What's your name known as on social media?
My name that I go by on social media is Andrea Windsor
Where are you from?
We are from Cordoba capital, Argentina.
Where are you on social media?
Mainly on Facebook, I have other accounts on Twitter and Telegram but I use them mostly for my family and professional circle. In the swinging world, mostly contacts on Facebook and other dating app like Tinder or Badoo. I don't have a contactsex account or anything like that (they always ask).
How long have you been practicing cuckolding with your husband?
We've been together since our first experience... concretizing... for 5 years, but it was a fantasy we had in our heads before. Of course, it wasn't something permanent and constant, in the middle my maternity gave me a bit of trouble to restart and get back out there. The changes in my body during pregnancy generated complexes for me but after getting back into the ring I realized everything was in my head. During the last 2 years we also had all the complications brought on by the pandemic but we tried to keep playing and feeding the morbo of the couple.
How do you understand and practice cuckolding?
In our case, there's a power and domination relationship of mine over him. He mostly fulfills the role of cuck voyeur, as it excites him to watch me in my relationships with other men. If the other man understands the vibe, he can even exercise dominance over him, which particularly generates a lot of morbo for me. Sometimes I go out alone with men and tell him when I get back from my dates. But now with the pandemic we had more limitations for going out at night and I sometimes spend the night at some friend's house and he stays home taking care of the kid. I try to capture the moment so that he can see I'm having a good time and give him some material to jerk off.
How did you start with this lifestyle?
First with fantasies... we were always very into role-playing in our relationships, imagining games where I was one character and he was another, and in that constant exploration of what gets us hot, one night it was taking me a while to reach climax and he started proposing the situation of other men looking at us, so I raised the stakes and told him I wanted to suck those men. That made our heads spin from then on, whenever we had relationships, we'd look for excuses to imagine that other men were sucking me but it gave us shame to tell each other... I would get hot thinking about it. Five years ago there wasn't as much information about cuckold as now and we felt like weird, guilty medium-sized animals. By chance, I met a man who was into the swinger scene and talking confidentially he explained what this whole cuckold thing was about. He became my first bull lover and we maintained a fixed relationship for almost a year. He turned out to be a great friend of both.

With how many men were you apart from your husband?
I don't know... several... but not as many as you might imagine. Honestly, on this path I've chatted with many men and there's always drama, but when it comes to making it happen they're flaky haha.. around here they're afraid of insecurity or think there's some trick behind it, but they've come up with excuses to get together or don't show up often and leave us hanging. Many times I'm the one who breaks off with a potential lover if I see flaws in some of the things I expect from a lover no. We try to stay friends when the encounter is planned, I don't guarantee we'll fuck. I won't go to bed with guys I don't seriously like. My husband would want me to screw all of them... haha anyway, even if nothing happens it's still good for the couple, we come back and kill each other between us.
What was the most positive and most negative cuckolding experience you had?
I had many positive ones, like I told you, I had a steady boyfriend who turned into a great friend, he was the third in the couple, I also had some good fucks much superior to those I can have at home haha. As negative there's everything, nights that didn't come through or nights of guys who said they were going to kill me and bla bla and they were all one-trick ponies and pretty uncreative. That really bores me.
Better than your husband... in what sense... size? performance?
Haha both... I mean the size is very relative, you don't need a big cock to cum, there are sensitive points in the vagina that with friction will make you cum but logically when it's bigger imagine how much it rubs. Besides, with a big one you can move and it won't come out, it's great to be full and have it come out haha
What qualities should a bull have?
Mainly good vibes, hygiene, education... then if we go to the physical plane if I'm going to look for something outside I'll look for something bigger than what I have at home haha. My husband is particularly submissive in his daily life and I like guys who are exactly the opposite, rugged types that come on strong, dominant. If they understand the vibe much better.
What men fail at when they want to lift you up?
There's everything, there's the one who thinks they have the cow tied and that I'll go and fuck anyone, the one who sends you a photo of their cock out of context. Then in dates if it doesn't work out, he's shy or uncomfortable with the situation and tells me nothing will happen. I like being lifted up, seduced, sought to play, having someone put their hand on me in front of my husband, having perverse ideas. I can't stand any kind of fanatics, neither political nor religious nor from their work. They bore me.

What was the most unusual fetish or sexual preference with which they were found?
I don't know... we're weirdos, haha... I don't know why so many things happen to us, and they propose things to me. It generates curiosity in me... logical rejection of nonsense like scatological things and animals... that's a flat-out NO. My husband is not bisexual, he doesn't suck other men or wear women's clothes or let other men penetrate him, that's something that doesn't add up for either of us. If it adds up to him sucking me after the other man finishes, I get very excited having that degree of domination over him. Foot fetishes seem weird to me but I don't know, everyone has their thing. It happens that they propose we stop taking care of ourselves several times to get pregnant and have my husband take charge. It's an idea that seems really morbid to us, for a cuckold couple, I calculate it's the most extreme as a fantasy, but I think we wouldn't put an innocent creature in this who has nothing to do with our perversions. Not a flat-out NO, I'd say it's a no for now.

What would you say to women who feel shame or fear of making it concrete?
Don't be afraid, live it as something natural. If spoken correctly with their partners, it's something that will add to both of them as long as both want it. Also, seek to be with men they really feel attracted and comfortable with. Nothing bad will happen... at worst, they'll have to get used to the idea and if it wasn't pleasant for them, don't repeat it again.
What would you say to the man who wants to do it?
Everything goes through dialogue, explaining to your wife what you feel and what you like and especially explaining that doing this doesn't mean you don't love your partner. On the contrary, it's a team game. It's giving freedom to your partner in complicity. Another thing I would say is that they shouldn't force it, if she doesn't want it, she doesn't want it. They can hardly convince her or maybe they should let time pass.
How do you control jealousy with this?
I think they don't control themselves, jealousy is part of this. I think if my husband didn't feel anything when he sees me with someone else, I wouldn't get hot and I think it wouldn't get him either to see me. Jealousy exists and you have to put up with it understanding that beyond what happens tonight, siesta or tomorrow, at the end of the day, he or she is still your partner and the person you chose to share life with.
Would you like to add something?
No... if you're reading this it's because what I had to say interests you so thanks. My Facebook is Andrea Windsor or you can contact Santi if you want to know about me. I like meeting cool people, whether men or couples who want to get into this world. I'm here to help them for whateverneed.

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13 comentários - Entrevista cuckold.
lo recomiendo !!!! lo practicamos
va una foto real
van puntitos
Qué flor de entrevista!!!