University II Lessons

We continue with this great story
If you haven't read the previous part, I invite you to do so at this link

Al Día siguiente me levanté por la mañana pues me preparaba para ir a la universidad, me levanté a darme una ducha y mientras me quitaba mi ropa no pude evitar pensar en lo que había pasado una noche antes, “Me vio?, No me vio?, si me vio le va a decir a mi mamá?, me tengo que disculpar?, Que hago?” Pensaba en todos los escenarios posibles, mi mente divagaba en el destino incierto que gracias a mi obsesión con la mamá de Paul ahora tenia que afrontar las consecuencias, Miraba fijamente hacia la ventana de la señora Nancy esperando que pasara a darse su ducha mañana igual que todos los días y como si Dios escuchara mis plegarias apareció mi vecina, todos los días yo cerraba las cortinas y discretamente a través de una orilla podía verla sin levantar sospechas pero algo en mi me impulso a hacer algo que nunca pensaría, no cerré la cortina dejándome expuesto a la vista de la Señora Nancy, el show de la noche anterior había sido increíble y se lo tenia que agradecer de una manera. Comencé a modelar mi poco musculo enfrente de un espejo que había en el baño, rogando por dentro que se fijara en mi, gracias a que se me hacia tarde y que no quería parecer muy obvio me marché del baño sin mirar hacia su ventana
Caminé un poco nervioso hacia mi cuarto donde me vestí para ir a la universidad, a los pocos minutos esta listo y me disponía a bajar a la cocina donde ya me esperaba mi mamá con el desayuno listo, me dirigí hacia la cocina pensativo
-Buenos Días Adri- me dijo sonriente mi mamá
-Hola má- le respondí mientras me sentaba en la mesa
-Por que tan pensativo Adri?- me preguntó
-¿No te parece atractiva nuestra vecina, mamá?- le dije, a lo que mamá tosió su trago de café que recién había bebido
-Aaaagh perdón hijo- dijo mientras se limpiaba -Solo no esperaba esa pregunta, si si es bonita…espera es ella la mujer que te gusta y que es mayor que tu?- preguntó
-Nonono mamá tranquila- le respondí entre risas
-Buenoooo, supongamos que te creo- me dijo mientras me miraba fijamente pero, en lugar de enfadarse, sonrió y me dijo -Bueno, Adri, es cierto que la señora es una mujer muy atractiva, pero tienes que tener en cuenta que ella es mucho mayor que tú. Además, ella es solo nuestra vecina y no creo que esté interesada en salir con un chico tan joven como tú y olvidaste el detalle que es la mamá de tu mejor amigo y esta casada-
Me sentí un poco avergonzado por lo que había dicho, pero mi madre me acarició el pelo y agregó -No te preocupes, hijo. Todos tenemos nuestras propias preferencias y no hay nada de malo en eso. Lo importante es respetar a los demás y ser honestos con ellos- me abrazó y me tomó de la mano, agradecía tener una madre con la cual podía hablar de todo sin recibir nada mas que consejos -¿por qué no vas al gimnasio como solías hacer antes?- me preguntó -Mira cada que Nancy y yo platicamos me presume su excelente cuerpo gracias al ejercicio así que creo que eso te puede ayudar- me dijo sonriente, le devolví la sonrisa y continué desayunando
“¿Por qué me esta ayudando con la señora Nancy?” me preguntaba internamente, terminé de desayunar, me despedí de mi mamá y Salí en camino a la universidad
A las 8:30 ya me encontraba sentado en mi primer clase del día, Historia del Arte. La profesora era un poco aburrida, pero al menos el material era interesante. Después de eso, tuve una pausa de media hora para comer el bocadillo que mi madre me había preparado también realicé algunas tareas 
A las 10:30 comenzó mi siguiente clase, Matemáticas Aplicadas. Esta clase fue ma que menos me gustó, pero tenia que pasarla para graduarme. Trataba de concentrarme lo máximo posible, pero era difícil cuando el profesor hablaba tan rápido y utilizaba tantos símbolos y fórmulas.
Después de Matemáticas Aplicadas, tuve otra pausa de media hora antes de mi última clase del día, Física. Esta fue mi clase favorita del día, ya que el profesor era muy dinámico y siempre hacia demostraciones prácticas interesantes.
A las 3:00 terminó mi última clase del día y  me dispuse a ir al Gimnasio, Llegué al gimnasio del edificio después de mi última clase del día, con ganas de hacer un poco de ejercicio para despejar la mente. Cuando llegué al área de pesas, vi a una chica que había visto algunas veces en mis clases, pero con la que nunca había hablado.

University II Lessons -How's training going?- I approached her and asked her. -I'm doing a little arm- She responded with a smile. -Aaammmm I'm Adrián from the University, not sure if you can place me- I said timidly. -Of course, I can place you haha- she said between laughs -You're likable, even though we haven't talked- she said blushing. -Buenooo, I'll start training, see you later- I said. Quickly, I headed to the locker room to put on my gym clothes and started with my warm-up routine, doing a few minutes of cardio on the treadmill. After that, I went to the weight area and started working on my muscles with a series of strength exercises. While exercising, I was listening to music and trying to focus on my training objectives, feeling like someone was touching my shoulder - it was Mariana again. -Do you want to do some sets together?- she asked, obviously I accepted happily. While we were exercising, we started talking about our classes and discovered we had many common interests. I realized she was a very interesting and funny person and I was glad I took the initiative to talk to her. After an hour and a half of training, we finished - Do you want to go get something to eat?- I asked. -Of course, let me take a shower and change okay?- she said. -Of course, I'll take a shower too- we both headed to our respective locker rooms and I got ready to leave with her. She was waiting for me impatiently outside the women's locker room when I saw her come out - it was incredible how beautiful she looked, her hair and skin still¿Are we leaving?? she approached me and said yes of course- I responded stuttering because the smell of her perfume only made me fall more in love, we left the gym, my heart was racing at top speed. It was my first date in years and I couldn't help but feel nervous! Mariana, on the other hand, seemed relaxed and smiling, which calmed me down a bit.

We headed to a café near the gym and sat down at a table on the patio. We chatted a bit and quickly discovered we had many things in common.

The date flew by and before we knew it, it was 6 pm already. We said our goodbyes with a handshake and agreed to see each other again soon. When I got home, I couldn't stop smiling. It was an incredibly pleasant date and I hope to have another one soon

I was so happy that I decided to cook something for dinner since my mother would be arriving later, looking in the kitchen I decided to make a vegetable soup with what I had in the pantry. I searched the fridge and found some carrots, onion, and garlic. I also found a can of tomatoes and a bag of rice in the pantry.

When the sun began to set behind the horizon and the hot summer day turned into a warm summer night, I remembered I had to take out the trash to the sidewalk before the garbage truck came tomorrow morning. I left the soup cooking and turned around to the backyard, taking the trash can from the side yard, through the entrance path, to the sidewalk in front.

-Hello Adri- I heard a voice calling me

I turned my gaze and there was my neighbor, Mrs. Nancy, who I hadn't seen since that night when I saw her from the bathroom window. I admired all of her body as she approached me with a soft smilestoryHello Adri, how are you? she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, her caramel-colored hair bouncing slightly beyond her shoulders, framing her beautiful face. Her blue eyes weren't piercing when they made eye contact, but rather deep and almost gray. She wasn't wearing any makeup, but her plump lips still looked soft pink. I gave her a quick glance from top to bottom, hoping it would go unnoticed, and noticed she was wearing yoga shorts that accentuated her curves perfectly.

Fine, thanks, and you? I asked.

How many times have I told you to talk about yourself? It's okay if it's a lady, but don't be like that, she said jokingly, making me laugh nervously. And by the way, is your mom still not back from work?

Ahmmm, she gets home later on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I replied, thinking how nice it was to have the house to myself and the luxuries it provided. After this conversation, I could take advantage of the empty house and relieve the pressure in my pants. I hadn't realized it, but my cock had already started to harden while looking at Nancy's incredible body. It wasn't yet as hard as a rock, but it was perilously close. As I barely processed what she was saying, I tried to subtly put my hand in my pant pocket and adjust my penis through the fabric, pushing it into a less noticeable position. Then I tuned back in to what she was saying, hoping I hadn't missed anything too important.

Ahah, look at that, Paul also gets home late on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we should get together to eat sometime, so we don't feel alone, Nancy said with a pause and laughed at herself. Let me know, I'm nearby.

Of course, whenever you want, I'm available, I said smiling.

Well, see you later, she bid me farewell with another kiss on the cheek.

See you later! She nodded, turned around, and began to... walk along the entrance path to her house. -See you later!- Mrs. Nancy called me while walking towards her own door. I knew I shouldn't but I looked at her for the last time while walking towards her house, and almost sent myself over the limit. Throughout the conversation, I had never seen her from behind before, but now, as Nancy walked along the entrance path, I could see her yoga pant-clad ass bouncing up and down with each step she took. It seemed to be breaking the laws of physics, simultaneously overflowing and firm. I gave one last glance, knowing I'd have to remember it for some time alone later. More than anything, I was glad she hadn't turned around before. Her bouncing butt, deep neckline, and plump lips were more than enough to make my cock hard as a rock. I felt relieved that she hadn't noticed before. And with that, she entered her house and closed the main door.

I entered the house and headed to the kitchen to eat, took a plate and served myself some soup, Just when the soup was ready, I heard my mother opening the door. I told her dinner was served and we sat down to eat together. My mother was very happy to see that I had taken the trouble to cook dinner and thanked me. It was a very simple but pleasant dinner and I felt very proud of being able to prepare it myself.

Later that night, I was watching a police series in the living room. I was so relaxed that I almost forgot about my encounter with Mrs. Nancy altogether. However, in the series, one of the detectives interviewed a witness who wore a similar neckline to Nancy's, showing an neckline that, although not as large as my neighbor's. Seeing that reminded me of everything before. I remembered those deep eyes, those plump lips, that full neckline and that bouncing ass, my cock was hard as a rock, pressing against my jeans.

I turned off the TV and I climbed the stairs. He took off my pants, shirt, and underwear and threw them into the corner basket. I got onto my bed and my hard cock fell against my stomach as I lay down. Instead of opening the laptop and searching for something pornographic, I closed my eyes and started caressing my cock, thinking about my neighbor Nancy.
While I was masturbating, I thought about her beautiful cleavage and how I had missed it while admiring her thick thighs. Then I remembered how her cleavage would bounce when she applauded and laughed at her own jokes. Just that thought was enough to provoke an audible groan. As I accelerated my pace, caressing faster, I thought about her ass, bouncing rhythmically in her yoga shorts. The elastic fabric was so tight over her buttocks that I imagined those buttocks bouncing up and down in a different context. I thought about hearing her say my name, rolling off her tongue. Her tongue? I hadn't noticed anything special about it; I had been too focused on her soft and red lips. The way they would come together and then separate just to say my name.

-Adrián?- I stood up. Someone was calling at the door, shouting my name. I looked around and checked that it was after 11 pm. I considered simply going back to what I was doing, feeling my cock contract in my hand. My balls were so full, but I decided I had to go see who was at the door, in case of an emergency.

I jumped out of bed and put on a pair of wrinkled pajama pants next to the door.

As I went down the stairs, the person at the door was still calling when I opened it. Nancy was standing on the other side, with almost desperate lips. Her eyebrows furrowed when she explained that her kitchen sink had a leak and she needed help fixing it. Although I listened to what she said, I was concentrating more on making eye contact again, to avoid looking directly at the first thing I noticed when I opened the door: Nancy's wet shirt.

I agreed to help her and followed her through our shared front yard, through her door. Now I was in my neighbor's house, helping her fix a plumbing problem, and she was wearing a wet shirt. I barely could comprehend what was happening, but I did everything possible to remain professional and friendly. -Then, where's the problem?- I whispered, trying to keep a low tone so as not to wake up anyone else in the house. -Oh, you don't have to whisper-, Nancy said at a regular volume -Paul went to sleep at his university roommate's place, I suspect there's a woman involved but good, what does it matter, We're alone- Those two words sent a shiver down my spine, making me realize I hadn't put on a shirt before coming. Nancy noticed the lack of shirt too, admiring my toned body. Certainly, I wasn't a pastry, but I was muscular enough to see definition. She supposed probably I wasn't an athlete, but made an effort to go to the gym regularly. This brought a smile to her face, but she concentrated on the mess she had in hand again. Nancy entered the kitchen and I followed her. I noticed there was a good amount of towels scattered all over the floor, most of them soaked with wet water. In the epicenter of the water, an island in the middle of the kitchen had a large sink. Below, the cabinets were open and a slow and constant stream of water flowed from one of the pipes. Nancy gestured towards the pipes and then, without saying anything more, bent directly in front of me. This movement caught me off guard, and I bumped into her just enough to feel my previously dormant cock contract. Her plump butt was in the air, her yoga pants still stretched over it, as she looked closer at the pipes. -Do you want to take a look?- Nancy asked, did she notice I was looking at her butt? I thought -Of course, let's see what we have- I tried to keep calm, which was easier now that I had something active to focus on that wasn't my neighbor's beautiful body. major. Immediately I saw the leak and Nancy slid her toolbox over to me. I had helped my father with the house before and had helped his father remodel the main bathroom, so I knew a bit about plumbing -The first thing I'm going to do is shut off the water flow to this pipe, so it won't escape any more. That will make it easier to repair- I explained while working, which Nancy appreciated. Now she was crouched down next to me and I smiled at her, but she was more focused on the pipes she was working on. With the fraction of a second that allowed, I gave her another long look at the wet shirt she was wearing. It was the same V-neck as before, so I could see a good amount of cleavage, especially considering she was partially inclined while crouched down. The moisture stain was mostly around the left breast and I could tell she had on a bra underneath. Suddenly, I returned my attention and found myself looking into Nancy's eyes. She must have noticed me staring. -Hm? Oh. My mistake- Nancy recognized her gaze and laughed at herself. She stood up. -Sorry, I was so focused on the leak that I didn't bother to change my shirt. Does it bother you?- I had no idea what could bother her, when suddenly in a quick movement, Nancy pulled off her shirt over her head and threw it onto the counter in front of us. I almost gasped. Underneath her shirt, I could see her stomach. It was very marked, like her thighs had suggested, but what really caught my attention was the baby blue bra that squeezed her large breasts -It was a simple bra with subtle ruffles along the straps. The bra sat on two large, soft, and flexible breasts, bronzed and slightly wrinkled from age. Peter knew she was several years older, but Nancy's body was absolutely spectacular. -I'll go get a shirt in a second, let's fix this first. Do we need something like a paste or some kind of epoxy from a hardware store?- he asked, pulling me out of the trance I was in, hypnotized by her breast. -Uh, no. Maybe eventually, but you can use just a little bit of adhesive tape for now- He took a roll from the toolbox and wrapped a small strip around the leak several times. -Now we should be able to open the water again...- With a hiss, the water started running again. I gestured towards the sink and Nancy opened it. After a moment, the water was running, Nancy knelt down to inspect the pipe. Leaning over me, both of us admired her mosaic while holding the adhesive tape. She grabbed the pipe to feel the tape, and I couldn't help but imagine her hand grabbing another pipe. Nancy pushed the tape around the pipe, and these attentions translated easily into my mind as I watched how her small hand made its way around the pipe. It's possible that it was interrupted before, Suddenly, I realized my cock was hard. It wasn't swollen . My cock was completely erect, and I was wearing thin pajama pants with my mature neighbor in just a bra and yoga pants, practically straddling me over my body. We were alone. I had to stop thinking about the situation because it only made my cock harder. I turned away from Nancy's hands on the pipe to look at her pants, which were completely covered. I was so nervous that I had to adapt, but how? I couldn't just put my penis in my belt, then it would definitely stick out. I knelt down and touched my hard cock, making it tremble. I started pushing it down, trying to think of something else other than the MILF who was my neighbor. How close her tits were to her face. I needed to think about something more, but there was too much material to work with. I was desperately pushing my cock down when suddenly I felt another hand touching his. Jadeed inaudibly and looked up to see Nancy looking at him. She was no longer feeling the pipe, but rather pulling my hand away. As we made eye contact, Nancy released my hand and wrapped her small fingers around my hard cock. She didn't caress it, just held it for a moment, which seemed like an eternity.

-You have a very beautiful cock, Adri-, Nancy broke the silence whispering in a low, sensual voice. I was about to come at that moment. I was so stunned. My neighbor had a handful of my cock. I didn't know what to do. So Nancy took control.

She felt my cock contract in her hand and could feel the blood pumping through it. Without a word, she backed away from the cabinet and pipes, towards my lap. She pulled down my pajama pants and threw them aside, but they weren't doing anything. I couldn't move, just absorbing everything that was happening around me. Nancy grabbed my penis again, this time starting to caress it slowly from top to bottom. Quickly finding a slow rhythm, I was in heaven. Up and down, up and down, it was fascinating.

-No one likes a dry masturbation...-, she whispered almost to herself, before leaning towards the cock in her hand. I held my breath as her mouth approached mine, then stopped at a centimeter above its head. Then she opened her mouth and spat on my cock. Could you spit elegantly? I wasn't sure, but if so, that's what my neighbor just did. She started caressing it again, working the saliva all over, giving my cock a pleasant shine and making the masturbation smooth and soft.

Nancy looked at the cock in her hand, admiring it. It was of good size, not too long to enjoy it all, but definitely one of the largest I had ever seen. And it was thick. Not unusually large, but Just strong. It had thickness, and Nancy loved it. The head was a bit rosier than the shaft, and for a moment she passed a finger around the tip, making me tense up. I could wrap both hands around my penis, and was about to do so when she noticed my balls. Heavy, dense, and most importantly, full. Those would definitely be a bite, a thought that made Nancy unconsciously lick her lips. With one hand still pumping slowly around my strong cock, her other hand crawled up to my balls, cradling them lightly. As she did this, I almost melted. Her hands were so soft, so gentle.

With one hand lifting my hard member slowly and the other massaging my soft testicles, Nancy wondered how long it could last. She was visibly at her limit, but had faith that it could last longer. Anyway, she knew she wanted it in her mouth. She removed her hands from my cock, which made me inhale with force.

Oh, don't worry, just a second, she calmed me down, stretching her hand behind her back to unhook her bra with a quick movement. My eyes widened as I tried to take in everything before me. Slowly, very slowly, Nancy began to remove her bra, which practically fell off. Was she teasing him? The straps ran across her shoulders, down her arms. Her tits spilled out, as beautiful as I had imagined, clearly Nancy had done her part to keep them in good shape.Blowjob
UniversitariaShe leaned in, grabbing my cock again. As she lowered her head towards my cock, I held my breath again. Observe how her lips opened and her tongue poked out. She passed it along my pulsating cock, down, then up, then down again. I let out a small moan. Then I let out a much bigger moan when Nancy took the impulsive decision to suck one of her balls. Still without breaking her slow rhythm, she caressed my cock, passing her tongue over my balls, puckering her lips around it before focusing on the other, sucking it lightly. She let it fall from her mouth and returned her attention to the main event. Lifting up, Nancy pressed her puckered lips against the head of my cock and waited until I found her gaze, making eye contact, before leaning in towards her.

My cock separated her lips when Nancy received my warm member in her expectant mouth. As she ran her wet tongue over it, she could savor the pre-seminal liquid dripping from the tip, which only excited her more. But she didn't stop there, taking it all the way to the bottom, until her nose was pressed against her thigh, on the verge of fainting from over-stimulation when Nancy made a deep throat without effort. She pulled back and I slid almost completely out of her mouth before she stopped at my head, sucking it mainly with her lips and massaging it with her tongue while rolling her testicles in her hand.

I let out a moan as my full balls tightened and I started to come. She pushed deeply into Nancy's throat, choking on my large load. Bomb after bomb, I emptied myself into her. All this was so stimulating that Nancy continued sucking, after cleaning the remnants of semen from my cock completely. Nancy broke the silence -Good, thanks for fixing my sink- She laughed at how ridiculous it sounded, but continued -Listen, it's late, so it will be better that you go back home and rest for a bit- I sat down and nodded my head. -Yes, I was going to say the same thing- We both got up together. Nancy saw my cock bouncing as I stood up, and I saw Nancy's breasts doing the same, I picked up my pajama pants that Nancy had thrown away in the kitchen early and lazily put them on. I knew I would be showering and washing clothes tomorrow anyway. Together, she accompanied me to her door. On the way, we passed through an open door that I assumed was a guest bedroom. I took a quick look inside and noticed a desk next to a bed, as well as what seemed like a professional microphone setup. -What, do you make podcasts?- I joked, with curiosity. -Oh, yes, something like that. Maybe another time- Nancy replied, closing the door. We headed to the front of her house, and I turned back to look at her while she opened the door. She was still naked and gave me a soft smile with her lips still softer. I imagined those lips on my cock again, which brought a bit of life back to my exhausted member. Nancy noticed the small bulge and laughed, giving it a playful push. -I think you have something to attend to- She winked at me. Then, she pressed her breasts with her hands and squeezed them lightly while making a seductive pucker with her lips. I crossed the shared front yard and headed to my own door. As I walked, I heard Nancy closing the door behind me before opening hers and entering. As I closed the door, I tried to understand what had just happened. My MILF neighbor had just given me a great masturbation, a phenomenal blow job, and then let me come in her mouth, all in her own kitchen. I was hard as a rock in no time, just thinking about it. One thing was for sure, I wanted to do it all again. I went up to my room where my mother was sitting on my bed waiting for me. -What were you doing so late? At my neighbor's house?

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Deberías corregir muchas cosas, hay partes que se cuentan en 3ra persona y otras en primera persona, eso le quita emoción al relato y muchos errores de ortografía, espero la próxima lo puedas corregir, muchas gracias van 10+ de todas formas