Descubriendo la puta que hay en vos


We would go out to dance at clubs for older people. The boys weren't allowed in, so they kept going to others for younger kids. That Saturday after doing everything together as we usually did, we split up and each group went their separate way. Among the boys with whom we always went was GeroMy boyfriend, who was still my boyfriend despite the frequent beatings I got from his brother Juli's brother, was still my boyfriend that day. There was a strict control at the entrance of the bowling alley and they were asking for ID from everyone. So we stayed outside.

We took a taxi and went to the bowling alley where my boyfriend and the other guys were. As soon as we entered, we found the band, but Gero wasn't there. I walked around looking for him, and unfortunately (or luckily) I found him: in a corner, hugging a girl.

I got very angry and at that age, you only know how to make a scene. I stopped next to him, hit him, and told him off. The girl disappeared right away, she must have been scared. It was one of those scenes. The guy didn't know how to justify himself.

I started crying (total drama) and went back with my friends. I had a terrible fight. But instead of leaving, I decided to stay and make Gero's life miserable. Because I stayed with the girls near where they were, and I danced with anyone who asked me.

I was fraternizing for a while, then I'd get tired of it and move on. So that happened several times. There must have been 6 or 7 guys who I ate right in front of him, let them touch and hold without any problem from the guy of the moment.

This sequence ended when I found my neighbor. I stayed chatting with him and his friend (who I didn't know), and told them about the situation. At that point, I was already pretty drunk, and of course, my neighbor didn't take long to take advantage of it and we ended up having sex against the wall. To make it better, after a while, I ended up eating his friend too.

When the situation couldn't get any worse, and the two guys had realized my state, they proposed taking me home since I wasn't going to be able to walk very far on my own. We left the three of us and took a taxi, but we went to Javi's house, my neighbor who lives right next door to mine. We got upstairs, I sat down in a chair and fell asleep on the table, feeling like the guys were far away... Boys were talking. Javi offered me water, while he was rubbing my hair. I got up from the chair and sat next to him. He hugged me and we started making out. I was touching myself everywhere and getting hotter by the minute. I stood up and sat on his lap. That's when everything ended: he lifted my skirt up to my waist and grabbed me hard around the booty while we were eating each other's mouths desperately. A massive heat ran through my entire body. Unconsciously, I was moving my wet pussy against his leg. Suddenly, Javi's friend grabbed my hair and kissed me. I had forgotten about him completely, but I was already in a state where nothing mattered and I was kissing him with the same intensity as his friend. They made me stand up and kneel on the floor. My breathing quickened as I saw myself defenseless between the two boys, who were slowly undressing. Their pants fell to the floor, leaving their cocks exposed. I stayed hypnotized watching them while they touched themselves in front of me. Javi made me react. Give it, Agus... suck it he said, putting his hard cock in my mouth. I grabbed him with one hand and started sucking him. The other dude stood next to me and put his cock on my face. I barely moved my head and had the trunk in front of me, which I swallowed and sucked slowly. I opened my mouth, swallowed as much as I could, and pulled out, pressing my lips against the pillar of flesh I was savoring. I did that alternating between the two cocks, while the boys were holding my breasts. They made me stand up and took me to Javi's room. They put me on the bed and Javier lay down beside me. We started kissing while his hand went down my stomach to my pussy. When he touched it, I jumped. My whole body was trembling and I couldn't help but scream. Uhh you're so hot slut shouted Javi's friend as he threw himself between my legs to suck me. My screams were muffled Javi was eating my mouth.

Javi got down on the bed, and put his cock in my mouth. His friend was holding onto me with his fingers with a lot of intensity. I wanted to scream but couldn't. I was getting delirious from pleasure and that's what Javier was expressing in the enthusiastic cock-sucking he was giving him.

I couldn't be any wetter. The other skinny guy got up and felt the tip of his cock on my pussy. Slowly, was all I managed to say. His cock was struggling to get through with difficulty in my almost new vagina.

Uhh it's really tight, the dude said, starting to screw me. Javier kept his cock in my mouth and was rubbing my tits with his hands. From the extreme pleasure sensation I had, I let go of the cock to let out a moan behind another one with each thrust I received.

The rhythm got faster and faster. It hurt but I couldn't say stop or be gentler. I loved feeling the tip of the cock hitting the bottom of my pussy and feeling it open up and get wetter every time.

No more... it's really tight. I want a blow job from this slut, the skinny guy said, pulling out his cock and leaving the spot for his friend to penetrate me without difficulty. He went in easier since the previous one had given me a good screwing and left me open for the other cock.

Javier kept pounding me, pulling out his cock and slamming it back into my pussy until the end. His friend, meanwhile, was putting his cock in my mouth and holding onto my head so I wouldn't let go. I'm uncomfortable, I said to the dude, annoyed.

Javier pulled out his cock, turned me around, and put me on all fours. His friend sat against the bed's headboard and grabbed my hair, shoving his cock into my mouth. Now I could suck it better. Javier got on top of me and adjusted my Booty, lifting it up. He was lowering himself down to slam his cock into my pussy and keep screwing me like he had been.

His friend was enjoying my mouth. He held onto my head and shoved his cock all the way in. He remembered what I had taught him
Daniel at the hotelWith my tongue, I would run along the entire trunk, savor it, and then put it in my mouth, fondling it with my hands and lips. I felt like I was bumping against the throat, but I held on to the thrusts and had gotten used to the gagging. 'Look how she's sucking it, this slut is a fool...' I'd say to Javi while grabbing my head and bringing it down a bit more from the middle. 'Terrible... terrible... terrible' Javier would shout, as if angry, while accelerating the pace and holding me tighter every time. I couldn't take it anymore and pulled out the cock from my mouth to scream. 'Do you like her, slut? Do you like her?' Javi would yell at me, now grabbing my hair and penetrating me deeply. His body would crash against my Booty, making a noise that excited me. 'Yes yes yes, hold on', I'd shout like crazy. I was holding onto the sheets and the cock of the other dude, who was awkwardly sucking it while following Javi's thrusts. At that moment, the other dude finished shooting a thick white stream of cum all over his body. When he finished ejaculating, he grabbed my head and made me clean up his cock. I passed my tongue over the trunk dripping with cum, although I didn't like it much and tried to avoid it by cleaning it with my hand first. 'Let's see if you really suck well', Javier said, pulling out his cock from inside. He stopped at the edge of the bed and made me sit in front of him. He stroked my head tenderly and led me towards his cock. I opened my mouth, pulled out my tongue, and looked at him while rubbing his cockhead with it. After a while, I put it in my mouth. A little at a time, I was putting more and more flesh into my throat. Javi's was a bit wider and it cost me to get the whole thing in. I had almost given up but felt like I couldn't swallow anything else. Until Javi, who never took his hands off my neck, gave me a soft but firm push that made me take it all in one go. I coughed with the cock stuck in my throat. 'Hold on hold on', Javi said. while my eyes were tearing up. After a while he let go and like a spring I pulled it all out. From the cock my saliva was dripping.

I coughed and took air for a bit, and there was silence in the room, waiting for him to get angry or leave. But strangely, that sensation of feeling suffocated with the cock had warmed me up a lot.

When I recovered, I went back at it. I kept putting it in my mouth. When it reached the bottom, Javier would repeat the same thing. He did it twice until he finally poured all his cum on my tits. I fell onto the bed with the cum dripping down my body.

Javi handed me a towel and cleaned off my body. His friend was getting hard again, feeling me up. I got turned on at the touch and before I knew it, I threw myself headfirst to suck him off.

The skinny guy got into bed, and I ended up between his legs. Like I had done with Javi, I put it in until the bottom and held it in my throat until I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like his cock was pulsing every time I touched it with my tongue. Now if I tried a little harder, I could swallow all of his cum, until my nose hit his stomach.

Javier took advantage of my position to touch my Booty. I spread my legs wide and lifted my Booty without stopping sucking the other cock. Javi started kissing and sucking my pussy, putting his tongue inside mine.

Slowly he was rising, rubbing against the entrance of my tiny ass. I got scared and stopped him just as he was about to start digging with his fingers. Don't touch my Booty! was the only thing I said that night, something I still hadn't worked up the courage to do. And I didn't want it to be the first time in those circumstances.

Javier went back to licking my pussy, and I kept sucking his friend's cock. It felt hard and pulsing with every suck. The skinny guy stopped me and grabbed my arms. Come on, I want you to ride him a bit, girl. I started moving over his body until I reached his cock. I settled in and sank it in.

all of a sudden. I was doing well lubricated by the fever I had and by Javier's great blow job. I felt like I was in heaven. I started moving strong, so strong that my pussy escaped a couple of times. It's possessed, they said among themselves. I kept holding onto the shaft while they were fondling me and Javier took advantage to put his cock in my mouth again. Because of my movements galloping, I couldn't give him a blow job like a few minutes before. After a while of grabbing, the skinny one made me get out because he had finished. They made me lie down on the bed and Javi penetrated me again. He lifted my legs and joined them over his shoulders. With his arms, he was pushing my body making it hit hard against his and driving his cock into me with violence. I was screaming wildly and exploded in two almost simultaneous orgasms. One short but strong that made me shiver and the other more gentle but that lasted longer. All this without Javier stopping the animal rhythm of his thrusts. My pussy was burning but I didn't want to stop. Javier got out of me quickly, telling me to swallow it all. In my mouth! I managed to say while placing his cock on my face. I closed my eyes and ran my head a bit, making him place the cock on my ass. Javi jerked off for a bit and then dumped all the cum on my face, splashing my forehead and hair. I stayed in that position until they helped me clean up a bit. I was destroyed. My pussy felt open and pulsing. It was burning like never before. I hurt a lot but I was happy. When I saw the time, I wanted to kill myself. It had gotten late and I had to go back home (luckily it was on my way). I grabbed my things and left with Javier. On the way, I was reading a flood of messages from Gero. My love, please forgive me. I didn't know what I was doing, forgive me. Then, obviously he found out that I left with Javi and his friend and it seems like he got a bit angry. You left With two dudes? Are you crazy?. I didn't think you'd be so slutty, you went off to screw with two dudes, I hate you slut. And other insults trying to make me feel bad. The reality is that I didn't think you were that slutty either, but I loved it and enjoyed it a lot discovering it. And now I only wanted to keep experimenting.

19 comentários - Descubriendo la puta que hay en vos

UFF!! Muy bueno! Que raro que no apareciste vos por ahi para "ayudarla" 😉
Van pts!
juuli88 +1
jaja en esa epoca era "buenita e inocente" 😉
gracias por pasar
Mañana dejo los puntos que hoy no me quedan, pero no podía resistirme a leer el relato
Si no os dejaron entrar en la discoteca por la edad ¿erais menores?
El otro día me estuvieron haciendo eso mismo y acabé con dolor de garganta, no me gustó demasiado, solo el notar lo dura que se le ponía a mi amiga travesti
@juuli88 Tengo mis dudas, porque por ejemplo yo tengo los pezones bastante insensibles y nunca me habia dado ni frío ni calor que me los tocaran o los besaran hasta que un día mi amiga travesti le dió por pellizcarmelos, me dolió pero también me dio aunténtico placer (eso si, tiene que ser en una medidad muy precisa o solo me duele jajjajaja) Y también a mi novia le encanta que le retuerza los pezones, le duele, pero le da placer.
Por no hablar del sexo anal jajjajajajaj
@dantraloco eso tambien depende del cuerpo de cada uno/a. a mi me encanta todo lo que dijiste, morder un poco los pezones, si no sos bruto, calienta y mucho!
@juuli88 Pues a mi más que morderlos, pellizcarlos y retorcerlos, ver hasta donde se puede llegar, es muy excitante ver la cara de placer sabiendo que en ese momento estás provocando dolor jajajajaaj
Toni-9 +1
Buen relato, si que se transforman en putas heee jeje
juuli88 +1
no es de la nada, todo tiene un inicio 😛
gracias por pasar 😉
Muy bien relato y se entiende perfectamente xq son tan buenas amigas jaja,se entienden desde chica,+10
mca1900 +1
Esta perfecto! Sabes la de minas que se mueren x estar con 2 flacos ! Para mi, hiciste bien ! Que se la banque (o no....)
hay que saber aprovechar lo que se tiene antes de perderlo 😉
como me haces calentar nena!!!+10
genial! es la idea 😉
gracias por pasar!!
Exelente como todos sus relatos la putita cheta! jajaja
juuli88 +1
jaja gracias! 😉
Muy bueno, Juli... queremos mas. Te dejo 10p.
habra mas!! proximamente! 😉
gracias por pasar!
qué bien agus!!! empieza a mostrar que es toda una putita de pura cepa (?). Y eso que todavía no maneja a la perfección su don 😉 y no entregó la cola:o. Van 10
@juuli88 los años no vienen solos, jajajaja. Igual, entendiste, era lo importante. Ojalá allá más historias de batgirl con spidergirl 🙂
juuli88 +1
@Pablito1977 obvio que hay... y habra 😉
@juuli88 tiré "allá"... en qué estaba pensando???
Legolo +1
Hermosa, genial relato.. Aunque prefiero q sean tuyos.

Te dejo los +10

juuli88 +1
@Legolo jaja unos 700 km de diferencia nomas 😛
hoy se sale, a pesar del frio obvioooo
Legolo +1
@juuli88 las minas son muyy valientes, salir en mi falda o con shores cortitos con este frío, es terner lo q hay que tener jajajaja.

Y q son 700 km de diferencia 😛??

Estas en cap fed o x rosario??
@Legolo bs as!!
Endus +1
Me trague dos relatos al hilo y mi pija siempre al palo ahora espero a que llegue mi novia para descargar,
Me encanta como relatas
Te mando besos, tal vez algún día nos crucemos.
juuli88 +1
me alegro por tu novia!! y tambien me alegro que te hayas tragado los relatos, no es justo que sea yo la unica que traga aca 😛
Endus +1
Jajajaja sos terrible, hoy espero entrarle a un par de relatos más, te confieso que en la oficina arranque a leer uno pero tuve que abandonar me puse al palo y la verdad no daba para que me vieran así mis compañeras.
juuli88 +1
@Endus jaja siis, no da!! mejor en casa tranquilo. dedicame una jaja
shad_t +1
Sigo con la "sobredosis" me encantan. +10 a Agus le gusta en grupo la cosa con una sola no le alcanza no?
tengo que admitir, que es divertido cuando hay mas de dos 😉
tanno4 +1
te gusta putita, te gusta?? lo pronuncio de modo literario. tods en algun momento de nuestras vidas pensamos que esa frase esta buena decirla en ese momento??? que boludo, jajajajaa bueno en fin, aca continuando con tus relatos, muy bueno como siempre dejo puntos y gracias por compartir.
juuli88 +1
te estas poniendo al dia parece! jaja me alegro! gracias por pasar!!