Training my boss's daughters 2

That night I was content, the first part of my revenge had gone smoothly, not only had I taken possession of their lives but I had already forced the youngest one to submit. Natalia, not being the toughest of my opponents, was instead the one with the best body. A meter seventy of women who almost suffocated between my arms when I cruelly deflowered her rear part. Eva was different, her curves less perfect but more attractive, just thinking about how I would take possession of them made me horny. Big, hard breasts. Powerful hips where to grasp. And a bad cum that needed domesticating. Poor destiny of the two sisters, their father had entrusted me with a mission, educating them, and by God I was going to make those two whores drink from my shoes before the end of the week. Nothing or nobody would stop me. The old man's room where I was sleeping was enormous. His bed of two by two was oriental type with a wooden canopy supported by four columns and a mosquito net that could serve me in the future. After leaving Natalia, I entertained myself by reviewing the room that was going to be mine for at least six months. The closet consisted of three bodies, the main one was full of Don Julián's clothes, his perfectly pressed suits, his Armani ties and his Gucci shoes filled it completely. The maid had arranged my clothes in the one on the left, but my surprise was when I opened the one on the right, discovering an enormous collection of sadistic instruments. Old man, you had managed to deceive me for three years, never would I have suspected that among your tastes was hard sex, but I smiled thinking about the use I would give it to that arsenal. But that would be tomorrow, so I decided to go to bed. The mattress was excessively hard, those recommended by doctors but impossible to sleep until you get used to them. Thanks to which, two hours later... She was still rolling over in bed unable to sleep, and I say thanks for letting me hear the sisters leaving the room, and taking the hallway towards their father's room. Knowing that they were harpies and the visit they had planned to where supposedly I was resting wasn't out of courtesy but rather their intentions couldn't be other than punishing and humiliating me, I got up silently to wait for them. But before hiding in the bathroom, I arranged the pillows so it seemed like I was still lying under the sheets, and waited. I didn't have to stay hidden behind the door for long because at the minute I heard them enter the room. Through the crack, I heard them entering on tiptoes and putting themselves in front of the bed, whispering to each other when suddenly a shot rang out. Eva was holding a smoking gun with which she had fired at the bundle they thought was me. Natalia shouted scared, telling her if she was crazy, that wasn't what was planned. Her sister, releasing the weapon, turned to her and said: 'You just got raped, and I arrived to defend you, it was in self-defense.' -It'll be foxy-, I thought from my hiding spot. I knew they wouldn't accept my authority at first but their violent reaction exceeded all my expectations. Still in the bathroom, I saw how after discussing for a few moments the two sisters were heading to check the result, moment that I took advantage of to come out and take the gun. If they expected to find my brains scattered, they got a disappointment when they discovered they had hit the pillow and instead of blood it was feathers spread over the bed. 'It's not him!-', said Natalia after recovering from her shock. A cruel laugh echoed between the four walls. The two sisters, hearing it, turned around to discover me standing in the middle of the room, holding a piece of metal and pointing at them. The smallest one knelt down on the floor saying she hadn't it was her idea, that her sister had forced her to do so. Instead, Eva stood upright, showing off her value to me. -I think I'll call the police, fifteen years for attempted murder, plus five more for nocturnal, cowardly and advantageous behavior, a total of twenty-. Their faces paled at the prospect, even the most haughty of the two broke down crying, begging my forgiveness. The more they cried, the more I was enjoying the situation. And recreating their misfortune, I explained to them: -Look, your father will be away for six months, he won't be able to do anything for you, and by the time he finds out and can get you a lawyer, you'll have already been sentenced and will be the puppies of some warden or prisoner in jail. I promise you'll visit me through a huge crystal, hearing your lips as they touch and are violated behind bars-. Her pride had disappeared, the two girls well, who hadn't hesitated to laugh at their father's second son, kneeling on the carpet begged me. They promised that it wouldn't happen again, that if I forgave them, they would obey me, do everything I wanted. -That's not enough!- I shouted at them. Eva, the intelligent one, lit up when she heard me, he's negotiating must have thought, and so getting up from the floor, she asked: -What do you want?- -Your complete submission, for the next six months you'll be my slaves-. Neither of them asked what it consisted of nor disputed any terms of the agreement, helping her little sister to get up, she replied: -Done, we'll be your slaves for six months-. -Slutty, for you!, I'm Master!- Two tears sprang to her eyes when correcting herself: -Done, we'll be your slaves for six months, Master-. With another laugh, I closed the deal before saying it: -Undress, I want to inspect the merchandise-. After a few moments of perplexity, two nightgowns fell to the floor, leaving me to enjoy their bodies. Two precious women were showing off their encantos. As I approached them, without letting go of my weapon, I removed Natalia's arms that were impeding me from freely contemplating her breasts and forcing Eva to open her legs, then I inserted the barrel between her thighs. Both women remained silent throughout my exploration, not even complaining when I opened their buttocks to contemplate their objects, they knew what they were risking, but not until how far my perversion could go. -Get on the bed-, I ordered. While they were doing so, I approached a chair from where I had a perfect view of what I was going to force them to do. Sitting down in it, I settled before giving them another order. Four eyes looked at me frightened, not knowing for certain what I would ask, but conscious that it wouldn't be pleasant. -Do you want it?-, my absurd question, startled them,-I want to see it-. -We're sisters!-, Natalia tried to protest. -We're not lesbians!-, the other one seconded. Enraged, I stood up and slapped the one closest to me. -Better the clitoris of a loved person than that of a prisoner- They understood at once, it was either that or spend the next twenty years behind bars. Eva, the older sister, was the first to recover, and trying to calm her sister down, whispered something in her ear that I couldn't hear, but could see the result. The girl lay on the bed with her legs open, letting me touch her. Overcoming her reluctance, she gave me a kiss on the lips before moving down my neck. Her tongue slowly traversed the skin between the shoulder and breasts, causing the skin to prickle and the black nipple to harden. It wasn't due to desire or disgust, maybe it was just a novelty. -Play with him-, I ordered. She immediately knew what I meant. Leaving a humid trail, she began caressing the rugosities of the areola before opening her mouth and sucking in her breast. First moan. Natalia couldn't repress her throat at the Feeling the tongue playing with her button. -Bite it-, I said from my armchair. Eva's teeth closed over her sister's breast, while her hand ran along her stomach stroking her. I didn't say anything, but I loved seeing how her sex started to shine due to excitement. I had said she wasn't lesbian, but that expert way of sucking a breast betrayed her. -Eat her pussy-. Again, her tongue restarted its path, centimeter by centimeter approaching its destination. The smooth sex awaited it. With a tranquilizing calmness, she began separating the lips with her tip before her breath even touched them. The reaction of the girl was what I expected, her toes tensed up when she felt her proximity, but she didn't make any attempt to close her legs. Seeing her tranquility, she took over her clitoris tracing all its folds while moistening it with her saliva. This time, the moan was deeper, emerging from her interior and shot out like a cyclone from her throat. With her cave flooded and biting her lip, she let her sister continue. Eva, emboldened, nipped at the pleasure pearl with her teeth to surprisedly receive the first wave of flow in her mouth. Only seeing how she enjoyed drinking the elixir that flowed from the mussel, my doubts ended, this woman was at least bisexual. -Use your fingers-. The long red hair stood up, begging me. But not obtaining mercy, she turned back down between her sister's legs. With her index finger inside and as if it were a penis, she introduced and withdrew it in sync with her victim's screams. -I said fingers!. The second one incised itself upon hearing me. And after settling into her interior, it recorried her vagina, caressing it. Natalia's excitement was palpable. With her arms extended over the sheets, her hands closed and opened in pleasure as she felt the third finger painfully entering the interior of her sheath. This time, already with her vagina full she twisted with each thrust of her sister, whimpering crying the degradation she felt as it poured boiling inside her, a product of such fraternal attention. -More!-, I shouted at Eva. The surprised faces of both girls transformed into indignation when I said: -All hands!-. Pleasure turned to torture when she tried delicately to introduce another one. The tight pussy didn't admit anything more. No matter how much she tried to dilate it with caresses, it had reached its maximum. Her tongue, her saliva failed in the attempt. Thick tears ran down the cheeks of both women. But especially Eva's. In luck, she had been assigned the role of executioner, and like her victim, she suffered from her maneuvers. -Do you want me to do it?-, I said laughing in her face. The look of horror on her face was enough response. -I'm sorry-, I heard her say to Natalia, and closing her eyes, forced her vulva with her five fingers. The screams erupted in the room. Cries of suffered pain and fright caused by the guilt of providing it. A majestic aria at my ears, joyful music that spoke to me of my revenge. Unable to bear the punishment, the dark-haired one tried to wriggle free, crawling across the bed, but the blonde, knowing that if she succeeded, a still crueler and more brutal correction would fall on both of them, prevented her from doing so. Smell of submission and sex. Gradually, the screams turned into sobs, muffled groans that no longer amused me. -Come here-, I said softly to the blonde, but as soon as she got up, I shouted: -On all fours-. She didn't take long to get to my side, crawling across the carpet. With her hair disheveled, leaving behind dark streams running down her face from her eyes, she put herself beside me. -Well done, slutty-, I whispered, caressing her mane.-You've been a good slave and you deserve a reward-. Putting myself on my feet, I caressed her back, tracing her hips, I arrived at her powerful buttocks, to which I gave a painful spanking. I didn't hear any whimper. Separating her buttocks, I verified the state of her dark hole, taking away the present of discovering that just like her sister's was a virgin. Introducing my finger, I whispered to her that I liked it but would reserve it for later. I had a clear objective and an instrument to use. Giving her another slap on her rear, I demanded that she open up more and lift her ass. I saw how that woman, before proud and haughty, humbly put herself in the position of punishment. I'm enjoying this new slutty, I thought while running my cold cannon over her skin. When Eva realized what instrument was touching her, she started to tremble with fear. -Relax, my intention is not to shoot at first-, I said as I separated her lower lips and introduced the weapon up to the handle in one swift move. She screamed in pain but didn't even blink. I let her go before starting to pull out and put back in the pistol like a deadly comforter. -I'm scared-, she begged. I didn't dignify an answer, the girl didn't know that I had unloaded for safety reasons. I had her where I wanted her, at my feet, crying for her life. Another slap I had to give her to make her move. -Think it's my penis-, I said biting her ear. She closed her eyes, trying to imagine that the hard tube penetrating her was actually a piece of flesh hardened by blood circulation. Slowly, I perceived that her movements at first circular were converting into linear ones with her excitement, from front to back, and as her hips without her being able to do anything to stop it, ended up pressing against my hand for me to deepen the impalement. The very slut has managed to make me brutal, I had to recognize when I visualized that heat had soaked her sex and an orgasm was about to overwhelm her. Her thighs vibrated as she received the downloads from its climax, and grunting like a sow, it came on the carpet. Pulling out the weapon from its interior, I grabbed her by the hair, and took her to where her sister was, forcing her to kneel down. Throwing Natalia off the bed, I sat on the bed. -You know what to do-, I said, taking off my pants. My extension was in all its splendor. The girls waiting for me to order them to take over. Silence in the room. Everything was tension. A sparkle in their eyes made me think they might try to play with me, so pointing at the youngest one on the forehead, I informed: -No nonsense, I don't want to decorate your face with a hole-, received message, -I don't want you to leave a drop-. Paradise. Two mouths and two tongues competing to be the best. Eva, claiming her primogeniture, was in charge of playing with my glans, while her sister dedicated herself to massaging my testicles with her mouth. There was no fold or millimeter of all my penis that wasn't moistened by them. I found it curious, the way they did it so exquisitely and sweetly, trying not to provoke my reaction, achieving that in a few minutes I started feeling the first symptoms of my own orgasm. The women noticing this delivered themselves without pause to their task, increasing the rhythm and depth of their caresses, so that the first drops of pre-seminal liquid appeared on my glans. This unleashed their madness, each one wanting to appease me due to the terror that gripped them, and therefore they struggled to be the one who received my seed in her mouth. When I exploded, I did it by distributing my semen between the two, both had their share and swallowed it greedily, while their hands finished milking my member. It was brutal, the best blow job of my life. So great was their fear that they remained sucking and milking my parts for quite some time after I had left them dry. Which I took advantage of to recover. -Natalia, open that closet and bring out two wives-. The young woman got up. From the carpet and opened the doors of the cabinet. Dazed discovered an unknown facet of her progenitor when she saw that it was full of sadomasochistic devices, but without making any comment, she searched and collected what she had been asked for. -Now, tie yourselves up, my bitches, to the bedposts- With tears in her eyes, she put one end of a wife on Eva's wrist and the other on one of the footboard supports. When I was about to do the same with my doll, I heard her say: -Don't be slutty, tie yourself up here above, or it might happen that tonight I feel like using you-. That night, I slept accompanied by two humiliated, hurt, and used women. In my inner self, I knew it wasn't enough; I had to submit them, dominate them, and train them so that when their father returned six months later, they would be conditioned and willing slaves. Thinking about this, I lay down beside the black-haired puppy, who was waiting for me on the bed, naked but above all willing. Chapter two. The night passed without incident, nothing worth telling except a couple of ejaculations to the girl, more for personal satisfaction than necessity. Natalia has an athletic constitution, her hard ass and sculptural body, which provokes any man who has her naked beside him not to be able to avoid fucking her. The only notable thing was that I observed a small change, the second time I took her, she didn't just let me do it but participated actively and even seemed to discover a hint of protest when I finally came, as if she had left unsatisfied and desired more. The alarm clock rang at 8 am, I had work, so without saying a word to them, I got up to shower. The hot water falling on my face managed to wake me up. Following my preconceived plan, I shaved and dressed calmly, ignoring the two women tied to the bed who were looking at me expectantly. They didn't know what my perverse mind had in store for them, but They were anxiously waiting for my next move. They didn't have to wait long, because after breakfast I returned to the room with two liters of cum. -Sluts, you need to eat-, giving each one a tetrabik, I sat down to observe while telling them -Drink it all, don't leave a drop-. They didn't have to be asked twice, grabbing the cum with both hands, they drank it all, out of fear of angering me. Seeing that they had obeyed docilely, I bid them farewell saying: -Until tonight- Eva, frightened, asked if I was going to leave her like that. Catching her hair, I gave her a possessive kiss, forcing my tongue into her mouth and spending a minute making out with her before answering: -What do you think?- As I closed the door, I heard her despair. During the day, they didn't let me rest, various matters piled up on my desk, don't forget that my boss had left me alone and now I had to do the work of two. Meeting after meeting went by without me realizing it, daily activity prevented me from thinking about the two beautiful girls waiting patiently at home. My secretary didn't let me rest all day, whether I had to authorize a project or sign some checks.... Isabel had been working with me since I joined the company and was perhaps the person who knew me best. I didn't have to tell her anything, she knew what was happening to me at every moment. The trust between us was maximum, to the point that when humiliated by the sisters, I was about to resign, but spoke with her so she could come with me to the next job. That's why when returning, I told her I hadn't introduced her, I had to explain what had happened and what I planned to do. She, like me from humble origins, thought it was a great idea to make those two snobs pay with their own harvest, and instead of trying to convince me not to do it, volunteered to help me with whatever I needed. In that momento, I told her that for now I didn't need anything, but that I wouldn't forget about her if I needed help. That's why it didn't surprise me when she asked how I had gone with the two little whores as we were about to leave the office. -Well, they're a couple of silly little girls, but they're learning-, I replied. -Don't be bad, tell me!-. Her interest made me laugh and since I had nothing to lose, as if I failed the training, both her and I would end up on the street, I gave her a small summary. I explained how her boyfriends reacted when they found out they didn't have a penny, the punishment I gave Natalia for giving me a laxative in my food. By that time her eyes were already sparkling, but it was when I told her how they had tried to kill me and what my revenge was that she asked me without reserve to give her details. A man doesn't need much prodding to tell the details of his conquests, and I wasn't an exception, so I explained how I had made them give me a lesbian show, how they had given me oral sex, and especially how I had left them tied up in bed since morning. -What envy!-, she said as she was leaving. At that moment, I didn't know what she envied, if it was me for having two women at my disposal or them for the treatment they received. I wasn't concerned with discovering the cause, because recapitulating on it, I decided to make her participate in my game within a week and then she would know. The idea didn't displease me, because although Isabel was a bit chubby, she had big breasts and an ass that was a scandal. Satisfied with the work done and hot after the conversation with my secretary, I left my office and going down to the garage got into my car. The streets and traffic lights passed by without me noticing, my mind could only think about my two toys waiting tied up in bed for their master's arrival. The lights of the chalet were off. Good sign, I thought already When leaving the house it was daytime and if they hadn't managed to get away from their wives, no one could have lit them up. Going up the stairs, I did so with caution because they might have slipped away and be waiting for me on the landing. But when I opened the door to my room and before turning on the light, I already knew they hadn't succeeded in arriving at the smell of concentrated urine. It was part of my plan, a liter of cum for each one and the impossibility of going to the bathroom, it couldn't have any other result than both women having to do it on the Persian rug of their old lady. They must be terrified and hungry, I had prevented them from eating dinner last night so they must have been without food for more than thirty hours. When I turned on the light, they closed their eyes in pain. I felt a little pity at observing the result of their punishment. Disheveled, with their hair disheveled, their lips chapped from thirst, and scared, terribly scared. -How are my sluts?-, I asked cheerfully. -Very well, master-, they answered in unison. Their reception sounded like celestial music to me, as I didn't have to remind them of my title. I decided to give them a reward, so I went to the bathroom and served myself a glass of water. -Do you want to drink?-, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the sight of the precious liquid, -Tumbaros-. Like well-trained bitches, they obeyed me without having to repeat the order, and when I saw them perfectly laid on the bed, I poured the water over their bodies. I hadn't finished saying: -Drink-, when like possessed women they launched themselves at each other, absorbing the water that was running through their bodies. It pleased me so much to see them licking each other's breasts, legs, stomachs, and even pussies in search of satisfying their thirst, that being magnanimous, I rewarded them again with another glass. Already less thirsty, they implored me to set them free, swearing they would fulfill the pact. They were so insistent and sincere that I ended up getting annoyed. -Silence-, I shouted,-I haven't given you Permission to speak -. They weren't ready yet, I decided to leave the room and go have dinner. After eating a reheated chicken and two beers, I had no choice but to listen to my daughters, or they would faint from hunger, as I needed them whole tonight. So I opened the refrigerator and provided myself with what was necessary. -Do you have an appetite?-, I asked, but not receiving an answer, I started putting ham, cheese, and even a bottle of whipped cream on the dresser out of their reach. And making my way back, I interrogated them again, saying:- Are you sure?-. -Yes, my lord, I'm hungry-, Eva replied. -And I, lord-, her sister said, crying with shame. Without responding to them, I approached the older one first and untied the wife who was tied to the bed frame, then turned it back over her other wrist, putting her arms behind her back, and threw her onto the bed. Neither of the two knew my plan, so Natalia let herself be repeated with her the same operation. Once in a position where they couldn't use their hands, I opened their legs and plugged in the bottle of whipped cream to their sex, filling them so that their vaginas and buttocks were flooded. -Now eat-. It was a delight to observe from the chair as they tried to reach their sex crawling like snakes over the bed until both formed a perfect sixty-nine, and how with pleasure they went eating each other in a totally sexual communion. Their tongues had no choice but to search for food inside the vagina of the other, and against their will, such desire made them excited, which was my intention. I left them in that position for about five minutes until there was no trace of cream left. -Do you want more?-. Both had opened their appetite, and both replied yes. -Well, but now one by one-. And forcing Eva to lie down on her back, I opened her buttocks and generously poured it into her butt, putting it in her To her sister. Natalia didn't have any objections to starting to suck his ass, she was so hungry that I think she even put her tongue in the black hole. After she had finished, she repeated the operation, switching roles this time, but on this occasion Eva didn't settle for just the cream, instead when there was no longer a trace of it she continued with the flow that came out of the brunette's cave. The sight of her ass pumping while she ate everything made me put on the rough stuff, but I had to repress my urge to give her a good pounding because I had other plans, and separating them, I said: Ham and cheese are only for one, which do you think I should give it to?. A commotion formed, both women were asking me to choose her, crying and shouting, blaming each other for everything. If Natalia's idea was to humiliate me, if Eva had tried to shoot me, etc... They didn't realize but I was managing to separate them, so after listening to their nonsense, I ordered one of them to be quiet. Homo hominis lupus - I would have paid to record their faces, neither of the two had ever heard that Latin sentence before, so I had to explain it to them. Man is a wolf to man. Actively, I grabbed the blonde and tied her hand to each column of the bed, freeing the brunette. Thank you, I promise to obey, Natalia sighed in relief as she felt her hands free. The consolation was short-lived because, putting a small whip in her hands, I whispered in her ear: Twenty lashes, and make them strong. Eva started crying, begging her sister not to do it, while insulting me by saying that I would regret it. Thirty, I shouted. My authoritative voice brought Nati out of the reverie she had fallen into, and approaching her sister, she said: I'll tell you what you told me yesterday, I'm sorry!, starting to unload all her repressed fury and frustration on her sister's ass. Lash after lash, she avenged me, her, and life. Moans of pain, insults, Eva's pleas, as tears ran down her cheeks while doing so, but her eyes showed a firm resolution that only subsided when she finished and saw the result of her anger. Both buttocks were red hot. -Eat-, I said, giving her her prize, after tying her up again. She devoured the ham slices and cheese cubes, while I undressed her sister. The poor girl was crying, not understanding why someone from her own blood would be so brutal just to take something to eat. Taking her out of the room and leading her to her bedroom, she found a surprise on the bed: a complete dinner with soup, bread, the chicken she had left, and even a bottle of wine. -Lie down in bed and eat while I tend to you-, I said softly, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Not believing in her good fortune, she started eating while I applied a moisturizing cream to her abused butt. -Poor thing!, What a beast!, How did you get yourself into this!-, I kept saying as I attended to her, but drink a little wine and it will do you good-. With her stomach full and quite drunk, the girl couldn't repress her pain and burst into tears. Consoling her, I hugged and caressed her for minutes until she had recovered a bit, then ordered her to go to the bathroom to take care of her needs. She looked at me gratefully and without me asking, gave me a kiss on the lips saying: -Thank you, master-. I took advantage of undressing while she got up to use the bathroom, and when she returned, perfectly groomed and made-up, she was ready to conquer me. Of course, I let myself be won over, and giving the bed a slap, I said: -You'll sleep with me tonight-. A smile lit up her face, and coquettishly, she approached the bed, trying to warm me up. It wasn't necessary; the blonde had already gotten me going at a hundred, so for the first time, I could enjoy those enormous breasts and their dark aureolas. Searching for the effect of carrot and stick, my tongue slowly explored her neck, and as if it scared her to get close to her nipple, she took an eternity to decide to attack its rugosities and dark surface, but when she did and my teeth gently nibbled on its buttons, Eva gave me a sigh and a good ration of the flow that flowed from her cave. -I love-, I heard her say, before her mouth made itself strong on my member as it descended down my body, and began to practice the ancestral oral penetration. The girl not only knew how to eat an oyster, but was also an expert breast feeder, who without feeling queasy got all of my penis stuck in her throat. I wanted to come inside her mouth, but even more so inside her ass, so I took it out of her prison, turned her over, and began to relax her butt. -I'm a virgin back there-, she said without protesting, as if asking me to do it slowly. Her submission pleased me, and I entertained myself by caressing her circular muscles until my finger went in and out easily. It was then that I introduced the second one. Eva, noticing that I wasn't going to force her, let herself be done with, quickly getting ready for me to deflower her. Caressing her head, I said: -Get on your back-. Carefully separating her buttocks, I placed my tongue at the beginning of her back and followed the channel bordered by her round buttocks. Her throat emitted a sigh when my teeth gave a small bite to that appetizing gluteus, following its path towards my objective. Unconsciously lifting her rear a bit more to make things easier for me, I finally got to enjoy the smell of an unsatisfied woman emanating from her sex. Placing the tip of my glans at her rear entrance, I entertained myself by playing with the ridges of her anus until I saw her completely relaxed, and then forced her ring. -Please-, she screamed as she felt the head of my penis inside her. But without pause, I ignored her pain and slowly went on. Completing my penetration in a way that all my skin could feel the hardness of her sphincter as I passed through it. With my cock completely inside her, I let her relax, giving her kisses and saying nice things to her. The pain was great, but bearable, and quickly her anus became accustomed to the punishment. Seeing her relieved, I started moving. It was a continuous movement without abruptness, so that her resistance slowly gave way and my penis entered and exited with greater ease. Pleasure was displacing pain, and Eva, taking momentum with her arms, increased the rhythm of our ride, saying: I can't believe it, but I love it!- Her words were the starting gun for a frantic gallop. With my testicles pounding her backside like a fronton, and my hands resting on her shoulders, we were sexy girl and rider. And as good a ride, she neighed with pleasure when I asked her to increase her speed, More force, she demanded. I didn't know if it was referring to the whip or my penetrations, so I had no choice but to increase the force of both to please her. It was amazing to see her move, moaning in pleasure as my shaft was inside her. Totally out of herself, leaning on one arm, she used her free hand to fiercely masturbate while asking me to come. Everything about her anticipated her climax, so I accelerated even more my thrusts and used my penis like a sword, cruelly cutting into her as she collapsed onto the sheets. Her clitoris was completely soaked by the flow, unable to contain such an amount and bursting forth like a geyser, drenching my legs. Such heat finally excited me, and in intense waves of pleasure, I spilled inside her, filling her intestine with my seed. Hearing her say Thank you, master, again was like receiving my first A on the report card, a thrill, and turning her over, I placed the handcuffs on her, saying: See, slave, if you obey. enjoying. She lowered her eyes, blushing, but listened as if from his lips in a low voice came an ashamed: -Yes, I love-. Without realizing it, Eva was slowly turning into my servant, gradually the violence and privations were transforming the cock. But the most powerful force she had was her spirit of survival, sister against sister competing for my favors. -I want to see you pretty-, I ordered, -what is your sexiest nightgown?-. -The red one-. Opening the dresser drawer, I took it out, telling her to put it on. The girl sighed in relief as she felt the touch of the first clothes in more than 24 hours. -I love, how can I thank you for this?, she said, hinting. -Sleeping, tomorrow will be another day-. Her face of happiness was complete, she believed she had finally conquered me, and it seemed like she was already my favorite. And adjusting the pillow, she relaxed and fell asleep instantly. I waited until her sleep was deep before getting up. Checking that she was still deeply asleep, I placed the sheets so that they covered the handcuffs but showed her legs clearly covered by the nightgown. I went out into the hallway, heading towards the old man's room. When I opened the door, the stench of urine was unbearable. Natalia, totally dirty and disheveled, was crying silently. -Nati-, I said using her familiar nickname, while freeing her, -don't make a sound, don't let your sister hear you, let's go to the bathroom, you must be about to do it on yourself-. The girl looked at me with a mixture of gratitude and suspicion, she didn't trust my intentions, but when she saw that I was taking her towards the toilet, without paying attention to my presence, she sat down and violently emptied her intestines. -I'm sorry, my little one, but I can't do anything more to improve your state, because I've reached an agreement with your sister-, I said while she cleaned herself up, -I don't know how to tell you but your sister has sold you-. She raised her head to shout at me: -I don't believe it!-. -That's your problem, you're too Innocent. Eva has surrendered to my arms, she wants to be my favorite, regardless of you. It's more so while she was showering and getting ready, she laughed at how dirty you were. -Has she showered?- I replied, dazed. -Not just that, she's sleeping in her bed, without husbands, with a precious nightgown, happy to serve me, and besides, she's eaten like a lady, and not the works you've eaten-. -It's impossible!, Pig!, my sister wouldn't do it-. I let out a slap, -I am master-, and placing handcuffs and a rag in her mouth so she couldn't talk, I took her to the other room. -Look!-, I spat at her, pointing to Eva,-You haven't been lied to, she's clean, free, and willing. She's been deceiving you, while you suffer, she enjoys-. The girl's anguish multiplied by a thousand as she saw the remains of dinner on the table. Totally convinced, she let herself be led back to her old room. Mentally, she was humiliated, crushed. Tying her again to the bed, full of urine, I removed the gag made from the handkerchief and gave her a soft kiss on the lips while saying: -You were going to be the first, but she's gotten ahead of you-. -Master!, tell me what I have to do to be your best slave-. I let out a laugh at hearing it said, and giving her another kiss on the lips, I said: -Sleep, tomorrow will be another day-. Same phrase, different meaning. She has little left before being totally mine, I thought while closing the door, leaving her crushed in misery.

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