Los post que no podes dejar de ver!
Lara, la última de las amigas, ella había sido siempre la típica gordita acomplejada por su cuerpo, por su pancita, por sus grandes pechos caídos y sus piernas y caderas fuera de proporción, de piel blanca, vergonzosa por naturaleza, de esas que se ponen roja por cualquier motivo, había empezado estudios contables pero después de dos años declinaría, asumiendo que esa carrera no era para ella, sin embargo, ahí conocería al único hombre y amor de su vida, con quien formaría pareja años más tarde.
Ella era la única de la manada que había logrado vivir una vida tranquila y más a la antigua, más tradicional.
Se había casado con ese muchacho que había conocido en sus días de facultad, tenían cuatro hijos y llevaban ya veinticuatro años de pareja, todo un récord para los tiempos que corren
Sin dudas ella no tendría demasiado para contar porque en sus años todo había sido aburridamente perfecto.
Ama de casa, madre, ayudaba a su esposo con los trámites contables, él si se había recibido y era el que traía el dinero al hogar, a la antigua, y Lara era quien estaba en todos los detalles de la crianza de los niños.
Llegando a los cincuenta, estaba buscando replantear su vida, sus pequeños polluelos ya tenían alas y empezaban a volar, prescindiendo de su dependencia, y Lara, sin dudas estaba pasando por los días de 'nido vacío' y todo se le estaba haciendo demasiado cuesta arriba.
Los padres de Lara habían nacido en los lejanos años treinta, única hija llegada por casualidad cuando ellos casi habían desistido de intentarlo. Su madre venía de una familia de profundas creencias religiosas, de esas de asistir cada domingo a misa e ir todas las mañanas a rezar un rosario, su círculo de amigas se limitaba a esas otras mujeres que hacían de la Iglesia del barrio su segundo hogar.
Su padre, por el contrario, era un ateo por naturaleza, y con tal de no discutir con su esposa, solo la dejaba ser feliz como quisiera serlo, lo más osado que Lara escuchaba, eran las bromas ácidas de él hacia ella, con frases del tipo 'vas a lustrarle las bolas al cura?'
Su madre, era una mujer cargada con culpas por sus creencias, y parte de esas culpas se fueron pegando en el crecimiento de la gordita Lara. En el pensamiento de su madre, su hija debía ser pura, lejos de las mujeres de mala vida, debía llegar virgen al matrimonio y solo podía tener un hombre en su vida, y un poco esa arcilla del pasado había modelado el presente.
Además, en esos días, sin hacerlo en forma intencional, ella ponía demasiado peso en los hombros de su hija, porque para su entorno de la iglesia, para sus amigas de rezos, ella tenía que mostrar la imagen de familia perfecta, un esposo fiel, una hija de conducta intachable, aplicada, con el mejor promedio de estudios posible, lejos de los chicos de mala vida
Ella había crecido en ese ambiente, tirada de ambos extremos, por un fanatismo ciego de un lado hasta un descreimiento absoluto al otro, entre santos y demonios, por lo cual, a nadie extrañaba que la gordita casi monja de convento no tuviera mucho que contar.
Y Lara lo sabía, jamás podría narrar una historia de sexo anal como Mónica, porque aún era virgen por ese lado, tampoco sobre una verga enorme de un negro, como lo había hecho Gabriela, y ni hablar de Noemí, esa perra jugaba en otra liga, pero, sin embargo, ella tenía apenas una pequeña historia
Palabras de Lara
Éramos tan jóvenes, fue durante nuestro último año de estudio juntas, antes que nos separáramos y cada una siguiera su camino.
Recuerdan al profesor Mauro Cabrera, cierto? como olvidarlo, si en cada charla de chicas entre clase y clase hablábamos de el, su porte de macho, su voz ronca y gruesa, ese perfume tan suyo que usaba y esos ojos verdes que nos enloquecía.
El profe Cabrera hacía en esos días sus primeras armas al frente de un curso, tenía treinta, treinta y cinco como mucho, y fue mi primer amor platónico, dueño de mis noches, de mis secretos.
Pero su materia, Instrucción Ciudadana, era una mierda, no entendía absolutamente nada, no era lo mío y la odiaba, y solo asistía para verlo a él
Yo nunca conté de eso a nadie, pero cuando estábamos en su clase, yo lo miraba embobada, masticando la culata de algún lápiz, y solo sentía mojarme y mojarme y muchas veces tenía pequeños orgasmos solo apretando repetidamente mis entrepiernas, ya saben...
Y yo solo buscaba qué el reparara en mí, aunque sabía que solo era una más entre tantas, solo una alumna, pero no podía evitar perderme en sus ojos y llegaba un momento de la clase en que ya no lo escuchaba, porque solo veía ese príncipe de cuentos y sonará muy tonto, pero moría pon él
Y todo ese mundo perfecto pareció derrumbarse cuando al cerrar el primer trimestre un número cuatro marcaba el boletín en la casilla de su materia, estaba al borde del abismo y a mi madre casi le da un ataque, era imposible, su hija! que les diría a sus amigas de iglesia! una mancha en la familia! y algo que para mí era solo una mala nota para ella era el fin del mundo, incluso tengo presente la risa de mi padre por la tonta situación en la que él prefería no entrometerse para evitar una discusión.
Las cosas parecieron suavizarse un poco cuando le prometí que daría lo mejor de mi para cambiar la historia, y juro que lo intenté, pero un siete en el segundo trimestre me obligaba a tener un diez en el último para llegar con el promedio, y ahí si para mamá se abrieron las puertas del infierno.
Como si fuera una tonta niñita me llevó casi de la oreja delante del profesor Cabrera después de pedirle una cita, me hizo ver y sentir como una tonta, puesto que yo deseaba que él me viera como una mujer, pero ella, solo lograba que me sintiera más y más insignificante, la odié por eso y solo miraba al piso mientras ella le hablaba, puesto que me hubiera derretido de mirarlo a los ojos
Mi madre, casi en tono prepotente, parecía exigirle por mi futuro, yo no podía llevarme a diciembre esa materia, así que le dijo que le pagaría para que me diera clases extras, en forma particular, casi me muero al escucharla y un 'basta mamá' en tono de súplica me salió de las entrañas, no soportaba tanta humillación, además el profesor le dijo que eso no era lo suyo, pero mi madre no era una mujer de rendirse fácilmente, así que después de cruzar algunas palabras más, logró convencerlo.
Nadie supo de esto, ni ustedes, ni nadie en el colegio, era una especie de secreto, puesto que rozaba lo ético, y una semana después empezaba con mis clases particulares en la casa del profesor Mauro Cabrera
La primera mañana tomé el colectivo público y fui a su casa con demasiadas dudas, es que sabía que si en el colegio, con cuarenta alumnos presentes, yo me perdía por él, no quería imaginar lo que sería estando solo los dos, cara a cara.
Pero para mi sorpresa, esa primera mañana no sería lo que yo había imaginado, él no estaba solo, vivía con su suegra, y sería como una espina clavada en el medio de la relación, así que cuando me la presentó sentí que muchas de las tonterías que había imaginado, daban de bruces contra el suelo.
También estaba por ahí Nacho, su pequeño hijo de dos años, una pelota gorda de rojizos cachetes que revoloteaba por ahí, correteando de un lado a otro, hablando miles de palabras en un incipiente castellano que se hacía tan risueño como inentendible
Nos sentamos a la mesa principal, tratando de abstraernos del entorno, abrimos las carpetas y empezó a explicarme las mismas cosas que explicaba en la clase, las mismas cosas que jamás entendería, y nuevamente, mis oídos se hicieron sordos a sus palabras y solo naufragué en la claridad de sus ojos
Había pasado media hora, no más, cuando la puerta principal de ingreso se abrió, una rubia de cabellos lacios se hacía presente, venía cargada con bolsos del mercado, era su esposa, pero reparé en el detalle que era bastante rellenita, bien gordita, y solo pude trazar paralelos y decir para mis adentros 'guau! soy de su tipo'
Classes passed and more private classes, I was getting to know details about my teacher, about his life, family, tastes, and he about me, my life, family, tastes, and it was becoming clearer that I would never understand anything of what he explained, and that I was dying more and more from his clear eyes.
One time he told me that he would be alone at home, his wife would make a small trip with her mother-in-law for some personal matters, and if that didn't pose a problem for me, we could use that solitude to do a practice of level, he wanted to evaluate how much I had advanced.
And that morning I left the house already in school uniform, had an excuse to get him, about having to take care of some matters and wouldn't be given time to go back home before going to school. In truth, I liked giving him that image of student teacher.
I remember the moment as if it were now, just after leaving mom's watchful eye I climbed up my skirted pants to the edge of the precipice, had already noticed he was looking at my legs very shamelessly and that made me really hot.
When I arrived, obviously he was impressed by the uniform and my bare legs, only swallowed saliva and as if disinterested in the matter went for the exam I thought I would take.
I just sat down, and noticed that almost my underwear could be exposed to his eyes, and that all my pantyhose was wet, even the front part, passing over my clitoris.
He gave me the sheet, I was lost, didn't understand anything, then I left it aside and went straight up to him, told him I liked him, had a love story with him for some time
Mauro took distance, asked if I had already had relationships, how much I knew about men, and in a couple of questions more found out how virginal I was, because, although I tried to put myself on his level and make myself superior, it was notable how little I knew about the male world.
Then he came where I was sitting and leaned his buttocks against the edge of the table, my eyes were at the height of his sex, which was He marcaba under the grey jogging that shone, I only took it from the waistband elastics and lowered it suddenly. It was the first time I had a male member, live and direct, well, my second would be with my husband.
But getting back to the topic, I didn't know what to do, Mauro took one of my hands and put it on him, and only started growing, more and more, and the head that was looking at the floor suddenly pointed at the sky, felt fragile, scared it might break, ha ha, how silly...
He, with his hand over mine, made me masturbate him slowly, I liked it, it seemed crazy, looked at his bare glans trying to memorize every line, and concentrated on what he was doing, and suddenly! started cumming very strongly, and I started laughing because it wasn't like I had imagined, but that first semen that tasted sticky and had a special aroma, dripped down my hand, and had splashed on my shirt, tie, and even my undershirt, and on my thighs and the floor, and it seemed too exciting to leave it there
The professor wanted to take me, right then and there, but I was a repressed virgin and could no longer keep going.
He understood at that moment, and helped me clean up my clothes, since later I would have to go to school and that late shift was unique for me, my clothes were no longer stained with his marks, but his aroma had left an imprint on my nostrils and in my mind those fresh memories remained fixed
That night, in the intimacy of my room, I masturbated very strongly and had three orgasms before falling asleep
The next day, knowing he would be alone, I called him back, told him to visit me, and my mother, upon hearing the conversation, filled with joy at seeing how applied her daughter was and noting how much she was trying
Mauro made some objections, but I was as convincing as a woman can be, until it became easy for a man to say no
That second day we went straight to sex, I had to stop the prof because obviously he wanted to take me, but I wasn't prepared, my mom's religious concepts marked me like fire and for me, repeating what happened the day before would be enough. Thus we found each other that morning, repeating the same situation from the day before, him reclining on the edge of the table and me caressing his beautiful cock, everything seemed to be a copy. But Mauro, he would take my head behind and with a slight effort shorten distances, and bring me against his cock and I understood that my mouth was his destination. I started sucking it, honestly it was my first time and I didn't know how to do it, let him guide me, slowly, smoothly, more and more and when I least expected it contracted and ejaculated in my mouth, I didn't know what to do but suddenly my cheeks inflamed with his juices and I didn't like it, wasn't going to swallow so I returned it to his same cock and played for a while longer until his cum mixed with my saliva soaked the whole environment in something that tasted very hot. By night I would masturbate again and in my thoughts, my prince of crystal eyes made love to me, kissed me, ate my breasts and got lost between my legs, everything was perfect and only when I was satisfied could I fall asleep. A new day and this time, I went to his house ready for anything, to finish and surrender completely, even if it wasn't later to step on the altar dressed in white as my mother dreamed. But when I was face to face with him alone, I couldn't. Mauro was very understanding, he told me it was okay but suggested something he had thought up for us, I found it tasty trying it. For the third time, the game of sucking his cock, like the day before, until making him come in my mouth and letting his juices flow out of his own sex, and only then would it start anew, I kept sucking and sucking, Mauro maintained his erection after his orgasm and I went for a second. It was very erotic because it wasn't a normal blowjob, now the whole environment was soaked in semen and I was playing with that situation, my lips, my tongue, his trunk, my hands, his gland, his balls, the trapping aroma that filled my nose, how slutty he looked at me and while I kept savoring his manly flavor I did my best work for a second shot.
Mauro came in my mouth for the second time and I felt like I had advanced from novice to expert in three days, and indeed when we finished he told me that in the end, he had convinced me and I would have the ten I needed on my report card, so my mother could be calm.
I don't know how that story would have continued, but it was the same teacher who gave a definitive cut-off, we just sat down to talk and let me see many things, he had a wife, a son, a family, and I had a bright future ahead of me, and despite being almost a woman, according to the law I still wasn't eighteen, we couldn't let that situation get out of control, we couldn't even imagine we could fall in love, and it was better to cut things off at that moment when it was still possible.
I cried a lot that night in the solitude of my room, I didn't need to masturbate to fall asleep, instead I needed to spend all the tears I had available.
And the rest of the story you already know, I finished secondary school with good grades, started college, met a guy, fell in love and got married, arrived at marriage still a virgin, everything like Mom wanted, or almost everything.
Lara sat comfortably, took off the weight from her shoulders, a secret she had kept for years and that, in these life turns, with such changed times, she had dared to expose.
And I no longer felt that stupid burden my mother had tormented me with for years, it had been some time since she died and Lara knew she always did it with the best intentions, but the psychological wounds she left still showed scars.
Noemí, Oyuky, Mónica, Gabriela and Sandra seemed not to come out of their astonishment, they looked at The open mouth, incredulous, like the fat virgin had had that encounter with the famous Professor Cabrera? And no one had ever imagined it? Noemi felt especially hurt, but if she was the one who slept with all the desired ones, and Lara had turned things upside down. The fire began to go out again, the housewife looked at Oyuky on one side and Sandra on the other, one of them had the number five and the other the six, it was getting late. The woman with slit eyes raised her hand, it would be next, Noemi told her to throw more logs onto the fire, but Oyuky was too fine to ruin her perfect hands, so Lara, now empowered and taking center stage, took care of it. Noemi served what was left in the glass container and although they were already satisfied with alcohol, she, ignoring them, went to the refrigerator for another bottle, not bothering to account for expenses, she opened it and went for another round before settling into her spot, it was time for the woman for whom many years had passed since their separation, and the guilty woman of the reunion, Oyuky was a tired woman from traveling the world, and surely, she had plenty of stories. CONTINUES IN 'GENERACION 1970 - OYUKY' If you liked this story, you can write me with title 'GENERACION 1970 - LA REUNION' to dulces.placeres@live.com
Lara, la última de las amigas, ella había sido siempre la típica gordita acomplejada por su cuerpo, por su pancita, por sus grandes pechos caídos y sus piernas y caderas fuera de proporción, de piel blanca, vergonzosa por naturaleza, de esas que se ponen roja por cualquier motivo, había empezado estudios contables pero después de dos años declinaría, asumiendo que esa carrera no era para ella, sin embargo, ahí conocería al único hombre y amor de su vida, con quien formaría pareja años más tarde.
Ella era la única de la manada que había logrado vivir una vida tranquila y más a la antigua, más tradicional.
Se había casado con ese muchacho que había conocido en sus días de facultad, tenían cuatro hijos y llevaban ya veinticuatro años de pareja, todo un récord para los tiempos que corren
Sin dudas ella no tendría demasiado para contar porque en sus años todo había sido aburridamente perfecto.
Ama de casa, madre, ayudaba a su esposo con los trámites contables, él si se había recibido y era el que traía el dinero al hogar, a la antigua, y Lara era quien estaba en todos los detalles de la crianza de los niños.
Llegando a los cincuenta, estaba buscando replantear su vida, sus pequeños polluelos ya tenían alas y empezaban a volar, prescindiendo de su dependencia, y Lara, sin dudas estaba pasando por los días de 'nido vacío' y todo se le estaba haciendo demasiado cuesta arriba.
Los padres de Lara habían nacido en los lejanos años treinta, única hija llegada por casualidad cuando ellos casi habían desistido de intentarlo. Su madre venía de una familia de profundas creencias religiosas, de esas de asistir cada domingo a misa e ir todas las mañanas a rezar un rosario, su círculo de amigas se limitaba a esas otras mujeres que hacían de la Iglesia del barrio su segundo hogar.
Su padre, por el contrario, era un ateo por naturaleza, y con tal de no discutir con su esposa, solo la dejaba ser feliz como quisiera serlo, lo más osado que Lara escuchaba, eran las bromas ácidas de él hacia ella, con frases del tipo 'vas a lustrarle las bolas al cura?'
Su madre, era una mujer cargada con culpas por sus creencias, y parte de esas culpas se fueron pegando en el crecimiento de la gordita Lara. En el pensamiento de su madre, su hija debía ser pura, lejos de las mujeres de mala vida, debía llegar virgen al matrimonio y solo podía tener un hombre en su vida, y un poco esa arcilla del pasado había modelado el presente.
Además, en esos días, sin hacerlo en forma intencional, ella ponía demasiado peso en los hombros de su hija, porque para su entorno de la iglesia, para sus amigas de rezos, ella tenía que mostrar la imagen de familia perfecta, un esposo fiel, una hija de conducta intachable, aplicada, con el mejor promedio de estudios posible, lejos de los chicos de mala vida
Ella había crecido en ese ambiente, tirada de ambos extremos, por un fanatismo ciego de un lado hasta un descreimiento absoluto al otro, entre santos y demonios, por lo cual, a nadie extrañaba que la gordita casi monja de convento no tuviera mucho que contar.
Y Lara lo sabía, jamás podría narrar una historia de sexo anal como Mónica, porque aún era virgen por ese lado, tampoco sobre una verga enorme de un negro, como lo había hecho Gabriela, y ni hablar de Noemí, esa perra jugaba en otra liga, pero, sin embargo, ella tenía apenas una pequeña historia
Palabras de Lara
Éramos tan jóvenes, fue durante nuestro último año de estudio juntas, antes que nos separáramos y cada una siguiera su camino.
Recuerdan al profesor Mauro Cabrera, cierto? como olvidarlo, si en cada charla de chicas entre clase y clase hablábamos de el, su porte de macho, su voz ronca y gruesa, ese perfume tan suyo que usaba y esos ojos verdes que nos enloquecía.
El profe Cabrera hacía en esos días sus primeras armas al frente de un curso, tenía treinta, treinta y cinco como mucho, y fue mi primer amor platónico, dueño de mis noches, de mis secretos.
Pero su materia, Instrucción Ciudadana, era una mierda, no entendía absolutamente nada, no era lo mío y la odiaba, y solo asistía para verlo a él
Yo nunca conté de eso a nadie, pero cuando estábamos en su clase, yo lo miraba embobada, masticando la culata de algún lápiz, y solo sentía mojarme y mojarme y muchas veces tenía pequeños orgasmos solo apretando repetidamente mis entrepiernas, ya saben...
Y yo solo buscaba qué el reparara en mí, aunque sabía que solo era una más entre tantas, solo una alumna, pero no podía evitar perderme en sus ojos y llegaba un momento de la clase en que ya no lo escuchaba, porque solo veía ese príncipe de cuentos y sonará muy tonto, pero moría pon él
Y todo ese mundo perfecto pareció derrumbarse cuando al cerrar el primer trimestre un número cuatro marcaba el boletín en la casilla de su materia, estaba al borde del abismo y a mi madre casi le da un ataque, era imposible, su hija! que les diría a sus amigas de iglesia! una mancha en la familia! y algo que para mí era solo una mala nota para ella era el fin del mundo, incluso tengo presente la risa de mi padre por la tonta situación en la que él prefería no entrometerse para evitar una discusión.
Las cosas parecieron suavizarse un poco cuando le prometí que daría lo mejor de mi para cambiar la historia, y juro que lo intenté, pero un siete en el segundo trimestre me obligaba a tener un diez en el último para llegar con el promedio, y ahí si para mamá se abrieron las puertas del infierno.
Como si fuera una tonta niñita me llevó casi de la oreja delante del profesor Cabrera después de pedirle una cita, me hizo ver y sentir como una tonta, puesto que yo deseaba que él me viera como una mujer, pero ella, solo lograba que me sintiera más y más insignificante, la odié por eso y solo miraba al piso mientras ella le hablaba, puesto que me hubiera derretido de mirarlo a los ojos
Mi madre, casi en tono prepotente, parecía exigirle por mi futuro, yo no podía llevarme a diciembre esa materia, así que le dijo que le pagaría para que me diera clases extras, en forma particular, casi me muero al escucharla y un 'basta mamá' en tono de súplica me salió de las entrañas, no soportaba tanta humillación, además el profesor le dijo que eso no era lo suyo, pero mi madre no era una mujer de rendirse fácilmente, así que después de cruzar algunas palabras más, logró convencerlo.
Nadie supo de esto, ni ustedes, ni nadie en el colegio, era una especie de secreto, puesto que rozaba lo ético, y una semana después empezaba con mis clases particulares en la casa del profesor Mauro Cabrera
La primera mañana tomé el colectivo público y fui a su casa con demasiadas dudas, es que sabía que si en el colegio, con cuarenta alumnos presentes, yo me perdía por él, no quería imaginar lo que sería estando solo los dos, cara a cara.
Pero para mi sorpresa, esa primera mañana no sería lo que yo había imaginado, él no estaba solo, vivía con su suegra, y sería como una espina clavada en el medio de la relación, así que cuando me la presentó sentí que muchas de las tonterías que había imaginado, daban de bruces contra el suelo.
También estaba por ahí Nacho, su pequeño hijo de dos años, una pelota gorda de rojizos cachetes que revoloteaba por ahí, correteando de un lado a otro, hablando miles de palabras en un incipiente castellano que se hacía tan risueño como inentendible
Nos sentamos a la mesa principal, tratando de abstraernos del entorno, abrimos las carpetas y empezó a explicarme las mismas cosas que explicaba en la clase, las mismas cosas que jamás entendería, y nuevamente, mis oídos se hicieron sordos a sus palabras y solo naufragué en la claridad de sus ojos
Había pasado media hora, no más, cuando la puerta principal de ingreso se abrió, una rubia de cabellos lacios se hacía presente, venía cargada con bolsos del mercado, era su esposa, pero reparé en el detalle que era bastante rellenita, bien gordita, y solo pude trazar paralelos y decir para mis adentros 'guau! soy de su tipo'
Classes passed and more private classes, I was getting to know details about my teacher, about his life, family, tastes, and he about me, my life, family, tastes, and it was becoming clearer that I would never understand anything of what he explained, and that I was dying more and more from his clear eyes.
One time he told me that he would be alone at home, his wife would make a small trip with her mother-in-law for some personal matters, and if that didn't pose a problem for me, we could use that solitude to do a practice of level, he wanted to evaluate how much I had advanced.
And that morning I left the house already in school uniform, had an excuse to get him, about having to take care of some matters and wouldn't be given time to go back home before going to school. In truth, I liked giving him that image of student teacher.
I remember the moment as if it were now, just after leaving mom's watchful eye I climbed up my skirted pants to the edge of the precipice, had already noticed he was looking at my legs very shamelessly and that made me really hot.
When I arrived, obviously he was impressed by the uniform and my bare legs, only swallowed saliva and as if disinterested in the matter went for the exam I thought I would take.
I just sat down, and noticed that almost my underwear could be exposed to his eyes, and that all my pantyhose was wet, even the front part, passing over my clitoris.
He gave me the sheet, I was lost, didn't understand anything, then I left it aside and went straight up to him, told him I liked him, had a love story with him for some time
Mauro took distance, asked if I had already had relationships, how much I knew about men, and in a couple of questions more found out how virginal I was, because, although I tried to put myself on his level and make myself superior, it was notable how little I knew about the male world.
Then he came where I was sitting and leaned his buttocks against the edge of the table, my eyes were at the height of his sex, which was He marcaba under the grey jogging that shone, I only took it from the waistband elastics and lowered it suddenly. It was the first time I had a male member, live and direct, well, my second would be with my husband.
But getting back to the topic, I didn't know what to do, Mauro took one of my hands and put it on him, and only started growing, more and more, and the head that was looking at the floor suddenly pointed at the sky, felt fragile, scared it might break, ha ha, how silly...
He, with his hand over mine, made me masturbate him slowly, I liked it, it seemed crazy, looked at his bare glans trying to memorize every line, and concentrated on what he was doing, and suddenly! started cumming very strongly, and I started laughing because it wasn't like I had imagined, but that first semen that tasted sticky and had a special aroma, dripped down my hand, and had splashed on my shirt, tie, and even my undershirt, and on my thighs and the floor, and it seemed too exciting to leave it there
The professor wanted to take me, right then and there, but I was a repressed virgin and could no longer keep going.
He understood at that moment, and helped me clean up my clothes, since later I would have to go to school and that late shift was unique for me, my clothes were no longer stained with his marks, but his aroma had left an imprint on my nostrils and in my mind those fresh memories remained fixed
That night, in the intimacy of my room, I masturbated very strongly and had three orgasms before falling asleep
The next day, knowing he would be alone, I called him back, told him to visit me, and my mother, upon hearing the conversation, filled with joy at seeing how applied her daughter was and noting how much she was trying
Mauro made some objections, but I was as convincing as a woman can be, until it became easy for a man to say no
That second day we went straight to sex, I had to stop the prof because obviously he wanted to take me, but I wasn't prepared, my mom's religious concepts marked me like fire and for me, repeating what happened the day before would be enough. Thus we found each other that morning, repeating the same situation from the day before, him reclining on the edge of the table and me caressing his beautiful cock, everything seemed to be a copy. But Mauro, he would take my head behind and with a slight effort shorten distances, and bring me against his cock and I understood that my mouth was his destination. I started sucking it, honestly it was my first time and I didn't know how to do it, let him guide me, slowly, smoothly, more and more and when I least expected it contracted and ejaculated in my mouth, I didn't know what to do but suddenly my cheeks inflamed with his juices and I didn't like it, wasn't going to swallow so I returned it to his same cock and played for a while longer until his cum mixed with my saliva soaked the whole environment in something that tasted very hot. By night I would masturbate again and in my thoughts, my prince of crystal eyes made love to me, kissed me, ate my breasts and got lost between my legs, everything was perfect and only when I was satisfied could I fall asleep. A new day and this time, I went to his house ready for anything, to finish and surrender completely, even if it wasn't later to step on the altar dressed in white as my mother dreamed. But when I was face to face with him alone, I couldn't. Mauro was very understanding, he told me it was okay but suggested something he had thought up for us, I found it tasty trying it. For the third time, the game of sucking his cock, like the day before, until making him come in my mouth and letting his juices flow out of his own sex, and only then would it start anew, I kept sucking and sucking, Mauro maintained his erection after his orgasm and I went for a second. It was very erotic because it wasn't a normal blowjob, now the whole environment was soaked in semen and I was playing with that situation, my lips, my tongue, his trunk, my hands, his gland, his balls, the trapping aroma that filled my nose, how slutty he looked at me and while I kept savoring his manly flavor I did my best work for a second shot.
Mauro came in my mouth for the second time and I felt like I had advanced from novice to expert in three days, and indeed when we finished he told me that in the end, he had convinced me and I would have the ten I needed on my report card, so my mother could be calm.
I don't know how that story would have continued, but it was the same teacher who gave a definitive cut-off, we just sat down to talk and let me see many things, he had a wife, a son, a family, and I had a bright future ahead of me, and despite being almost a woman, according to the law I still wasn't eighteen, we couldn't let that situation get out of control, we couldn't even imagine we could fall in love, and it was better to cut things off at that moment when it was still possible.
I cried a lot that night in the solitude of my room, I didn't need to masturbate to fall asleep, instead I needed to spend all the tears I had available.
And the rest of the story you already know, I finished secondary school with good grades, started college, met a guy, fell in love and got married, arrived at marriage still a virgin, everything like Mom wanted, or almost everything.
Lara sat comfortably, took off the weight from her shoulders, a secret she had kept for years and that, in these life turns, with such changed times, she had dared to expose.
And I no longer felt that stupid burden my mother had tormented me with for years, it had been some time since she died and Lara knew she always did it with the best intentions, but the psychological wounds she left still showed scars.
Noemí, Oyuky, Mónica, Gabriela and Sandra seemed not to come out of their astonishment, they looked at The open mouth, incredulous, like the fat virgin had had that encounter with the famous Professor Cabrera? And no one had ever imagined it? Noemi felt especially hurt, but if she was the one who slept with all the desired ones, and Lara had turned things upside down. The fire began to go out again, the housewife looked at Oyuky on one side and Sandra on the other, one of them had the number five and the other the six, it was getting late. The woman with slit eyes raised her hand, it would be next, Noemi told her to throw more logs onto the fire, but Oyuky was too fine to ruin her perfect hands, so Lara, now empowered and taking center stage, took care of it. Noemi served what was left in the glass container and although they were already satisfied with alcohol, she, ignoring them, went to the refrigerator for another bottle, not bothering to account for expenses, she opened it and went for another round before settling into her spot, it was time for the woman for whom many years had passed since their separation, and the guilty woman of the reunion, Oyuky was a tired woman from traveling the world, and surely, she had plenty of stories. CONTINUES IN 'GENERACION 1970 - OYUKY' If you liked this story, you can write me with title 'GENERACION 1970 - LA REUNION' to dulces.placeres@live.com
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