Oral sex and HIV

Well, we're here. First Post, so be patient and feel free to comment on what you want to comment on. I didn't born Poringa boy, I'm a user since less than a week if I remember correctly, and I'm trying to understand how this community works.

Considering, I want to stop being a newbie and become a type with all the law. Thinking, it occurred to me that as I don't have a Poringa girl to photograph and put in balls, what I had to do was take advantage of the moment and write something that serves. That's why I chose this topic because I'm very sure that many people are misinformed about it.

Oral sex is one of the best things that can happen. Giving and receiving. The cancer of this issue is that very few people are aware that HIV transmits through this medium.

I sent a quote from a site:

Studies on the risks of oral sex
The probability of HIV transmission from a HIV+ person to a HIV- person depends on the type of contact. HIV is transmitted more easily through unprotected anal or vaginal sex and sharing drug injection devices.

Although it has been proven that oral sex is less risky than these other practices, it still carries some risks. Through oral sex, you can also contract other sexually transmitted diseases (such as syphilis, herpes, and gonorrhea).

Read? The problem isn't just HIV, but a significant amount of viruses that transmit other pests that can leave you looking like the Olmedo pasture against the floor when you ate the grass.

In short, my idea is that we're all in this together, we love to fuck, look at booties, make them and drink from others' nectar, but we have to do it with a lot of care. It no longer matters if it's for ourselves, maybe also thinking about the people around us, and cutting off these Pests. Be careful people, don't be forros! And well, when I get a girl with vibe I'll take some photos and send them, whether they're wearing clothes or not 😉 (And if any vibe girl wants to help me put up photos, come on, I've got the camera 🙎‍♂️ ) Saludos and thanks for the good vibe!

16 comentários - Oral sex and HIV

los novatos no recibimos puntos.. si, bastante injusto..
qe bueno hacer un parentesis en esta pagina 😃
muy buena data 😉
Buena info pero tengo una duda... Si le acabo en la cara a una mina infectada de HIV, me contagio yo???

Jajaja, nunca supe...
Me arme este usuario con la finalidad de poder ver post privados,estaba buscando algo relacionado con el sexo oral,ya que tuve relaciones con la mas puta de otro barrio,y no tuve mejor idea que chuparsela,la muy puta despues me conto que estuvo minimo con 5 flacos,y no paro de pensar que puedo llegar a tener algo por culpa de ella,que mina forra,encima le vino,con eso la completo,bue,y ahora que leo eso del sexdo oral,estoy cagado hasta las patas,y estoy pensando seriamente en ánalisis de HIV,y ahora mas que leo esto...Saludos.
Bien loco info asi es buena para todos
error: si quien esta en actitud pasiva tiene alguna carie o lastimadura con perdida de sangre puede haber contagio. de lo contrario la relacion semen-sistema digestivo no genera transmision de HIV.
chau cuidense
Hay un chat para personas hiv+ entra y conversa con nosotros, sacate todas tus dudas, la direccion es http://www.serpositivochat.com.ar/
Una pregunta, ¿si a mi me practica sexo oral una persona infectada, me puede transmitir el virus?
+10. Yo ya lo sabia pero es bueno que otras personas lo sepan, chupar o que te la chupen es tan contagioso como el sexo vaginal o anal si preservativos. Por eso si queres un pete de una locotona a ponerse un forro. Saludos
solo si hay heridas sangrantes.tiene mucho que ver la carga viral,y se deben dar ciertas condiciones,pero igual hay que cuidarse mucho,tambien hay otyras enfermedades que pueden contagiarse.buenas cogidas y suerte,