I didn't want to go. What kind of quinceañera accompanies her father on a boring business trip? None. I wanted to be with my friends to party and talk about boys, not in some lost mansion in the middle of nowhere. — We're here. And remember to behave well. The clients are very important. — Yes, dad. The first thing that surprised her was the size of the front garden. It was enormous, it seemed like they owned a complete forest. — There's still time left, so you have time to wipe your drool before they see you. It was an annoying comment, but she didn't say a word. Next, they found a man sitting on the edge of the mansion. Her father scowled when he saw him. — Good morning. I see you've come accompanied. — He introduced her, my dear daughter Marta. And this is Carlos, the only son of my business partner. — Nice to meet you. The first impression Marta had of her future master was simply overwhelming. He was a tall, strong, and handsome man with an enchanting smile. — My father is waiting for you in his office. — Fine. Oh... — You can leave your daughter with me, and while you're meeting with my father, I can show her all this. — Yes, of course. I... — Don't you want to bring your daughter to the meeting, right? — No, of course not. I'll be back when it's all over. Marta didn't know she had her father against the man she was leaving with. — He simply doesn't like me. According to him, I'm just a simple spendthrift. — One who spends money on pleasures? — On women, cars, and alcohol. The rest is sure to waste it. Do you want to come with me to the pool? — I don't have a swimsuit. — It doesn't matter, neither do I. He offered her his hand and she accepted. It was the first time she had held the hand of a man who wasn't from her family, so her heart began to pound wildly as they entered the depth of the forest together. The pool was actually a private lake. When they arrived at it, she sat on the grass while Carlos started undressing. He had a... body. The guy would be a hedonist, but at least he took care of himself. — Relax, nothing will happen that you don't want to happen. Marta didn't really know what she didn't want to happen. Carlos smiled and approached her. — It's your turn. He looked first in the direction of the mansion. He knew his father was there, and it would take a good while... Then he looked back at the man, or rather his package. He had almost put it right in front of his face. — This isn't right. — The most fun things in life usually aren't right. What did he want? What would he remove from the dress that covered her body? She began to regret having come so far. It was as if she had jumped from a dream into a nightmare. — I want to go back. She made herself into a ball. — Boring child. Carlos took off his pants and underwear, leaving himself completely naked. — Open your mouth and suck. Marta couldn't believe what she had heard. — If you want your father's business to do well, it would be better if you stopped messing around and did it. — What... what are you talking about? — Make a slut once do what you have to do. She still couldn't believe what she was hearing. Had her father brought her here to prostitute her with this idiot? — You're very messed up — the man continued to press — on the verge of being left in the street, but if you don't want to, I won't force you. Marta understood many things: Why her father had forced her to come, why she had dressed up and why he had told her to behave herself. Did she really have to...? — I've never done it before — she whispered. — Yes, well, I don't expect the mother of my life, just do it. Yes, she had finally given in... She had closed her eyes and had her palms planted on the floor. She opened her mouth. — This is better now. Carlos didn't hesitate to push his cock into the back of her throat. Marta never felt so dirty or used in her life. The violation of her throat was violent and cruelly terrible. The tip of the The cock was pounding her bell repeatedly, producing arcs that she had to contain. The man had even grabbed her hair tightly while coming inside her. The taste of semen spilled inside her mouth repelled her. And yet Marta swallowed it, intuiting that if she didn't, the consequences could be very grave for her. — I'll go take a bath. You can do whatever you want. He hadn't done anything more to her all the time they were together... They returned together again to the mansion entrance, holding hands. Marta had not looked up from the ground the whole way and got into her father's car without ceremony. Father and daughter only spoke when they were far from the mansion. — I didn't have any other alternative. Marta didn't answer. What was she going to say? Ask him if it had been worth prostituting his own daughter? Or ask him how he thought she felt? No, nothing like that. The worst thing was that she had done it, like a obedient girl. That's what hurt her the most. The following days Marta tried to forget everything that had happened to her. Now that she enjoyed greater freedom, she tried to live like any other girl of her age. This translated into going out more and even starting to flirt with a boy, but without even holding hands. For some strange reason, every time she tried it repelled her. — We've been called again. She didn't want to go, didn't want to go through all that again. — I don't see myself capable of doing it again, dad. — You have to do it. Never had such harsh words come out of his mouth before. Marta thought about escaping, even about sending everything to hell and ending it all once and for all. She didn't do anything like that. When her father came to pick her up in the morning, she was perfectly dressed, made-up, with heels, stockings, one of her best dresses and a matching purse. This time they weren't going to the mansion. Her father drove the car until it stopped at a roadside motel. — Now I really feel like a true slut. When she got out of the car, she wanted to do something tremendous. She put her hands under her skirt, took off her panties and threw them at her father. - Today I don't think I needed them. Room 15, the last in a long line. She knocked on the door. - Come in. Carlos was inside, wearing a bathrobe, with a cup in his hand. - I see you're not happy to see me again. - What do you want? - To screw you. - You must have many other women willing to do it with you. Why me? - Because you belong to me. You are mine beyond all these games. He had started caressing her cheek while talking to her. No matter how hard she tried to pretend, he knew the girl was melting simply by touching her. - Have you been with any other man? She tried to slap him. He stopped her from doing so by holding her hand. And I kiss her. A stolen kiss, with tongue. She threw her onto the bed and lifted her skirt, covering her face, smiling at seeing how the girl had come. In front of him there was only a pussy and a pair of legs. From the very first moment he screwed her hard. He had always wanted to experience rough sex and even rape with a virgin. He enjoyed that sweet and tender hole as if it were just a piece of meat. It was violent, brutal, cruel. She scratched, sucked, and bitten him. By then the dress had already torn and Carlos was enjoying the young body in front of him without any restraints. The worst part was when he thought it was almost over, Carlos put her on all fours and started accompanying the penetrations with strong tugs on her hair. Marta didn't dare to get up from the bed until she thought everything was over. Her pussy burned like never before. Carlos was drinking something in the room while giving her a look of shame. She felt ashamed to be this way, smelling of sex, with only high heels and stockings in front of a man. - Did you enjoy it? Did what I did to you, did you enjoy it? - As could be, you have... - Tell me the truth. He took his time to answer. - Yes. She whispered. — I've known a few masochistic submissives like you, but never had the opportunity to train one. — I'm not that. — No? Then what are you, just a slut? What you just did doesn't let anyone do it. — I am... — In reality, Marta didn't have the slightest idea of what she was. — I do this for my father, for my family. — No. Come here. Marta hesitated for a moment before following him into the bathroom. He placed her in front of the mirror that was there. — What do you see? Marta barely recognized the girl in the reflection. — Do it. Go out there like that and head to reception. You'll see an old man there. Let him cum on your face, then come back to me. — That's not part of the deal. — I had no idea we had one. What does this deal say? — It says... What can you screw me like and as much as you want but you can't order me around? — I don't want to do it. — He finished saying. — No? Then do you want me to screw you again? — I want... Go home with your father who sold her? — Do what they said, a slut once. And don't even think about cleaning yourself. She took a deep breath and left the room like that. It was early morning and there wasn't much light, so she thought herself safe from indiscreet glances. Anyway, she crossed her hands over her stomach. She had no phone or money at all. She didn't see any possibility of escape, only obedience. Walking half-naked through a parking lot was something she never thought she'd do in her life. She remembered where the reception was, at the beginning of everything. Carlos must have thought this whole game up from the start. She hated him so much. There were no incidents until they reached the reception door. Now she just had to ring the bell and let herself be seen naked by a stranger. Her pussy was throbbing. She'd never considered herself submissive. She'd had fantasies about a man doing with her what he wanted, but who doesn't? They're just teenage fantasies, nothing more. serious. With my heart racing, he rang the bell only once. He grabbed her hands from behind her back. He wanted to cover himself up, but he had even more of a desire for her to see him. A man in his late 70s appeared with a mop bucket and a large dog by his side. He gazed at her with lust. He could feel an enormous lust emanating from him. — Ah, what can I do for you, precious? — My master... let him cum on my face. — Excuse me, but I didn't understand. — My master wants to cum on my face, sir. — And won't he think to pay the room just with that, right? — I... don't know. Actually, the room was paid in advance, but Marta didn't know. — Well, tell him later that in this house, we don't accept discounts for letting us use the slaves. And now it's done. He opened the door to the guard station and Marta knelt down before him. She still had her hands clasped together. The man pulled out his cock, started jacking off, and didn't stop until he released all the semen from his balls onto that lovely and adorable face in front of him. With her face dripping with semen and her hands still clasped on his back to control the urge to wipe it away, Marta took the path back to her master's room. Carlos smiled at seeing her. He was sure she would do it, even saw her capable of throwing herself at the old man and his dog if he had asked. — Come here, Marta! She followed him into the bathroom. There, a mirror awaited her. — What do you see? It wasn't the same girl anymore, and it wasn't just because she was carrying the face smeared with semen from a stranger. Her posture had also changed. — A slave, she finished saying.
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