License for Pleasure 16

It was marvelous to have him back home with my son, after having run to meet him, hug him and fill him with kisses, despite the annoying interference of my daughter Felina, Leo's sister, who also kissed and hugged him, we all entered our home.

Leo was famished from hunger, his days in the army had made him much thinner, he was suffering abstinence in every imaginable sense. In this case it was an appetite for food, so without saying a word, we all marched towards a barbecue in the neighborhood and saw our son eat. We had already eaten ourselves but accompanied him eating snacks.

Felina, at one point, had to leave because she had to meet her boyfriend, however, didn't explain it at that moment, said she had a commitment and left, before Leo's unpleasant surprise.

I cut in! Leave her alone, you know how she is!

After satisfying his voracious appetite, Leo returned to being himself again, I felt like his hands and fingers were searching between my legs for what was his, my use the word: pussy (although sometimes not as exclusive as I would have liked or they would have) we three, my husband and father of Leo, my son and I, we two with our arms around each other.Licencia para el placer 16Bruno, my husband, locked the car and bid goodnight to leave for bed, he was a routine man who followed the same customs and habits to the letter. We were left alone, Leo and I, his mother, in a symbiotic way both of us merged into harmony and hugged each other tightly while his hands and fingers slid over my clothes onto the ass, I got wet instantly with that contact.storyWe were alone, Bruno sleeping, Felina wouldn't return until morning and Julio had traveled to Corrientes, the province of his origin due to family matters. Leo was hard, very hard. So without saying another word or making small talk, we started undressing and touching each other in the dining room.brotherAfter that warm-up, we headed to his room. I slowly removed his clothes, step by step lowering his pants and found myself in front of the absence of boxers and his sex bounced onto my face.motherI pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him, I got stuck in one, it seemed like we fit just right and I galloped with vigor, ready to defeat, tumble his cock, dry it, subdue it.IncestHowever, with a simple, firm, and abrupt movement, he turned around and I ended up under him, dominating me as he moved quickly and made me cum for the first time.sisterAfter finishing with my pleasure tremors, I practiced oral sex until he finished in my throat.sonWe continued until five in the morning having sex, I had to leave because of Bruno, my husband, his father, since as a man of traditions and repeated customs, he would get up as he usually did around that hour to go to the bathroom and empty his bladder.Licencia para el placer 16Unfortunately the night did not end as it began, that is to say, I allowed myself to play with all her erogenous zones in order to accelerate her ejaculation and when she started squirting semen into my mouth, I had the happy idea of losing a finger up her anus, ja. She got so angry that she interrupted her orgasm and threw me out of the room. Although this made me avoid being discovered by my husband Bruno, since it was just getting into bed with him, which he did get up, lit a cigarette while dressing and went to the bathroom to pee.storySalvo that, everything was fine and I slept until noon.

For Leo, the day didn't end there. He listened to his father getting up and going to the bathroom, then leaving as he always did to get the newspaper and take a walk around the neighborhood, ending in the square reading the paper.

Leo got hungry again, went to the kitchen to have breakfast or something, when suddenly he heard the sound of a car parking and after a few seconds without turning off the engine, it started making the tires screech. Then Felina entered the house, exactly into the kitchen, with a contrariated look on her face.

What happened, sister? Did you fight with your boyfriend?

Asked Leo, not knowing that Felina had a boyfriend and had just argued with Mingo.

Already told you, mom! Responded her sister laconically, and Leo opened his eyes wide in confusion and surprise, saying What did she have to tell me?

That I have a boyfriend! But I didn't have to do it, I was going to do it myself! She replied, maintaining the contrariness.

Well, you're lucky, mom didn't say anything, I wanted to improvise a joke and got it right! Responded Leo grumpily.

It's not a good time for that, but if you don't have sleep, I'll tell you. Assured her

I'd rather not know! Even more, I wish it weren't true! Affirmed Leo

Why? That doesn't change anything about ours! She said

What do you want me to stay single?

You know our relationship is prohibited, we can't be a couple! Clarified

But it can remain in time as long as it doesn't hurt us! She said and asked And what about the others? Making reference to their parents Mom sleeps and dad went out like always to buy the newspaper! Responded he

No more than that, Felina undressed in the kitchen and rushed over her brother with kisses and hugs, of course Leo responded with effusiveness.brotherThe vertigo of desire overwhelmed them with anxiety, it had been a long time since they were together, Leo in the middle of the game and heat wanted to find out something more about his sister's supposed boyfriend, however she with her actions made him postpone the testimonial that would later await him. Since Felina knelt between her brother's legs and offered him a hot rubber blow job in the kitchen, seated on the chair next to the breakfast table in family, she sucked him, her brother was about to explode for the second time that day.

He asked 'Let's go to our room!' And she didn't complain, got up and they ran to the bedroom they had shared since always.motherThere he continued doing it until he reached the climax and received in his tongue, between his lips, filling his mouth with the cum of his little brother, the soldier boy. When coming inside her, Leo cooled off and remembered the bad news, the novelties he had found on his return from military service.IncestHow is it that you have a boyfriend! Exclaimed while her little sister finished swallowing all her semen. Eh? Asked Felina in a bad mood, not believing what her brother was asking, namely the bad moment he chose, since she had not yet enjoyed an orgasm.

It's just because you have a boyfriend! Reiterated Leo.

But, go to hell! Did it make you more of a jerk? Inquired rhetorically and without waiting for a response, saying Don't you see that your consultation is not opportune?

Well, I'm sorry if it doesn't seem opportune to you, but that news fell very badly on me! Affirmed Leo.

But go screw yourself! Told Felina to her brother and put on her underwear, picked up her clothes from the floor, left her clothes in the washing machine, and went to bed with her mother.

Leo reflected that in that almost two-month absence, things had changed diametrically against him.

So, like his sister, he got dressed and left his home, it was already morning at 8 am, and he headed to Marina's house, his college companion.

He found her on the sidewalk and she, without news of him for more than three months, ran to his arms, Leo, greeted her in public as he usually did.sister

66 comentários - License for Pleasure 16

muy bueno tu relato me calento muchisimo lo volvere a leer varias veces masss saludotes y pendientes de mas
Gracias a ti por compartirlo.
Una vez más gracias por entregarnos más de ésta excelente historia. espero la siguiente. Un abrazo.
buen relato, felicitaciones, un bonus muy bueno los de los gift e imagenes, ojala no ofenda a alguien, pero no vi un relato asi, si bien la imaginacion es maravillosa ayuda mas una imagen a contruir la visualizacion del relato, muy bueno, espero el proximo! me encantaria darte puntos, pero no puedo. de 10 lo tuyo
ya lo dijo ya lo dijo de mas de buenoooooooo
hermano cuando subes otro a si con esas imágenes tan del carajo...