Yesterday tired after another endless day, I started writing myself and showing how I was with a penguin via chat, the heat was growing and already excited, I couldn't stop rotating between thongs and culottes one and another photo that we interchanged, my ugly ass and his beautiful poronga!!!! Obviously, as usually happens to me, the distance between us is eternal or almost impossible, but if he had been by my side, we would have passed it great!!! Who's telling you or maybe......
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Yesterday tired after another endless day, I started writing myself and showing how I was with a penguin via chat, the heat was growing and already excited, I couldn't stop rotating between thongs and culottes one and another photo that we interchanged, my ugly ass and his beautiful poronga!!!! Obviously, as usually happens to me, the distance between us is eternal or almost impossible, but if he had been by my side, we would have passed it great!!! Who's telling you or maybe......
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