I'll tell my life part 37

This is what I came up with:

This is going to be something that happened to me about a month ago, and it made me realize that I don't always do what I want and can't play with everyone at my own pleasure.

It turns out that one afternoon I get home, dressed normally in jogging clothes, and see Juan. He says come on, girl, I have something to show you and I follow him. He takes me to some dirty place and tells me I'm going to show you something. I said what do you want to show me?.

Do you know what HDP is? It drops its pants and says suck it, I told him he's crazy, who does he think I am? And he says he knows very well who I am and how I am, and that he won't just take me when I want him to!!!!!

The truth is, I got really cold, never in my life did I think Juan would do something like this!!!!! Because he knew I was trapped and wouldn't scream because it would cause a big scene!!! And I didn't want that to happen!!!

Then he said Juan, don't force it, it's okay, I won't look for more, but let's get out of here!! So I told him several times, but I saw his little thing didn't want me to leave. At one point Juan grabbed my hand and took me to his little thing, just touching it made it start to stop, and well... that's stronger than me, he started caressing it, and every time it was bigger, Juan pushed my head down, I obeyed and started sucking it slowly until I had it all in my mouth.

I was already wet, feeling dominated, feeling like someone's slut.

The thing is, he kept sucking it until I saw him sitting on a chair with a blanket, putting on a condom, and telling me to get on top of him!!!!

I was already played out, took off my jogging clothes, the bra, and so on, started riding him, he put his hand under my shirt, touched my tits, put one finger in my tiny ass, I got really hot, really hot, flying from the heat of feeling so slutty!! Didn't know Juan was going to take me again!!! Until we both finished!!!.

With a face like an ass, without saying anything, I dressed and left. The night was for my shit, I was so angry, because I like to take it when I want!!!, who do you think you are??? What's going to make me take it every time I want!!!, not sir, not that way!!!, so hot (I was so angry I almost didn't sleep)

The next day, I get up, shower and go talk to him, wanted to leave things clear!!!

Downstairs, he starts talking to me, and says no baby, we can't talk here, let's go to the storage room, I say no, not even in hell will I go back there, and he says then don't talk, someone might appear, it's dangerous, and I say okay, let's talk here!!, I was angry

We enter that storage room and he says what's wrong girl??? and I say the same thing again, and Juan says don't mess with me, I'm a big guy, you're just a slut girl, who wants to play with him, you have to learn he's not one of those guys who takes it when they want, and all that

And suddenly he puts his hand (on the jogging) in my pussy!!!!! Like that!!! I couldn't believe it!!! How is he going to touch my pussy like that!!!!, and not only that, he was already applying pressure,

I tell Juan get out!! And he says he likes it, and I say no Juan no, and he keeps saying if you like it then let him touch your pussy, you're a very slutty girl, yesterday you got really hot when I took it, I love getting taken, and kept saying all those disgusting things and I was already getting hot, with my voice already interrupted I said no Juan no please but the way he kept going, and put his hand in there after taking off the jogging and saw that my pussy liked it, it was all wet, and he put a finger in, the only thing I could say was Juan please no, but my interrupted tone of voice said something else.

After all that force he has, he lifts me up, sits me on a wobbly table, takes off my pants and underwear and starts licking my pussy, I was already given over, because it's not like he was sucking it, he was taking it with his tongue!!!, and squeezing my legs!!! He's very rough!!!, and kept saying I'm a slut, a thousand times he told me so...

Until I didn't give in. more, and I said YES JUAN I'M A slut COME ON, COME ON, she takes off her pants, puts on a condom and gets in me, really rough, gives me several thrusts and keeps saying 'like this, like this you like it slut' I was telling him yes, I was saying yes to everything, my legs were up, so he could get in deep, I wanted to feel her all the way inside, didn't need to make a big show jeje until we finished, and then!!!, I covered my mouth so no one would hear!!! When we finished, and I was getting dressed, he says 'girl, let's see if you learn, with me you don't play around, I have lots of experience, you're just a little girl who becomes a slut, I won't mess around with you again, today was to teach you' How silly and what a slut made me feel!!!, I went downstairs to the porter's office and got caught up again!!!!, until I ended up asking him to get in me again!!!

25 comentários - I'll tell my life part 37

voy a pedir el puesto de portero de tu edificio jaja
@barrionorte1991 nah, es un verdadero placer. Ya voy a postear un par de relatos que estoy retocando ya que no soy tan bueno redactando. Me gustaría que puedas pasar y leerlos.
Si querés pasá por casa y los leemos juntos jejeje
dale, cuando quieras voy a tu casa y los leemos juntos!!!!! q buena idea!!!!!! jaja
@barrionorte1991 si si, hay que hacer la reconstrucción de los hechos!
aaayyy!! como te cabiooo!!! te dejo puntitos, muy calentito el relato! 😉
gracias linda, besotes
que buen relato, ojala te tuviera d e vecina jaja
segui asi cojiendo y posteando van puntos y te sigo
Espectacular! linda foto de perfil!!
gracias bb, c esa pollerita lo volvi loco al portero jaja
buen relato te dejo puntos y un beso putita
Me dejaste la pijita dura estoy arriba de la chata viajando y leyendo tu relato me mato+4
Que lindo como te garchó el portero!!! y te gustó nena no pares seguí que tus relatos son bien calientes
gracias x leerme, besitos
Hermoso relato me gustaria conocerte besitos
Como te gusta ser la putita, como calentas, es terrible, sos tremenda. Ya te dije que vengas a Santa Fe jajaja
y si, me gusta portarme como una putita y q se vuelvan locos conmigo jeje, esta mal????
@barrionorte1991 como va a estar mal? Al contrario, me encanta y me volves loco jaja.
estas hermosa en esa foto como para no querer cogerte. IMPOSIBLE
epaaaaa, no es para tanto!!! jeje
Cómo Siempre MeDejas Re Al Palo.. Te Dejo Mi Ultimo Punto. Ahora Boy A Seguir Con Todos Tus Otros Relatos, YA Que Hace Tiempo No Andaba X Aqui..
gracias hermoso
me lo prestas al portero??? asi me recoje!!! q placerrrrrrrrrrr
jaja gracias x leerme, besitos
Esta bárbaro lo que te hizo el portero. Es para que aprendas que con todos los hombres no se puede jugar, porque no todos somos iguales. Igual como siempre terminas gozando con cualquier pijita jaja
Ves, que toda acción tiene su consecuencia, y aquí en realidad libraste bien porque el portero no querrá perder su trabajo, solo dominarte un poco. Pero deberías tomar algunas precauciones más.
Hola amor, volvi a leer este relato y te dedique una buena paja...
Me encanta como te dominó tu portero.
Y encima te regale mis puntos del dia de hoy. TE AMO PENDEJA
estos relatos con el encargado del edificio me re ponen al palo, con solo imaginarte cogiendo en un lugar asi todo sucio me pongo re loco, sos un perra linda
a mi tb me ponía re loca, me daba mucha adrenalina, x eso lo hacia, y me calentaba mucho!!!!
Q suertudoooooooooooooooo este Sr. Juan "Y después piden paritarias,aumentos" jejejeje
Besitos 🐬
jaja no se xq, a lo mejor vos me entendes, pero tenia algo, seria lo prohihido, q sin tirarme de nada, la pendeja chetita del 5º se dejaba cojer x el portero, pero todo eso me calentbam q me cogiera en ese cuarto roñoso, me entendes??? o estoy r loca. A lo me mejor ,lo hice todo por rebeldia y calentona, puede ser, , a lo mejor hablamos esto por MP, t parece???, chee sos una genia no haces mas q leer todo lo que cuento!!!!!!, besitos
@barrionorte1991 Pendex esos comentarios please por MP !!!!! SIP
Dale bsitos Mg
@tabi2771 dale x eso t decia x MP, pero soy pendeja y a veces hablo de mas jeje
Menos mal que te fuiste a vivir a otra parte jajajj