In the previous chapter, José, now converted into Josefina thanks to a magical bracelet, began to remake his life, but he didn't count on his new instincts making him fall prey to his deepest desires.
It seemed like a nightmare, I couldn't control my instincts. I went to the department of black Jean alone. Now I was dancing to the rhythm of his songs that I hated in the past.
- Go ahead, mom, dance those white ass cheeks. - Jean said while moving my butt against his bulge. His hands had all over my breasts.
- Hmm, so slutty. - I let go of my breasts to put his hands on my waist. He made me move more roughly from top to bottom. I felt his wet boxer shorts against my ass.
Another song started playing, it seemed he didn't intend to turn off the music.
- When it moves is madness, it provokes heat and
When its waist makes a break, its body stimulates-
-Jaja, you're making yourself interesting and look at you now. Dancing like anyone. - He made me feel so humiliated, that violent guy who I despised was exciting me.
I was already getting turned on for him, pulling out my ass completely so he could rub against it to his pleasure.
- Break it, break it and crush it, hotel
Break it, break it and crush it, hotel (break it) -
Then he grabbed me tighter. We started going down together, bending our knees almost touching the floor. Like a man I never did and now as a woman I was dancing in less than a week.
- Good thing the crybaby on the side left and a tasty chick arrived. - Jean said without realizing we were the same person. He made me feel fury that he treated me like a crybaby just for asking him to turn down the music.
However, I couldn't stop dancing, my body was surrendering to him.
The song was repetitive. It didn't have much content, but it served us to give us rhythm and keep dancing. I felt my thong already very soaked. His constant caresses and the friction against his bulge had me on fire.
When the song ended, he made me turn around, grabbed my ass and stuck me to him. I could feel my breasts squishing against his powerful muscles.
He tried to bring his mouth close to mine and I refused. He started laughing at me since I was willing to take, but not to give a kiss.
- Haha you're going to surrender those lips after leaving that pussy applauding with pleasure. - again he made me blush, I didn't understand how he could be exciting me with that animal.
He lifted me up from my buttocks. I had to open my legs since I was elevated in the air. With some fear I hung onto his neck crossing my hands behind his nape.
He made me feel weak, inferior. But inferior in the sense that as a man I was never capable of having so much strength. He held me like he was treating me like a feather.
- Arrebatao' giving turn' in the jeepeta (giving turn' in the jeepeta)
At my left I have a blonde
Who has big tits (big tits)
She wants me to put it in (yeah, yeah)
It seemed he had chosen those songs especially for me. I couldn't believe that just hearing that would keep me hot.
- You're going to give me everything. It will be mine again and again. - he said without stopping to grope my ass.
He kept me in the air for a few minutes, leaving my buttocks well used by his hands. I was breathing excitedly. He made me move to the rhythm of the music, my nipples were hard against his chest.
Finally, when the song ended, he let me down and my heels touched the floor again. He released my buttocks and left me there, for him to sit on his bed and search for a new theme on his phone.
I stayed quiet, finally I had a moment of lucidity. All that was horrible, if I stayed there I would lose completely my masculinity. I had to leave as soon as possible.
- Eh, blonde! - he interrupted me and I was amazed. My eyes opened like plates.
The black man was completely naked, his cock looked like a monument, it was very hard and long. It was about 23 centimeters. He had a dense layer of curly hair on the testicles and pelvis.
- She is a baby eh
A baby cum
She's moving like Loca Pa' que yo se la eche- Sonaba la canción de fondo. Jean puso exclusivamente para avergonzarme. A su vez me llamaba haciendo gestos con un dedo. Iba a caminar hacia él, pero me detuvo con la mano y me indicó el piso. Lo entendí todo.
Mis pensamientos de abandonar el lugar desaparecieron. Mi vista y todos mis sentidos se centraron en su cock. Caí de rodillas al suelo, luego apoyé mis manos y comencé a gatear hacia él.
Estaba gateando, arrastrándome como una slut para mi vecino más odiado. Cada vez me quedaba menos orgullo.
Jean meneaba su cock y me invitaba a ir a chupársela. Como decía la canción, me quería hacer beber cum.
- Ven slut, ven a comer. Se nota que te hace falta un hombre que te ponga en tu lugar.
Llegué hasta él y levante la mirada. Su pene era mucho más grande que mi cabeza. Era un coloso que inspiraba mucho respeto.
Hipnotizada llevé mis manos a él y la agarré.
- Esto es lo que querías desde ayer, se te hacía agua a la boca. - dijo orgulloso de su enorme herramienta.
Con algo de timidez acerque mi lengua. La comencé a pasar desde la base, pasando por el tronco hasta llegar al glande. Era la tercera vez que estaba arrodillada ante un hombre.
- Me encanta, ah
Le echo más de cinco
Y me aguanta
Ella es mi planta, ah -
Era enorme, mi lengua tenía mucho por recorrer. Él llevó su mano a mi cabeza y me acariciaba suavemente mientras yo movía mi lengua por cada rincón de su cock
-Me pide cum
Y en la boca se la doy
Pero no te apeches
Que tú no sabes quién yo soy-
Mantuve mis manitos en la base de su pene y concentré mis esfuerzos en pasar la lengua alrededor de su glande. Le dejé la cabeza bien limpia.
- Hmm desde que te conocí sabía que cumía así, rubia. - me dijo y me hizo excitar más. Le di un beso en el glande.
- Así... llénalo de besos, agradécele la fuck que te va a dar. - me calentaba cada una de sus palabras, sabía que ese negro me cogería sí o sí esa night.
I gave him more kisses, imagining how he would make me explode with pleasure later. My lips were filling up with precum and that intense flavor.
With my hands I caressed him softly, while opening my mouth to put that huge glans inside of me.
- I love it, ah
He's got more than five
And he holds on
She is my plant, ah
The song was animating me and kept its rhythm for sucking that fat glans. I could see the expression of pleasure on the black man's face. He was being pleasured while I sucked him.
I took it out for a bit, with my tongue outside, I started beating it against my face myself. He was giving me little hits on the tongue. He was dying of pleasure.
- You're in love with the cock, blonde. You're earning yourself a good screwing later. - he was delighted by the excellent attention he was receiving from his penis.
With his hand, he pulled my hair and moved me away from his penis.
- Come on, blonde, you've been very quiet. Tell me what you want. - he said laughing, I was still with my tongue outside. I put it back in to talk.
- I want your penis, it's very big... I like it a lot. - I confessed stuttering, with my face very red from the shame that caused me to say those words.
He started laughing and let go of my hair. I could go back to putting my face close to his cock to suck its head.
It was hard for me to put it in, it was very big. My lips were adjusting to the trunk of his penis, never believing that such members existed outside of the world of pornography.
- Like this, blonde, it's clear you have experience sucking cocks. - he said delighted. The reality is that I knew the weak points of a penis because in the past I had one.
I stopped masturbating him and took my hands to his big, hanging, and hairy testicles. I started caressing them while continuing to suck his member.
I was giving it my all, for some reason I wanted to satisfy that man. He was looking at me delightedly, petting my head like when you reward a pet for doing its job well.
- Hmm blonde momma, do you want to make me come? All the cum of the eggs. - he said while I continued my task.
The lamia, kissed, sucked. He used all his repertoire against that powerful cock. But I was missing using my most powerful weapon.
I grabbed my breasts and compressed his penis with them. I was surprised to see that his penis poked out in the same way. It didn't disappear like it did with Julian and Ernesto.
- Hmm, what a tasty hot dog you're making. - he said laughing, seeing his penis poking out between my tits.
I started moving my tits rhythmically up and down. I was no longer concentrating on the song lyrics, only on the rhythm to continue satisfying my black man.
He had incredible resistance, I kept moving my tits up and down for 10 minutes and he didn't seem to have any signs of having an orgasm. I grabbed his head and brought my mouth to his member. Then I licked the glans while making him do the Boobs fuck.
- That's it, blonde, do it like that and I'll give you the cum. - he said laughing, I opened my mouth and started sucking it every time it poked out.
I moved my breasts quickly, then after minutes I felt it palpitate.
He stopped me by pulling my hair, leaving me looking submissive.
- Open wide! - he didn't give me time to react. He pushed his cock against my lips and almost half of it went in. His penis started shooting semen into my mouth.
I felt it salty and bitter, I was drinking the semen of my abusive neighbor.
- Drink cum, blonde! - he said emptying all his fluid. He pulled out and his semen remained making a thread from his cock to my mouth.
- You're a glutton... look at how you have me. - his penis still hard, as if nothing had happened.
- I'm going to put it in. - he finally said those words and my mind turned into a whirlwind of emotions. From pure nerves I swallowed his thick semen.
I felt guilt and excitement, I didn't know what would happen to me after having sex with a man... and if I liked it more than having sex with a woman? Would I turn gay?
Those doubts flooded my thoughts, but the heat From my vagina was superior, it was imposing itself and desire took over.
- You should use a condom... - I whispered while looking at him with great shame. He nodded. Now that the risk of pregnancy had been eliminated, there wouldn't be anything bad about having sex. Or at least I convinced myself of that.
- Put yourself in 4 while I get my cock ready. - he ordered as he walked away to search for condoms in a drawer.
I got up and then approached the bed. I leaned against it with my knees and hands. I had never felt so many nerves in my life, my whole body was trembling. With my thong pushed up even more between my buttocks.
I was breathing heavily, unable to believe what I was doing. I was on all fours at the edge of the bed, waiting for my black and brutal neighbor to make me his.
I heard him opening the condom and putting it on, while my vagina was burning with desire.
I heard his heavy footsteps coming towards me. He was walking towards me, about to arrive. In a little while he would get to me, make me his. He would put himself inside me, possess me, turn me into his little hen.
All these ideas were going through my mind with each step he took in my direction. I couldn't help but turn my head and look over my shoulder.
Here came my neighbor, his muscles gleaming and his penis looking more imposing than ever. He was coming towards me, all hard and curved upwards. With the condom on, Jean was ready to spear me with his cock.
I instinctively bent my head and pressed it against the bed, arching my back, pushing my elbows into the mattress and lifting my ass even higher.
Jean finally arrived. I could feel him grabbing my hips with his hands and his warm and hard penis depositing itself on my buttocks.
- You're a white slut, your ass is just like I like them. - he said, bringing his hands to them, caressing them all over. I was sighing with excitement, my face pressed against the old mattress.
With his fingers, he grabbed my thong and pushed it aside. He positioned his cock and He started passing his head over my wet and hot vagina. Ah, there I was, completely surrendered to that violent type who ruined many study days with his loud music and when I tried to ask him politely to turn it down, he threatened to hit me. I couldn't believe I was submitting to this beast. He was rubbing his cock against my vagina and soon he would be inside me. - Here you go, blonde! - he said, pinching my buttocks and grabbing my belt. - Get ready, I'm going to put it all in one stroke! - he started moving his hips back. The moment had arrived, he was going to put it in. I closed my eyes with excitement and humiliation. I felt like my masculinity was escaping through my pores. Plaf! It was the powerful sound of his pelvis hitting my buttocks, followed by my cry of pleasure and pain. - Ah! - he had put it all in at once, I felt like my vagina opened up to let his enormous penis pass. He didn't give me time to think. He pulled back his hips again, pulling out his penis from inside me. Plaf! He put it all in again, my vagina was pulsating, I was dying of shame. - Ah, God! - I moaned suffering a premature orgasm, it couldn't be true. - Haha, you like my black cock, blonde eater. Go ahead and enjoy. - very excited he started moving his hips repeatedly from back to front. I was lost in pleasure, still having my orgasm while the black man ravished me with fierce force. - Ah! Ah! Yaaa! - I moaned full of pleasure, my buttocks applauded loudly for each of his thrusts. I was dying of pleasure. It was a unique sensation, like a man never felt such pleasure. Sex as a woman was a dream come true, I never thought it could feel so much pleasure. - Hmm, so yummy and tight. - he grunted with pleasure. - What a tasty! - I exclaimed extatically, the bed creaked and the headboard of the same She was thrusting hard against the wall.
- You're mine now, thank goodness a yummy neighbor arrived to take daily. The other old women are very ugly. - he said, convinced that I would let him fuck me more times.
- I didn't respond, kept enjoying the delicious sensation of her head as she entered deeply into my vagina.
I no longer thought about my past as a man, shame no longer existed. Now I was a woman being penetrated by a powerful black male.
- Yes! Yes! Do it like that! - I now exclaimed with pleasure, no longer hiding how much I loved being penetrated by him.
- Hmm, I knew you loved cock! Take this! - he brought his hands to my hair and started pulling on it as if they were reins of a horse.
I was getting it in faster and faster, had another orgasm. I didn't understand if it was normal to have an orgasm so soon after the other.
- Yes! Delight, your cock is delightful! - I said, already crazy with pleasure.
He pulled my hair harder, my chest came off the bed and my tits started dancing to the rhythm of his thrusts.
Jean growled with pride, my submission fed him and made him more dominant each time.
I began moving my hips back and forth like when we were dancing, we were too compatible in bed. Our rhythm was perfect, the black man grunted happily.
- Keep going, Jean, don't stop! - our bodies already doubted it, my tits didn't stop dancing.
- You're much more of a slut than I thought! - he groaned happily, stopped pulling my hair to grab my breasts.
We kept going for a few minutes, my body responded to all his stimuli. Finally, he pulled his penis out of my interior and took off the condom to fill my back and buttocks with his dense and warm semen.
- UF! Here's the cum! - the black man exclaimed, throwing me his semen.
I fell exhausted on the bed, all red and sweaty. I thought it was all over.
- Don't relax, white girl, I still have more cock for you. - Turn my head and see his penis as hard as at the beginning.
He stripped me of my thong and made me spread my legs, then put on a new condom and pounced on me. With all his powerful body, he started riding me. He was crushing my breasts with his chest.
- Oh God Jean! Delight! - I began to moan as I lay there with my legs open and lifted in the air. I put my hands on his back and caressed him while he was fucking me. I still had my beautiful high heels on.
He was a real bull, like a man I'd never been so intense in bed.
He tried to bring his face closer to mine and kiss me again. At first, I didn't want to, but then I let myself be carried away by the pleasure. I opened my mouth and let him press his lips against mine. I felt his tongue entering my mouth and wrapping around mine.
My feet were swaying to the rhythm of the screwing, that kiss was too intense, never got me so excited giving one. Even his tongue was huge.
Jean pulled out a new orgasm from me, he was my man, my god. I wasn't a woman, I was a sex-hungry women.
He put his hands on my ass, lifted me up from there. He hung me from his neck and started screwing me in the air with great power.
I was lifting myself up from my buttocks and falling directly onto his cock. My ass was overflowing again and again, I rested my chin on his right shoulder.
We weren't talking anymore, just moaning while we were fucking like animals.
I held onto him, he kept me pinned down with his powerful hands. It was a beastly thing, showing no signs of exhaustion. He was sweating heavily, my flattened breasts against him could feel that humidity.
He didn't let go of me at any moment, continued to screw me without rest until I had another orgasm.
- Hmm slut, we're going to have a great time together. - he stole another kiss from me after that, and since I was well taken care of, I didn't protest anything.
He sat down on the bed, then leaned his back against it until he was lying down. my turn to satisfy my male. I placed my hands on his powerful chest and my knees on the bed, then began to bounce up and down, impaling myself on his enormous cock.
- ¡UF! Mount my cock! - he brought his large and powerful hands to my tits. I released my hands from his chest and began to caress his arms as I moved over his penis.
My hair was bothering me so I brought my hands to my head and pushed it back.
With my hands on my forehead, I continued moving with passion, his cock being sufficient motivation for me to bounce without stopping. He released my tits and put them in my belt.
I sat down and moved my hips from back to front, feeling exquisite.
I brought my hands back, resting them on his quadriceps. I kept moving up and down, back and forth. My tits were a festival of bounces.
He was moving his hips, accompanying and potentizing mine. We were at the edge of climax.
- ¡Ya! Squeeze out the cum! - the black man shouted, and I continued my work. My orgasm was also close.
I jumped harder, his penis being scandalously the best I had ever tried in my life
- ¡Que tasty! - I said without stopping jumping, soon feeling my orgasm again. At the same time, I could feel his cock pulsating, he was ejaculating into the condom.
I threw my body forward, pressing my tits against him and we stayed kissing. We were enjoying our orgasms while playing with our tongues.
Our sweaty bodies breathed with agitation, I got up from his penis and he took off the condom. He tied a knot in it and threw it away.
With force, he took hold of my hips and made me lie down beside him. I ended up with my head on his chest, while he was caressing my buttocks, and I was doing the same to his powerful chest. We had sex for an hour, I was tired, I ended up falling asleep on top of him.
I woke up at 4 a.m., feeling a strong smell and my head resting on something warm. Almost it gave me a heart attack to see I was sleeping with Jean. It hadn't been a dream, everything was real. I had given myself to my violent black neighbor.
I almost screamed from shock, but held on to escape there. He still had a good grip on my ass.
With extreme care, I pulled his hand off me and got up. I could notice I still had my high heels on, put on my robe and found my thong lying on the floor. That's how I left, making as little noise as possible. Finally, I arrived at my house and went to take a shower.
I felt like crying, I had sex with a man. And one who treated me badly in the past too.
I cleaned my whole body, wanting to eliminate every trace of the encounter with Jean, but that memory would accompany me for the rest of my life.
I felt so guilty, couldn't sleep again. The worst part is that I enjoyed having my neighbor grab me.
It was enough, I had to get back to normal as soon as possible or I'd turn into a sex addict.
At least women still attracted me, which gave me some degree of calm.
I searched the internet again, saw something about mediums and stuff. Before, I had dismissed it, didn't believe in those things. But now that I'd transformed into a woman, everything was possible.
I registered one of the numbers and saved it to call later, since it was 5 am. I lay back on the bed to rest
After 3 hours, I got up. Washed my clothes and hung them up. Put on a white blouse and black pants. I had to use my swimsuit as underwear. No doubt I'd need more intimate clothing.
That's how I was ready to go to work, what I wanted most was to work to clear my mind of what had happened the night before in my neighbor's apartment.
I quickly went down the stairs. Didn't want anyone to recognize me, the walls were as thin as paper in those apartments. They must already know that Jean was screwing me. I arrived at the stop and used the bus to get to the restaurant.
The path was very quiet, I felt my body relaxed and I felt good humor. I was dying of shame, so that's how a woman feels when she's left well screwed.
When I got to my workplace, only Javiera was there. I greeted her cheerfully, she looked at me and smiled.
What good mood do you have? Did something good happen?
I blushed a lot and shook my head repeatedly. She just laughed, already imagining what had happened from my reaction.
Okay, calm down... it's just jokes, don't get so upset.
She said while sitting in one of the chairs.
Let's sweep before Juan gets here, I said to change the subject, besides not wanting problems with the boss.
I grabbed the broom and started sweeping quickly when I saw the time. That man always got angry with me when I didn't sweep, even though it wasn't one of my duties as a waiter. I was surprised that Javiera was sitting so calmly.
We were like that, when the boss arrived and looked at us. I was already preparing myself to be scolded.
Good morning, girls... oh, Josefina, you don't have to sweep. You should take care of those beautiful hands.
He came over and took the broom away from me.
I couldn't believe the big change in his attitude towards me. In the past, he only grumbled and scolded, now he was very understanding and protective.
Well, Don Juan... I thought we had to help, I replied a bit blushed.
What a lovely and hardworking one, you're adding points to be employee of the month.
That didn't exist, I knew well. He was just saying it to try to flirt with me.
Thank you, sir. I replied without more. I walked away to go with Javiera, my movements were sensual by nature. When I looked in the mirror, I could see how he stared at my big ass.
Haha, chupamedias, Javiera laughed, now understanding his very relaxed attitude. Sure Juan was giving her special treatment too just because she was there. beautiful.
- Don't be silly, that wasn't my intention. - I defended myself, looking sideways at Juan, who was looking at me with absolute desire.
- Yes, you do have a crush... - Javiera said, confirming the obvious.
- Let it stay with the desires... I'll never give him the opportunity. - I replied nervously.
- The same thing I say... I don't know how he does it, but he always gets what he wants. Believe me, you'll have fun in bed with him... and you'll like it. - she said carelessly, without knowing that those words were echoing in my head.
- I already imagined myself naked on the bed with that arrogant one. Receiving his penis, well spread-legged, while I dedicated a mocking look to him and enjoyed my spectacular body. Making my delicious breasts bounce only with the thrusts of his hips.
- Don't think about it anymore, haha. What's done is done and that's it. - my companion said, pulling me out of my thoughts.
- We started working. The clients treated me great and gave me generous tips. I smiled cordially and gave them good service as usual, but now they seemed delighted, not like when I was a simple boy and barely thanked me.
- I got tired of walking back and forth. I arrived at the employee's rest room. There Juan was waiting for me.
- And what about it? You said you'd get one yesterday. - It was true, the day before I had finished my shift, but that man hadn't forgotten.
- I gave him my number, after all he should have it, he was my boss. He looked very happy receiving it.
- I couldn't help but see them... what a delight. - I didn't understand to whom he referred until he showed me on his phone. They were my photos in lingerie, the ones I modeled for the store.
- I... that... - I stammered nervously, while he smiled.
- Relax, it's normal. With that beauty you shouldn't limit yourself to being a waitress. Modeling is for you... with that body, it would be a sin not to show it off. - he stayed looking at my prominent curves. How to respond to him. He was too direct and spoke to me with a lot of confidence.
- Great, thanks... - I replied, looking down.
The guy just laughed slightly.
- It will be glorious the day you give me everything. - he said as if nothing mattered. I clenched my fists nervously.
- Never will you have it... - I responded, intimidated by his confidence.
- As I told you, I love the difficult ones... it will be more delicious when you finally are mine. - he left, with that imposing aura, leaving me all flushed and trembling.
The worst of everything was that I felt intense heat in my groin. Since my change, my body reacted this way to the so-called alpha males. I had to go to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water.
Julián and Jean took me to paradise. Maybe it would be possible for Juan to make me, he was a dominant alpha like the two previous ones. I realized that I was totally weak in front of men like him. My instincts told me to render them devotion.
I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of giving my body to that proud type, but I felt intense heat all over my being.
I left the club with a hot face and eager for sex. Jean... I thought, but didn't want to do it again with him. He would surely feel entitled to me and look for me every day to have sex. I wanted to experience it, but at my own pace.
Julián... that man gave me his phone number. That old skinny guy who was almost going to take my virginity.
My feminine instincts finally won out. I dialed his number.
- Hello, this is Josefina... a pair of heels wouldn't come amiss... - I spoke with a very sensual voice, almost purring.
I didn't recognize myself. Just hours before, I had felt ashamed of being taken by Jean and now I was already looking for another man to give myself to.
The old guy listened delightedly, happy that I had called him
- Hmm, you have no idea how many times I've watched the video we made together... Listen, we'll meet at this address. Enter and tell them my name at the reception. - it was a luxurious hotel on the outskirts of the city.
The man was so anxious that he sent a taxi to pick me up and take me there immediately.
I was naked in the hotel room, drinking a glass of wine. I felt very anxious and excited. I was there, waiting for my man to make me completely his own.
I walked around the luxurious room, admiring how big and well-decorated it was. The bed was ready to receive the combat that my body and Julian's would fight.
I laughed thinking about that, stopped drinking, and got into the sheets. I already imagined exploding with pleasure in the hands of that experienced old man.

- Go ahead, mom, dance those white ass cheeks. - Jean said while moving my butt against his bulge. His hands had all over my breasts.
- Hmm, so slutty. - I let go of my breasts to put his hands on my waist. He made me move more roughly from top to bottom. I felt his wet boxer shorts against my ass.
Another song started playing, it seemed he didn't intend to turn off the music.
- When it moves is madness, it provokes heat and
When its waist makes a break, its body stimulates-
-Jaja, you're making yourself interesting and look at you now. Dancing like anyone. - He made me feel so humiliated, that violent guy who I despised was exciting me.
I was already getting turned on for him, pulling out my ass completely so he could rub against it to his pleasure.
- Break it, break it and crush it, hotel
Break it, break it and crush it, hotel (break it) -
Then he grabbed me tighter. We started going down together, bending our knees almost touching the floor. Like a man I never did and now as a woman I was dancing in less than a week.
- Good thing the crybaby on the side left and a tasty chick arrived. - Jean said without realizing we were the same person. He made me feel fury that he treated me like a crybaby just for asking him to turn down the music.
However, I couldn't stop dancing, my body was surrendering to him.
The song was repetitive. It didn't have much content, but it served us to give us rhythm and keep dancing. I felt my thong already very soaked. His constant caresses and the friction against his bulge had me on fire.
When the song ended, he made me turn around, grabbed my ass and stuck me to him. I could feel my breasts squishing against his powerful muscles.
He tried to bring his mouth close to mine and I refused. He started laughing at me since I was willing to take, but not to give a kiss.
- Haha you're going to surrender those lips after leaving that pussy applauding with pleasure. - again he made me blush, I didn't understand how he could be exciting me with that animal.
He lifted me up from my buttocks. I had to open my legs since I was elevated in the air. With some fear I hung onto his neck crossing my hands behind his nape.
He made me feel weak, inferior. But inferior in the sense that as a man I was never capable of having so much strength. He held me like he was treating me like a feather.
- Arrebatao' giving turn' in the jeepeta (giving turn' in the jeepeta)
At my left I have a blonde
Who has big tits (big tits)
She wants me to put it in (yeah, yeah)
It seemed he had chosen those songs especially for me. I couldn't believe that just hearing that would keep me hot.
- You're going to give me everything. It will be mine again and again. - he said without stopping to grope my ass.
He kept me in the air for a few minutes, leaving my buttocks well used by his hands. I was breathing excitedly. He made me move to the rhythm of the music, my nipples were hard against his chest.
Finally, when the song ended, he let me down and my heels touched the floor again. He released my buttocks and left me there, for him to sit on his bed and search for a new theme on his phone.
I stayed quiet, finally I had a moment of lucidity. All that was horrible, if I stayed there I would lose completely my masculinity. I had to leave as soon as possible.
- Eh, blonde! - he interrupted me and I was amazed. My eyes opened like plates.
The black man was completely naked, his cock looked like a monument, it was very hard and long. It was about 23 centimeters. He had a dense layer of curly hair on the testicles and pelvis.
- She is a baby eh
A baby cum
She's moving like Loca Pa' que yo se la eche- Sonaba la canción de fondo. Jean puso exclusivamente para avergonzarme. A su vez me llamaba haciendo gestos con un dedo. Iba a caminar hacia él, pero me detuvo con la mano y me indicó el piso. Lo entendí todo.
Mis pensamientos de abandonar el lugar desaparecieron. Mi vista y todos mis sentidos se centraron en su cock. Caí de rodillas al suelo, luego apoyé mis manos y comencé a gatear hacia él.
Estaba gateando, arrastrándome como una slut para mi vecino más odiado. Cada vez me quedaba menos orgullo.
Jean meneaba su cock y me invitaba a ir a chupársela. Como decía la canción, me quería hacer beber cum.
- Ven slut, ven a comer. Se nota que te hace falta un hombre que te ponga en tu lugar.
Llegué hasta él y levante la mirada. Su pene era mucho más grande que mi cabeza. Era un coloso que inspiraba mucho respeto.
Hipnotizada llevé mis manos a él y la agarré.
- Esto es lo que querías desde ayer, se te hacía agua a la boca. - dijo orgulloso de su enorme herramienta.
Con algo de timidez acerque mi lengua. La comencé a pasar desde la base, pasando por el tronco hasta llegar al glande. Era la tercera vez que estaba arrodillada ante un hombre.
- Me encanta, ah
Le echo más de cinco
Y me aguanta
Ella es mi planta, ah -
Era enorme, mi lengua tenía mucho por recorrer. Él llevó su mano a mi cabeza y me acariciaba suavemente mientras yo movía mi lengua por cada rincón de su cock
-Me pide cum
Y en la boca se la doy
Pero no te apeches
Que tú no sabes quién yo soy-
Mantuve mis manitos en la base de su pene y concentré mis esfuerzos en pasar la lengua alrededor de su glande. Le dejé la cabeza bien limpia.
- Hmm desde que te conocí sabía que cumía así, rubia. - me dijo y me hizo excitar más. Le di un beso en el glande.
- Así... llénalo de besos, agradécele la fuck que te va a dar. - me calentaba cada una de sus palabras, sabía que ese negro me cogería sí o sí esa night.
I gave him more kisses, imagining how he would make me explode with pleasure later. My lips were filling up with precum and that intense flavor.
With my hands I caressed him softly, while opening my mouth to put that huge glans inside of me.
- I love it, ah
He's got more than five
And he holds on
She is my plant, ah
The song was animating me and kept its rhythm for sucking that fat glans. I could see the expression of pleasure on the black man's face. He was being pleasured while I sucked him.
I took it out for a bit, with my tongue outside, I started beating it against my face myself. He was giving me little hits on the tongue. He was dying of pleasure.
- You're in love with the cock, blonde. You're earning yourself a good screwing later. - he was delighted by the excellent attention he was receiving from his penis.
With his hand, he pulled my hair and moved me away from his penis.
- Come on, blonde, you've been very quiet. Tell me what you want. - he said laughing, I was still with my tongue outside. I put it back in to talk.
- I want your penis, it's very big... I like it a lot. - I confessed stuttering, with my face very red from the shame that caused me to say those words.
He started laughing and let go of my hair. I could go back to putting my face close to his cock to suck its head.
It was hard for me to put it in, it was very big. My lips were adjusting to the trunk of his penis, never believing that such members existed outside of the world of pornography.
- Like this, blonde, it's clear you have experience sucking cocks. - he said delighted. The reality is that I knew the weak points of a penis because in the past I had one.
I stopped masturbating him and took my hands to his big, hanging, and hairy testicles. I started caressing them while continuing to suck his member.
I was giving it my all, for some reason I wanted to satisfy that man. He was looking at me delightedly, petting my head like when you reward a pet for doing its job well.
- Hmm blonde momma, do you want to make me come? All the cum of the eggs. - he said while I continued my task.
The lamia, kissed, sucked. He used all his repertoire against that powerful cock. But I was missing using my most powerful weapon.
I grabbed my breasts and compressed his penis with them. I was surprised to see that his penis poked out in the same way. It didn't disappear like it did with Julian and Ernesto.
- Hmm, what a tasty hot dog you're making. - he said laughing, seeing his penis poking out between my tits.
I started moving my tits rhythmically up and down. I was no longer concentrating on the song lyrics, only on the rhythm to continue satisfying my black man.
He had incredible resistance, I kept moving my tits up and down for 10 minutes and he didn't seem to have any signs of having an orgasm. I grabbed his head and brought my mouth to his member. Then I licked the glans while making him do the Boobs fuck.
- That's it, blonde, do it like that and I'll give you the cum. - he said laughing, I opened my mouth and started sucking it every time it poked out.
I moved my breasts quickly, then after minutes I felt it palpitate.
He stopped me by pulling my hair, leaving me looking submissive.
- Open wide! - he didn't give me time to react. He pushed his cock against my lips and almost half of it went in. His penis started shooting semen into my mouth.
I felt it salty and bitter, I was drinking the semen of my abusive neighbor.
- Drink cum, blonde! - he said emptying all his fluid. He pulled out and his semen remained making a thread from his cock to my mouth.
- You're a glutton... look at how you have me. - his penis still hard, as if nothing had happened.
- I'm going to put it in. - he finally said those words and my mind turned into a whirlwind of emotions. From pure nerves I swallowed his thick semen.
I felt guilt and excitement, I didn't know what would happen to me after having sex with a man... and if I liked it more than having sex with a woman? Would I turn gay?
Those doubts flooded my thoughts, but the heat From my vagina was superior, it was imposing itself and desire took over.
- You should use a condom... - I whispered while looking at him with great shame. He nodded. Now that the risk of pregnancy had been eliminated, there wouldn't be anything bad about having sex. Or at least I convinced myself of that.
- Put yourself in 4 while I get my cock ready. - he ordered as he walked away to search for condoms in a drawer.
I got up and then approached the bed. I leaned against it with my knees and hands. I had never felt so many nerves in my life, my whole body was trembling. With my thong pushed up even more between my buttocks.
I was breathing heavily, unable to believe what I was doing. I was on all fours at the edge of the bed, waiting for my black and brutal neighbor to make me his.
I heard him opening the condom and putting it on, while my vagina was burning with desire.
I heard his heavy footsteps coming towards me. He was walking towards me, about to arrive. In a little while he would get to me, make me his. He would put himself inside me, possess me, turn me into his little hen.
All these ideas were going through my mind with each step he took in my direction. I couldn't help but turn my head and look over my shoulder.
Here came my neighbor, his muscles gleaming and his penis looking more imposing than ever. He was coming towards me, all hard and curved upwards. With the condom on, Jean was ready to spear me with his cock.
I instinctively bent my head and pressed it against the bed, arching my back, pushing my elbows into the mattress and lifting my ass even higher.
Jean finally arrived. I could feel him grabbing my hips with his hands and his warm and hard penis depositing itself on my buttocks.
- You're a white slut, your ass is just like I like them. - he said, bringing his hands to them, caressing them all over. I was sighing with excitement, my face pressed against the old mattress.
With his fingers, he grabbed my thong and pushed it aside. He positioned his cock and He started passing his head over my wet and hot vagina. Ah, there I was, completely surrendered to that violent type who ruined many study days with his loud music and when I tried to ask him politely to turn it down, he threatened to hit me. I couldn't believe I was submitting to this beast. He was rubbing his cock against my vagina and soon he would be inside me. - Here you go, blonde! - he said, pinching my buttocks and grabbing my belt. - Get ready, I'm going to put it all in one stroke! - he started moving his hips back. The moment had arrived, he was going to put it in. I closed my eyes with excitement and humiliation. I felt like my masculinity was escaping through my pores. Plaf! It was the powerful sound of his pelvis hitting my buttocks, followed by my cry of pleasure and pain. - Ah! - he had put it all in at once, I felt like my vagina opened up to let his enormous penis pass. He didn't give me time to think. He pulled back his hips again, pulling out his penis from inside me. Plaf! He put it all in again, my vagina was pulsating, I was dying of shame. - Ah, God! - I moaned suffering a premature orgasm, it couldn't be true. - Haha, you like my black cock, blonde eater. Go ahead and enjoy. - very excited he started moving his hips repeatedly from back to front. I was lost in pleasure, still having my orgasm while the black man ravished me with fierce force. - Ah! Ah! Yaaa! - I moaned full of pleasure, my buttocks applauded loudly for each of his thrusts. I was dying of pleasure. It was a unique sensation, like a man never felt such pleasure. Sex as a woman was a dream come true, I never thought it could feel so much pleasure. - Hmm, so yummy and tight. - he grunted with pleasure. - What a tasty! - I exclaimed extatically, the bed creaked and the headboard of the same She was thrusting hard against the wall.
- You're mine now, thank goodness a yummy neighbor arrived to take daily. The other old women are very ugly. - he said, convinced that I would let him fuck me more times.
- I didn't respond, kept enjoying the delicious sensation of her head as she entered deeply into my vagina.
I no longer thought about my past as a man, shame no longer existed. Now I was a woman being penetrated by a powerful black male.
- Yes! Yes! Do it like that! - I now exclaimed with pleasure, no longer hiding how much I loved being penetrated by him.
- Hmm, I knew you loved cock! Take this! - he brought his hands to my hair and started pulling on it as if they were reins of a horse.
I was getting it in faster and faster, had another orgasm. I didn't understand if it was normal to have an orgasm so soon after the other.
- Yes! Delight, your cock is delightful! - I said, already crazy with pleasure.
He pulled my hair harder, my chest came off the bed and my tits started dancing to the rhythm of his thrusts.
Jean growled with pride, my submission fed him and made him more dominant each time.
I began moving my hips back and forth like when we were dancing, we were too compatible in bed. Our rhythm was perfect, the black man grunted happily.
- Keep going, Jean, don't stop! - our bodies already doubted it, my tits didn't stop dancing.
- You're much more of a slut than I thought! - he groaned happily, stopped pulling my hair to grab my breasts.
We kept going for a few minutes, my body responded to all his stimuli. Finally, he pulled his penis out of my interior and took off the condom to fill my back and buttocks with his dense and warm semen.
- UF! Here's the cum! - the black man exclaimed, throwing me his semen.
I fell exhausted on the bed, all red and sweaty. I thought it was all over.
- Don't relax, white girl, I still have more cock for you. - Turn my head and see his penis as hard as at the beginning.
He stripped me of my thong and made me spread my legs, then put on a new condom and pounced on me. With all his powerful body, he started riding me. He was crushing my breasts with his chest.
- Oh God Jean! Delight! - I began to moan as I lay there with my legs open and lifted in the air. I put my hands on his back and caressed him while he was fucking me. I still had my beautiful high heels on.
He was a real bull, like a man I'd never been so intense in bed.
He tried to bring his face closer to mine and kiss me again. At first, I didn't want to, but then I let myself be carried away by the pleasure. I opened my mouth and let him press his lips against mine. I felt his tongue entering my mouth and wrapping around mine.
My feet were swaying to the rhythm of the screwing, that kiss was too intense, never got me so excited giving one. Even his tongue was huge.
Jean pulled out a new orgasm from me, he was my man, my god. I wasn't a woman, I was a sex-hungry women.
He put his hands on my ass, lifted me up from there. He hung me from his neck and started screwing me in the air with great power.
I was lifting myself up from my buttocks and falling directly onto his cock. My ass was overflowing again and again, I rested my chin on his right shoulder.
We weren't talking anymore, just moaning while we were fucking like animals.
I held onto him, he kept me pinned down with his powerful hands. It was a beastly thing, showing no signs of exhaustion. He was sweating heavily, my flattened breasts against him could feel that humidity.
He didn't let go of me at any moment, continued to screw me without rest until I had another orgasm.
- Hmm slut, we're going to have a great time together. - he stole another kiss from me after that, and since I was well taken care of, I didn't protest anything.
He sat down on the bed, then leaned his back against it until he was lying down. my turn to satisfy my male. I placed my hands on his powerful chest and my knees on the bed, then began to bounce up and down, impaling myself on his enormous cock.
- ¡UF! Mount my cock! - he brought his large and powerful hands to my tits. I released my hands from his chest and began to caress his arms as I moved over his penis.
My hair was bothering me so I brought my hands to my head and pushed it back.
With my hands on my forehead, I continued moving with passion, his cock being sufficient motivation for me to bounce without stopping. He released my tits and put them in my belt.
I sat down and moved my hips from back to front, feeling exquisite.
I brought my hands back, resting them on his quadriceps. I kept moving up and down, back and forth. My tits were a festival of bounces.
He was moving his hips, accompanying and potentizing mine. We were at the edge of climax.
- ¡Ya! Squeeze out the cum! - the black man shouted, and I continued my work. My orgasm was also close.
I jumped harder, his penis being scandalously the best I had ever tried in my life
- ¡Que tasty! - I said without stopping jumping, soon feeling my orgasm again. At the same time, I could feel his cock pulsating, he was ejaculating into the condom.
I threw my body forward, pressing my tits against him and we stayed kissing. We were enjoying our orgasms while playing with our tongues.
Our sweaty bodies breathed with agitation, I got up from his penis and he took off the condom. He tied a knot in it and threw it away.
With force, he took hold of my hips and made me lie down beside him. I ended up with my head on his chest, while he was caressing my buttocks, and I was doing the same to his powerful chest. We had sex for an hour, I was tired, I ended up falling asleep on top of him.
I woke up at 4 a.m., feeling a strong smell and my head resting on something warm. Almost it gave me a heart attack to see I was sleeping with Jean. It hadn't been a dream, everything was real. I had given myself to my violent black neighbor.
I almost screamed from shock, but held on to escape there. He still had a good grip on my ass.
With extreme care, I pulled his hand off me and got up. I could notice I still had my high heels on, put on my robe and found my thong lying on the floor. That's how I left, making as little noise as possible. Finally, I arrived at my house and went to take a shower.
I felt like crying, I had sex with a man. And one who treated me badly in the past too.
I cleaned my whole body, wanting to eliminate every trace of the encounter with Jean, but that memory would accompany me for the rest of my life.
I felt so guilty, couldn't sleep again. The worst part is that I enjoyed having my neighbor grab me.
It was enough, I had to get back to normal as soon as possible or I'd turn into a sex addict.
At least women still attracted me, which gave me some degree of calm.
I searched the internet again, saw something about mediums and stuff. Before, I had dismissed it, didn't believe in those things. But now that I'd transformed into a woman, everything was possible.
I registered one of the numbers and saved it to call later, since it was 5 am. I lay back on the bed to rest
After 3 hours, I got up. Washed my clothes and hung them up. Put on a white blouse and black pants. I had to use my swimsuit as underwear. No doubt I'd need more intimate clothing.
That's how I was ready to go to work, what I wanted most was to work to clear my mind of what had happened the night before in my neighbor's apartment.
I quickly went down the stairs. Didn't want anyone to recognize me, the walls were as thin as paper in those apartments. They must already know that Jean was screwing me. I arrived at the stop and used the bus to get to the restaurant.
The path was very quiet, I felt my body relaxed and I felt good humor. I was dying of shame, so that's how a woman feels when she's left well screwed.
When I got to my workplace, only Javiera was there. I greeted her cheerfully, she looked at me and smiled.
What good mood do you have? Did something good happen?
I blushed a lot and shook my head repeatedly. She just laughed, already imagining what had happened from my reaction.
Okay, calm down... it's just jokes, don't get so upset.
She said while sitting in one of the chairs.
Let's sweep before Juan gets here, I said to change the subject, besides not wanting problems with the boss.
I grabbed the broom and started sweeping quickly when I saw the time. That man always got angry with me when I didn't sweep, even though it wasn't one of my duties as a waiter. I was surprised that Javiera was sitting so calmly.
We were like that, when the boss arrived and looked at us. I was already preparing myself to be scolded.
Good morning, girls... oh, Josefina, you don't have to sweep. You should take care of those beautiful hands.
He came over and took the broom away from me.
I couldn't believe the big change in his attitude towards me. In the past, he only grumbled and scolded, now he was very understanding and protective.
Well, Don Juan... I thought we had to help, I replied a bit blushed.
What a lovely and hardworking one, you're adding points to be employee of the month.
That didn't exist, I knew well. He was just saying it to try to flirt with me.
Thank you, sir. I replied without more. I walked away to go with Javiera, my movements were sensual by nature. When I looked in the mirror, I could see how he stared at my big ass.
Haha, chupamedias, Javiera laughed, now understanding his very relaxed attitude. Sure Juan was giving her special treatment too just because she was there. beautiful.
- Don't be silly, that wasn't my intention. - I defended myself, looking sideways at Juan, who was looking at me with absolute desire.
- Yes, you do have a crush... - Javiera said, confirming the obvious.
- Let it stay with the desires... I'll never give him the opportunity. - I replied nervously.
- The same thing I say... I don't know how he does it, but he always gets what he wants. Believe me, you'll have fun in bed with him... and you'll like it. - she said carelessly, without knowing that those words were echoing in my head.
- I already imagined myself naked on the bed with that arrogant one. Receiving his penis, well spread-legged, while I dedicated a mocking look to him and enjoyed my spectacular body. Making my delicious breasts bounce only with the thrusts of his hips.
- Don't think about it anymore, haha. What's done is done and that's it. - my companion said, pulling me out of my thoughts.
- We started working. The clients treated me great and gave me generous tips. I smiled cordially and gave them good service as usual, but now they seemed delighted, not like when I was a simple boy and barely thanked me.
- I got tired of walking back and forth. I arrived at the employee's rest room. There Juan was waiting for me.
- And what about it? You said you'd get one yesterday. - It was true, the day before I had finished my shift, but that man hadn't forgotten.
- I gave him my number, after all he should have it, he was my boss. He looked very happy receiving it.
- I couldn't help but see them... what a delight. - I didn't understand to whom he referred until he showed me on his phone. They were my photos in lingerie, the ones I modeled for the store.
- I... that... - I stammered nervously, while he smiled.
- Relax, it's normal. With that beauty you shouldn't limit yourself to being a waitress. Modeling is for you... with that body, it would be a sin not to show it off. - he stayed looking at my prominent curves. How to respond to him. He was too direct and spoke to me with a lot of confidence.
- Great, thanks... - I replied, looking down.
The guy just laughed slightly.
- It will be glorious the day you give me everything. - he said as if nothing mattered. I clenched my fists nervously.
- Never will you have it... - I responded, intimidated by his confidence.
- As I told you, I love the difficult ones... it will be more delicious when you finally are mine. - he left, with that imposing aura, leaving me all flushed and trembling.
The worst of everything was that I felt intense heat in my groin. Since my change, my body reacted this way to the so-called alpha males. I had to go to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water.
Julián and Jean took me to paradise. Maybe it would be possible for Juan to make me, he was a dominant alpha like the two previous ones. I realized that I was totally weak in front of men like him. My instincts told me to render them devotion.
I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of giving my body to that proud type, but I felt intense heat all over my being.
I left the club with a hot face and eager for sex. Jean... I thought, but didn't want to do it again with him. He would surely feel entitled to me and look for me every day to have sex. I wanted to experience it, but at my own pace.
Julián... that man gave me his phone number. That old skinny guy who was almost going to take my virginity.
My feminine instincts finally won out. I dialed his number.
- Hello, this is Josefina... a pair of heels wouldn't come amiss... - I spoke with a very sensual voice, almost purring.
I didn't recognize myself. Just hours before, I had felt ashamed of being taken by Jean and now I was already looking for another man to give myself to.
The old guy listened delightedly, happy that I had called him
- Hmm, you have no idea how many times I've watched the video we made together... Listen, we'll meet at this address. Enter and tell them my name at the reception. - it was a luxurious hotel on the outskirts of the city.
The man was so anxious that he sent a taxi to pick me up and take me there immediately.
I was naked in the hotel room, drinking a glass of wine. I felt very anxious and excited. I was there, waiting for my man to make me completely his own.
I walked around the luxurious room, admiring how big and well-decorated it was. The bed was ready to receive the combat that my body and Julian's would fight.
I laughed thinking about that, stopped drinking, and got into the sheets. I already imagined exploding with pleasure in the hands of that experienced old man.

5 comentários - De hombre simplon a hembrón de fantasía (tercera parte)