Mi historia de amor con mi Madre 10 (su version)

Hello Mi historia de amor con mi Madre 10 (su version)Before anything, we want to thank all the people who have sent us congratulatory messages for our relationship, as it has been a relief to be able to share our story. Since long ago I discovered this page “Poringa” where you could publish all these topics without being judged, so after much insisting on my mother, she finally accepted that we start sharing our story and when seeing that precisely from the first report we uploaded, nobody has ever sent us a negative message, on the contrary, many supporting us, curious to know more and some just causing morbid curiosity.RipeOf course the story of our lives is something we can't tell anyone, you know it's sometimes hard because my mother and I have been very happy together for a long time and sometimes we'd like to shout it out to the four winds, this forum has allowed us to express ourselves and find an open-minded community.milfAnd after seeing the good acceptance our story has had, my mother trusts this page a little more to show a bit of herself, at first she was afraid to publish her photos because she feared being recognized and also because she didn't feel secure that her physical appearance would be attractive, although I never get tired of telling her how good she looks and after seeing all her comments, she's been surprised that many find her attractive, so now she lets me show more of her.Family IncestAnd also after much insisting, I've convinced her to tell the story from her point of view. Well, I'd like to chat with you about me and how I ended up having this relationship with my son.motherI am a woman raised with many brothers and sisters, traditionally educated, religiously, and with values, that is to say, at home there was strict discipline and in the topic of sex almost didn't talk about it we only had the little information they gave us in school, I had a normal childhood but it was during adolescence when I started to be interested in sex, I had several boyfriends who would touch me and put their hands on me, but it wasn't until I started prep that I had my first time, my boyfriend at the time wasn't very good-looking but he was boiling with excitement because it was my first time, it wasn't really a very pleasant experience since he was also a virgin so it was very clumsy and awkward, almost couldn't enjoy myself in the end I ended up with that boyfriend.IncestIn that time I had a very good body so suitors didn't lack for me, then I had another boyfriend very handsome with whom I went to dances, this boy was very different more experienced and it was the first one to give me an orgasm, he did well in bed but was very womanizing and there was no future. My plan was to keep studying but time later I met the father of my first child, he was a bit older than me, my older sister introduced us, from the start it was all a gentleman with me, he courted me and fell in love with me, until he took me to live with him, that's when we had our first time, the truth is that he was a very dedicated man in bed, besides being a total gentleman he was very good in sex always gave me and got used to taking care of me well, it's worth saying that I've always been very hot and he didn't have a problem satisfying my desires.mother and sonWe got married and a year later we had our son, it was many happy years, as a mother it's a great happiness to see your child growing up and becoming a man. Just like my son, I never intended to have relationships with him, that was something that didn't even cross my mind, but I also recognize that I could have avoided many situations and maybe this would have never happened if for example I hadn't let my son see me in underpants, which I never imagined would spark his interest. He just wanted him to learn not to be ashamed.Incest mother and sonBut thinking about it well if all that hadn't happened I wouldn't have been so happy with my son. Well, my son has asked me to tell my side of the story just like he told his point of view, I'll try to follow the same order, what happened the time we were listening to sex, good I don't remember exactly that time, since it was something normal for me and my husband to have sex at night once he fell asleep, even though as my son said I've never been a very affectionate person, I'm a very different person in bed, surely that night I was the one who asked my husband to screw me, normally my husband was very intense and always gave me a lot of pleasure, although my son has his father's big penis, he had it more fat so it was another type of pleasure, which I can't complain, never had trouble giving him good screws, besides it was a more tranquil sex for me, I mean we didn't do many positions just missionary and sometimes I rode him, but I enjoyed it equally. Maybe as a mother I should have been more careful, but as a woman I've always let myself be carried away by the heat and that's why he listened to us that time.Mi historia de amor con mi Madre 10 (su version)The occasion I remember well was when I gave my husband a blow job for the first time, before that he had asked me several times but I refused until that day, as it was his birthday and he asked me as a gift and I couldn't refuse, so that night I gave him oral sex until he came quickly and if I recall correctly after a while I wasn't completely asleep yet and saw my son get up to the bathroom and took his time, but neither did I imagine that he had heard us. I understand that as every pubescent boy, this excited him, but if I had known at that moment I'm sure I would have given him a good scolding, but it wasn't like that. How I had commented over the years, clearly I realized my son was growing up and getting more handsome, but it doesn't mean I saw him as a man, that didn't go through my head.RipeBut it was during that time when my husband had to leave home for work, when things changed a lot for me sexually. I was used to my husband attending to me whenever I wanted and sometimes it was acceptable for him to only attend to me sexually on weekends, but then we started noticing that my husband's erections were lasting less at first, we thought it was due to fatigue and my husband wanted to try Viagra but this caused him pain in the heart, his family had a history of cardiac problems and he never wanted to check himself, so little by little his performance in bed decreased. But I still never thought about taking my son as a substitute, no, I tried to accept it, bought a dildo and started masturbating to get rid of my desires, but it wasn't enough. At the same time, the relationship with my son was better because we became closer when alone, we talked about everything, during that occasion when I had an accident, it was a week where I felt very indulged and proud of my son who took care of me and consented to everything, he reminded me of his father when I fell in love with him, he was very chivalrous and attentive towards me, that day as I already told you, my son had been talking to my sister about my sexual life, she insisted that my husband was cheating on me, although I'm not one to cry often, on that occasion I brought many accumulated things, physical pain, abstinence, it had been weeks without sex and days without being able to masturbate, the loneliness of being in bed doing nothing, all this accumulated and I ended up crying, which is when my son found me. When he saw how worried I was about him and especially his words mami, I don't like seeing you cry made my love for him overflow and it's why I gave him that small kiss on the mouth, in that instant I knew what I had done wasn't entirely correct, then when he kissed me, I couldn't contain myself, I liked his kisses, they felt very tender, very rich, very different and passionate, but in my mind I thought I'm doing it with my son inside I wanted to reject him but he also started touching my body and although my mind knew I had to reject him my body wouldn't let me and I kept kissing him, I felt like a teenager on her first date, I liked it and couldn't stop, it excited me more and more until the point where I stopped listening to my mind and let myself be carried away, and I asked him if he would come with me to the room, I felt just as nervous as he was like it was my first time and scared because deep down I knew I was being crazy. When we arrived we kept kissing, I remember that he gave me oral sex at first I didn't know very well how to do it but once I indicated where my clitoris was he did it well almost making me come until I couldn't take it anymore I wanted to feel his penis in my vagina. It was something very exciting letting someone other than my husband put their penis in me, it was something that made me tingle in my vagina which I had never felt at that moment I didn't see him as my son only as a man so when he put it in slowly each centimeter that entered made me wetter and being bigger than his father reached other areas that hadn't been stimulated the kisses and caresses made me hotter at first I tried to contain my moans but only passed a few minutes when I felt the semen shots hitting my vagina, to be honest I've always liked it when they come inside of me it's something that excites me a lot. milfWhen I felt my son's semen, it made me feel even hotter and see his erect penis, so I couldn't help myself, got on top of him and started riding him, oh what a yummy sensation his hard penis was giving me, it hurt a little because in that position I could go deeper, I felt like I was splitting apart and not much time passed before I reached orgasm, my son surprised me by still being hard and kept going, I couldn't hold back my moans anymore, he made me scream like no one had ever done before, until finally I felt his semen inside me again. We both finished exhausted, something uncertain about his performance, but the truth is that he made me feel more pleasure than any other man before. After we fell asleep, at midnight I woke up and covered him with a blanket, seeing him so peacefully was like looking at an innocent child, but I kept remembering all the pleasure I had felt and started to get wet again, for a moment I thought of waking my son up to make love to him again, but in that moment I woke up from the trance and began to reason about what I had done, I spent the whole night thinking and turning it over in my mind, judging myself 'what did you do', I had irreparably hurt my son, what would happen afterwards, but I also couldn't stop remembering the sensation and how tasty it was, so I kept thinking and turning it over until I fell asleep again and didn't notice when my son left.Family Incest

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