El deseo de papi

I'm bringing you a lightning-fast story that I was thinking about during the week and I proposed to upload it yesterday, they didn't give me the time, but here it is today. It doesn't aim to be a very long story, I hope you like it and according to your reception, I'll put my foot in its continuation.

The muse of this story is
Akemy Sama(Portuguese Instagrammer and Twitcher). You know, don't be lazy and if you liked it, comment, rate, whatever you like. It's the best way I have to know if the story liked or not.

El deseo de papi


It was noticeable that Jimena was nervous, the violent way she drove revealing it. Each turn seemed worthy of Toretto, and no sooner did she put it in gear than she floored the accelerator as if unable to gauge forces, her younger sister Carla who was accompanying her noticed this and knew what was causing it.

- I'm not going off to war correspondence in Ukraine, I'm visiting Dad, stop acting crazy. - She reproached without taking her gaze away from the window. This one returned a reflection that screamed
Black sheepIn all her expression.

Short dark hair (although it changed color frequently), expensive colorful tattoos typical of e-girl, a toned body that could be envied by both men and women, although what stood out most was a fine and sharp face, almost elf-like, with a deep and penetrating gaze like the arrows of mythical forest defenders. Her combination of features gave her a nearly supernatural appearance that made her stand out in any circle, especially among her family, who were heteronormative to the extreme and always emphasized her tomboy aspect.

- You know what happens to me when you go alone to visit... dad. – Said with a hint of disdain by her sister. – It drives me crazy that you're alone with that old pervert.

Jimena the driver had dark, luscious hair falling on her shoulders and a more rounded face than Carla, although she flaunted more pronounced curves in her body (especially the front ones). Her companion glanced sideways as the seatbelt crossing her chest separated two voluminous melons that for her could turn
greenTo anyone. - On top of being re-produced, I don't know why... it gives me goosebumps just thinking about how she's going to react when she sees you. The elder one wasn't wrong. Carla looked like a first date outfit and that it was chosen for a daytime father's visit screameddaddy issuesa few blocks away: a black leather jacket, a gargantilla with spines similar to those used by bulldogs in cartoons, red lips like an open wound protruding above her white skin. The matching pants had closures, straps, and chains on all sides. It looked like it came from a Marvel comic book of the 90s or a Korean aesthetic clothing catalog.

- Then you could accompany me, it's his day. – Retorted, this time actually looking at him and ignoring his opinion about her father. – Dad isn't bad, he's just affectionate.

- Not on your life, seeing him on his birthday and New Year's is enough for me. The Father's Day that he puts himself in the ass. Besides, I already sent a message. – Sentenced as they were approaching Norberto's house, their father. – I don't know how you put up with it so much.

In a curve, Jimena almost made Carla crash her forehead against the glass. Although she had only recently gotten her license, her driving skills were more than reckless.

- It's Dad. You're being unfair, we never lacked anything. – He began to defend him crossing his arms as usual, the middle child of three sisters, the only one who seemed to have a sense of affection towards her father.

- We never lacked anything and had too much! He's a pervert, Carla, and you know it! – Jimena started her monologue for the umpteenth time. - You post on Instagram like a 14-year-old virgin guy! Stop messing around... - And after finishing her sentence, she slammed on the brakes, causing a swerve because she almost ran through the red light with the stoplight. – If something happens, I'll call you immediately.

- You're exaggerating as usual. It's Dad, our Dad. – She downplayed its importance, maintaining her calm, Carla, cold and in control of her emotions as always.

- Do you think I don't see that he comments on every photo? Since you started going to the gym, this guy is so gross, I read it and his comments make me nauseous, you should delete them and block him too.

- It's sweet, I like that he thinks I'm pretty. – She said more for Make her angry thinking about it that way. Sometimes yes it was inappropriate and very uncomfortable the way he addressed his daughter. - Besides dad is also nice, we should be grateful to have him, many don't have the same luck.

- Again with your low blows, okay, I'll clarify you get off at the corner, I don't want to see you arrive and have to go down to greet him.

- Better because I can't stand you, you're really paranoid and I'm taking an Uber, I'd rather spend money to travel like this.

- Whatever you want, loser. - Clearly visibly angry. - If you give him a little kiss he'll pay for it.

- Thanks for the idea,
ByeThe movie accepted without complaining and got off at Virrey Cisneros street in Ramos Mejía (in the Municipality of La Matanza), after walking less than fifty meters through one of the most run-down areas of the city, she found herself in front of her father's house, this time alone with the gift in hand.

She was about to take a big step and there was no turning back, she had a gift to deliver to her father.

Carla remembered that she had told him things without shame like ...
That little butt is the best thing I didNoneOutside buzzards that this girl is daddy'sNoneWhen you get home I'll give you a good scolding for posting these photosor his favorite personal phraseWhen do you go back to posting beautiful photos to your best friends?Although I knew it was wrong and shouldn't encourage those public behaviors (let alone add him to better friends in exchange for favors), there was something about that dangerous and forbidden game that captivated Carla, something she couldn't understand in the tira y afloje of perversions and reticence between them that turned each family reunion into a fire game in the middle of a fireworks store. Of course, neither Jimena nor Cintia thought alike and had already cut ties with him, but not her, who was still the same little girl she'd always been with her dad, the same little girl from Dad's now ready to get to the bottom of all that matter.

Besides that, there were her sweet habits that weren't well viewed by her sisters anymore, and it wasn't right that Carla kept allowing them, little kisses in exchange for little favors.
Daddy will give you permission to leave if you give him what he wants so much.), as if she was still inviting her to sit down to watch TV or teach her some boomer nonsense on the phone. And the hugs that, besides being strong, turned into a crucial corporal rubbing... he wasn't a dirty man, nor ignorant or evil, just seemed to have an inner beast that couldn't be controlled... it seemed like he had fed the wrong wolf inside him for too long.

Although the elephant in the room was obvious, no one did anything but ignore it; it was time for someone to look at the paquiderm straight in the eye and confront it to know why its imposing presence was there. It was time to know the truth.

- Well, it's time. – He expressed, taking courage and pressing the electric doorbell with a large residence's visor, a big black sliding gate, and grey unpainted walls crowned with broken glass bottles that gave no clues about the exuberance of its interior or its outgoing tenant.

- Hello, who is it? – Asked a 50-year-old man with a voice altered by the worn-out microphone.

- Your favorite daughter, papiiii. Or is the doorbell camera broken again? – He said, imitating the same tone he had 10 years ago, and almost as if he pressed the button that accelerated the gate's opening with a slight metallic crackling.

- It's not broken, love, it's just that your beauty burned out the lens. – He said before Carla entered, with an authentic smile taken aback by that last flirtatious remark.

Once inside, she followed a small path of stones between giant aloes vera (those ones you find in plazas and courtyards, with trunks of great height) to her father's house, where he was waiting for her with a pink shirt unbuttoned to the chest, a whisky glass in one hand, and a gold watch in the other.

- Happy day! – Carla said, opening her arms to receive her father.

- But if it's my doll! You remembered your old man! – Norberto expressed genuine happiness, receiving his daughter from her mother with a strong hug. - As usual, he was dressed up like he was going out to party or vacation in the Caribbean.

- How am I supposed to forget? I'm not as bad as my sisters! - She said, pulling out a favorite charm while feeling her father's strong arms wrapping around her and soon his kisses on her neck, where the thorn necklace couldn't protect her. - Well, well, calm down, you're scratching me all over with your beard.

- Sorry, sorry, I just couldn't help myself, I didn't expect visitors. - He said finally pulling away. - You know, girls grow up, things change. - He mentioned with a hint of melancholy on his face.

- And the rest of your gang? Didn't anyone come to visit my lion? - She said affectionately because Norberto, among many tattoos, had a roaring lion on one of his arms, a symbol of virility among his peers.

Norberto shook his head solemnly.

- They're busy, it's understandable, although a couple of them sent greetings through social media... well, make yourself at home. - He invited her in with one hand resting on her hip, trying to ignore reality. Having so many offspring, only Carla was there for him that day.

Carla, Jimena, and Cintia were the
officialsNevertheless, Norberto had taken Genesis 9:7 very seriouslyAs for you, be fruitful and multiply.) and he had scattered his seed here and there, at least she knew of 6 half-brothers of various colors and forms distinct with whom she had greater or lesser contact. A man like him, with his economic position, being a recognized naval engineer, hadn't spared anything and having consumed the sin of the flesh in each port now reaped the fruits of such emotional idleness, of such superficiality, of so much poorly carried vice.

At this stage of his life he was realizing his mistakes and began to understand why there was solitude on his days. Disliked by his daughters for his questionable attitudes and left aside (even with perimeters by some ex), today Norberto, despite obliging the world with a numerous offspring, would spend Father's Day alone if it weren't for Carla.

- Are you okay, dad? – Asked Carla again making a tone of lolita while taking off her leather jacket and hanging it up.

His father didn't respond, instead he looked at her from top to bottom while stroking his thick chestnut beard. His daughter Carla not only filled the dark clothes she wore with a good pair of tits and a large and worked ass, but also with a musculature that drew delicious curves on her shoulders, back, and biceps, without reaching varonil or excessive, her physique had made her an object of unique desire.

- Papi?
AhYes, I see you like how I look, I dressed up for you. If I was in that house to play with fire, her little turn to admire her figure could be considered a dance over the embers. - You leave me speechless, my love, you're beautiful. – Mentioning her father as he leaned towards her and hugged her again, this time without the jacket that put a leather layer between skin and skin, pressing against her worked back, shoulders, touching skin on her hip and breathing deeply against her hair and skin. - I miss you, daddy. – Carla told him in his ear, letting herself be hugged, starting to carry out what she had come for, the real reason for her arrival at a hunting ground where she felt like the lion's favorite prey. Norberto's desires for prohibited pleasure were already manifesting, there was something strange about this type of relationship between a father and their daughters and only Carla had the courage to face the mystery to get to the heart of the matter. - Did you bring me a gift too? – Although he had put down the whisky glass leaving it on the table, Carla still had the package with the present. - AhYes, of course! How am I going to come with empty hands? – She said, giving him the gift and stepping away from him without distancing herself, staying almost stuck to his chest and not stopping looking at him.

Norberto looked at the gift and then at her, as if trying to solve a hidden puzzle.

- Love, you know I don't need you to give me anything, your presence is enough... more so since you made yourself look so beautiful for me. – She said, observing her from head to toe like a hospital scanner.

- Open it, daddy. – She impatiently said while heading to the living room with him.

A man kept order in those things that mattered most to him. Although his sentimental life could be a mess, Norberto had a decoration style that radiated peace and sensuality in equal proportions. With a modern home that maintained a warm atmosphere in the center (column style) and furniture like the moon-shaped sofa, carpeted and metal chairs in gray tones that gave the environment a futuristic style.

Having a gray and insipid wall that hid the whole house from view was no coincidence, the luxuries he had gathered in his life were well-hidden behind that façade of an unremarkable, monotonous old house, hidden among more ostentatious houses that stole glances.

In the center of the moon-shaped sofa facing the fire, Carla sat down and her father accompanied her very close to her, dedicating a suspicious look while observing him open his gift.

Norberto didn't need to remove the wrapping paper to realize it was a classic mug with the slogan
The best father of the galaxywith a Darth Vader stamp on a Starbucks logo, making reference to his favorite movie saga (he had a tattoo of him on one of his shoulders). The cup was wrapped in transparent film paper for some reason.

- Thanks my queen, I love it, now I'm going to use this always...

And taking him by surprise since he was admiring the gift, without waiting to be asked and to show that he shouldn't repress himself, Carla stretched out and connected her lips with her father's in a warm and sonorous peck. One of her hands, while stretching to reach her lips, rested on her father's belly and stayed there caressing it.

The clear eyes of the sugar daddy sparkled at such an overflow of affection he didn't expect... even took a few seconds to savor the little taste on his lips.

- Do you think I came all this way to bring you a piece of crap, haha? It's not just the gift.

- With your visit, your gift and that peck already made me the happiest papa in the world. – He said leaning against his daughter for another kiss on the lips and got it, this time Carla placed her hand on her father's bearded chin and left their lips connected for a few seconds more.

- Won't this be a hidden camera? – Asked a little jokingly, a little seriously looking around.

- I'm not as mean as Jimena or Cintia. – Responded sharply. – I know how you repress yourself with us from a while back and no longer make the same silly gestures that were so strange before. Because of them, I was the one who lost out the most. It's weird how things used to be before, when we would see each other often and were closer. – She confessed without looking away from her father or giving up an inch of proximity.

The answers she sought didn't have to wait.

- Carlita, my love, it's not that I didn't want to become distant, it's that I lost your sisters because of who I am, I didn't want them to distance themselves even more and make it irreversible. – He confessed surprised by the really intimate atmosphere that had formed. – You're so lovely, we made you with so much love to Pali - (that's what I called Paula, the sisters' mother and my ex-wife.) - that they wake up things in me that I can't understand or comprehend, they are even more lovely than she is, and just looking at them... makes a warmth rise in me, like I want to hug them all, kiss them all, eat them all.

That he could maintain eye contact with his daughter while saying such a barbarity, by the fire, on a soft sofa, and at a distance of only a few centimeters, only made his sentence worse. A turbid porn atmosphere was slowly being created, and Carlita couldn't be more pleased. Norberto also felt relieved that his little girl wasn't scandalized even a little bit by his uncomfortable truths.

- Yes? Do I wake up indecent things in you, daddy? Do you feel those heats right now? – She followed the game, retaking her tone of voice
underage- Is it just with Jim and Cindy that this happens to you? I want the truthHeNorberto, resisting the temptation to talk more, or perhaps suspecting that there was a certain trap behind all that suspiciously favorable scenery, restrained himself once again.

- Carlita, women are my obsession, always have been. It's something I could never control and while they're more forbidden... they can mean more to me. – He said dedicating a guilty look to the gift, the cup, with his gaze full of guilt. – If I had known how to control myself, we would all be having family time with Pali enjoying a nice afternoon of... - His daughter's fingers landed on the rim of the cup and tapped it, interrupting his fantasies about the Ingalls Family that, for a man like him, with a long beard, fully tattooed, well-groomed, and with sugar daddy vibes, didn't fit.

- Then you'll love my second gift. Don't make me angry and open it properly.

- I thought you meant the little studs! – Mentioned discovering that under the plastic wrap was a note.

Rushed, he peeled off the plastic wrap and pulled out the note from the cup. It was a small cardboard card folded in two that, when opened, revealed the true gift.
It's worth it for a desire ⭐The keys to Pandora's box, the button that unleashed nuclear bombing, the pentagram that invited the devil himself, those simple words were an invitation to disaster since I was alone with him in that environment exuding sensuality, knowing he was a forbidden object of desire and nothing would stop my father from finally revealing his true nature.

- Is it worth a wish? Like Aladdin's lamp? – Asked, rechecking the note to see if she had read it wrong and there was a second interpretation that had slipped her mind, as if trying to remember if they had ever said something like that between them and her obscene mind was making her think badly.

- There isn't much science, dad. The cup, although it's pretty, isn't enough for a guy like you, and I didn't know what to give you... thought you'd like to make a wish that I could fulfill, the one you want, the one you desire most.

Carla, despite having some nerves on her mind, managed to say everything she wanted without her voice trembling or a hint of doubt on her face. Some truths were better left unspoken and she was taking a risky bet.

- I don't understand. – Although in reality she wanted to say
I don't know if I'm understandingFor Carla, it was the perfect bait that would bring the truth to the surface: if her father was just an old green and touchy guy like those who grab your booty in the middle of bowling and make you spin around defiantly, or he was more, much more than what he hinted. Carla needed to know if she could have an adventure with her daughter.

- It has to be something that can give you something, I'm not asking for something like a Ferrari or traveling through time, I thought the note was clear. – She got impatient, faking a tantrum, crossing her arms and only making her breasts and arm muscles inflate.

- Something that can give me, Carla, some things come to mind... You said you missed how things were before, maybe Dad could make up for it and... give you the kisses your baby loves so much.

Carla smiled complacently, very pleased with her father's gaze, tone, and body language. So much so that she doubled down on the bet and taking the note of desire, made a ball out of it and threw it into the fire like burning evidence of a crime.

Without a word, the curvy one with more curves than a Formula 1 circuit crossed her leg over her father's lap to sit on him face-to-face, without looking away from his eyes, making sure she was sitting astride him well, with all her weight on the member that gave her life and casting a shadow with her silhouette.

- My girl grew up, grew up in every way. – Her father mentioned something sunk into the sofa, letting out the facet Carla precisely wanted to see in him. – It's more beautiful to make up for it now than it was before.

Carla went down and dedicated a third peck to her father's lips, then a fourth, and when she saw he wasn't inhibiting himself and already began to caress her hips, legs, waist, she shifted into second gear and the devilish dad started kissing her mouth. bearded this time, without parting his lips, seeking to turn the little one into a genuine kiss between lovers.

Norberto responded instantly and placing one of his large hands on the sharp cheek of his retoña, returned the kiss in a more humid and noisy way. For delicious seconds, only the crackling of the fireplace and the smacking of wet lips submerged in that forbidden, intense kiss could be heard, shouting so many things without uttering a single word.

Without realizing it, despite giving countless kisses in his life, this one had been so special that it had made him instinctively close his eyes and he became aware that he did not remember the last one to have such an effect. There was much sentiment poured into that kiss, it wasn't just another one, many things had been confirmed.

- Without a doubt, this is the best day my father has had in my life, I don't know if it's worth so much. – Confessed observing the lips he had kissed with such passion. – I'm very lucky to have a daughter as lovely and pampered as mine, I didn't think you missed me that much.

- You deserve this and much more, daddy. – Descending to give him another kiss and also seeking some contact
Tongue to tongueWith his papi, he got it instantly. A man of his experience read like a book even the most minor bodily language and didn't beat around the bush, accepting that his daughter was a pure-bred pervert like him, gave her the tongue kiss she wanted so much by letting himself be invaded in the mouth first, and then approaching hers with his own.OhhGod, I'm dying right here. – The man whispered, licking his lips and smacking them in front of Carlita's attentive gaze. Can I ask what all this love, devotion to your father is about?

Carla didn't have to think too much.

- It's memory papi... you know everything that happened, you remember what went on at school, the bullying I suffered, only when I got home and you'd eat me up with kisses, hold me tight and not let go of me. I felt beautiful and loved. Those feelings don't fade away. Then I started training, developed myself, everything changed and some things were left behind, although on the other hand, I lost you because of my sisters' gossip... I didn't want to leave you behind mine.

- You should have told me you needed these things. – Her father said, taking her hand and kissing the back of it like a gentleman, but not letting go of a lustful gaze.

- It's not that easy, I had to confront Jimena, ask her to bring it, arm myself with courage to give you my gift... - She admitted, blushing and pleased by how everything turned out, surprised by her own boldness, proud of having discovered that her father felt the same things she did.

- I'm very happy about desire, thanks my love. – Her father said this time, placing both hands on his daughter's hips, making it clear he didn't want the desire to end ever.

If you could say Carlita had put second base with her original gift, she decided to go for third base.

- I'm so good that all this won't be like your desire and I'll give it to you for free, so you take courage and ask me for something more lovely, something that's really a special gift.

As if to incite him further, she settled on top of him, rubbing against his body and letting herself fall a little more, spreading her legs a bit wider and biting her lip while waiting for a response. Norberto watched her with desire... Moving close to his ear, she whispered her definitive desire. Carla smiled, letting a nervous and flushed giggle burst from her lips, looked at him with a smiling gaze and nodded fervently to his request. Taking the necessary time (without saying a single word for fear of breaking the moment or making it uncomfortable), the girl slowly got off her father's lap with parsimony so he could admire every movement of her body and under his attentive gaze, positioned herself between his open legs and knelt down between them, ready to satisfy her desire.


big booty

4 comentários - El deseo de papi

Buy bueno. Esperó con ansias la parte 2
Muchas gracias, si todo va bien le meto pata
te pasaste me encantó de una te digo esta historia necesita más capítulos
Tu opinión son palabras mayores para mi, espero estar a la altura con la secuela
Muy bueno. Espero el capítulo 2 con ansias.
Muchas gracias, sí va a salir más pronto que tarde
Promete mucho. Espero que no falte mucho para una 2da parte
No prometo nada jaja no lapienso dejar inconclusa eso si