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The sperm is a viscous and whitish liquid that is expelled through the urethra during ejaculation. It is composed of spermatozoa and seminal plasma formed by the contribution of testicles.
The average volume of semen in an ejaculation is 1.5 to 4 milliliters, with a maximum of 5 ml after a period of abstinence of 3 to 7 days. This depends greatly on previous sexual abstinence and the level of excitement during sexual activity.
The smell is peculiar and variable in each individual. It includes characteristics that include a strong subjective and emotional component. For some people it is unpleasant, while for others it is exciting. Some people recognize a light sweet and fruity flavor due to alkaline proteins. The aroma can be very intense.
The force of ejaculation and the amount of semen ejaculated are related to psychological and physiological factors (for example, the intensity of sexual relations, the general health of the man or his hormone levels).
Interesting facts about its uses:
Moisturizer for skin: Semen contains an antioxidant called spermine that contributes to reducing wrinkles, softening the skin, and even alleviating acne. This property is so effective that a Norwegian company has synthesized this component and commercializes it as the main ingredient in one of their facial creams.
Antidepressant for women: According to various studies, some components of sperm cause hormonal reactions that modify the mood state of depressed women. Apparently, vaginal contact is the most effective way to achieve positive results.
Does not gain weight: Girls who enjoy having their partner ejaculate in their mouth wondered if semen makes them gain weight. The news is that it not only does not make them gain weight but also carries nutrients. Minerals such as calcium, potassium, or sodium, and vitamins like C or B12 are part of the active ingredients of this male fluid.
Tips for improving your semen Drink 1 to 2 liters of water per day to eliminate toxins. - Foods rich in chlorophyll will give it a sweet flavor: parsley, wheat, celery. - Cinnamon, cardamom, mint, and lemon also sweeten its flavor. - Vegetables in general make it taste milder. - Fruits like plum, orange, pineapple, grapefruit, melon, due to their natural sugar content reduce bitterness. - Maintaining a balanced diet and doing some exercise will increase the quality of sperm. - Avoid consuming garlic, onion, and spicy species as much as possible, since their high sulfur content is not very favorable.
The average volume of semen in an ejaculation is 1.5 to 4 milliliters, with a maximum of 5 ml after a period of abstinence of 3 to 7 days. This depends greatly on previous sexual abstinence and the level of excitement during sexual activity.
The smell is peculiar and variable in each individual. It includes characteristics that include a strong subjective and emotional component. For some people it is unpleasant, while for others it is exciting. Some people recognize a light sweet and fruity flavor due to alkaline proteins. The aroma can be very intense.
The force of ejaculation and the amount of semen ejaculated are related to psychological and physiological factors (for example, the intensity of sexual relations, the general health of the man or his hormone levels).
Interesting facts about its uses:
Moisturizer for skin: Semen contains an antioxidant called spermine that contributes to reducing wrinkles, softening the skin, and even alleviating acne. This property is so effective that a Norwegian company has synthesized this component and commercializes it as the main ingredient in one of their facial creams.
Antidepressant for women: According to various studies, some components of sperm cause hormonal reactions that modify the mood state of depressed women. Apparently, vaginal contact is the most effective way to achieve positive results.
Does not gain weight: Girls who enjoy having their partner ejaculate in their mouth wondered if semen makes them gain weight. The news is that it not only does not make them gain weight but also carries nutrients. Minerals such as calcium, potassium, or sodium, and vitamins like C or B12 are part of the active ingredients of this male fluid.
Tips for improving your semen Drink 1 to 2 liters of water per day to eliminate toxins. - Foods rich in chlorophyll will give it a sweet flavor: parsley, wheat, celery. - Cinnamon, cardamom, mint, and lemon also sweeten its flavor. - Vegetables in general make it taste milder. - Fruits like plum, orange, pineapple, grapefruit, melon, due to their natural sugar content reduce bitterness. - Maintaining a balanced diet and doing some exercise will increase the quality of sperm. - Avoid consuming garlic, onion, and spicy species as much as possible, since their high sulfur content is not very favorable.

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