The humiliation is part of life cuck, because it's a form of power exchange and in a Hotwife/Cuckold relationship, the woman exercises power even if it's unconscious, She sleeps with other men, She chooses who to be with, She lets him know he's not enough, and when I talk about humiliation, I'm not just referring to verbal or physical, but also psychological.
There's nothing more humiliating than knowing your partner is going to bed with whoever they please and you can't (or don't want) do anything about it.
In our culture, it's a submissive act to let someone sleep with your wife, humiliating the fact that your wife is with other lovers. I say humble because humiliation has this connotation of extreme acts when it's simply about deferring power and nothing more.
It's not harmful to humble someone when they expect it, seek it or want it, like an expression of asserting dominance, in this case from his wife, in her name and an expression of submission on hers.
A husband who can reach an agreement with his true self and allow his wife to enjoy an alpha male in her life is the most liberated man.
There are many more beta males than alpha ones, In fact, men don't naturally become alphas: the alpha men are promoted to that 'rank' when recognized as such by their peers, either due to their cock size or personality.
When an wife invites another man to her bed and for him to be with her, in a real sense she acknowledges him as an alpha, even if only temporarily, and her husband as beta. Thus the husband (beta in this case) will thank his wife and lover for putting him in that submissive condition before them. This is the authentic power of a Wife over her Husband.
This takes me to the second point of submission/humiliation that is the Cage (cock cage) in a submissive husband and cuck, There are several reasons why one should consider a chastity device to establish total control over the penis of a cuck.
The reasons vary from simple prevention of masturbation to improving the appearance of a Hotwife/Cuckold relationship. After all, men are very focused on their penis, aren't they? It's the symbol of our virility and the core of our own identity, dominating that means dominating the man, controlling the male's cock is controlling the male and this becomes a beta man, not only do I sleep with whoever I want but I also have your cock for whatever I want, that would be the thought.
The role of a cuck is a supporting role. The pleasure of his wife comes before his own, which means that if he spends all the time touching his penis, his attention definitely isn't where it belongs: in the union of his wife with her lover.
As a general rule, cuckolds cannot have erections until the wife says they can, without permission there is nothing.
When it comes to my concern I want the submission to be evident, for them (Wife and lover) and for myself as well. When he's tied up, a husband has a 'subconscious' of why another man is inside his wife, when he's kneeling next to the bed, with an erect penis inside his cage and a cuck erection dripping, there can only be one explanation: submission.
For some wives, nothing is more erotic than returning from a date and seeing her husband erect and hot, eager to be the second in line inside her, if he's lucky. He may be able to stay with her while she recounts the details of her date, a chastity device could be effective until he returns to supervise.
In my experience, and I always try to talk about what happens to me, all or almost all of my wife's lovers are alpha males by size and personality. Let's say she looks for outside what she doesn't have at home and doesn't need me to give her that Alpha role. The times it was my turn to be submissive, I did it with total pleasure from the place where I had to be. There's nothing more lovely for a submissive husband than seeing his wife enjoy herself, watching her have moments of pleasure to the point of forgetting her cuckolding husband is in the same room as her. My compensation? To see her, and if she lets me, afterwards being with her after she was with her lover and feeling the difference between an Alpha and a beta.
Some Photos of Yamila with her Lovers Alfa

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