Hoy nos visita una bella chica guatemalteca con gustos por ambos sexos y un gusto muy particular pero que sera Ella quien no los cuente con ustedes @Enmajaz
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Pako (pakogt83): What's your name, where are you from and how old are you ? Lilith Sagas: Well I'm called Enma, I'm from Guatemala and I'm 29 years old Pako (pakogt83): What are your measurements ? Lilith Sagas: Actually I'm a bit chubby right now, they're 110-85-115 Pako (pakogt83): How about if we see you in a picture ? Lilith Sagas:
Pako(pakogt83): Do you have a husband, partner, boyfriend or simply enjoy your singleness? Lilith Sagas: I'm just enjoying my singleness for now. Pako (pakogt83): What brings you to Poringa? Lilith Sagas: To be honest, I've been here on P for a long time, originally because it gave me curiosity about pronae more combinations with words because I originally knew Goringa (the dark one of Taringa) and then I stayed for the morbidness. Pako (pakogt83): So you're a morbosa girl? Lilith Sagas: Well, it can be said that yes haha
Pako (pakogt83): How is the treatment in Porninga? Do they call you many adjectives? Lilith Sagas: The truth is quite well, because many call me Goddess, queen, etc, around here some call me slut and so on (although I'm honest I'm not much into the submissive role so that last one doesn't appeal to me) Pako (pakogt83): So you like being dominant? Lilith Sagas: The truth is I'm versatile but since I refer to the submissive who likes to be treated badly, that's what I mean, it's not my thing Pako (pakogt83): I understand Lilith Sagas: But if you want to take the initiative, I think it's great Pako (pakogt83): What type of lingerie do you like to wear Enma? Lilith Sagas: Well, mostly I prefer to use comfortable and normal underwear, so to speak I'm not into much extravagance Pako (pakogt83): Could we see some examples? Lilith Sagas:
Pako(pakogt83): That's what you say is comfortable but maybe something more sexy too? Lilith Sagas: Well, I'm a bit extreme so either I use it or not haha, almost never wear thongs or very provocative lingerie but I must have some old photos where I had something sexier let me see
Pako (pakogt83): What do you like most about your body for yourself? Lilith Sagas: I'm being honest, I don't have a part that I love in particular. But if I had to say something, I'd say I know I have good butt cheeks jajaja
Pako (pakogt83): You can see in those photos And you have small breasts, judging by what we can see in your photos, right? Lilith Sagas: Yes, I'm really small-breasted. Pako (pakogt83): But we can still see them, right? Lilith Sagas:
Pako(pakogt83): Little more not leaving to be pretty and appetizing jejeje Lilith Sagas: Thanks Pako(pakogt83): Now as Enma in person, in her daily life? Lilith Sagas: Well I wouldn't know much to say that, suppose something antisocial maybe jajaja
Pako (pakogt83): Do you like boys, girls, both? Lilith Sagas: Both actually I've always been of the idea that if someone likes you, it doesn't matter if they're
Pako (pakogt83): What catches your attention in a person?. Both physically and personality ? Lilith Sagas: Well, mainly that they know how to converse because it doesn't come easily to me and if the other one doesn't either then it's like it's not going to happen haha Physically in men I like them to be taller than me although it's not that easy in my country And neither too fat nor too thin (that applies to girls too) Pako (pakogt83): How tall are you? Lilith Sagas: I am 174 cm
Pako (pakogt83): Well let's raise the level Do you usually masturbate? Lilith Sagas: Sometimes yes depending on my mood, I don't really do it all the time Pako (pakogt83): And have you taken photos? Lilith Sagas: Masturbating? Almost never in fact although I've taken more than one
Pako (pakogt83): At what age did Enma stop being an innocent girl? Lilith Sagas: How about 15 or 16, haha not bad! Pako (pakogt83): And was it with a boy or a girl? Lilith Sagas: It was actually with a girl. Pako (pakogt83): And with a boy? Lilith Sagas: My first time with a boy was already when I was around 21, at least referring to penetration
Pako (pakogt83): And before that you had never seen, touched even sucked a cock? Lilith Sagas: Seen in porn and sucked my first time was at 19 Pako (pakogt83): What is your favorite position when having sex with both boys and girls? Lilith Sagas: With boys I'm somewhat traditional I like missionary And in both cases I really like 69
Pako (pakogt83): So, what's your favorite position with girls? Lilith Sagas: As I said, I'm a fan of 69 although good scissors never hurt. Pako (pakogt83): Do you like making it romantic and soft or do you prefer stronger and rougher sex? Lilith Sagas: Honestly, I'm not into rough sex, I prefer romantic, showing mutual affection and both parties feeling good
Pako (pakogt83): And could you tell me three things that get you very hot, no comment, a kiss on some zone that makes you want to have sex almost right away Lilith Sagas: If something always gets me going is when someone kisses my neck or hugs me from behind In the case of guys when their package shows over their pants it's something I really enjoy Pako (pakogt83): Let's see another photo of your beautiful ass Lilith Sagas: Okay
Pako (pakogt83): Is that bum a virgin? Lilith Sagas: Really not but I'm not a big fan of anal
Pako (pakogt83): And as you say about your favorite position do you like giving blowjobs a lot? Lilith Sagas: Honestly yes, I love it Pako (pakogt83): Besides the 69 other favorite position for giving a yummy blowjob? Lilith Sagas: I think it would be the throne
Pako (pakogt83): And how are you with the cum, do you like it? Lilith Sagas: The truth I really love. Sometimes they think I say it to warm them up but it's because if I really like it Pako (pakogt83): Do you have proof? Lilith Sagas:
Pako(pakogt83): Do you have any fantasy? Lilith Sagas: I would love to do a bukkake or gokkun sometime
Pako (pakogt83): Have you ever been with more than one person at a time?
Lilith Sagas: The most I've done is a threesome
Pako (pakogt83): Hmm or hmm?
Lilith Sagas: Mmm
Pako (pakogt83): Regarding your taste for sex, buttocks, hair pulling etc. don't you think they should appeal to you or if?
Lilith Sagas: Buttocks always as long as you don't overdo it, I like hair pulling
Pako (pakogt83): Talking about what you like to give a blow job, we can see a photo of your mouth Lilith Sagas:
Pako(pakogt83): Provocative Lilith Sagas: It's for them to see where I love receiving a cumshot
Pako (pakogt83): You've never literally sucked my mouth, just normal blowjobs Lilith Sagas: If they have done it doesn't bother me but it's a bit rare and if she has a very big one who does it makes me feel nauseous something I don't really like
Pako (pakogt83): I mean, even if you don't like the topic of adjectives sometimes you'll seem a bit submissive already in sex plans Something like letting them do whatever they want with you Lilith Sagas: As I said sometimes if I like it when they take initiative but without going overboard
Pako (pakogt83): What do you prefer, good sex without cum in the mouth or giving a blowjob with a happy ending in your mouth? Lilith Sagas: It's a difficult decision but if it's good sex I'll stay with the good sex
Pako (pakogt83): How many girls have you been with in your life? Lilith Sagas: 6 Pako (pakogt83): And guys, for a blow job or something? Lilith Sagas: Mmmh maybe around 5 or 6 as well Pako (pakogt83): And how long have you been single? Lilith Sagas: In a relationship or couple since the beginning of the pandemic, although in between I've had a few casual events
Pako (pakogt83): And besides poringa do you use any other social network that can follow you? Lilith Sagas: Only my Onlyfans and a group on Telegram
Pako (pakogt83): Did you feel comfortable during the interview ? Lilith Sagas: Yes of course Pako (pakogt83): And what would you say as final words ? Lilith Sagas: Well, then that thanks for the interview and I hope they enjoy reading it, always welcome on my P! profile and to enjoy what I share if it's to their liking

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Lilith Sagas: The most I've done is a threesome
Pako (pakogt83): Hmm or hmm?
Lilith Sagas: Mmm
Pako (pakogt83): Regarding your taste for sex, buttocks, hair pulling etc. don't you think they should appeal to you or if?
Lilith Sagas: Buttocks always as long as you don't overdo it, I like hair pulling

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