Siempre te amaré...

It's over, I've accepted it. I'm in love.

I know, a good mistress never falls in love, but what am I going to do? It's not about a simple fling or whim. It's something much stronger and more intense, a heart-stopping arrow that blinds and confuses me.

For the first time, I'm seriously considering divorce.

The night I spent with Damián made me understand several things, the most important being that I want to be his woman, his wife, by his side at all times.

There are guys I get along with, whose sex is sublime and stimulating, like Cholo and Jorgito, but that's all we have in common. Just sex and then goodbye (well, more than one time for Cholo... haha). On the other hand, with Damián, sex is just a derivative of what we feel for each other.

Okay, without sex, we would never have met, I'm clear about that. But over time it became something much stronger, more romantic, more spiritual.

I don't think I'm wrong if I say that today we're not just having sex, but making love. That's what I feel in my body, intimacy, every fiber of my being... the sex with Damián is pure and genuine love. I love him and loving him makes my life a calvary because I can't be with him all the time. And I want to be by his side not just for him to make love to me whenever and wherever he wants, but to share moments, know everything about each other, be his as much as he is mine. And that hurts, it hurts not just in my heart but also in my soul.

At first, I tried to deny it. I'm a married woman with a toddler still in diapers. One thing is putting my husband's horns on some occasional lover, and another very different thing is cheating on him with someone I feel something much more intense and powerful than anything I've ever felt for him. That hurts because sex is just sex, but sex with love is something much more complicated, especially when one of the parties is tied to a relationship they can't escape.

I tried to get away From Damian, I tried once and a thousand times. He didn't return my messages, didn't answer his calls, until I slept with other men just to not be with him, but nothing worked. I've always considered family first, so I even thought about ending the relationship once and for all. Forget him and all those feelings that had me submerged in an endless abyss.

I called him and asked to meet up. We met at a café after work. He asked what was going on because I'd been avoiding him. And I told him:

I love you, but I can't love you, my husband, my son...- I couldn't finish, my voice cracks.

I don't want to cry, I don't want to show myself so weak.

I also love you, or did you think it was just sex? he continues.

That's why we should stop here, before one of us gets hurt, I insist.

If we stop now, both of us will get hurt, he assures me.

We kept talking, ordered another round of coffee, and I called my husband to tell him I was at a friend's place. The conversation had been going on for a while, and I didn't want it to end abruptly. Our time together deserved a beautiful ending.

I insisted that we should stop seeing each other, at least for a while, to see if what we felt was real.

Maybe it's best, he agreed.

It hurts that he accepts it so easily, without fighting, but also I think it's best, maybe time and distance...

But if we're going to leave each other, you can't deny me one last screw, he added quickly.

Did you understand a single word of what I said? I asked, surprised.

Yes, perfectly, that's why I think it's most appropriate to end like we started: by screwing, he insisted with a lascivious smile.

I agree with that too, it wasn't what I thought, but... being so close to him, at his mercy... I'm not made of steel and less when it comes to Damian.

One last screw, and then goodbye, I said.

Whatever you say, he agreed.

We went to a hotel that's just a couple of blocks away. cuadras, nothing spectacular, we don't need that either. We start as always, with kisses and caresses, those kisses that disarm me and those caresses that make my blood boil.

I suck his cock, he sucks my pussy, and when I start to feel that tongue that usually provokes chaos in me, I realize I won't be able to get rid of him so easily. It's my addiction, my preferred vice, with him I feel things I don't feel with anyone else, he transports me to a universe of sensations that no other man has ever taken me to.

I've had lovers who knew how to touch that intimate fiber that transcends the merely physical. Bruno, the father of my son, is one of them. But still, it's Damián who surpasses him.

I'm lying on my back, with my legs open, enjoying between hoarse gasps the delicious strokes he's tracing along my pussy... ah, I feel full, radiant, happy.

I grab his face with both hands and pull him towards me, kiss him wildly, passionately, savoring between his lips my own intimacy.

Without stopping kissing him, I grab his cock (hard, solid, hot), and place it between my thighs. I put myself on it, piece by piece, feeling like I'm recovering that part of my body that's missing to feel complete. I move my pelvis up and down, putting it all in, letting myself be filled by that vital pulsation that moves me to the very depths.

-Ahhhhhhh...!- I sigh deeply as he's all inside me.

How can I give that up? Do I have enough strength to deny myself what makes me so woman?

I'm not thinking about later, only about now, this moment when the man of my life is making love to me for the last time. I feel him entering and leaving, advancing and retreating, tracing over and over again my most hidden interiors. Has anyone ever reached where he reaches? Why do I feel things with him that I don't feel with anyone else? Love, it's the only explanation. The emotion more pure and intense than we can feel, the base on which our humanity is built.

While we make love, we kiss, intensely, juicily, we savor each other, we bite each other, we give ourselves to each other's tongue. My hands rise and fall enthusiastically all over her back, I claw at her, I scratch her, leaving my passion, my frenzy imprinted on her skin.

So that any other woman who comes after me can know that she was once mine.

I cling to her buttocks and push her against my body, simultaneously pushing myself against him, going in and out again and again, piercing myself into his flesh, groaning, panting, sighing, giving myself completely to that man who is so transcendental in my life.

I don't want anyone to take it away from me, I want it to stay always inside, where it belongs, in its natural place, filling me with the force of his virility.

- I love you... I love you...! - I gasp into her ear, receiving one after another the thrusts of pleasure.

I bite her earlobe, lick her face all over, and in a burst of passion, I turn to one side, now he's below and I'm above, my cock fully inserted into me.

- I feel you so much... mmmmhhhhh...! - I say between sighs, while I start moving up and down, making love with... love, precisely.

Her hands take hold of my breasts, she kneads them, pinches them, palms them, grabs one with each hand, takes them to her mouth and sucks them with frenzy. She spits on each nipple and bites it, sucks it, savors it avidly, letting him ride me at his own pace, neither fast nor slow, with the just cadence so that we both reach climax at the same time.

We don't even have to say anything, each one knows when the other is about to come, and this wouldn't be an exception, since we reach the peak of the universe together, facing God, more united than ever. Melted into each other, fused, our essence merged. becoming one. -God... ahhhhhhh... ahhhhhhhh...!- feeling his sperm raining down on my intimacy is in itself a religious experience. The encounter of our souls, of our spirits, transcending the purely carnal. -I love you, I love you!- I keep telling him, collapsing between sighs over his body. We kiss again, juicy, intensely. He caresses my booty and squeezes me even closer to him, making me feel with greater fluidity the copious discharge. -Enjoy it, my love, because it's the last- he whispers in my ear. -It was very nice meeting you- I say before leaving the hotel, with tears in my eyes. -The same goes for me, too bad we can't keep going- he laments. -It's not that I don't want to, I'll explain it to you- I don't want to prolong the suffering, so I hurry him out, giving him a lukewarm kiss on the cheek and goodbye. It was beautiful while it lasted, but if I want to keep my family, I have to get away from him, no matter how much it hurts. As I walk away, I don't turn around, I don't want to cry like Magdalena and run back into his arms. The decision is already made. Goodbye Damian, I will always love you.

42 comentários - Siempre te amaré...

Gracias por estar... Besos
nena yo tengo un dicho de una gaseosa que lo plico a la vida abecés hay que animarse a mas sabelo
Si no tuviera al Ro me animaría a mucho mas, no tengas dudas... Besos
@maritainfiel lo se pero nada es un impedimento contra algo fuerte nena sabelo
naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa impresionante como siempre!!! van puntos y varias pajas en tu honor jajaajaj
Jajaja... gracias por los puntos y las pajas... Besos
15x3 +1
la verdad muy motivo tu relato y como lo contaste eso es amor del puro en su mayor puresa
lamento el final pero eso te dar fuerza
¡¡¡¡¡Es mejor amar y aver perdido que nunca aver amado!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mas claro echale agua... gracias... Besos
Muy bueno debe ser duro, pero no tenes q dejar las andadas
Lo intente varias veces pero las andadas no puedo dejarlas... jaja... lo que si tengo que evitar enamorarme para no complicar las cosas... Besos
@maritainfiel Espero poder cruzarme en tus andadas 😉 besos.
que buen relato!!! combinacion de amor y sexo!!! excelente, dejo +3 y nueva reco como en el anterior que leí hace un rato, gracias por compartir
Gracias a vos... Beso
y a veces andar por ahi tiene sus riesgos y enamorarse es uno de ellos.....
igual capaz que intuye tu marido de esto, hablalo, por ahi te quedas con ambos. Siglo 21 todo es posible. +3
Jaja... ojala fuera tan facil... Besos
si te sirve de algo creo que hiciste bien... una cosa es el sexo la calentura, cuando se mezclan los sentimientos hay que cortar, y tomaste la decision correcta, tu familia antes que nada.
Tenes razon, asi que ahora solo calentura... jaja... Beso
Wow, Que fuerte desicion @maritainfiel, no puedo decir si fue buena o mala, amabas a Damian, es amor, pero también tienes una familia... Ojala Todo pase pronto y que lo que venga sea lo mejor para ti, Un beso hermosa.
Espero que sea lo mejor, gracias... Beso
buenas tardes;
marita desde hace mucho tiempo sigo tus historias , desde ya que todas son excelentes en todo sentido !!! su redacción y contenido...
pero este es especial, emotivo y me toca de lleno xq me pasa algo similar con una mujer con la que salgo desde hace un año y 1/2 ..

te dejo puntos y un fuerte abrazo
j.m.b + 8
Muchas gracias, Besos
Mmmmm...que difícil tomar esa decisión de tener que dejar a quién se ama, y que más encima te hace el amor como nadie, porque estás atada a otra persona, hay que ser muy valiente para tomar una decisión así!! +10 muy merecidos querida!!

Siempre te amaré...
creo que estas para el premios cervantes por como escribis tus relatos y armas el cuento tan bien que me dejas intrigado hasta el proximo capitulo...excelente pluma y gran escritura...muy buen relato...
separate y ahorrale a tu marido tantos cuernos por lo menos
Y cual seria el problema de divorciarte? Para que seguis con tu marido si no lo amas, es por las apariencias?
El problema es que toda la family de mi marido son abogados, asi que en un divorcio la que va a salir perdiendo soy yo... Besos
excelenteeee!!! solo los que vivimos algo asi lo entendemos... no es el caso de nano evidentemente... van 10, besos bombon
Ya te fue uno para el interior, al que le hubieras dado todo mi dulce. Este es el segundo. Aun permanece el sentimiento de primero o acabado el sexo, se diluyo el "amor". Quizas, por ese lado tenes la respuesta Marita hermosa. Como siempre, lo tuyo es sublime. Puntos y besos para vos
woww nena que tormento en tu corazón y que triple en el bocho , pero a veces el solo sexo con otra persona pasa los limites de lo racional y pasa a ser otra cosa , , te deseamos lo mejor , una buena charla con tu pareja y llevarlo a tu mundo puede mejorar las cosas , van pts , nuestros mejores deseos
no es mi caso no estoy casado pero no veo cual seria el problema de divorciarse
No lo termine de leer, pero quedate con tu flia, siempre lo primero, busca calentarte con tu marido fantasea con el y no detras de el. Vas a ser mucho mas feliz y te vas a sentir completa sin nada que ocultar. Me gusta leerte pero no me gustaria que fueras mi mujer. 🙂
muy buen relato,
a mi mujer le hacia el amor , a mis amigas solo sexo, hoy despues de 4 años de estar viudo te digo que solo tengo sexo.
Ama como puedas, ama a quien puedas, ama todo lo que puedas. No te preocupes de la finalidad de tu amor. Nervo.
Solo es cuestion de amar Marita y si hay algun juicio al respecto, hay que dar las gracias, que como humano, eso nos excede; Buen relato. .
Y por qu'e adios Damián? En esta no estoy de acuerdo. Evidentemente por tu marido no sentís nada (salvo estar con él por la familia, el nene). Creo que no es lo mejor para vos ni tampoco para tu marido. Ambos no merecen este momento. Igual, la historia es bien calentita, digna de vos @maritainfiel.
Creo que michos de los que te seguimos compartimos la idea de que dejes a tu marido y vayas con Damian
simplemente la mejor .............. mañana te dejo puntos diosa besosssssss !!!!!!! 🤘
Tus relatos son fabulosos como siempre... Me encanta leerte y estas entre mis favoritas. No puedo negar que sin conocerte te has convertido en una especie de "amiga".

No me considero un troll, para nada... Pero lamento no poder expresar o sentir lo que muchos aqui te han escrito... Lo siento de veras, pero permitime darte mi opinion...

Pero por lo que interpreto de las señales que has contado en tu relato, Damián no te ama, solo busco siempre coger contigo.

Obviamente le gustas y se calienta mucho contigo, pero sinceramente dudo realmente que pueda o quiera amarte, no sos lo que un hombre "normal" desearia tener a su lado para siempre y él lo sabe...

Tal como siempre nos has pintado a Damian en tus relatos, siempre me parecio un ser sencillo, bueno, simpatico, pero al mismo tiempo no demasiado evolucionado y especial como para pensar de manera diferente al normal de los de mi mismo sexo, pero bueno, a lo mejor estoy equivocado.

Respecto a lo de que no queres/podes divorciarte, me imagine vagamente el motivo y en tus respuestas lo confirme... Jejeje... 😉 Vivis una vida muy placentera, Marita... Disfrutala y no te enganches sentimentalmente con nadie, porque seguramente saldrás perdiendo.

Un saludo respetuoso y con la mejor buena onda para mi escritora erótica favorita... 😉
No soy de comentar, pero como hombre me paso algo parecido a vos recientemente, y solo se que el tiempo dira si fue la decision correcta...un beso grande
eres maravillosa en tus relatos y lo que mas me gusta es lo puta que eres
creo que a tu lado no soy nada, me gustaria saber como sos animate a una fotito
solo una, deseosa de estar a tu lado preciosa asi no tenga japi, te haria y rico 69
que putada, tambien me ha pasado eso de separarme de la persona a quien amo, claro que la pase muy bien con otras mujeres, pero nunca fue la misma sensacion, ni de cerca, , por cierto buenos relatos, me acabo de leer todos , son mis favoritos de lejos en poringa
Nenaaaa ay te felicito por lo que escribiste, si esta historia es real o no no lo se pero se sintió tan intima y llena de sentimientos... Sin dudas elegir es muy difícil, y doloroso... Pero bueno lo mas loco del mundo es que nunca se sabe como pueden terminar las cosas... Es genial como el tiempo nos puede sorprender... Beso y felicitaciones!
Wow, buenas, no soy de comentar relatos, pero este se sintio el sentimiento de dejar eso q tanto se quiere.
Pero bueno, asi nomas es la vida Marita, pero dicen que despues del tormento llega el sol.
Un gil es tipo..como te va a dejar así sin pelear
me paso lo mismo pero al reves. sumale a eso la distancia porque vivimos a 500 km yo casado ella con pareja, en mi caso yo fui vos
Si lo amas tanto te convendría dejar a tu marido xq a la larga va a ser peor para los 4 (vos, tu marido, Damian y tu hijo). O eso le diria a la persona que le paso