Hello! Yesterday I told that I was interviewed by Diario Sexual (http://www.poringa.net/posts/relatos/3069734/Me-entrevistaron-en-Diario-Sexual.html). Today I have received many private messages, and the people at Diario Sexual also got messages asking about me. Really it's incredible how everything is spreading. This afternoon Fernando Perez contacted me to let me know that he was leaving me a question to share, since they had received many messages about that. So here it goes: (...) Cristian, are you looking for people who will see you? Or is it people who are looking for you?And... Of everything in reality... When you're new, you start looking for yourself. As you enter this little world, people get to know you, sometimes they recommend you, they talk to their friends I have a dude who shows up on webcam and pass my account. Other times you log in and there's no one connected, and well, then you have to enter a chat and look for yourself... I don't know, nothing is established, sometimes I search and other times they find me.If reading this interview makes you want to get in touch, what can they do?Good question, it's good that they learn to find me, so I can get more people. You can find me on Skype, where I'm almost always there, and my Skype is ***********15@*******.com. Also, you can find me on WhatsApp sometimes +**********1. You can also find me on Facebook but very little, almost never go in. And if not, you can find me sometimes on Chateagratis.net, my user is ********__. By Poringa rules! I was forced to hide my contact information. But they can write to me here like several have already done. I hope your messages!
0 comentários - One more question from the interview!