Today is the day, we're adding a new Compadre to our ranks, he's coming from Patagonia, according to legend, he's the man who hasn't seen the sun, since his natural habitat is night, where he can camouflage himself anywhere, as he has the power to turn into an Animal... a dangerous animal wherever there are, as it can leave you dry with a single BITE at any moment, he is the great ANDVLAD69, the most ruthless Vampire humanity has ever seen, try not to cross his path or you'll pay dearly, if you see this seal, run away and don't look back...

On this occasion I find it impossible not to put a good title, so I'll leave you this one, which like all of them has its story and besides I'll tell you, as the song says, 'a thousand streets lead to you', seems like a song made for your 'alter ego', that is, 'your other self', but nothing could be further from it, this group had their social headquarters in the grandmother's house of the singer of the little group, and while he was walking towards the house, he wrote this song:


























































































































26 comentários - andvladlandia en el mexiclan de las maravillas
espectacular post de verdad completisimo
muy bueno 😉 😉
Felicitaciones !!!
Gracias por compartir.
Besos y Lamiditas !!!
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
me mato el videito de la nasa muy bueno 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
bienvenido ANDVLAD69 a la banda
que buena entrada para el mexiclan!!
bienvenido ANDVLED69 a la banda!!!!! 🙎♂️
Siempre hemos mantenido una buena amistad a través de la Página y
sabe que lo aprecio de verdad. Felicidades.
Un post de bienvenida a la altura de las circunstancias, muy buenas imágenes.
Un abrazo Casi 😉
y felicitaciones por la nueva incorporación!! 🆒
ADVERTENCIA: cuidado con los patagónicos, que en las frias noches solitarias no tienen más que una ovejita pa "compartir" su soledad........ 😳 😳
PD: Japi Halloween
que buena esta la primer chinita 🤤 🤤 🤤
tremendo post amigazo
Excelente postt Casii sos un kapo xD
seguimos creciendooo abrazo a todossssss 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
🤤 🤤
vaya que sigan sumando buenos poringueros
muy buenas las imagenes
vamo ese mexiclan!
muy buenas las ponjas trolas!
excelente post!!!
excelente post!!!!
orientales de lujo 🤤 🤤 🤤
y felicitaciones a andvlad!!!!besos amigo 😉
🤤 🤤 Terrible Mix se ah mandado Amigo 🤤 🤤
Espectacular casiragui!
Vuelvo con anselmi. gracias por el aporte de terribles prostitutas !!