le fui infiel a mi esposo la noche año nuevo

Lying down with my sister's husband Oscar is one of the things I can say with all honesty that I regret having done in my life. They say you shouldn't regret anything in life but what happened at my mother's house on New Year's Eve a few hours ago and I do regret it. I don't have any excuse to give, except to say that I did it out of pure lust. It was 5 am and everyone was drunk and falling asleep in any room or armchair in the house after taking, dancing, and having fun all night during the New Year's party; my husband and sister had already fallen asleep since 3 am and Oscar and I were left talking and laughing with a family uncle in the living room. Around 5 am, my uncle got up from the armchair and told us it was time to leave, so I accompanied him to the door and then Oscar and I were alone in the living room. I was wearing a blue dress that I had worn all night and was barefoot because I couldn't take the heels anymore since many hours earlier. Oscar has always been flirtatious with me and over the years he would sometimes send me hints or looks, but I never took them seriously to avoid making things more complicated. But this morning, as soon as my uncle left the house, Oscar got more agitated than usual, I think he could already see the opportunity he had in front of him and of course the drinks he had taken all night had made him much bolder and shameless than usual. As soon as he sat down next to me on the armchair, Oscar tried to put his hand on my knee and kept talking insistently about sex. Obviously I can't pretend to be innocent in all this because at that moment I could have gotten up and put Oscar in his place but I didn't, just like I said at the beginning I don't regret it. I have excuses for what I let happen and also I had been drinking all night with the rest of the family; I felt a little crazy and decided to play with fire when Oscar started getting clingy and talking about sex, so I decided to follow along to entertain myself for a bit, not going to sleep with him, just going to play at feeling very desired and only going to let things go until a certain point.

Oscar started telling me he wanted to 'fuck' and asking where my husband was and why my husband wasn't screwing me at that moment, like I said before I played along and followed the conversation and among other things I told him that sometimes my husband didn't know how to do it as well and left me with all the desire.

When I responded that way to Oscar, he got even crazier and more altered than he already was and started telling me with freshness that he was going to teach me 'how to screw a woman like me' and pulling me by the arm so we could go to an empty room on the first floor of the house next to the garage.

Of course, all this was being said in a joking tone and laughing at each thing we said, I imagine because that way either one of us could excuse ourselves at any moment saying we were just 'joking'.

Even so, I accepted his dare to go to the empty room on the first floor still thinking I was in control of the situation and only going to get as far as my little games with him.

The room we were talking about is a room that my mom used to use as a guest room in the past since it's on the first floor of the independent house, but on this occasion the room had been empty for many months and there were woods on the floor and old clothes on top of the bed without even sheets. I had accepted his proposal, he jumped at me against the door and gave me a tremendous kiss on the mouth that I didn't expect.
I tried to push him away, telling him 'you're crazy, no' but he wouldn't let go of my waist and kept saying 'just kiss us, just kiss us', 'nobody's going to find out, don't worry'.
As I said before, the truth is that I could have stopped it at this moment but I didn't, I returned the kiss and we kissed with a passion that I hadn't felt since I was an adolescent.
He also let me grab his thighs under my dress and caress my breasts over my clothes.
It was impossible to stop what happened next under the circumstances we were in.
Both of us alone in a room, with a bed in front of us and above all kissing each other so passionately like we were doing.
We fell onto the bed and then I lost any control I thought I would have at this moment.
Oscar started to touch me without any restraint, I pulled down my dress and felt his hands under my skirt, taking off my thong.
It happened very quickly, I felt it like an impulse and before I could react and realize what was happening Oscar had already put it in.
If I enjoyed it, I can't be hypocritical, especially enjoying the 'mundane' way everything happened and the 'aggressiveness' with which we did it.
My friends, this wasn't anything 'romantic', this was a good 'fuck' that Oscar gave me on an old mattress, full of pure pleasure and sexual satisfaction.
The truth is I hadn't done it like that in years, so dirty (to say it somehow) and the plain truth is I LOVE IT!
Sometimes when we get married women forget a little about our sexual nature and become 'the wife' for whom having sex becomes something we have to do to fulfill our obligations. With my husband. Sometimes we forget that we are extremely sexual beings who like men, that the penis is the most delicious thing in the world and we love feeling when a man has us held tightly around our hips while he's screwing us with enthusiasm. I don't remember how many minutes the sex lasted that morning, but I do remember how Oscar was pressing his body against mine with my legs wrapped around his waist and how I was whispering in his ear if you screw me harder, screw me more because it feels good to get him excited and make him feel more euphoric and intense. Unfortunately, the abundant satisfaction I felt during those minutes went away too quickly when Oscar finished coming and I realized the tremendous mess I had just made. Not only had I cheated on my husband but I had done it with my own sister's husband. Oscar took me outside to come and stained my dress and legs with semen, although he didn't have to because I was taking the pill, but I think he did it simply for his own visual pleasure as a man. When I opened the bedroom door, I was terrified of finding someone from the family sitting in the living room armchair, but luckily no one was there and everyone was still sleeping off their hangover all over the house just like we had left them before going into the room. My sister and my husband were still sleeping on the second floor of the house without realizing what had just happened under the same roof. The truth is I'm not stupid, I loved getting screwed and I'm still full of semen in my dress and thong, it's because he has a great cock, that's why my sister is crazy about him, I haven't been able to sleep, they're sleeping, my friends advised me, it made me moan so much that I thought someone had heard us, but since the room is next to the garage and removed, I don't think I'm very nervous, never having cheated on my husband before, less To think that would be with my brother-in-law. Author: a slut like me.

16 comentários - le fui infiel a mi esposo la noche año nuevo

muy bueno!!! re morboso @julietanay , gracias por compartir, dejo +10 y sale reco
Ufff!!! si es verdad me imagino la culpa o sensación rara y fea q tienes q sentir ahora, después de lo ocurrido, sobre todo por q ahora el seguirá insistiendo en algún momento, quizás continúe por q lo gozaste y no te resistas nuevamente, todo eso imagino te da vueltas en la cabeza, y más encima te excitas recordando las sensaciones o no?
Creo q es algo q hay q dejar q se asiente y ver como continuar, no te puedo decir q dejes todo ahí y olvidarlo todo, como moralmente corresponde, porq creo q es algo q hay q dejar un poco de lado y pensarlo más fríamente, quizás continuar escondidos, muy de tarde en tarde o simplemente dejarse llevar por la lujuria de estos días.... en fin, hay q, creo, dejar q se asiente todo para pensar con más claridad.
Pero de todas formas, muy buena historia, lindo y morboso relato, excitante...
Saludos y suerte, no le des tantas vueltas en la cabeza y deja q pase el tiempo.
Muy buen relato, deja verse tu arrepentimiento, pero que te causo un gran placer. Me esncanta esta parte!:"A veces nos olvidamos que nosotras somos seres sumamente sexuales que nos gusta un hombre, que el pene es lo mas rico que hay en el mundo y nos encanta sentir cuando un hombre nos tiene agarradas bien fuerte por las caderas mientras nos la mete con GANAS."
saludos y te sigo!
Me re calentó tu relato !!!.... Cuánto morbo !!! ... Yo también me quisiera garchar a mi cuñada ... pero no da señales que sea mutuo, así q mejor no arriesgarse ...
Quedate con la vivencia, no te arrepientas , pero a no repetirlo ... el que juega con fuego.... bueno... ya sabemos... O si.. y a disfrutar del infierno !!!
sir_com +1
muy buen relato, q delirio, me re calento la situacion!!
ja ami no me paso pero se vino sin marido..tbm tomo y se fue a dormir sola a auto en las sierras... a la mañana le hubiese puesto una pija en la boca y darle lo que merece asi como vos jajaj
Excelente relato...
Yo también quiero cogerme a mi cuñada que ya van a hacer 10 años que está viuda...
jector7 +1
que buen relato---- me dejaste muy caliente..
eisabe +1
Jajaja estuvo Bueno pero tu marido dormía con tu hermana en el mismo cuarto? Eso no entendí.. esta bien que del histeriqueo terminaron garchando
¡¡¡¡ Muy Bueno ....Excitante Relato....Bien Candente...Felicitaciones y Gracias por Compartirlo...!!!!
Muy buen relato y muy excitante experiencia no te arrepientas!!! +10