isn't the type to prefer celibacy or pretend to be a saint.
I: But maybe they've tried talking about it, she's very open with her partners -I said defending my friend-
Zaid: Of course we've talked about it, but I'm sure she's seeing someone else -he said seriously, looking at me intensely- but I want to give her one last chance, I think I'll take her out for dinner and give her a special gift, but I want you there to see the gift.
I: Immediately I remembered that Amanda has been seeing a man for a couple of days, handsome with black hair and blue eyes, seemed foreign, but I don't know how far she's gone with him, however, now I'm curious about the gift Zaid said; what is it? Why do I have to be there? Why bother giving her a last gift?
I: I: I don't understand why I have to be there, but if you really want my friend, I'll help in any way I can, just tell me what I have to do -I looked at him with a smile-
Zaid: First we'll go see Amanda next Saturday, you have to dress up, formal since we'll be going to an elegant restaurant, I'll pay for everything, don't worry, Amanda is aware and agreed gladly, about the reason for your presence, it's because you're her best friend and observe what happens.
I: Of course, I'll be ready for the occasion, hope everything goes well -I said while calling the waiter to ask for the bill- see you next Saturday then. I want to see your gift. I passed the week and we were still going out as if nothing was happening, until finally the day arrived, I was anxious for the evening, I didn't know what to expect so I put on a black dress and bright heels, not very high in blue color, then I hear a car and get a message from him -'Come out, I've arrived'- when leaving home and he was already outside, bringing an elegant car, I don't know about cars honestly.

He goes to his house since I had a copy of his key, I hear a scream from inside - Was it today!?- followed by the sound of something breaking inside, little later Zaid comes out of the house.

A little later after changing seats and being nervous, I receive a call from Amanda without warning, start the car and drive away from my friend's house, I'm not sure if I should answer since Zaid would hear it, but he makes a gesture that everything is fine and I answer his call.
Amanda: Friend, I can't believe it, Zaid came for me, I forgot it was today's stupid gift, it was horrible, what a brute, if he even comes to your house don't let him pass, please, I know you asked about tonight's dinner, so I'm not sure what lies you could tell.
Me: Is that okay, friend? Did something happen or something?
Zaid: Hit his girlfriend, I tried to mark my territory and show her who I really was, a vase broke in the living room -Said answering my question- Note that they were naked

Me: Wait, friend, he told me you knew and that I was only going to be there as a presence, I thought it was to record them with my cell phone or something like that.
Zaid: That was part of the plan, but the gift Amanda was going to give you is unique and I doubt your lover could give you something like that, now I came up with something better, the gift will be for your friend, so you'll know firsthand and won't think I'm lying to you.
Me: !!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!! -I shouted- I can't do that to my friend.
Zaid: Ha ha ha, don't worry, whatever happens, I don't think we'll go back or not Amanda?
Amanda: Damned, do what you want, friend, fuck your permission to screw my ex-boyfriend! If that's what you want and more good riddance if he doesn't come back!
Me: Yes, yes... -At that moment, I was intrigued about everything, because she lied to my friend? Did she know this would happen?- I'll also tell you what happened, friend, you'll want to know what the hell your precious gift is.
Without saying anything else, she hung up the phone, I was angry with Zaid, but I have to admit that the curiosity of finding out what the gift was was greater; a little later I received a message with a photo, it was of a wound her lover got humiliated by Zaid and the message said he would take him to the hospital.
During most of the trip, no one spoke until just before arriving at the place, which looked elegant, we got off at the entrance and in the main lobby, from where we were directed to our table, we ate and people around us as they finished their meals, some left but others remained as if waiting for something.

Yo: So, was a fancy dinner the first part of your gift? -I said looking directly at his eyes waiting for his response- I suppose the next part is going to a place just for us two?
Zaid: This isn't your gift nor part of it -he said before suddenly standing up- we're already ready for the main event, I hope you've rested from eating.
Yo: Where are we going? -As I turn around I see those who remain heading towards another room- where are we going and who are all these people?
Zaid: Don't ask who they are, no names, just nicknames -I approach him taking hold of my waist- the rules are simple, tonight you'll obey me and no one else, don't ask about anyone's identity and don't say anything about what you see here... except for your friend Amanda, of course.

There were several people dressed in latex suits, some with knees, some acting as waitresses, all with well-cared bodies, however, with different physical characteristics; we arrived at a long sofa with a low table in front and I couldn't take my eyes off the center, occasionally glancing at Zaid who, noticing me, responded with a smile and a caress on my cheek.

There was a man quite elegant and wearing black leather gloves, seemed to be in charge and soon began saying some words.
Host: Thank you for coming here tonight, today we have a special guest, friend of our companion Coyote -he said pointing towards us- we already know him by his skill with ropes and talent for dominating a submissive.
Zaid: Thank you for your time and this space Host, I'm very happy to be spending another night with you -said raising a champagne glass that one of the serving girls, wearing latex mask and red latex dress, brought over to me-
Host: So then today we'll initiate this guest, as part of her initiation she will be allowed to choose one of these submissives for her pleasure ¿what will be her resolution at the end of this night?, come on and enjoy the evening.

All this was happening very quickly, but I was already assimilating the situation, I see the two women, one is tall with large breasts and wide hips, white skin, almost pale and red hair, the other is a woman with brunette skin, curly black hair, smaller breasts but more muscular and defined figure.

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