Sexual Alchemy (6th Part)

The Inner Balance. Finding a balance and unity between our own masculine and feminine energies is an important task. It's necessary to balance the masculine way of being, highly rational, intelligent, and unexpressive, with the feminine, irrational, emotional, expressive, and often hysterical. In this way, we have all the qualities of both energies. Both masculine and feminine energy in isolation result in pathology. We must maintain a balance. Only when we manage ourselves properly with both energies and manifest them comfortably can we act appropriately at all times. At an emotional moment one is there to feel it, and in an intellectual exchange also prepared to understand it. Only when one is conscious of their inner unity are they capable of finding their divinity. If the male visitors of this page want to avoid their rapid journey towards disease and death, they need to know the natural laws. Sexual alchemy is a path that teaches us how to use sexuality to achieve health and longevity before destruction. The fundamental elements in the practice of this inner alchemy are balance, harmony, and the union of opposites. For a man to cultivate his masculine powers, he must nourish his masculine essence by absorbing and exchanging feminine essence. When the man and woman freely surrender to sexuality, exchanging their bodily fluids and breathing each other's breath, it occurs as if fire and water combine in perfect proportions, so neither can defeat the other. The man and woman must flow and reflux during coitus like ocean waves and currents, first one way, then the other, but always in harmony with natural laws. In this way, they can continue all night, constantly nourishing and preserving their precious vital essence, curing all '... males and favoring a long life. Without this basic harmony of masculine and feminine energies, neither the most powerful nor the most potent aphrodisiacs will do anything to heal or recover sexual activity. If vital essences dry up due to excessive semen emission or complete neglect, they can never be revived again. When sex is practiced according to alchemical principles, it becomes more than an exhausting test, but a boundless source of energy, like a well that never runs dry. However, sex can also drown when one doesn't know how to stay 'afloat' during coitus. That's why it's so necessary to understand all these aspects we're discussing in 'general knowledge'.
Attaining balance. Einstein received his Theory of Relativity intuitively (feminine) and had the mathematical ability to express it intellectually (masculine). This is true genius. Breathing through Ida and Pingala simultaneously balances the use of the left and right cerebral hemispheres. This is called double breathing. One learns to balance energies by practicing union breathing, one of the most important techniques on the path to Cosmic Consciousness. When illumination occurs, these two hemispheres, which had been operating separately until then, undergo a neurological transformation. A set of nerves gets activated to connect and allow communication between them, enabling cooperative work rather than alternating work. Any physical illness or mental disorder indicates an imbalance between masculine and feminine energies. Restoring balance represents great curative value. It is necessary to breathe consciously and alternately through both nasal passages. Normally, a person breathes around 15 times per minute, or 11,000 times a day. When breathing, the nasal passages alternate naturally, with one of them being more open and dominant approximately every 45 minutes. During the day, there is a greater flow of prana to the energy pathways of the brain. The concentrated flow descends along the right side of the spine and is solar. At midday, prana ascends on the left side and is lunar. This is because the first six periods of the day are controlled by the Sun, and the following six by the Moon. Therefore, noon and midnight are the two moments of greatest balance between solar and lunar pranic currents, when there is a greater flow of Kundalini through Sushumna. The best moments to perform the Cosmic Cobra Respiratory Meditation. We can control the energy that manifests by choosing one channel or another. If we want to be more intuitive, we must block the right side of the nose with a finger or a piece of cotton and breathe exclusively through the left nostril. If you need to be more aggressive, we have to breathe only through the right nostril. Also, sitting down, you can turn your head to the right to stimulate the left side, and vice versa. In the same way, we can suppress the active nostril by pressing directly with the thick finger on the main nerve in the armpit of the active side. Another technique for opening both nasal fossae simultaneously is to make a scissors movement with your legs. Lying down face down, lift your feet and oscillate them outward until you feel a small tug, then bring them back in the opposite direction, the left foot towards the right and the right foot towards the left. Repeat it for 5 or 10 minutes. Not only will the nasal fossae be balanced, but also the congested sinuses will open. By controlling the flow of breath, we also control the manifestation of Kundalini/Shakti (life force) in our body. The depth of Complete Breathing, Union Breathing, and Charging Breathing, performed before Cobra Breathing, loads the respiratory, nervous, venous, and meridian systems with vital force. This increases the ability of cells to infuse more prana and expel more waste products, which in turn produce a more energetic and prolonged life. Respiratory techniques unite mental faculties of consciousness with vital energy flows in our bodies. By becoming aware of breathing, it changes on its own. Its rhythm slows down and becomes longer and deeper to flood the subtle energy circuits (nadies) with the fiery essence of Kundalini. Learn to be more aware of breathing, we become more aware of life.
Hormones and Health. In Eastern philosophies, sexuality is considered sacred, in Western civilization, also at another time, it was similarly recognized as the sacred nature of sexuality, as demonstrated by the name given to the region of the body that governs sexual reproduction: the sacro. Throughout our adult life, our sexual organs and hormones exercise a profound and decisive influence on thought and behavior. Literally push men and women to throw themselves into each other's arms to ensure the propagation of the species, and this impulse is so powerful and urgent that it completely overrides the instinct of personal security and survival. When they are in love, man and woman are capable of defying death and facing social conventions in order to unite and make love. The word love, of course, is a Western euphemism to describe something close to lust, which, despite its negative connotations in the West, is considered a natural sign of health and vitality in the East. The adrenal glands are the main regulators of sexual potency, especially in men. These glands, which cover the upper part of both kidneys like sentry hats, receive in the West the name of adrenal glands. Adrenal glands, also known as suprarenal cortex, produce various hormones of vital importance for different metabolic processes and biological functions. Both in one sex and the other, adrenal hormones include small but physiologically significant amounts of androgens (male hormones) and a relatively minute amount of estrogens (female hormones). These sexual hormones, or essences masculine and feminine, regulate the secretions of all other sexual glands, such as ovaries, testicles, and prostate, and also influence the secretions of... glands pituitary, pineal, and thyroid. What's important here is not the quantity, but the balance of these microscopic elements of masculine and feminine essence. Insufficient secretion of androgens in a man, for example, translates to decreased sexual impulse and potency. In a woman, excessive secretion of androgens can produce virilizing effects such as facial hair growth and breast reduction. Thus, one of the main objectives of alchemical sexual regimes is to favor the secretion of masculine and feminine hormones and maintain their optimal balance. In 1974, the Max Planck Institute in Munich (Federal Republic of Germany) conducted a study on the effects of a series of moderately erotic films on a group of healthy men aged 21-34. After half an hour of projection, 75% of the subjects showed a significant increase in testosterone levels in the blood, establishing a clear relationship between sexual excitement and hormonal secretion. Subsequent research revealed that men with high levels of testosterone, high numbers of spermatozoa, and dense and viscous semen were completely immune to many current contagious diseases and highly resistant to others, while subjects with low levels of testosterone and spermatozoa and with watery and diluted semen only possessed partial resistance to diseases in general and were highly vulnerable to numerous specific diseases. Another well-known fact by Western science is that women have always had greater immunity and resistance to disease than men, recovering faster from illnesses and often living a longer life. The ravages of aging are due to the gradual decrease in hormone production and the dissipation of vital energy. As the essence is the root of the alchemical plant, the energy is the 'stem' and the spirit is the 'flower', it's known that it's possible to cultivate the whole plant by only taking care of its roots, which are composed of blood, bile, enzymes, hormones, and other forms of 'essence'. Of all these elements that constitute the essence, it's the hormones that exercise the most profound and intense physiological influence even in the smallest quantities, and of all the ways to cultivate the essence, it's disciplined sexual relations that favor production of hormones and endocrine balance. While sexual excitement is always one of the most effective methods to stimulate production of these vital hormones in both men and women, women possess additional mechanisms such as menstruation and pregnancy to stimulate hormone production even in the absence of sexual relations. Men, on the other hand, do not have these alternative mechanisms, and for them the only way to stimulate hormone production is through sexual relation. As a person ages, it's obvious that sexual relations become increasingly important as a form of preventive therapy against disease and decline. When the secretions of the 'kidney glands' remain elevated through disciplined sexual relations without ejaculation, they enter the bloodstream, circulate throughout the body, and prevent hair loss, skin wrinkles, poor muscle tone, arthritis, rheumatism, impotence, and other age-related disorders. The question of sexual relations in old age should not have social or moral tints; it's a matter of life and health. A study conducted in the United States revealed that frequent sexual relations significantly alleviate chronic rheumatic pains in elderly couples, as they stimulate cortisone secretion in the cortex adrenal. The adrenal cortex is the gland most directly influenced by sexual excitement. On the other hand, according to Western science, excessive coitus inhibits adrenal function in men. Since in Western medical and sexual terminology the word coitus also includes ejaculation, we see that the argument that excessive ejaculation harms the kidney glands is essentially correct.
Multiple Orgasms. Perhaps you have already experienced multiple orgasms. Although it may seem surprising, many men are multiorgasmic before entering adolescence and starting to ejaculate. More than half of pre-teen boys can have their second orgasm shortly after the first, and almost a third can have up to five orgasms or more, one after another. You can reach climax without ejaculation. But multiple orgasms are not limited to pre-teens. There are also men over thirty years old who can achieve these results. Some men may inhibit semen emission while experiencing orgasmic contractions: in other words, they have orgasms without ejaculating. Such orgasms do not seem to be followed by a refractory period (loss of erection), allowing these men to have multiple orgasms like women. The majority of men lose the ability to be multiorgasmic possibly because for many of them the experience of ejaculation is so intense that it eclipses the orgasm, making them unable to distinguish between the two. A multiorgasmic man described his first ejaculation: I still remember it clearly. I was having an orgasm, which was usual, but this time a sudden burst of white liquid came out of me. I thought I was dying. I swore to God that I would never masturbate again, a promise that lasted about a day. Since orgasm and ejaculation occur just a few seconds apart, it is very easy to confuse them. To become multiorgasmic, you must learn (or perhaps relearn) to separate the different sensations of excitement and enjoy the orgasm without crossing the climax of ejaculation. Understanding that orgasm and ejaculation are two different things will help you distinguish them in your body. Orgasm is one of the most satisfying human experiences, and if you have ever enjoyed it (almost all men) men have done it), you don't need me to define it. But not all orgasms originate in the same way. The orgasm is slightly different for each person and even different for the same person at different times. Despite this, male orgasms share certain common characteristics: rhythmic bodily movements, increased pulse rate, muscular tension, and subsequent sudden release of tension including pelvic contractions. It's also very pleasurable. Although sexual processes are the least understood, orgasm includes involuntary rhythmic contractions of the anal sphincter, hyperventilation (increased respiratory rate), tachycardia (increased heart rate), and an increase in blood pressure. The described changes occur throughout the body. However, for a long time, orgasm has been (and still is for many men) strictly genital. But orgasm affects the entire body, not just the genitals. In the East, it has been known for a long time that orgasm affects the entire body and they have developed techniques to extend orgasmic pleasure. Currently, many researchers in the field of sexuality claim that orgasm has more to do with the brain than with muscular force. The investigation of brain waves is beginning to reveal that orgasm could occur fundamentally in that organ. The fact that one can have orgasms while sleeping (without physical contact) seems to confirm this theory, and stimulation of certain brain zones through electrodes produces a similar sexual pleasure to that produced by physical stimulation. Many sex therapists like to say that sex occurs in the brain. There is some truth to this statement, particularly when we're talking about orgasm. Unlike orgasm, which is an experience peak physically and emotionally, Ejaculation is a simple reflex that occurs at the base of the column and results in the expulsion of semen. Many men stay cold at the idea of an orgasm without ejaculation because they have lived sex with ejaculation for a long time, sometimes decades. First, they need to demystify this, as it's just an involuntary muscular spasm. With practice, it is possible to learn how to experience the climax of orgasm without activating the reflex of ejaculation. In this section, we will explain how to separate exactly the orgasm from the ejaculation and extend it throughout the body. Because men, like women, can have multiple orgasms. At rest, the male cardiac rhythm has a mean of about 70 beats per minute; during orgasm, the heart rate almost doubles, rising to 120 beats per minute; and after orgasm, the heart recovers its resting rhythm. Also, pelvic contractions (more obvious in involuntary anal tension movement) coincide with the increase in heart rate during orgasm. The sexual excitement graphs of multiorgasmic men are identical to those of multiorgasmic women. Perhaps men and women are more alike than we usually think. Evolutionarily, this similarity makes sense since male and female genital tissue originates from the same fetal tissue. Male and female sexuality are almost identical, and men can experience multiple orgasms like women. The average number of orgasms for multiorgasmic men in some scientific studies is four. Some have a minimum of two, and one may reach up to sixteen. In many studies, most men reported having between two and nine orgasms per session. However, it's important to mention that sexual alchemy doesn't rely on counting orgasms, but rather... Cultivate a healthy and satisfying sexuality and transmute sexual energy. This way, you can feel satisfied with one, three or sixteen orgasms. To cultivate sexuality means to delve deeper into bodily pleasure and increase the ability to intimate with your partner. Each person and every sexual experience is different, so the right number of orgasms will depend on the desire you and your companion have at that moment. When you become multiorgasmic, you won't have to worry about lasting longer or how many orgasms your partner has because both of you can have all the orgasms you want.

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