Julia had always been very selective and one thing she always liked was having sex with large penises, the bigger the better. And no girl likes short ones, but for her anything under 16 centimeters was very small. What the boy brought wouldn't surpass 14. She wouldn't be able to say no at that height, but the expression of disappointment on her face was unmistakable. So much so that he noticed it and the atmosphere became tense.
It was because Julia's disappointment went first because the member was small for her tastes, but more because all the desire she felt for that handsome boy had disappeared in a second. He couldn't concentrate and ended up telling her he was leaving, leaving her the money to pay for the night's sleep and taxi in the morning; but he didn't want to stay there with her.
She tried to stop him, but he didn't listen and left. Julia got into bed and thought about what to do. They had left her the money to pay for the night, but she was too hot to fall asleep and it scared her to walk alone in a taxi so late to her house. Then it occurred to her to call José.
The idea was that José would come get her, take her home, and there they could release their heat with one of the enormous dildos she had stored. José answered, noticing he had just been woken up - logically; it was 4 am - but when he heard Julia's voice, he made every effort to pretend he was awake. She told him more or less what had happened, but omitting the important part that was the reason for the what the young man had left her there; he just told her that he decided to leave without giving many reasons after having screwed. Rapidly José took his car and went to the motel, talked to the guard and explained that he was coming to pick up someone, then they let him pass after talking to the room. He entered the garage of the room, entered and there was Julia, sitting on the bed waiting for him. Oh, Josu; thanks for coming to save me. I really don't know what I would do without you, she said, while hugging him. He felt Julia's enormous tits pressing against his torso and he was already happy. Instead of leaving, José proposed staying a bit to have something there, there was a small fridge with things to consume. She chose a wine and they sat on the bed drinking it. They chatted for a few minutes until the wine started having an effect on Julia and she saw José for the first time in a while with different eyes. She focused on his height (he measured 1.85 meters), the large size of his hands, and his robust build despite being thin. He kept talking while she observed him, not realizing what was about to happen. At one point, she made him stop talking, put her finger on his lips, and said hey, don't you think if we're in a hotel, we should take advantage of it? Besides, we have the night paid for. José froze, didn't know how to react when Julia, the impossible love of his life, approached and started kissing him. After absorbing the situation a bit, he responded to the kiss with another more passionate one. The lips' friction, tongue play, caresses increased in tone; they were having it very well. He took off his shirt and she noticed that he really didn't have bad physical condition. Although he didn't have the muscles of the previous subject, José had something of muscle and looked good. But what would come next would be the great surprise of the night. José was with a mix of emotions, everything seemed like a dream. In a hurry, he took off his pants, underwear and all. Julia wasn't ready to see what his best friend had stored. His cock was enormous, gigantic. Really there were no words in Julia's head to describe what she was seeing. It was genuinely monstrous, something she had never seen before. Julia's eyes went flat, she couldn't help but remain open-mouthed at such an anaconda of flesh. It seemed something worthy of a horse, not of a human being. Measuring about 28 centimeters long, but the most impressive thing was its thickness; it seemed like an arm. Long, hard, with very marked veins.
Son of a slut what the hell do you have there, dumbass!, was the cry that came out of Julia's soul after a few seconds of silence and stupor
He didn't know what to do, she had him in front of her perplexed. Something he hadn't told her before, was that he had only been able to have sex once more, since the rest of the times girls ran away from such monstrousness.
Julia couldn't believe what she saw, it was like one of the ridiculously large consoles she used to use to please herself had come to life. She approached and started touching it.
She grabbed it with both hands - which couldn't encircle its entire circumference - and began to lick its head, then sucking a little. José didn't hold out and ejaculated an enormous amount, without even having time to warn her.
Julia received the surprising discharge, but it didn't bother her. That's right, her face filled with cum and part of her clothes did too.
José was embarrassed, he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the floor while she knelt in front of him and told him there was no problem, that everything was fine.
Relax, these things happen. You can keep going. Come on, I know you've always wanted this to happen. Now enjoy, enjoy me, she said with a sweet voice.
They kissed again and she began to stimulate that gigantic cock until it became hard again. He rushed to find a condom, which broke when he tried to put it on.
Between laughter, Julia told him unless you find consortium bag, you're going to put it on without lining. He nodded his head. In the middle of his hurry and amazement at everything that was happening, José had not undressed Julia. When he tried to do so, his erection went away. He was too nervous. He sat back down on the edge of the bed, in the same position as a few minutes ago. Julia tried to cheer him up again. Think about all the times you fantasized about me, think about all the time I dedicated blowjobs and had to see other people. This night is yours, take advantage. She said that. This time he didn't flinch. She stood in front of him and said And well, what a waste. I knew I shouldn't have given you another chance. What a shame, so much cock stuck to a faggot. José lifted his gaze; she was completely naked; she had taken off her clothes while he wasn't looking. His eyes looked inflamed with rage. Julia had achieved her goal. She got up and grabbed him by the throat with force. Now I'm going to collect everything, daughter of a slut, she said. She threw him down and made her go down on him; she was doing it as best she could. There was too much cock; it barely fit in her mouth. After a while, she put him on his back on the bed and he penetrated her with force. He was ready to release all his rage and frustration of years into that pussy, red, wet, and extremely tight. On her side, Julia enjoyed it immensely. The pain caused by the gigantic member tearing her apart inside gave her too much pleasure; she didn't take long to cum, and cum, and cum, and keep going. Her legs were trembling, her eyes spinning, she was shaking all over. José changed positions and she enjoyed being ravaged by the one who until recently was her tender and timid best friend. She egged him on to keep giving it to her hard, to maltreat her, strangle her, pull her hair, and hit her with all his might. He did everything and more. She felt like a brutal screwing. accompanied by a beating. She unloaded years of silence and sadness on the body of her love for life. She left it battered. Bruises, handprint marks, her fingers marked on his neck; they were testaments to the savagery happening in that room. The sound of bodies crashing, accompanied by moans of pleasure, blows, and dirty phrases was deafening. He was another person, someone who never dared to be at least in public; she seemed possessed. She screamed, begging them to hit her harder and destroy her. She was having what she always wanted.

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