No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post
No te vas a arrepentir
Nos habíamos conocido en unas vacaciones de invierno, a kilómetros de nuestra ciudad natal, disfrutando de la nieve en los picos nevados. Cosas del destino, porque no había muchas probabilidades de cruzarte con alguien de tu misma ciudad.
Nora estaba con un grupo de amigas, por mi parte, había viajado por una propuesta laboral que no se concretaría y de paso, disfrutaba en los tiempos libres de todo el entorno turístico.
Yo estaba merendando unas tortas regionales en una confitería muy conocida del lugar y ella llegó de repente con sus amigas, fue amor a primera vista, me enamoré de su sonrisa profunda, de sus facciones de mujer, de sus largos cabellos enrulados y de su andar desprejuiciado.
En algún momento ella miró de casualidad donde yo estaba sentado, y solo me mantuvo la mirada, con sus bonitos ojos color miel.
No entraré en los detalles del momento, solo se dieron las cosas y al regresar a nuestra ciudad nos seguimos frecuentando y nuestra relación fue floreciendo con gran velocidad.
Ella tenía veinticinco, yo veintisiete cuando nos encontramos en el altar, ella de blanco, yo de negro, y decidimos ir de luna de miel al mismo sitio en el que nos habíamos conocido, a esos picos nevados de la Cordillera de los Andes.
Descubriría con el correr del tiempo que Norita era una terrible mujer, una gran persona y compañera de vida.
Llegaría Melany, nuestra hermosa beba, rosadita, rozagante, con los ojitos inquietos de la madre, quien ocuparía el segundo dormitorio de la casa y que nos puso en la tarea de no solo ser pareja, también tuvimos que aprender a ser padres.
Todo fue viento en popa, a Nora la habían ascendido en el empleo, lo que significaba más dinero, por mi parte seguía ampliando mi cartera de clientes, por cierto, soy abogado, nuestra niña crecía a pasos agigantados y todo iba viento en popa.
Decidimos que era hora de traer otro bebe al mundo, era un tanto cómico, Melany estaba crecidita y cuando jugaba con sus bebotes de juguete, siempre pedía 'que le compremos uno de verdad', ella quería un 'bebé como el de la tía Marta', - mi hermana -
Nora dejó sus pastillas anticonceptivas a un lado, y yo me olvidé de comprar preservativos, dejamos de cuidarnos, imaginamos como sería la nueva situación en un corto futuro, tiramos ideas para remodelar el cuarto de Melany, necesitaríamos espacio para una nueva camita para cuando llegara Rocío, si, ya le habíamos elegido nombre antes de procrearla. También evaluamos otra posibilidad, una remodelación más amplia para generar espacio para un nuevo ambiente, un tercer dormitorio por si llegara Sandro, el nombre para nuestro varoncito si eso eligiera el destino y era lo que íntimamente deseaba.
Llegaba un nuevo aniversario de la fecha de nuestro matrimonio, una ocasión especial para celebrar en una cena íntima de pareja, ella calculaba que estaba justo es sus días más fértiles del ciclo, así que habló con su madre y con gusto la abuela se haría cargo de Melany por esa noche, y bueno, a mi hijita le encantaba ir a dormir de la 'Abu María'.
La dejamos temprano, con su mochila, con sus ropitas y sus bebotes preferidos, me abrazó fuerte con sus débiles bracitos y me largó un 'chau pa', le besé la punta de la nariz y le dije que se portara bien con la Abu, que no la hiciera renegar.
Ya en la soledad de pareja nos cambiamos con tiempo, teníamos reserva en un coqueto restaurante al pie de las montañas, muy de moda en mi ciudad.
Nora estaba muy bonita, lucía una prenda liviana símil pullover, en un gris claro con nevados en tono chocolate, de mangas largas y un gran cuello volcado, con unos pantalones tipo babuchas en un marrón satinado, esos holgados en las piernas pero que logran marcar sugerentemente esos culitos bien formaditos, como el que carga mi amor. Apenas se había maquillado, y había acomodado sus cabellos de lado, dejando una de sus orejas y el cuello descubierto, para lucir unos lindos pendientes que le había regalado en alguna ocasión.
Así es ella, una mujer que prefiere pasar por elegante a provocativa, cosa que se me hace muy seductora.
Yo también busque un tono de ropas informales, me había rasurado al ras y me había perfumado con una loción muy masculina que también ella me había regalado alguna vez, y ahí partimos a nuestra velada romántica
Ya en el sitio, había música muy romántica, en bajo tono, y todo estaba a media luz, estábamos sobre un lateral donde los amplios vidriados nos dejaban ver parte de las montañas que se fundían con parte de la ciudad.
Ella pidió un risotto con calamares, por mi parte bondiola de cerdo con puré de patatas, un buen vino y la magia estaba intacta.
Comimos, bebimos, nos seducimos, reímos, brindamos, nos excitamos en complicidad, le decía cuanto la amaba y ella me respondía que la tenía toda mojada y que solo me deseaba dentro.
Daban las dos de la mañana cuando decidimos volver a casa, Nora estaba desinhibida en demasía, había tomado demasiado y estaba al límite de la ebriedad. Yo tenía un mejor control de la situación, aunque ciertamente no debería haber conducido, pero no había otra opción
Cuando salimos el viento había cambiado, un viento del este que siempre traía lluvia consigo, el cielo estaba grisáceo, con nubes que viajaban a baja altura y se notaban con nitidez unos amenazantes relámpagos en el lejano horizonte, nos besamos, emprendimos el regreso.
Todo iba perfecto, conducía muy despacio, con ella recostada a mi lado, mirándome profundamente como solo mira una mujer enamorada, escuchando los temas con los cuales nos habíamos conocido, no había mucha gente en la calle a esa hora de la madrugada, llegamos a una esquina como tantas y la luz roja del semáforo detuvo nuestro paso, algo llamaría nuestra atención, a un lado, algunos metros, una chica que por su vestir evidentemente era prostituta discutía acaloradamente con tres tipos, fue obvio que la estaban molestando y las cosas no se veían bien para ella, Nora y yo solo observamos hasta que sucedió lo impensado
She, noticing she was at a disadvantage, opted to run away from the mess, and they came out behind her, it was our only exit, and in a desperate act, she got into the back seat of our car and between nervous screams asked me to start the engine. Those were the seconds where one acts on instinct, where you can't think and only make a decision, the guys were already approaching the car, I pressed the accelerator hard, we crossed against the red light and escaped the situation.
I looked in the rearview mirror, quickly noting that the girl who was just getting into the car was actually a boy, he was very nervous, his hands were shaking so much he couldn't even light a cigarette
He said his name was brunette, and an improvised dialogue ensued, it was rare, on our love night a transvestite had snuck into our back seat. His place was near ours, she dodged the details of the problem, but I understood that these were typical discussions about prostitution at high hours of the morning, transvestites, money, lies, homophobia, a little of everything.
Nora, lost in her drunkenness, was the one who talked the most, asking questions to the point of being intrusive, my wife is quite innocent for these things and at that point I assumed she hadn't realized he was actually him. I just looked in the rearview mirror every now and then, brunette had very generous tits and like a good slut they were almost naked, and besides, his face looked too feminine, only in his voice did you notice masculine nuances.
When we arrived, brunette invited us to her apartment as a thank you, to take some drinks she said, Nora had already told him about our night of celebration for lovers, I excused myself and thanked her, but my wife, somewhat lost, just wanted to keep playing, was confused and the two of them insisted against my response, and that's where we went
The apartment was actually too small and modest, was disheveled and there was everything around us to the point of being chaotic for a type like me. He offered us drinks and asked us to wait a moment while he got comfortable, Nora and I stayed alone for a few moments in the sparse dining room, I said taking advantage of the moment
Nora, what are we doing here? Did you notice that this woman has cock, right?
But she just laughed and kissed me deeply, with her lips impregnated with love and alcohol, it was madness.
The brunette returned to our side, she had gathered her hair, wore a blue transparent baby doll, where her woman's body was clearly marked, her breasts were really beautiful, she had a wasp waist, a striking ass, and legs modeled by red stockings in the same blue tone, and long black boots that even went over her knees, with high heels, it was too beautiful, but of course, a generous depilated cock also drew attention as it moved freely.
She took a glass and drank a sip, put on a very sad and slow English song, one of those that invites tears, Nora and I just looked, she held the glass in her hand, closed her eyes, and began to move slowly, with cadence, in a sexy and provocative striptease version that was clearly well-rehearsed, because everything seemed perfect.
Nora suddenly stopped and went over to join her movements, I was surprised, my wife, I sat alone like a foolish spectator, there was a considerable difference in height and proportions, the brunette began to caress her sensually while fixing her eyes on mine, Nora squeezed her breasts, kissed her mouth, and then started biting her nipples in a soft and yummy way, as a response, my wife received the hands of the transvestite in her ass, and they went back to kissing passionately, I was extremely confused, always assuming that partner fantasies would stay just that. fantasies, but my wife seemed out of control, even forgetting about me.
And of course, all this game brought consequences, beneath the baby doll the cock of the brunette got hard and huge like an iron bar, and my wife only started to suck it with her hands.
The next move was obvious, my woman let herself fall to her knees, lifted the transparent cloth, observed that member for a few seconds, and started sucking it very tasty.
It was rare, I was just looking and wouldn't have been able to bear seeing my wife blow another man's cock, but I don't know, in this case it didn't bother me, yes, well, she was blowing another cock, but the brunette looked so womanly, and I knew that between my wife and me, she would have stayed with me. The transsexual girl let herself be sucked while looking at me with delight, took off the baby doll, and her torso remained bare, her suggestive breasts sounded intimidating, she looked at me smiling, knowing that my wife was hooked to her body, she said
Come on, don't be afraid, I won't bite...
I approached the duo, by her side, she tried to kiss me on the mouth, but I dodged it, it wasn't mine, only laughed again understanding the situation, took my hand and put it on her artificial breasts, they felt rich and I felt a piercing erection in my pants, she spoke to me again
You're a lucky man, Norita sucks very tasty, believe me!
It was all very crazy, especially when I noticed that my wife had hooked herself onto my pant leg and was searching for my sex and started sucking it, I just kept looking at the slut of my wife, her left hand grasping my hairy cock, curved and white, her right hand in another, perfectly depilated, long, slender, and with a generous circumcised glans, she was sucking me and her, abstracted from the environment, forgetting the situation, unprejudiced, very slut
I started licking the transsexual girl's tits, by the way, they were very tasty, well-made
We were in that nice game when brunette let herself fall to her knees, beside side with my wife, only I remained standing, they kissed in a very porn kiss, they left me to see on purpose their tongues twisting between them, until brunette suddenly put my cock in her mouth, she started managing the times, she was sucking me, then she would let Nora do it, or maybe they would kiss again, or both would eat me at the same time, one here and the other there, it was too much.
Here's a correct point to mention, my wife did it very well, by the way, but brunette's was incredible, maybe because her masculine side had very clear where to go, with complete oral penetrations that took you crazy, never had any woman, not Nora, nor anyone sucked me so tasty.
I couldn't resist it, the excitement was too much, I was deep in brunette's mouth and let myself go, felt ejaculating with great force and it felt great, she kept sucking and sucking without letting a drop fall. When there was no more, she withdrew slightly, opened my wife's mouth and from a superior position poured some of the semen that was in her mouth.
Then they kissed again in a huge white kiss loaded with eroticism to go back to sucking my cock between them with their lips soaked in semen. That trans girl was owner of a thousand battles and knew very well how to play the cards
Already with my flaccid cock, I retired to one side with a new glass of wine, again as a spectator. Nora took the initiative, leading the trans girl to sit next to me on a nearby couch, she settled over her, grabbed my member and just buried it between her legs, my wife started riding her moving her hips in a very sensual way, caressing her breasts against hers, sometimes licking them, sometimes letting brunette do the same with hers, masturbating her clitoris, gasping, moaning.
It was curious, I wouldn't have tolerated that situation with another man, but deep down, I knew brunette was a man, although she looked like a woman, but it didn't bother me. It seemed so seductive, like a lesbian scene, everything was very confusing in my head. My wife would look at me every now and then, asking if I liked it and that was another mystery for me at that moment, going through my wife's head, what she felt, what she thought.
The brunette took the initiative, now my woman was reclining beside me, she grabbed me hard by the hand, I went to kiss her, the transvestite lifted her legs back towards the back, opening her up completely to put it in again, the moans returned, I went to kiss her, her kisses tasted excited, I was unconsciously blowing air and felt her coming at that moment, in those rich, feminine spasms.
When I looked back over there, the brunette had retreated and Nora's pussy wasn't stopping from squirting out that sticky white liquid that tasted very hot.
After some new drinks we went back to playing, well, they returned to kissing, I wanted to go home already, but Nora was unknown, she was sucking my cock again and in seconds she was ready to keep going, the brunette knelt down on four on the couch and my wife was licking her very tasty from underneath, that transvestite's ass looked too tasty in that position, I got excited by what I saw and soon I had a new erection.
I joined the game and only started licking her fully shaved and dilated anus that opened up to my tongue. I don't know how to explain the moment, because I didn't forget that I was a man and her shiny testicles were just a couple of centimeters from my mouth, and a little lower, my wife's eyes crossed with mine while she was sucking his cock, dangerous? exciting? rare?
I went for it all, settled in and screwed her without hesitation, filled her ass with my flesh and started playing the game of putting it in and taking it out. I think it was the best part of the night for the brunette, she moaned and pressed her red nails into the backrest of the couch, she was being sodomized by a man and had a woman eating her cock at the same time. I finished everything inside, it was very tasty, it was enough,
When I retired, she was still breastfeeding and the brunette sphincter started spitting out threads of semen, it was too perfect and only let itself come in my wife's mouth.
Nora got up, it was evident that she enjoyed the juices she had in her mouth, moving it from side to side, even separating her lips so I could see - she used to do it with my semen because she knew I liked it - she passed her white tongue over her lips, then tilted her head back and let it pass through her throat in a gulp.
Already with an empty mouth, she couldn't contain a laugh at the slut she was showing me.
The first rays of dawn warned us that it was time to say goodbye, we washed up a bit, changed, and greeted brunette, who told us she had passed great and hoped to see us again soon, something that would never happen.
We arrived home, we hadn't talked much on the way, nor did we in that moment, just hugged each other and that was it.
We wouldn't talk much about it in the future, a night of drunkenness, something different that wouldn't be repeated, no one judged anyone, without reproaches, we were adults, we were in love, and could allow ourselves a license.
But brunette would come back little by little like a ghost when Nora confirmed her pregnancy and calculated the dates according to her last period, well, the pregnancy could have occurred just that night.
And so we arrived at the present, Sandro doesn't have much of his mother, nor mine, curiously, when I look at him I see a lot of brunette in him, his skin tone, his eyes, his smile, no one knows.
We didn't know brunette well, just one night of sex and drunkenness, but it was enough to know who the father of Sandro is.
It doesn't matter, a father isn't who generates, but who raises.
We just keep being happy with life, Nora, Melany, Sandro, and I.
If you liked this story, you can write me with title 'THE FATHER OF SANDRO' at
No te vas a arrepentir
Nos habíamos conocido en unas vacaciones de invierno, a kilómetros de nuestra ciudad natal, disfrutando de la nieve en los picos nevados. Cosas del destino, porque no había muchas probabilidades de cruzarte con alguien de tu misma ciudad.
Nora estaba con un grupo de amigas, por mi parte, había viajado por una propuesta laboral que no se concretaría y de paso, disfrutaba en los tiempos libres de todo el entorno turístico.
Yo estaba merendando unas tortas regionales en una confitería muy conocida del lugar y ella llegó de repente con sus amigas, fue amor a primera vista, me enamoré de su sonrisa profunda, de sus facciones de mujer, de sus largos cabellos enrulados y de su andar desprejuiciado.
En algún momento ella miró de casualidad donde yo estaba sentado, y solo me mantuvo la mirada, con sus bonitos ojos color miel.
No entraré en los detalles del momento, solo se dieron las cosas y al regresar a nuestra ciudad nos seguimos frecuentando y nuestra relación fue floreciendo con gran velocidad.
Ella tenía veinticinco, yo veintisiete cuando nos encontramos en el altar, ella de blanco, yo de negro, y decidimos ir de luna de miel al mismo sitio en el que nos habíamos conocido, a esos picos nevados de la Cordillera de los Andes.
Descubriría con el correr del tiempo que Norita era una terrible mujer, una gran persona y compañera de vida.
Llegaría Melany, nuestra hermosa beba, rosadita, rozagante, con los ojitos inquietos de la madre, quien ocuparía el segundo dormitorio de la casa y que nos puso en la tarea de no solo ser pareja, también tuvimos que aprender a ser padres.
Todo fue viento en popa, a Nora la habían ascendido en el empleo, lo que significaba más dinero, por mi parte seguía ampliando mi cartera de clientes, por cierto, soy abogado, nuestra niña crecía a pasos agigantados y todo iba viento en popa.
Decidimos que era hora de traer otro bebe al mundo, era un tanto cómico, Melany estaba crecidita y cuando jugaba con sus bebotes de juguete, siempre pedía 'que le compremos uno de verdad', ella quería un 'bebé como el de la tía Marta', - mi hermana -
Nora dejó sus pastillas anticonceptivas a un lado, y yo me olvidé de comprar preservativos, dejamos de cuidarnos, imaginamos como sería la nueva situación en un corto futuro, tiramos ideas para remodelar el cuarto de Melany, necesitaríamos espacio para una nueva camita para cuando llegara Rocío, si, ya le habíamos elegido nombre antes de procrearla. También evaluamos otra posibilidad, una remodelación más amplia para generar espacio para un nuevo ambiente, un tercer dormitorio por si llegara Sandro, el nombre para nuestro varoncito si eso eligiera el destino y era lo que íntimamente deseaba.
Llegaba un nuevo aniversario de la fecha de nuestro matrimonio, una ocasión especial para celebrar en una cena íntima de pareja, ella calculaba que estaba justo es sus días más fértiles del ciclo, así que habló con su madre y con gusto la abuela se haría cargo de Melany por esa noche, y bueno, a mi hijita le encantaba ir a dormir de la 'Abu María'.
La dejamos temprano, con su mochila, con sus ropitas y sus bebotes preferidos, me abrazó fuerte con sus débiles bracitos y me largó un 'chau pa', le besé la punta de la nariz y le dije que se portara bien con la Abu, que no la hiciera renegar.
Ya en la soledad de pareja nos cambiamos con tiempo, teníamos reserva en un coqueto restaurante al pie de las montañas, muy de moda en mi ciudad.
Nora estaba muy bonita, lucía una prenda liviana símil pullover, en un gris claro con nevados en tono chocolate, de mangas largas y un gran cuello volcado, con unos pantalones tipo babuchas en un marrón satinado, esos holgados en las piernas pero que logran marcar sugerentemente esos culitos bien formaditos, como el que carga mi amor. Apenas se había maquillado, y había acomodado sus cabellos de lado, dejando una de sus orejas y el cuello descubierto, para lucir unos lindos pendientes que le había regalado en alguna ocasión.
Así es ella, una mujer que prefiere pasar por elegante a provocativa, cosa que se me hace muy seductora.
Yo también busque un tono de ropas informales, me había rasurado al ras y me había perfumado con una loción muy masculina que también ella me había regalado alguna vez, y ahí partimos a nuestra velada romántica
Ya en el sitio, había música muy romántica, en bajo tono, y todo estaba a media luz, estábamos sobre un lateral donde los amplios vidriados nos dejaban ver parte de las montañas que se fundían con parte de la ciudad.
Ella pidió un risotto con calamares, por mi parte bondiola de cerdo con puré de patatas, un buen vino y la magia estaba intacta.
Comimos, bebimos, nos seducimos, reímos, brindamos, nos excitamos en complicidad, le decía cuanto la amaba y ella me respondía que la tenía toda mojada y que solo me deseaba dentro.
Daban las dos de la mañana cuando decidimos volver a casa, Nora estaba desinhibida en demasía, había tomado demasiado y estaba al límite de la ebriedad. Yo tenía un mejor control de la situación, aunque ciertamente no debería haber conducido, pero no había otra opción
Cuando salimos el viento había cambiado, un viento del este que siempre traía lluvia consigo, el cielo estaba grisáceo, con nubes que viajaban a baja altura y se notaban con nitidez unos amenazantes relámpagos en el lejano horizonte, nos besamos, emprendimos el regreso.
Todo iba perfecto, conducía muy despacio, con ella recostada a mi lado, mirándome profundamente como solo mira una mujer enamorada, escuchando los temas con los cuales nos habíamos conocido, no había mucha gente en la calle a esa hora de la madrugada, llegamos a una esquina como tantas y la luz roja del semáforo detuvo nuestro paso, algo llamaría nuestra atención, a un lado, algunos metros, una chica que por su vestir evidentemente era prostituta discutía acaloradamente con tres tipos, fue obvio que la estaban molestando y las cosas no se veían bien para ella, Nora y yo solo observamos hasta que sucedió lo impensado

I looked in the rearview mirror, quickly noting that the girl who was just getting into the car was actually a boy, he was very nervous, his hands were shaking so much he couldn't even light a cigarette
He said his name was brunette, and an improvised dialogue ensued, it was rare, on our love night a transvestite had snuck into our back seat. His place was near ours, she dodged the details of the problem, but I understood that these were typical discussions about prostitution at high hours of the morning, transvestites, money, lies, homophobia, a little of everything.
Nora, lost in her drunkenness, was the one who talked the most, asking questions to the point of being intrusive, my wife is quite innocent for these things and at that point I assumed she hadn't realized he was actually him. I just looked in the rearview mirror every now and then, brunette had very generous tits and like a good slut they were almost naked, and besides, his face looked too feminine, only in his voice did you notice masculine nuances.
When we arrived, brunette invited us to her apartment as a thank you, to take some drinks she said, Nora had already told him about our night of celebration for lovers, I excused myself and thanked her, but my wife, somewhat lost, just wanted to keep playing, was confused and the two of them insisted against my response, and that's where we went
The apartment was actually too small and modest, was disheveled and there was everything around us to the point of being chaotic for a type like me. He offered us drinks and asked us to wait a moment while he got comfortable, Nora and I stayed alone for a few moments in the sparse dining room, I said taking advantage of the moment
Nora, what are we doing here? Did you notice that this woman has cock, right?
But she just laughed and kissed me deeply, with her lips impregnated with love and alcohol, it was madness.
The brunette returned to our side, she had gathered her hair, wore a blue transparent baby doll, where her woman's body was clearly marked, her breasts were really beautiful, she had a wasp waist, a striking ass, and legs modeled by red stockings in the same blue tone, and long black boots that even went over her knees, with high heels, it was too beautiful, but of course, a generous depilated cock also drew attention as it moved freely.
She took a glass and drank a sip, put on a very sad and slow English song, one of those that invites tears, Nora and I just looked, she held the glass in her hand, closed her eyes, and began to move slowly, with cadence, in a sexy and provocative striptease version that was clearly well-rehearsed, because everything seemed perfect.
Nora suddenly stopped and went over to join her movements, I was surprised, my wife, I sat alone like a foolish spectator, there was a considerable difference in height and proportions, the brunette began to caress her sensually while fixing her eyes on mine, Nora squeezed her breasts, kissed her mouth, and then started biting her nipples in a soft and yummy way, as a response, my wife received the hands of the transvestite in her ass, and they went back to kissing passionately, I was extremely confused, always assuming that partner fantasies would stay just that. fantasies, but my wife seemed out of control, even forgetting about me.
And of course, all this game brought consequences, beneath the baby doll the cock of the brunette got hard and huge like an iron bar, and my wife only started to suck it with her hands.
The next move was obvious, my woman let herself fall to her knees, lifted the transparent cloth, observed that member for a few seconds, and started sucking it very tasty.
It was rare, I was just looking and wouldn't have been able to bear seeing my wife blow another man's cock, but I don't know, in this case it didn't bother me, yes, well, she was blowing another cock, but the brunette looked so womanly, and I knew that between my wife and me, she would have stayed with me. The transsexual girl let herself be sucked while looking at me with delight, took off the baby doll, and her torso remained bare, her suggestive breasts sounded intimidating, she looked at me smiling, knowing that my wife was hooked to her body, she said
Come on, don't be afraid, I won't bite...
I approached the duo, by her side, she tried to kiss me on the mouth, but I dodged it, it wasn't mine, only laughed again understanding the situation, took my hand and put it on her artificial breasts, they felt rich and I felt a piercing erection in my pants, she spoke to me again
You're a lucky man, Norita sucks very tasty, believe me!
It was all very crazy, especially when I noticed that my wife had hooked herself onto my pant leg and was searching for my sex and started sucking it, I just kept looking at the slut of my wife, her left hand grasping my hairy cock, curved and white, her right hand in another, perfectly depilated, long, slender, and with a generous circumcised glans, she was sucking me and her, abstracted from the environment, forgetting the situation, unprejudiced, very slut
I started licking the transsexual girl's tits, by the way, they were very tasty, well-made
We were in that nice game when brunette let herself fall to her knees, beside side with my wife, only I remained standing, they kissed in a very porn kiss, they left me to see on purpose their tongues twisting between them, until brunette suddenly put my cock in her mouth, she started managing the times, she was sucking me, then she would let Nora do it, or maybe they would kiss again, or both would eat me at the same time, one here and the other there, it was too much.
Here's a correct point to mention, my wife did it very well, by the way, but brunette's was incredible, maybe because her masculine side had very clear where to go, with complete oral penetrations that took you crazy, never had any woman, not Nora, nor anyone sucked me so tasty.
I couldn't resist it, the excitement was too much, I was deep in brunette's mouth and let myself go, felt ejaculating with great force and it felt great, she kept sucking and sucking without letting a drop fall. When there was no more, she withdrew slightly, opened my wife's mouth and from a superior position poured some of the semen that was in her mouth.
Then they kissed again in a huge white kiss loaded with eroticism to go back to sucking my cock between them with their lips soaked in semen. That trans girl was owner of a thousand battles and knew very well how to play the cards
Already with my flaccid cock, I retired to one side with a new glass of wine, again as a spectator. Nora took the initiative, leading the trans girl to sit next to me on a nearby couch, she settled over her, grabbed my member and just buried it between her legs, my wife started riding her moving her hips in a very sensual way, caressing her breasts against hers, sometimes licking them, sometimes letting brunette do the same with hers, masturbating her clitoris, gasping, moaning.
It was curious, I wouldn't have tolerated that situation with another man, but deep down, I knew brunette was a man, although she looked like a woman, but it didn't bother me. It seemed so seductive, like a lesbian scene, everything was very confusing in my head. My wife would look at me every now and then, asking if I liked it and that was another mystery for me at that moment, going through my wife's head, what she felt, what she thought.
The brunette took the initiative, now my woman was reclining beside me, she grabbed me hard by the hand, I went to kiss her, the transvestite lifted her legs back towards the back, opening her up completely to put it in again, the moans returned, I went to kiss her, her kisses tasted excited, I was unconsciously blowing air and felt her coming at that moment, in those rich, feminine spasms.
When I looked back over there, the brunette had retreated and Nora's pussy wasn't stopping from squirting out that sticky white liquid that tasted very hot.
After some new drinks we went back to playing, well, they returned to kissing, I wanted to go home already, but Nora was unknown, she was sucking my cock again and in seconds she was ready to keep going, the brunette knelt down on four on the couch and my wife was licking her very tasty from underneath, that transvestite's ass looked too tasty in that position, I got excited by what I saw and soon I had a new erection.
I joined the game and only started licking her fully shaved and dilated anus that opened up to my tongue. I don't know how to explain the moment, because I didn't forget that I was a man and her shiny testicles were just a couple of centimeters from my mouth, and a little lower, my wife's eyes crossed with mine while she was sucking his cock, dangerous? exciting? rare?
I went for it all, settled in and screwed her without hesitation, filled her ass with my flesh and started playing the game of putting it in and taking it out. I think it was the best part of the night for the brunette, she moaned and pressed her red nails into the backrest of the couch, she was being sodomized by a man and had a woman eating her cock at the same time. I finished everything inside, it was very tasty, it was enough,
When I retired, she was still breastfeeding and the brunette sphincter started spitting out threads of semen, it was too perfect and only let itself come in my wife's mouth.
Nora got up, it was evident that she enjoyed the juices she had in her mouth, moving it from side to side, even separating her lips so I could see - she used to do it with my semen because she knew I liked it - she passed her white tongue over her lips, then tilted her head back and let it pass through her throat in a gulp.
Already with an empty mouth, she couldn't contain a laugh at the slut she was showing me.
The first rays of dawn warned us that it was time to say goodbye, we washed up a bit, changed, and greeted brunette, who told us she had passed great and hoped to see us again soon, something that would never happen.
We arrived home, we hadn't talked much on the way, nor did we in that moment, just hugged each other and that was it.
We wouldn't talk much about it in the future, a night of drunkenness, something different that wouldn't be repeated, no one judged anyone, without reproaches, we were adults, we were in love, and could allow ourselves a license.
But brunette would come back little by little like a ghost when Nora confirmed her pregnancy and calculated the dates according to her last period, well, the pregnancy could have occurred just that night.
And so we arrived at the present, Sandro doesn't have much of his mother, nor mine, curiously, when I look at him I see a lot of brunette in him, his skin tone, his eyes, his smile, no one knows.
We didn't know brunette well, just one night of sex and drunkenness, but it was enough to know who the father of Sandro is.
It doesn't matter, a father isn't who generates, but who raises.
We just keep being happy with life, Nora, Melany, Sandro, and I.
If you liked this story, you can write me with title 'THE FATHER OF SANDRO' at
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De nuevo, buen trabajo.