50 Posiciones Sexuales Contra la Monotonía

The monotony is the worst enemy of the Couple; and that also applies to sexual relations. Experimenting, changing, and not stopping having fun is the most important thing. That's why we present here 50 sexual positions or postures to get out of routine. In each one, the details are described: procedure for practicing the sexual position or posture, advantages and disadvantages of it, Photos and Images, and Videos.

Among the most outstanding sexual positions, we find: Bee Union, Eagle Union, Perfect Alignment Posture, Lovers' Union, Amazon Posture, Andrómaco Posture, Antelope Union, Fruit Tree Posture, Balance Posture, Swing Posture, Bamboo Posture, Boa Union, Plow Posture, Slut Union, Scissors Posture, Courtesan Posture, Crab Union, Spoon Postures, Missionary Dance, Goddess Union, Elephant Union, Emu Union, Anvil Posture, Star Posture, Great Opening, Frog Union, Oyster Union, Indra Posture, Lotus Posture, Wolf Union, Moon Posture, Missionary Posture, Butterfly Union, Swallow Union, Octopus Union, Pillar Posture, Reed Posture, Cane Posture, Willow Posture, Scorpion Union, Suspended Union, Stem Posture, Tiger Union, Turtle Union, Cow Union, Ying and Yang Posture, Mounting Posture, Cart Posture, Rod Posture, Junco Posture, Monkey Union.TO KNOW IN DETAIL THOSE POSTURES CLICK ON THE NEXT BUTTON:

50 Posiciones Sexuales Contra la Monotonía

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