If you like what we do, click on the legend '@angieyruben' that appears below or press the 'Follow User' button next to our avatar.
In these times where it seems that the poringa girls category is more for promoting the 'attributes' of the girls' partners or well, the posts are actually a 'classified ad' of the poringa girl in question who is 'on offer' so people can do this or that to her, we want to pay homage to the classic poringa girls post where the woman shows herself for what she is and how she is, without needing any addition or 'hook' for visitors. Also leaving you a couple of hot videos and several super hot GIFs as a bonus !!! We hope the post will please you just like it pleases us, since we enjoy doing it 😉[/swf]
[/swf]Let's share, comment, support, and make this wonderful Community better every time[/swf]
[/swf]Now we start with action. Kisses and lamiditas and Let's shine my love!!![/swf]
Angie starts showing you her tits and her pussy!!![/swf]

































Now it's time to give Angie a kick in the butt![/swf]













The hottest poses for the end!!![/swf]

























We're closing with the promised 'yapa'! Angie's GIFs and videos!!! Don't miss them!!![/swf]











If you liked it, recommend the Post to your followers by pressing 'Share on P'[/swf]
Do you want more? Did they stay hot? Tell us if you liked it!!! We hope you enjoyed it and got as hot as we did making this game!!! Let's shine, my love!!! Kisses and Lamiditas!!![/swf]
Don't forget to comment or send Private Message, we love what you say. We value all and each of your comments and reward them by commenting. We think we'll keep contributing with our posts and comments because we believe that both ways make Poringa and contribute to generating that unique spirit this Page has, which sets it apart from all the others in the world with their content.[/swf]
[/swf]We ask everyone who passes by any post to value the effort that means sharing and setting it up. This is not just for those of us in the poringa girls category, but many law-abiding posters who take a lot of work and dedicate many hours to setting up impressive posts that appear in other categories (Images, Videos, Stories, etc), sometimes receive only a handful of comments from those wonderful commentators who are always there, and no one else recognizes their dedication and effort to make Poringa a unique and extraordinary place.[/swf]
[/swf]Thanks to all because they make us feel part of this extraordinary community that is Poringa.[/swf]

213 comentários - Angie, el "clásico" de las Poringueras
Gracias por compartir. Saludos! 👍
Excelente como siempre
Nos adherimos al comentario sobre los post de Poringueras, lamentamos también la "chatura" en que han caído la mayoría de ellos.
Van 10, aplausos y besos
Reina, tremendo post !!! vale mas que los +10
Eu amo muito tua buceta!
PD gracias por avisarme en el muro de diez
Una clasica delicia
Uno ve cientos de poringueras!, y entonces esta mujer sensual, sexy, sexual, inmensamente bella hace este tipo de post... y te das cuenta
Porque fue es y sera absolutamente la reina de poringa!!
Sublime angie!!!.... sos unica!!!
La rubia... cada dia mas sensual... mas hermosa...
Ojalá los demas entiendan y apliquen el consejo que les das de raiz en el post.
Diosa indiscutida Angie!!! sos nustra locura Amiga 🤤
Como me calienta tu cuerpo!.
+10, compartir y paja!
UNICA... Besos
👏 👏
Angie DIVINA! no puedo creer lo bonita que estás!!!...el tiempo para vos juega en reversa!
Tu cuerpo está impresionante y tu cara bellisima!
Comparto todo lo que decís de la categoría Poringueras!
Esperaba un post tuyo que hiciera honor a una sección que como bien comentas varió y hoy parece que se usa para esas cosas que citas.
👏 👏 👏
Te repito...